Avatar of Gonzo
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  • Old Guild Username: Gonzo
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    1. Gonzo 11 yrs ago


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So do I think about bringing the guys back or wait for a reboot or?

Christian opened his mouth to say something, but stopped when the voice sounded throughout the halls. He froze for a second, and his face twisted in confusion. A loud buzz could be heard a couple corridors down, and they were instructed to make their way toward the source of the noise.

He followed the girl who had been following him into the auditorium, and took a seat next to her. He stayed quiet and scanned the room, looking at the kids who had already taken seats, and then at the last few stragglers who were just barely making their way in. He turned to say something to the girl next to him, but before he could say anything, he noticed some people enter the auditorium. The two most noticeable of three were about the age of teachers, and both were fairly attractive. He couldn’t help but crack the tiniest of smiles at the thought of his classmates gushing over both of them had they been substitute teachers at his school.

The man began distributing headsets to a select few, and when he was finished, the woman started talking. Immediately, confusion and anxiety made itself abundant in Christian. She began talking about powers, and how they had been kidnapped because of them. He took a deep breath and bit his bottom lip. There was no way he belonged here. He didn’t have powers. He would have said that they didn’t exist, but the disappearance of that kid had obviously proved differently.

His attention was drawn to the screen when he saw his face. A number flashed on the screen. 14. That was his room number.
When the speaker asked for questions, Christian began to raise his hand, but stopped when she called on someone else. He slowly started to drown out the questions and continued to bring his mind back to the powers. There was no way he was supposed to be here. He didn’t have powers. Most of these kids had obvious powers, and the ones that didn’t show anything could be anything, but he didn’t.
Christian snapped out of his thoughts after a kid had started something with a couple of the guards. She screamed in a different language, and was eventually sedated.

After the situation, the woman at the front began speaking again, and informed the other students that they would be assigned coaches. After she had finished speaking, the seemingly bigger scientist of the group made his way towards Christian. He pointed at him and motioned for him to meet him at the end of the row. He turned to Lucie, gave her a small face, and then got up and made his way over to the scientist.

The scientist extended a hand and gave Christian a smile. It seemed to be sincere, but to Christian, it was very uninviting. Christian offered his hand and shook the scientist’s. They both sat down in the available seats, and the scientist began speaking.

“Hello. My name is Jonathan. I am your coach. I have had experience with your kind of power before. I have wo—“

See,” Christian interrupted Jonathan and shook his head. “I think you’re mistaken. I think the lady in the front is mistaken. I think everyone in this place is mistaken. I don’t have powers. I am just a regular kid!

Jonathan stared at the boy, took in a deep breath and continued.

“You have powers. According to my charts, you have super strength. Why do you think you were fine after the crash? Why do you think you’re able to lift double of what you weigh? I was assigned to you because I have worked in a private facility that has helped others with your ability. At some point, I am going to take you to a training room close to the gym, and we will begin assessing the extent of your abilities. But first, I am going to take a sample of your blood and send you on your way. When I need you, I will get you. ”

With that, Jonathan pulled out a small needle, a couple of vials, and an elastic band. Silently, he wrapped the band tightly around Christian’s arm. He picked up the needle, attached the first vial and pressed it against Christian’s skin. With some amount of effort, and a small look of surprise, Jonathan was able to insert the needle and collect the two blood samples needed. Once Jonathan pulled out the needle, he placed a bandage over the entry point and nodded.

“All set. You can go on your way.”

Christian stood up and walked past Jonathan, not bothering to turn back and see if the girl he had come in with was still there; he had too much on his mind, and the only thing he wanted to do was to work off the feelings that came with this realization.

After what seemed like forever, the young man found himself at the gym. He didn’t bother changing out of his clothes into workout clothes (he actually didn’t bother to check to see if there was any). He noticed a couple of figures upon entering the gym, and he managed a low hello before making his way toward one of the benches. He put plate after plate, and when there was enough weight, he settled down and began banging out as many reps as he could before exhausting himself.

