Avatar of Foxtrot
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  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 92 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Foxtrot 10 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
Current Sorry for the long silence, replies will come soon when things are getting a little easier on me! :)
8 yrs ago
REPLIES COME SLOW FOR THIS WEEK! I'm in France due to work c:
8 yrs ago
I'm working from Monday till Friday from 0800 till 1700 this summer, so replies may come slow during the day.


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That night at eleven Will found himself with some chocolate chip ice cream on his couch. His knees were pulled up against his chest as he was staring at the screen of his television. He was watching a movie and he was watching it quite intensely so that he actually understood what was going on exactly. He had kept telling himself to go to sleep though. He already told himself that at ten o clock. He had already changed himself. No, correction. He undressed himself and was sitting in front of his TV with nothing but his boxers, because that was how he enjoyed his nights the most. Boxers, ice cream and his television. When he finished his ice cream he let out a soft sigh. Yes, he really had to go to sleep. If he'd stay up for another hour he wouldn't wake up the next morning.

He still couldn't believe he would be finally working tomorrow. He thought about it for a while longer as he got himself to the kitchen to throw away his trash. Then he got himself to the bathroom to brush his teeth and splash some water in his face. Soon after that he was in his bed, wrapped up in his blankets, and stared at the ceiling for a while. He wondered what his boss would be like. He hoped he was somewhat calm so he could do his job. He yawned and stretched himself before grabbing his phone and setting an alarm. He'd wake up at 4 AM to probably the most annoying ringtone he had ever heard, but it would at least wake him up. He hoped.

Will had been lucky with the fact he had fallen asleep quite easily. Within a few minutes he was already in a deep sleep. He had even forgotten to turn the lights off in his apartment, but that wouldn't cause chaos and crisis.

The next morning he heard this loud, high pitched, ringing next to his pillow. He almost jumped out of his skin. His heart thumping hard in his chest as he grasped for his phone and turned it off. It was 4 AM. Surprisingly enough he wasn't that tired, but he did tell himself he wasn't going to do that again. Next time he'd go to bed at 9 or 10 PM so he was sure he'd have plenty of rest. Will got out of bed and quickly went to the kitchen to eat his breakfast. He was going to take a cab that day so that he had half an hour to get ready so that he was sure he'd be in time.

After finishing his breakfast he went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth. He was glad he didn't have dark circles around his eyes. Well, actually they were there but they weren't as dark as he expected them to be. Good. He then dressed himself in his grey, yet very classy, clothes. His hair was quickly fixed and looked just perfect. He needed to look perfect on his first day. He needed to impress people and the first steps were mostly related to the looks. No one wanted someone who looked like he had just dragged himself out of the dumpster.

When he was sure everything was in order he grabbed his bag and put on his glasses. His keys were already in his pocket and he had retrieved his phone from his pillow. Then he left his apartment. It was 4:33 AM at that moment, so he should be able to get there right in time. When he got downstairs and outside he managed to stop a cab quite quickly. After giving him the address of where he had to be he grabbed his phone. A message from his brother. 'Hey, pretty boy. How is business in the United States? You had a job interview yesterday, did you not? How did it go? Keep me updated! X- ' He quickly replied back. 'The US is sunnier than England, in many ways. The interview went great. It's actually my first day today. Not quite sure who my boss is just yet, but it looks very promising. Oh, I saw some of your pictures in a magazine here in the States. Keep up the good work, brother!' He pressed send and put his phone back in his pocket. The remaining time he just looked out of the window until they were there. He paid the driver and wished him a good day before he got out and looked up at the tall building. He knew by that time that he'd be in time. He had plenty of minutes left.

