Avatar of Future Cat Lady
  • Last Seen: 10 mos ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 23 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Future Cat Lady 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current I’m back from a small hiatus, with a new baby cousin! A new addition to my already giant family!
7 yrs ago
And they said I couldn't do a steam punk post apocalyptic Wild West role play featuring a neko! Look whose laughing meow? Hahahaha!
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7 yrs ago
I can't remember how I fell asleep on the couch nor can I remember how I became wrapped in the warmth of blanket... it's gonna be one of those days I guess. Time to drown myself in Coffee!


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Now, before I begin this plot I thought to clarify what I meant be cowboy!

Cowboy I meant followed by the cowboy I didn't mean!

With that outta the way let's dive in!

This is the basic plot right here, so if you wish to discuss more message me over PM's!

Your character is the sherif of a town set in the Wild West, though this Wild West is the second after the inhabitants of our world were unable to settle its differences with one another and ended up destroying earth in a blanket of nuclear bombs. About 10 million years later earth has begun its cycle again, and while this is the Wild West it does have assorted futuristic technology that pertain to the weapons more than anything else. Our characters meet at the local saloon, she seems completely sweet and innocent, apparently the daughter of the local banker who had been traveling with her fiancé. The daughter though is a neko while her father isn't, leading your character to investigate my character more. He finds out she's a federal agent and that in the day time the banker is her cover, though she does indeed have a fiancé who is her partner. What exactly she's investigating is up for debate but either way this plot will involve lots of violence, swearing, prostitution, and romantic mayhem.

So if you're interested in this plot message me and we can talk more about it more!
@Leslie Hall

I can definitely see me doing that! ^~^
@Leslie Hall

Naw! They are all sooooo adorable! I was joking about the dog thing, just wanted an excuse to use that gif! I love animals in general, so please feel free to send me more pictures over PM!

Thank you!

That sounds like Mewsic to my ears! Get it? Mewsic? Music? Hehehehehehehe!
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