Avatar of Garth


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current I used to play on Roleplay Online (rpol.net) that site did more group games and not 1x1 games. Also a lot more 'rules game' like DnD, Pathfinder, ect
1 yr ago
Don't forget it's his first Mother's Day as your husband. Different families have different expectations. Maybe his family never did Mother Days/Father's day gifts. [/soap box]
1 yr ago
Of my current story partners, none of them are from the US. (and I'm impressed with all of their English)
1 yr ago
Stay Plucky
2 yrs ago
See? I'm smarter than I look.
1 like



I'm a long time RPer. I play group games and 1x1 games.

I only play MxF in my 1x1 games. Group games, doesn't matter.

I'm a guy and will only play 1x1 games with people 21 years or older. I'm trying to avoid going to jail.

I can't play fandom canon characters. I just don't know the characters well enough to do that. But love to play OCs in a fandom story.

I'm pretty flexible. I don't have any demands. Just have fun. One request, if you tire of the game or me, shoot me a PM and tell me. In your PM blame the game and not me ;P I'll let you know if I can't keep up with any game we are in.

I'll be honest, I enjoy romance and smut in my 1x1 games. I do enjoy the build up and plot.

Thanks for reading. Feel free to shoot me a PM if you wanna play or just hang out and chat.

Most Recent Posts

Introducing Happy the Clown!

Please excuse the double post.
Hey you Clowns!

I'm the person the DM mentioned. I'm in the middle of making a Dwarven Fighter with a Gladiator background. (He was captured by goblins and made to fight in the goblin gladiator pits) I hope to have the sheet down today or tomorrow. The technical mechanics are done, just need to write up the background. (I think)
Holy necromancy, Batman!
Luna thought and concentrated. She smiled as she could feel her tail transforming into human legs. But she gasped when she realized her bottom was growing in size. It was growing to a ridiculous size. She nearly panicked, but was able to keep in concentration. Her bottom shank back to it's normal size.

However, as her bottom shank back to size, her breasts started to grow. As her ass got smaller, her tits got bigger. They had gotten so big, Luna started to float towards the surface. She closed her eyes and willed her breasts to return to their normal size. Now, her shapely body was back to it's normal size and shape except now she had legs and not a tail.

In alarm, she grabbed her throat. Did she just lose her voice? Would she have to kiss someone to get her voice back? She squeezed her fists and concentrated some more. She felt a slight tickle in her throat as she regained her voice. She sighed with relief. She had her body back and her voice as she swam to the surface of the ocean. She was sure somebody one the ship would pick her up.
Noah Gray stood on the bow of the ship called The Gambler's Deceit. It was late afternoon and the rest of the crew was resting or taking it easy blew deck. Noah was alone for now. He looked out towards the sea and raised his voice in a favorite shanty;

I thought I heard the Old Man say
"Leave her, Johnny, leave her"
Tomorrow ye will get your pay
And it's time for us to leave her

Leave her, Johnny, leave her
Oh, leave her, Johnny, leave her
For the voyage is long and the winds don't blow
And it's time for us to leave her

Oh, the wind was foul and the sea ran high
Leave her, Johnny, leave her
She shipped it green and none went by
And it's time for us to leave her

Leave her, Johnny, leave her
Oh, leave her, Johnny, leave her
For the voyage is long and the winds don't blow
And it's time for us to leave her

I hate to sail on this rotten tub
Leave her, Johnny, leave her
No grog allowed and rotten grub
And it's time for us to leave her

Leave her, Johnny, leave her
Oh, leave her, Johnny, leave her
For the voyage is long and the winds don't blow
And it's time for us to leave her

We swear by rote for want of more
Leave her, Johnny, leave her
But now we're through so we'll go on shore
And it's time for us to leave her

Leave her, Johnny, leave her
Oh, leave her, Johnny, leave her
For the voyage is long and the winds don't blow
And it's time for us to leave her

Noah looked back at the quiet ship. Maybe it was time for him to leave the ship. He's been on the ship a year or so. He's seen many ports of call. But things were getting old hat now. Maybe it was time for a new adventure. He looked to the distant shore. Could he make that swim? If he dived off the ship right now, could he swim to the shore? What new adventures would he find/ Who would he meet? He was tempted to dive off the ship. But he has never been a rash man. He thought things out before acting.

He looked to the nearest life boat. If he lowered it, he could row away... He stood at the bow of the ship deep in thought, thinking of how he could get off of the ship and not drown and not alert the rest of the crew. He watched the ocean as he thought of his plan.
Hello there. This looks fun. I've never done a story like this, but it looks fun. Do you mind if I just jump in here? Right here?
I always like tavern in a small town near the wilderness. Larger city is a day or two travel away. Generic Medieval Fantasy WorldTM?
oh my goodness
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