Will made his way to the elevator and went up to the floor where he had the interview that day before.
Daniel's pale blue eyes were still staring into the darkness of his hands as he felt a hand taking them away. For a moment he flinched at the sudden tough, but then he relaxed and just stared into the demon's eyes. On his face his tears were starting to dry and leave salty trails down his cheeks and so did the red smears of blood that were turning into a darker color. He then slowly looked down at his parents as he was scooped up. It was a scary thing to see two bodies lifelessly laying down in their own puddles of blood. And that was also young Daniel's opinion. It scared him to see his father and mother with no life left within them. Their blood was no longer pumping through their veins, they no longer thought and felt, they were sleeping. They were sleeping the eternal sleep he had been told about when his grandmother had passed away. Another tear slowly trailed down his face as he turned his head back to the demonic figure in front of him. One of his small hands was holding on to his shoulder while the other had found an arm to hold on to.

Dan felt safe in the hold of the stranger. The stranger that told him about his parents and would take him away before the bad man would return. Finally as he was carried up the stairs he buried his small face into his neck and closed his pale eyes. He listened to the man's voice and nodded slightly. It was just enough to be noticeable. His teddy bear was left in the puddle of blood downstairs. He had let go of it when he had brought up his hands to cover his face. He didn't feel the urge to get it back though. He was safe without it. The demon would keep him safe. To many it would be a strange thought to have a demon to protect a human kid. It actually was a strange thought. But Daniel felt safe and he felt like he was going to be alright.

When he was brought to the bathroom and put down in the bathtub he didn't protest. He was too tired to protest. Soon he found himself with a washrag in his hand and warm water on his pale skin. He gave a silent nod when he was asked whether he could clean his arms and hands. Daniel found himself staring at the trail of red for a while before he started cleaning his hands. On his lip there was this thin, yet deep, scar that had been a reminder of when he tripped and fell down the stairs at school. It was something he'd always carry with him. It might not be the most heroic story to tell later on in his life, but it was a part of him now.

When he was sure he was clean he climbed out of the bathtub and held on to the demon to make sure he wouldn't slip and fall. He then turned and took a towel from the rack next to the bathtub. He wrapped the white towel tightly around him and turned back to the demon. He looked up into his eyes once again and then softly spoke, "My name is Daniel..." There was a pause for a moment. "What's your name?" Water was still dripping down his face as he asked him for his name.
Daniel just couldn't understand why they wouldn't wake up. He shook their shoulders more than once and called for their names enough times to usually start realizing what had happened. But that realization seemed to wait very long. Even the sticky, crimson red, blood didn't help him connecting the dots. He was just scared. He didn't understand what was going on. Why weren't they waking up? If this was some sort of joke, he didn't find it very amusing. "Mom, wake up.. I just want to go to sleep.." He sobbed softly.

When he then heard a murmured voice. Dan jerked his head up and pulled his stuffed bear tightly around his chest. He didn't seem to get all too scared because of how he looked. He had seen many like him. But up close they were a bit more intimidating. No, the creature was actually quite terrifying.. "W-what do you mean?" He asked softly as he looked back at his father and mother. Then he glanced up again with his bright, wondering and desperate eyes. He wondered what the stranger was even doing here in the first place. Maybe he was there to help. And that was exactly what he was going to ask. "Can you help them to wake up, mister?" His tone was almost like a beg. He didn't want to be alone. He feared to be alone. It was one of his only fears he had discovered up to his age. He didn't like isolation, but he didn't like busyness either. All he wanted was there to be somewhere for him. He needed someone to be there for him. If he didn't he wouldn't know what to do. He'd panic.

Slowly he moved closer with two big teardrops running down his cheeks. "I'm scared.." He then whispered. Not yet realizing that the cause of this bloodbath was the man in front of him. Bloodbath... "I just want my mom and dad..." He started sobbing again, finally realizing what had happened. Bloodbath seemed to have helped him. Daniel covered his face and continued crying. His skin had paled into an almost sickening color. The young kid just wanted his parents back. They meant everything to him. They had always been kind and loving and they always took care of him. Then again, it were his parents. How could he live without them? He was too young to live alone. There was still so much he wanted to do with them. He wanted to go to the zoo with them and he was promised ice cream in the summer. He loved them. "Can you bring them back before the bad man returns..?" He whispered with a raspy voice.
I know right. I was reading it back and was like.. Well shoot
A very good start for an RP with all the mistakes I've already made xDD
Will felt a grin of victory getting formed on his lips when the man admitted he could have been more polite. He wasn't quite sure why he had felt so victorious to be right about something around this man. He wondered whether it was because of the way the man had eyed him during their conversation, or simply the fact he looks smart. Whatever it was, it was probably a poor reason to feel the way he did. But then he was told he too could have been more polite and his grin fainted. The man had been right. Will thought about it for a moment. He admitted the man had been right and the feeling of victory had now washed away completely. The man won nonetheless.