I'm 14,by the way. I already wrote that on my post
@Gonzo shiiiiiit is that a Gonzo???? O.O

It's a me
<Snipped quote by DarkwolfX37>

Technically Wolver had said no to your CS as a whole a couple days ago (yes, I checked through the OOC to make sure). But you're right. We should have been clearer. Sorry for the miscommunication.
What happened to @Mach2?
If it were any other situation, Christian would have laughed at the comment made by the small French girl. This wasn’t the case, and instead, the words were met with a small frown. He opened his mouth to protest, but decided not to say anything. His expression turned back to surprise and he shook his head again in disbelief at the sight of the boy vanishing into thin air.

If she didn’t know what was going on, then chances are none of the kids were supposed to be here. Wait…

Kidnapped. The girl had said kidnapped in her sarcastic comment. No longer was Christian worrying about the vanishing kid. That was now the least of his worries. Panic started to slowly set in, but Christian tried his best not to show it. Her questions about the crash, the exit, and his phone had now just begun to register in his mind.

Christian turned around and stared at the sign he had seen walking out of his room. There were different locations on it, but nothing mentioned any kind of exit. He turned again and stared down one end of the hallway, and then the other. There were obvious corridors that merged with the hallway they were in, but there were no signs hanging from the ceiling that displayed a green “exit” like most buildings. His eyes wandered to the kids on the other side of the hall that had decided to disperse, and he immediately turned in the opposite direction and started to walk in the direction of the pool. Maybe it would be an outdoor pool, and with it, a way out.

“The crash I was in before I woke up in this place,” he mumbled as he slowly shuffled his way away from the dispersing crowd. He wasn’t sure if the French girl was going to follow him, but he was going to answer her questions, regardless. It would keep his mind off the fact that he was being kidnapped, and it would keep the panic attack from setting in. “I was driving home. Down a dark street. No lights. A car hit me,” he instinctively put his hand back on his ribs, “and I heard footsteps before passing out. The next thing I knew. I was here.”

Christian scoffed at himself. If this was his way to keep his mind off of the kidnapping, he was doing a shitty job of it. He stopped at the intersection and faced the long corridor that supposedly led to the pool. He saw a pair of large doors, and his optimism kicked in. He turned his head back to the girl and reached into his pocket.

Nothing. There was no phone. Christian frowned and reached into his other pocket; nothing as well. The boy groaned.

“No. No phone. But I think the pool might have a way out. This looks like it’d be too nice of a place to have a pool indoors. Maybe there’s a way out over there.”
@xAsunaWolfx If you decide that ya want to continue, please expand on your powers a bit more. Give it some implication that it will be able to become a bit more powerful.
Christian immediately spun around after the something had bumped into him, and found a rather oddly dressed female taking a few steps back in order to gather space. It was at that moment that the sounds coming from the other side of the hall had started to register. Christian closed his eyes momentarily and shuddered as the loud noises grew louder and louder. Once he opened his eyes, he focused on the group of kids yelling at each other. They seemed to be yelling in a language he hadn’t heard before. He didn’t recognize any of the kids, which means he definitely wasn’t anywhere in the immediate area outside of his city in California.

Does that mean I’m in another country? How is that possible? How did I get here? Was this after the crash?

He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the oddly dressed girl speak. It was English, which Christian was ecstatic about, but it had a very noticeable French accent.

“Uh, yeah,” Christian said, uncertain. He blinked a couple of times and ran a hand over his side part. “I speak English. Glad to hear that someone else does, as well. Do you know where we are? How did I get here? What are you doing in that outfit? Were you the one who was at the crash?”

At that moment, that’s when the pain in his right ribcage presented itself. It wasn’t unbearable, but it was definitely uncomfortable. Christian raised his hand up to his side and gently placed it on the spot where the pain seemed to be emanating from. He shook his head and offered a small, weary smile at the lady.

“I’m sorry. My name is Christian. What’s yo-”

The young man’s eyes widened and he immediately pointed at the spot where one of the kids used to be. He had been saying something Christian couldn’t make out, and in an instant, the kid had vanished. It was impossible.

“Did you see that!?” He asked the girl in front of him. “He just… disappeared! How did he do that!?”
@DarkwolfX37 Hello. Fourth GM here (who is now not busy). I was just wondering if you were under the impression that you'll be participating.
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