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In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Takin Bent

Gratefully reaching for a new ale as it is brought to the table, he takes his time drinking this one as he contemplates the group and their introductions. Most of them turned out to be the general adventuring hunter types, regardless of their posturing to the group. Fight, kill, make money. Nothing special for the most part. There were a couple minor outliers, like the fox, the crazy little robot thing and of course the guy that thinks everyone should already know his "handsome face."

"Now that the pissing contest is over with, I would like to acknowledge a few good points. As The Mountain so astutely observed, if there was a bitch witch and a overgrown lizard in these mountains, someone would have noticed before. Seems like someone has taken up a vacation home here. Good news is, usually that means that they're not really "dug in" yet, so as our Robot Tamer so kindly offered, first light is probably going to be our best bet. The sooner we attack, the less prepared they will be to defend."

Takin gestured with his mug to each as he mentioned them before finishing the rest, setting down the mug, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair.

"As I mentioned previously, I am not one big for planning shit. However, if the party sees fit, it may not be a bad idea to have some recon done pre-engagement. Seems like The Drinking Queen here is well suited. If she sees anything too fucking weird we can rethink things, otherwise I'm just gonna go cut some shit up and hope y'all are behind me. I don't need preparations but if Fluffy is too scared of the dark, I'll watch a back or two, carry a pack or two, whatever."

Finished saying his piece, Takin sits and waits for the others to finish discussing. If he's needed, someone will ask for assistance, or they won't, he didn't much care right now. Tomorrow, there would be death. Either the monsters, or them. Maybe not all of them, a couple look like they'll turn tail if things go south. But for now, they drink. ♪ Drink, drink, drink. For tomorrow we may die.♪ Softly, he chuckles to himself, finding morbid humor in his thoughts before he snaps his attention back to the table and looks around to see if there's another round of drinks yet.
Takin Bent

"Finally, a drink and some sense." Takin took the mug from the very large man and swallowed it down in big gulps. Wiping the froth from his upper lip and belching, he looked to the woman who knows business and has taken hold of the conversation. As she gestures to the fox man standing awkwardly to the side, he turns and gives him an appraising look. Lean and of middling height, the man does not strike an impressive silhouette if it was not for the mask covering his face. He has an air about him that implies either wisdom or mischief, with Takin leaning towards the latter. Quickly however, Takin finds his mind wandering as the curious fox has nothing useful to say before his attention being brought back by him blowing a large smoke cloud over the group.
"You do parlor tricks then? Do you also make the smoke run around in the shape of horses to entertain children? I have no doubt you hold your skills in great regard, however, I am unsure how our strengths will play together."
Turning back to the group, he regards each for a moment, making sure they are settled and focused for once. He knows the place for banter but now is a time for business, that being the business of killing.
"Speaking of strengths, simply put, that is where mine lie. Strength. Strength in body as well as the blade. I may be small, it has not escaped my notice that I am the smallest here, but I assure you that does not bely the extent of my strength. As for the sword, this blade of mine," He gestures over his shoulder at the dark blade which exceeds his own height. "Can be wielded properly by me and me alone with no handicap by its size. I am team Lizard Fuck as previously stated and I do not excel in the planning of attacks. If it benefits the others, I am more than willing to initiate the fight so information can be gathered, do not mind my health."
At that, he sits back in his chair, crosses his arms and nods to the man next to him, signifying his speech is finished.
Takin Bent

Shrugging as the big man ignored his offer of food, Takin resumed stripping the meat from the bone. Watching as interactions between some of the monster hunters that seemed to know each other unfolded, he began to wonder What is this? Some sort of gala? Everyone likes to talk tough but none of it fucking matters until shit's dead and you aren't. Aggressively, he rips a large chunk from the leg and chews furiously as he continues to observe. Some dude sticks a finger in a gun, Wow that's fucking smart. He scoffs to himself before some dude with a mask on drops from the fucking ceiling, and there's even a talking miniature statue. Oh my gods, it's like a fucking circus in here.

The Queen's commanding voice drew his attention from the absolute racket around him and he turned his attention to her, stripping the last remnants of meat off his turkey leg. Everything sounded quite route at first, bruja in a cave That's not ideal. Big nasty lizard bastard That's more like it. And.... teams. Fuck. He took accepted his ticket and let out a long sigh as he slowly turned it to reveal the number. 1. Dread sinking into his bones he saw the small group of them.... Great, looks like today I join the circus.

Walking over and joining the forming group, he is quickly overlooked as they begin to banter and flex once more. Growing increasingly frustrated by the antics, he finally cannot contain himself. Waving the stripped bone around, getting as close to the median eye level of these idiots as he could gauge, he spoke up. Alright you prissy princesses, we get it. He's overcompensating for something, she hates the world, you all are so goddamned strong blah blah fucking blah. He points the bone flippantly and vaguely in directions as he speaks before tossing it over his shoulder with a shrug. We wouldn't all be here if we weren't all needed for this hag in a cave and her lizard bodyguard. I'm sure you are all masters of whatever field you specialize in, and that's great, truly. I, however, can't do shit against magic, so I'm on team lizard fuck. What team do the rest of you play for? He crossed his arms as he looked around, gazing up at each one, not letting his smaller stature phase him in the slightest.
Takin Bent

Takin followed the group down the hall and into the throne room, turkey leg in hand as he took a bite. He really did not feel like being here, but the lightness of his purse paired with the rare invite from the Queen piqued his interest. The rhythmic tapping of his sword on the fine marble mingling with the light chatter and equipment of the others. He craned his neck as he entered the throne room, his mild interest quickly succumbing to the fact that he just really didn't care. None of the pomp or flare impressed him, bottom line in his mind was that something needed to be killed and he knew he could do it. A queen is no different than a farmer when their land is threatened, queens just pay better.

Looking over at the hulking figure that had been complaining about food, about to offer some turkey before he made the comment about the ox, Takin could not still his tongue, "Lift an ox? Is that the only way a giant like you can get your cock wet or something?" He took another bite of the turkey leg before succumbing and offering it to the hungry man, "You're gonna owe me one of those if you survive this, Tiny"

Freed of his meaty burden, Takin reached his arms above his head, stretching his joints and clearing his head. Upon relaxing, the words of the blonde woman catch his ear, "Vampires you say? I think throwing this big lug might provide a better distraction if that's what we're going to be dealing with. Do you already know what this is about or something?

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