Avatar of Garden Gnome
  • Last Seen: 1 mo ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 327 (0.11 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Garden Gnome 8 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Taking a long hiatus from RPing, what with RL and all. Not sure when I'll be back. So long all.
1 like
8 yrs ago
I think I may have been on the guild easy too much at work. It's now banned on the servers and I can no longer access it at work. My posts frequency will drastically lessen.
8 yrs ago
My colleague is on medical leave so I have to cover her shift as well. Well, shit. Screw me.
8 yrs ago
All my RPs are really slow lately. Feeling terribly bored.


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Most Recent Posts

Ok, guess what. I found a song for the RP.

This is Ruby's theme music. I think the chill vibe kinda suits her.

Okay.. I revised my character. Bye, leaf.

I hope I did alright with mine. It's not everyday that I make a leaf.
Just going to place this gently here...

I'm interested in this. You guys still looking for more?
I would like to place my interest in this.

Just checking, did you happen to get my PM by any chance?
Possibly interested in this. Is a Supergirl type character feasible?

s more and more dignitaries arrived, the ballroom became noisier and more crowded. Hye-ri was starting to feel more and more out of place, as just about everyone was dressed in western dressing. To make things worst, she was clad in such a bright and vibrant set of pink and purple that made her stand out so much more had she been in more subdued colours.

After the obligatory greetings were done, she moved herself closer towards the main entrance, she needed some fresh air to calm herself down, and entrance with the doors open right now would be the closest she can get to some form of fresh air as she reminded herself for the hundredth time that things were fine and she was doing great.

Honestly, she can lost track of who-was-who very early on, and as more and more people arrived, Hye-ri just about gave up on trying to figure out to see if she could remember who actually was who. She figured that if she needed to know them, it might actually come to her later on. Well at least she wasn't a lost cause, as she did know a handful, such as Princess Lea, Prince Erik, and Princess Mai. The rest?

Well, they will come to her later. Or not. We shall see. She sipped the glass of champagne she had in hand, as she took further glances around the room. It was then that she caught the eye of another princess, she had to be a princess, what with that simple yet regal look about her. Come on, brain, who is this? One, two, three seconds passed before the name came to her. Isabella!

Isabella Del Reyes! Evalusia, that was where she was from.

Hye-ri didn't know much about Evalusia or Isabella, but she did at least remember who the princess was now. Returning her smile with a polite one of her own, she too tried her best to quell the uneasiness in her gut, not realising that her counterpart was doing the very same thing at that very moment. From what she knew of Isabella, the two of them couldn't be more different. They didn't have any similarities nor did they have any common interests, but this event was more than simply meeting people who you could be friends with.
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