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    1. grandsword 10 yrs ago


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goody then. motive, i has it. CS will PM'd shortly.
timeline in rp? like year? need it so i can gauge weather i can transfer my guy as is, or if i need to use some timey wimey ball **** XD
is there anything against teachers at this point? i might have one in mind.
god d**m, been gone for too long. winter literally just released it's stranglehold on my area. ..gonna look through the ic, see what i missed. depending on things, i might reintroduce one of my guys to help make up for lack of content on my end.
Interesting fact, I kind of based the zelt idea off of The idea of snake wine.
"Nah, man..hazed is a polite term for pissed out drunk where I come from." Alpha clarified with a chuckle. "And, I don't really need to get any supplies. Zelt is a battlefield brew. Anything can get thrown in, and But the key is the spices." He explained, pulling out a flask filled with dried ingrediants. "Equal parts powdered genya venom, blade brush root and black wood pine shavings. They're important for their toxity. Apart, each of these things would kill Ya dead in a blink. However, together, when boiled, they cancel each other out, and provide the base for zelt as well as it's alcoholic qualities. Preferred or local fruits can then be added for flavor. Or, it can be drank as is. Though plain, or black zelt has a horribly powerful bite."
"Meh. A diner sucks for getting hazed. Getting pie, maybe..but not a buzz." Alpha stated with a shrug. "Besides, the info I want is basically who to avoid, who's top dog, and whom's ass do I kick to assume either status. Figure if I do that, I can set our group up nicely." He told jack. "And, if they don't have it here, I'll have to show them how to brew up some zelt. Good stuff that. Kick of tequila, With the undertones of an ale. Also easy to brew, given the right spices."
alpha on the other hand went off to find a more standard bar. seeing jack on his way. "hey..gonna look for a stiff drink. maybe fish for info..you in?" he asked offhandedly, boredly looking about. though tellingly, he had his energy reserves ready in case he needed to defend himself in the unfamiliar areas. he was no fool..but, if he could help it, in the situation at hand, he wanted a slight buzz. omega was not on his own, lingering near ajax and those with him. "..hmm..so, it's a nexus. a meeting point between dimensions. intriguing."
Uh..gonna assume my upgrades are approved? Been waiting on that before I get to posting..
kal, are my upgrades ok? i'm going to edit something else to alpha's upgrade, seeing as the warrior state isn't on a high power scope compared to some guys here.. Alpha gets -warrior state- One of the trials the Indrian people must endure is the enemy within, the culmination of their genetic lust for battle and instincts of war, boiling beneath the surface. This, is the warrior. Under duress, extreme rage or despair, in even the least warlike Indrian, the warrior takes hold. Pain is ignored, strength, pushed to phyisical limits. And a lust for combat is unleashed that can not be stopped until it has had it's fill. In the warrior state, alpha discards any notion of peace,morality or self preservation. His strength is boosted significantly and he ignores pain. In addition, his personality shifts, turning to one that craves, and thrives battle, pursuing combat whenever he can find it, refusing to cease until the bloodlust is satified. However, if knocked out, or forced to regenerate large portions of his body, the warrior will recede earlier. And as a drawback, alpha is limited to phyisical attacks in the warrior state, trading versitility for brutality. indrian inventory- alpha can call forth equipment and utilities native to His home, Indra. Omega gets -bearer of the testament This upgrade Allows omega to summon soldiers from the eternal testament without activating it, upto a unit of four at one time. The summoned soldiers are equiped with weaponry from omega's armory, but cannot summon them as he does. Furthermore, reality will reject their presence outside the testament, and attempt to banish them back to it's bounds. Thus, each soldier summoned this way can only be maintained a short time before being returned to their native bounds. -Distortion of Ω This upgrade is a semi-passive one, that hides omega's presence from others via enshrouding him in the paradox of his existence. In practice, it makes it that unless one focuses on him, or if he wants to be seen, he will be viewed as though always out in the corner of one's eye, a questionable existiance, dismissed as a hallucination by the unwary.
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