He watched him get up and ran his fingers through his hair a few times as he glanced up and followed his movements with his curious hazel eyes. Will listened to what the man said and nodded silently. He understood what he was saying, but he wasn't quite sure what that had to do with him at this very moment. Or maybe it had been a trick question. Will was uncertain whether he needed to say something to outsmart the man. But then he decided that, even if it had been a trick question he couldn't outsmart the other, obviously wiser, man. Besides that, it hadn't been a trick. When he started about the tone he had spoken in he felt a somewhat choking sensation. Just say it for god's sake, he thought almost out loud. Then he heard he got the job. Will really had to try his best not the start grinning but to stay professional. But it had been obvious that he was excited. It was to be seen in his eyes. He gave a few quick nods when he was told he needed to be at his desk at five the very next morning.

After a few seconds it was just him there. The guard had left and Will was still processing everything. But then suddenly he started grinning and got on his feet. He got the job. He put his hands together and smiled pleasantly as he realized he had just gotten himself a job at a great company. He was looking forward to tomorrow. Maybe for this one time it wouldn't be hard to wake up in the morning. No, he actually doubted that. Mornings stayed mornings. Finally he got himself on his feet and picked up his bag. He should get home and prepare himself for tomorrow. How? He wasn't quite sure just yet. He had to wait for a little while for the elevator, but once it was there he quickly stepped in and pushed on the button that would get him to the first floor. He was still grinning like some sort of idiot, pleased with what he had achieved that day. When he got downstairs he had managed to stop his stupid smirk so no one would look at him as if they'd see a skinny psychopath walking around with his stupid grin.

After an hour he was home and had planted himself on the couch. Should he go out and celebrate it with the little friends he had? No, that would be a horrible idea. He didn't want to have a hangover the very first day he started working. Especially when he had to be there at five AM. It was only now that he realized how early that was. That meant he had to get out at four to have enough time to chance, eat and brush his teeth. Then he'd have to rush for a cab. That was going to be a fun process.. He wasn't a morning person at all. But he'd be there. He couldn't be late for his first day.
My introductions are very bad. I'm sorry!
Young Daniel Christensen had been put in bed early like always. The boy had curled himself in his blankets in an attempt to stay warm and fall asleep. But the golden haired boy didn't succeed. For hours he laid there staring at the ceiling with his teddy bear in his arms. His parents had told him to just try and sleep, eventually he'd grow tired. But that had been easier said than done for the young man. He tossed and turned. Closed his eyes and then opened them again. He really tried his best to fall asleep but Daniel just couldn't. Eventually he turned on his side and looked outside.

His window was big and he had a beautiful view over the city. The countless amount of lights made it look like the dark skies were merely reflecting what was down on earth. It was only that pale moon that was too beautiful to be part of the world he lived in. It belonged up there. The boy would often look out over the city and look up at the sky. During the day he'd count the little puffs of clouds or close his eyes and imagined that he was a bird. At night he'd count the stars and whisper to the moon. Unlike many children Daniel loved the night. It was calm and beautiful, even though there wasn't much to see.

But back to Daniel. Daniel was home schooled. Before that he had always been schooled at a normal school with other children. But the young boy would get distracted all the time. He'd see people walk outside, but they weren't really people. He'd see things that others didn't see. He'd hear voices whisper to him when everyone was silent. Nothing threatening, but just whispers that hadn't even been directed to him. It was strange, but he felt comforted by most of them. They hadn't ever harmed him unlike people did, nor had they ever laughed at him when he told someone he saw something. He'd sometimes wonder whether they were there to guard him. But, of course, the young boy had no clue that most of those voices he heard were of cruel murderers and night dwellers. But he'd find out soon enough.That exact night to be more precise.

