Avatar of FurFox
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  • Posts: 51 (0.02 / day)
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    1. FurFox 6 yrs ago


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Hello I’m Fur-Fox an aspiring artist/animator/storyteller. I’m pretty much your average nerd that likes anime, cartoons, gaming and reading haha. Right now I’m a big fan of MHA, VLD and MP100 and I’m a sucker for anything Pokémon or Nintendo in general.

When it comes to roleplaying, I don’t really have a particular taste per say. I could get behind anything from a roleplay set in a high fantasy world with a complex magic system and deep lore to a story about everyday life. I do tend to favour creative and inticing worlds or scenarios for roleplaying though. My favourite part about roleplaying is interacting with other people in the cast, so I’ll of course be smitten for anything that’s character driven.

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Aiden Cross

Aiden listened intently as Saito explained their task. Apparently they were meant to capture a creature that was possibly related to ink? Aiden’s youkai knowledge is rusty to say the least and he doesn’t recall hearing about some sort of ink spirit ever. He didn’t worry too much about it though, Saito had previously stated that it was supposedly harmless so they shouldn’t end up fighting some sort of giant killer calligraphy pen of doom.

When Suzue was chosen as the leader of the mission, Aiden focused his attention on her “So what’ll it be, captain?” He asked with a playful cock of his brow.

He nodded as Suzue delivered her instructions. I can sort of change the way something looks and behaves I guess?” Being bad at words, he touched his clothes with his left hand to give an example instead. As the energy surged through his hand one thought was in his head. Red, red, red. His clothes turned into a loud hot pink colour. Embarrassing. He quickly tapped his clothes with his right hand and the color drained away. “I uhh don’t have much control over it yet so I don’t know how helpful that’d be” He said with a dust of blush on his cheeks. He was going to be completey useless wasn’t he? If only he had something more helpful like Akira’s strength. He could try helping out in planning though. “I agree with Alice” He said “Trapping it seems like the best option. If it isn’t going to hurt us I don’t think we should beat it up until it’s immobile. That’d be kinda rude. Instead of cornering it, we could try to get it stuck somewhere? Like in a tight place or with something sticky perhaps?”

@Rune_Alchemist @Squirrel98

Interacting with: Pica @Sync

Xavier was surprised at how disturbed and annoyed the boy looked. He guessed that approaching someone in such a confronting manner probably wasn’t the best way to get people to help you. He’d actually have to act like a decent person if he wanted assistance, which unfortunately, was something Xavier lacked great experience in. He noticed that the boy avoided eye contact with him, which probably had to do with the fact Xavier was boring holes into him with his blank stare, a horrible habit he should get under control. He decided to stop being such a creep by not fixing his eyes on the boy so intently. Instead, he kept himself occupied with the cracks on the concrete as the stiff silence surrounded them.

When the boy finally broke the silence, Xavier turned his attention back to him and listened. School-noob huh? That’s actually a pretty accurate way to describe him. “Attentive aren’t you? Like I said before, I forgot my map” he huffed out in reply repeating himself. A previous thought came back to his head. He should stop letting his frustration leak into his speech. He needed this boy’s help and wanted his first impression on a student to be at least somewhat decent. After quickly clearing his throat he continued trying for a less annoyed tone. “I mean It's probably at home somewhere.” he shrugged and said more nonchalantly this time, “At least I hope so. It would seriously suck if I lost it” He added the last bit quietly, mostly to himself. Knowing his luck, it was probably lost. He sighed trying to bat away his self annoyance.“Anyway, are you nice enough to help a school-noob out, bin boy? I’d actually genuinely appreciate it” his expression was now in its neutral form. Which mind you still looked pretty perturbed thanks to his resting scowl.

Interacting with: Pica @Sync

Xavier rummaged through his black backpack for his school diary that held his map and schedule. His schedule was stuck to the back of the diary and he put his map in the diary’s sleeve. At least he thought he did. When he checked the sleeve it was nowhere to be seen. He checked all the pockets in his bag. Not there. Even his wallet. Ditto. He muttered quiet curses to himself as he pinched his nose’s bridge. The grand award he got for getting up early was this. Granted it was his fault for being unorganised but that’s beside the point. A frustrated sign left his mouth as his brows did their signature furrowing he did when he felt even the slightest negative emotion. Having a map was kind of essential if you wanted to get around a new area. If he didn’t want to get completely lost, there was another option though. Asking for help. He grimaced at the inevitable thought.

