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  • Old Guild Username: Gamer Geek
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    1. Gamer geek 10 yrs ago


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Shinichi Kyousuke - "Lets Go!"

The jounin was rather surprised when instead of comforting the young girl Niji accepted the apology, perhaps this was just because they were friends or maybe she really did think that Kamiria slowed them down. Personally Shinichi felt that she did what she could at her skill level, there was always that chance that she could have done more but he wasn’t going to hold that against her. ”I agree with Niji, taking on more responsibility is defiantly a good thing and will help in your journey to becoming a chunin in due time. Don’t forget though, I’ll be here to help you and Niji every step of the way.” he addressed Kamiria shortly after Niji spoke to her.

Niji and Kamiria both seemed interested in the idea of a mission. It had indeed been a very long time and it was about time to loosen up some rusty gears and get back on the saddle. ”Well Kamiria, I have been eyeing a mission for a few days now. It’s a simple one but I think it’d be a fun way to get back on our feet. As you know from Genkai’s attacks a few nearby cities have been damaged, some of which still haven’t been completely rebuilt. It’s our responsibility as Kumo Shinobi to help these towns out and that is exactly what this mission involves.” Shinichi responded to Kamiria but eventually started addressing both her and Niji.

”Basically” he faced the two of them. ”There is a village about eight or so hours away from us who need help in reconstruction. From what I’ve read about it there hasn’t been any reports of bandits or anything but you both know how fast that can change. It shouldn’t really be that difficult. Just cut a few trees down, help in some big supply deliveries and maybe help with some crops, the usual. I’m sure you’re both skilled enough to take on this challenge.”

Without saying much more Shinichi turned around and began heading off to claim the mission. ”Well come on slow pokes. We got ourselves a mission at hand.” he waved them on and off the trio went. Within ten minutes all the boring paperwork was finalized and the mission was theirs.

”Well it seems as if we’ll be out on this mission for a few days, maybe even a week. I know we’re only going to be a few hours from home but I want you both to pack what you think you’ll need for the first week and then once your all packed up we will meet at the front gate and head out. I’ll cyah then.” As usual without much more warning Shinichi began heading out, this time towards his home to pack. When he arrived he grabbed his basic ninja tools that he always carried and even packed a small meal for the road. Although he didn’t typically carry a backpack he felt it was needed this time for an extended stay.

Within his backpack he packed a blanket, a few extra kunai, an empty notebook with a few pens, a whetstone, a few torches in case they encountered a dark scenario and one single candle in the event he wanted to jot something down in his notebook at night. Once everything was packed Shinichi did one lap around his house, turning off everything, and then made his way outside.

Perhaps it was because he didn’t pack a whole lot of extra gear or maybe he was just faster at packing but Shinichi found himself first at the gate. Now it was just a matter of waiting for the rest of his team.

((Don’t worry, I plan a doing a few extra things during this mission. I know it sounds a lil boring now but give it sometime.))
Anyone have any idea where Kato should meet his new Sensai? All I know is that hes been reassigned to a new team in Kumo.
Gerontis said
No, that kind of makes no sense. She is not even near chuunin level as she has barely any training (until now a bit) nor any experience. It has been implied several times that she was bedridden and such. To then say that her BFF is a chuunin and over a timeskip she can be a chuunin. while she was bedridden? That makes no sense, sir. That and it isn't my call if the exams are open or closed. That is up to Lesli, Fieryfly and Chromehound. I only have some saying in the promotion, but even that is rather limited to a mere veto/advise. Not sure if you were aware of the bedridden, but I remember it. :)

Nope, I wasn't aware of it. I know she mentioned it in her return post but Ive been extremely busy with other things to remember some details. I blame a 40+ hr work week and then 3 5+ hour school days. Basically, I'm a busy lil boy.
Im thinking of a mission right now Team Shinichi so dont worry i havent forgotten about you all.
Also Gero considering Niji is a chunin I figured that her BFF or whatever would also be a chunin, this may have happened during the timeskip. I wasnt sure if they just didnt update their CS or not. Oh well, if they want in I have no problem saying alright.
j8cob said
I believe each and every Kage is lacking in the living parents department.

It isn't an issue for Kabuto so it shouldnt be an issue for Shinichi. I can bring shit back to life too...kinda...if I was sleeping and dreaming.
Fieryfly said
In general the Jounin is free to come up with a mission. If the mission is a bit more complicated and takes place in other countries etc, or if you are unsure about if it is acceptable you can always PM your Kage. You don't want to accidentally start a war~ (Or maybe you do...........)

K thanks.
Time to call all the Kage's mothers together and tell them that their sons/daughters have been bullying me. That'll get them in trouble and then I can take over the world with my team. Its the perfect mission.
Is it up to the jounin to think of a mission or do we have to contact our kage? This is the first time I've ever done a mission in this RP so I have no idea.
BTW this question still applies
Gamer geek said I also saw that Kato has been changed to a different team. Just wanted to say thank you Gero. Also is there a way to transition between teams that you had in mind? (Question targeted towards Gero)
Cuco said
Uh, Genkei? XD I think you mean Gero, but I don't know how the hell you managed to butcher his username that badly XD

Dang. I did mess up pretty bad. I blame the fact that I probably just got off work. I'll edit it.
Id have Kato do it (join in on the chunin exams) but Gero's jounin said no go (which is understandable due to how messed up Kato is right now).
Additionally there is no point in having team Shinichi do it since all his students are basically chunin now.
EDIT: I also saw that Kato has been changed to a different team. Just wanted to say thank you Gero. Also is there a way to transition between teams that you had in mind? (Question targeted towards Gero)
Shinichi Kyousuke - "We’re All Together"

”Not at all Niji…I just thought I’d give you an accuse to be in the lead” the jounin called out in a response to his students taunt. The race towards Kamiria’s house was rather uneventful, a few flips here, a few random spins there, it was rather simple. Even with a simple race like that Shinichi was able to take in the sight of Kumo from up close once more. It had bounced back fairly well indeed, it was almost as if it was never attacked. Niji managed to reach the destination just a split second before him but he would never tell her that or else he’d never live it down. Looks like it’s a tie Niji. Don’t worry, I’m sure one day I’ll be too old to race and when that day comes I might let you win.” he spoke with a grin.

As if waiting on the duo Kamiria walked out just as they finished their race. ”Hey Kamiria” he spoke but was welcomed with Kamiria apologizing and saying that she’d do better. ”There is no need to apologize Kamiria, you helped out just as much as any one of us, we couldn’t ask for more.” he gave her a reassuring smile. ”Now come on and get up. I figured that since we’re all on the same team again we could go and get a quick mission, just like old times.”

It had been a long time since the trio was together and doing missions, it would definitely be a welcomed feeling. A paycheck was never that important to Shinichi but he wouldn’t lie, he did have his eyes set on a new pair of boots, nothing to different from his current ones, just something not falling apart and leather instead of the cheaper cloth they were made of. ”I’m sure Niji would like to try out her new toy. Speaking of which, have you shown her your new toy Niji?” Shinichi wasn’t too sure how long Niji had had her new weapon and how often she showed it around.

((Yay…it didn’t take 2 weeks to post for once…I’d say that that is an improvement. I know we’re kinda rushing into a mission but I figure that since we never got to go through one before timeskip, now would be a good time, plus it’d hopefully get me more motivated to post more than once a week))
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