The young man heard the front door open and the low voice of his father, muffled by the walls, sound in the hallway. Wasn't it too late for visitors? Moments later, after hearing some voices, he hadn't heard anything for a long time. He thought that the man, or woman, had left and he could now ask his mother to sing him to sleep like she'd always do when he couldn't sleep. So softly he sat up and got with both feet on the ground. With his teddy bear held tightly to his little chest he walked down the stairs. When he was in the hallway he hesitantly called for his mother as he wasn't certain where she was.

"Mother?" He asked softly as he walked through the house on his bare feet. "Father?" He then called a bit louder. Little Daniel made the decision to see whether his father was at the study, but before he could even reach those doors he froze in his tracks. He was staring at his mother who was laying down in an eerily strange position. Her eyes were looking up at the ceiling and her mouth was opened in a disturbing way. "Mom..? " Dan whispered as he slowly took a step closer. "Mommy, wake up.. You shouldn't sleep on the floor. You'll get ill..." He gave a soft push against his mother's arm. He could see the dark stain of blood on her clothing and on the floor, but he couldn't make the connection between that and his mother. Then he slowly lifted his gaze and saw his father.

His father had a deep cut in his neck, but still the boy couldn't make the connection between that and their odd way of 'sleeping'. Actually he just tried hard to deny it. How would they have died like that? No, it wasn't real because his father told him he'd never leave him alone. The young boy knelt down besides his father, parts of his legs and his hands now covered with the still warm blood. "Daddy?" He asked softly.

Daniel looked back and forth between his parents until he felt a feeling of panic wash over him. Tears started to fill his eyes as he continued to look back and forth between them, waiting for the slightest of movements. "Wake up.." He said in a now begging tone. "Wake up.. I can't sleep. You have to put me to sleep." He shook his mother's shoulders again. "Wake up.. Wake up, wake up now." He repeated himself over and over again as tears streamed down his face. "Why aren't you waking up?" He finally sobbed as he almost choked on his tears in the middle of the pool of his father's blood.
Bump ;)
Will watched how the man eyed him and calmly seemed to think him over. Unlike all other people it made Will grow impatient and softly tapped with his fingers on his lap. He was a fast paced person when it came to work. Fast paced and precise. Waiting was something he was horrible at when it came to business. But he decided to say nothing as he just continued staring at the taller man. It was interesting to see him thing. It made the young man wonder what it was that went through his mind. What he was looking at and what he ignored. He already discovered Sylus was one of the brains of this place. He was a sharp person to say the least.

The brunette watched him lift up the clipboard before sliding it out of his hand. As if the young woman had expected it to happen she stepped forward and caught it before it touched the ground. He was handed a leather bound ledger. It was to no interest to Will. His eyes lingered on the two young people at the man's side. He was somewhat bothered by the fact that they looked like trained monkeys for the man's entertainment, of course he knew that that wasn't the reason. It was strange to him to see people behave like they were actually in the man's head. How did she know he was just going to let go of it. He felt his eyebrow arch lightly as he eyed the young woman for a little while longer.

Then he was asked a quite rude question. It didn't seem to bother him much, but he was going to note, out loud, that the man could have asked it more politely. He doubted that he'd care though. "Rude question. The answer is no." He then said. For a moment he paused and shrugged lightly. "Not hers if that is what you mean. I never had a good bond with her, nor did I like her fashion. It won't take long before her company gets bankrupt with the numbers that have been shown on the financial report." His answer had been as sharp as he the man's questions had been. Then he finally answered the last part of the question; "No, after I got rejected, for a good reason, I decided I could be put to better use somewhere where I can actually use my head." Then he smiled politely as if his answer had been the nicest thing he had eer said to someone. He wasn't sure whether to regret his somewhat rude and smart ass answers, but he'll notice soon enough.
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