He scanned the area for the unlucky person that had to deal with this new kid’s idiocy. Who forgets their map on their first day? A cretin, that’s who. His eyes stumbled upon someone in relative proximity from him, only a few steps away. They were a boy his age, dark hair, with a familiar ‘not wanting to be here’ aura that Xavier could definitely relate to. As the boy threw away some miscellaneous trash in a bin, Xavier approached him. When at a talking distance, he began to speak to the boy. “Hey, bin boy”, He called out in a tone that reflected his mood, “Mind if you help me out with the school’s layout? Forgot my map”. It came out ruder than intended and his expression didn’t really help with that. Though he didn’t really care. It got the message across.
@alexfangtalon I was actually thinking about something like too. I think it’ll be really funny

As Xavier woke to the sound of his alarm, he was greeted by the gentle humming of the three aquariums that sat in his room. As he stretched out his cramped muscles he looked around his suite. Through the window that took up most of his left wall, he could see that it was still dark out. He groaned. Did he really have to wake up so early? He contemplated going back to sleep but before he could, his door opened. “Ready for your first day of school?” A girl called out to him. Her name was Elyse. She was his current supervisor. A University student that his family was hosting. She was pretty cool compared to his previous supervisors and she didn’t pretend to be his parent and sit on a high horse. She felt more like a friend or an older sister than anything.

He responded with an even louder groan“No.”He determinedly wrapped himself in his blankets and intended to stay like that for a while, but it was all suddenly stripped away from him far too soon. “Oh no you don’t!” Elyse pulled the piles of fabric away from him exposing him to the cold. Xavier shot her a look of outrage. Elyse only seemed amused by this reaction as she smirked with a playful glint in her eyes. “If you don’t get out of bed and ready in thirty minutes, I’ll turn the internet off for the day.”
Xavier scoffed rolling his eyes “You wouldn’t dare.”
Elyse hardened her expression “I’m not joking.”

She was serious. He scrambled out of his bed in a panicked hurry. Call him too reliant on technology or whatever but Xavier needed to watch the newest episode of his favourite show coming out later that day.

He hastily brushed his teeth, had a shower and did his dark hair in its usual tied up style. When he returned to his room, an outfit was laid out on his bed waiting for him. The clothes consisted of black and white converses, black jeans and a crazily bright red designer button up. He didn’t want to attract too much attention on his first ever day of school and he figured wearing a practically glowing red shirt from an expensive brand wouldn’t help his cause. He put on the outfit but covered the screaming shirt with his black hooded sweater and quickly packed his backpack then headed to the kitchen.

As he went down a fleet of stairs he was met by the intoxicating smell of breakfast that made him realise just how hungry he was. He drifted over to a plate of food and picked up a slip of bread. Before he could eat it though, it was snatched away from him. “That’s mine” Elyse said. Xavier attempted to look around for his plate and looked back at Elyse with confusion and furrowed brows when he was done. “Where’s my plate?” He asked confused. Elyse deadpanned at him “I cooked for you the entire Summer. I’m your supervisor, not slave. Make your own food”.
“Fine.” Xavier made his way over to the fridge and stared blankly at is like he was waiting for it to answer his all his questions. He honestly didn’t care what he ate because he was seriously hungry. After a while, he joined Elyse on the table with his chosen food.
Elyse gave Xavier an ‘are you serious’ look, “You’re completely hopeless without me aren’t you?”
Xavier shrugged “Pretty much” he said stuffing cake into his mouth.

His cell phone buzzed as he received a text from his personal chauffeur, Lindon “Got to go” Xavier said through a mouthful of cake. He took his belongings and headed outside waving Elyse off. She said that if he had any highschool problems she’d help so Xavier made sure to keep that in mind. He noticed both Mother’s and Father’s cars were missing. He guessed they must’ve already left.

The commute to school went on for ages. Xavier lived on the outskirts of the city in the ‘rich residential area’ which was pretty far away from the school. Since Lindon wasn’t much of a talker, Xavier decided he’d just catch up on some lost sleep.

Xavier woke up when they reached the school. As he looked out the car window a pulling sensation tugged at his guts. It wasn’t excitement, it was far too uncomfortable for that. It wasn’t nervousness either. It was more like dread. He wasn’t quite sure how to feel about this whole traditional school thing. And he honestly would rather he could just unwind time and back to his homeschooling. But a little voice deep in his mind that sounded awfully like Mother told him that this was a good thing. That he could meet other people his age and go outside more.

He took a deep breath and opened the door parting with Lindon. As he walked into the school uncomfortably and looked around. The place looked a lot nicer than he expected so that’s one plus. He awkwardly found a bench and sat down going through his bag in robotic movements for his map and schedule. This whole thing seemed so unnatural to him and he probably looked like a confused newborn giraffe to the outside eye.
Something came up yesterday and I couldn’t post him then. I hope it’s fine to submit him now :’0
@jman221 Ah thank you so much! I apologise in advance if we make the rp a little crowded ^^’. I already have a character in mind so expect them to be out tomorrow!
Looks like I came in a bit too late :”0 If there ends up being any extra room, let me know! :D
Hey @Raging Fenrir, this is just a suggestion but I thought it’d be cool if we had a discord channel for this rp? It’ll be nice to get to know everyone you’re role playing with a little better :D Again this is just a suggestion, so feel free to reject the idea!
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