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    1. Great Sogeking 9 yrs ago


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Hellsalem’s Lot - Shotaro and Philip

”…Alright.” Shotaro nodded as well, a bit relieved that odd moment passed as quickly as it came. He stepped off to the side next to Satori and crossed his arms, commenting to her, ”Who would’ve thought King Arthur had a big sweet tooth?” He paused for a moment to remember who his company was and added, ”…Ah, hang on, you’re not familiar with that legend are you?”

Back with Philip, he just nodded at her decision. ”Good choice. I’ve read that cinnamon rolls can last someone just as long as well.” As those words spilled out, he folded his arms and raised his hand to his chin in thought. ”Although,” he continued, ”I can’t say I’ve had the chance to see if that’s true for myself…” He turned to the barista and raised one finger up at him, ”I’d like one bear claw as well.
Nina Aiza


The Aiza household up was up early, but that wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. Nina always got up around six for an early morning run, her father’s radio program started early as well, and for the times her mother could come home she’d often join her daughter on her run. It was one of the few things they could regularly do with each other, and as an active Hero wanted to spend as much time with her little girl as she could.

Well, little probably wasn’t the right word for her anymore. Today started Nina’s first year at Brave High after all. Her mother was ready to give the school a recommendation to get her in, but she was very adamant about getting in through her own merit. ”What point is there in getting in if I don’t do it myself?” she reasoned.

Following their jog Nina got ready for school as normal, but took a moment to review how she looked in her uniform again. Sleeves… skirt… If there was one thing she’d eternally dislike about school, it’d be the mandate for her to wear sleeved clothing and skirts. She just remedied the skirt issue by wearing a pair of shorts under it, but the sleeve issue would have to wait until summer uniforms were in.

Despite how early they all were to start, they were actually running a little late by the time they filed out of the house. There was some issues with the water that was holding them up from taking a shower, but they managed to make do. Nina’s parents had intended to drop her off at school by car just because they could, but now it was more than necessary if they hoped to get her there on time. Thankfully, traffic was relatively light as they approached the towering school.

Didn’t mean Nina still wasn’t in a rush, though.

After running through a quick list of things to bring, Nina said her goodbyes to her parents and rushed out from the car towards the auditorium. Or at least, where she thought the auditorium was. She dug into her blazer pocket and pulled her slightly crumpled acceptance letter out to read over again. ”Uhhh… Let’s see…” the girl pondered aloud, ”Gotta go… Here?” She looked up at the remaining students making their way inside and opted to follow them, deducing that to be the auditorium.

Once in, she tried following the directions on the paper to the appropriate seating area. She couldn’t really tell where it was, though, amidst the sea of buzzing students. Matsuri’s voice managed to stand out from the rest of the crowd, however, and Nina’s ears locked in on it. ”That sounds like another first year to me,” she thought, ”I can ask her where to go then.” She paused for a moment and then grinned, ”Heh, maybe I can even get a scare out of her.”

With her plan set, Nina started walking up to Matsuri from behind. She noticed there was a taller guy there with her too, but if her comment was anything to go by they must have been complete strangers too. Since nothing was stopping her, she suddenly draped her arm around Matsuri's shoulder and loudly greeted the two, ”Hey! You guys first years too? Got any clue where to sit?”
Still here too. Ain't hopping ship anytime soon either.
HUP, HERE WE GO. It... Took me less time to draw that picture than it did to figure out her character, but I got it done at least.

@Zeroth Am I still free to make a sheet? I reworked the Quirk into a "Sand Arm and Granite Arm" ability.
Inertia's character sort of already does that, although rather than open flame the focus is on explosions. While the body-hardening would put a different spin on it, I'm afraid I'd really prefer if there were as little overlap as possible between the powers, sorry. I do like the idea of a body-hardening Quirk that uses different materials, though--maybe use some metallurgic knowledge of alloys or something to figure out another way to apply this kind of power? Is there such a thing as two metals that become magnetized or electrified when rubbed against each other, or something like that?

I thiiiiiiink there is? Like, just doing a quick search on it, iron, nickel, and cobalt seem to do it? If you strike it with a hammer or rub it around at least.

I really like the idea of a body-hardening Quirk with different materials too, but I'm honestly not interested in researching the science behind how that stuff works. I could just leave it as body-hardening, but it feels kinda boring to just leave it at that.
It's just a body-hardening Quirk that applies one arm per transformation, yeah. As in, like, it's not a mix of flint and steel throughout one arm. It's just one arm being steel and one arm being flint since its primary usage is supposed to be causing sparks that can ignite things.
Hrmm. There was a character I wanted to run here, but for the sake of avoiding another combo platter Quirk and a little overlap I'm kinda on the fence about signing her up.

Her Quirk is just petrifying her arms into flint and steel with all the pluses and drawbacks of that. It's kinda similar to Writes, but not overtly, I think?
Hellsalem’s Lot - Shotaro and Philip

Shotaro cleared his throat and chuckled a little at the Barista’s remarks, ”Heh, yeah. She’s holed up inside all the time, so she doesn’t really have a lot of experience with coffee shops.” That excuse oughta clear things up. He had no idea what expectations the group had to meet in this world, but he was very determined to keep blending into it. Well, with everyone that didn’t matter at least since their first try with it was busted wide open.

He pointed over at Saber and continued, ”That girl there is with us too, so you only need her order next ri— Eh?” Shotaro stopped mid-question as he overheard Saber’s order.

All of it?” Philip quirked his eyebrows curiously after hearing Saber’s order. ”I’ve heard of sweet tooths before, but this may literally be taking the cake.” He tapped his chin, smiling now. ”How thrilling. But I’m sorry, I don’t think we can afford to take even one of everything.”
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