Avatar of GreenGo
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 62 (0.03 / day)
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    1. GreenGo 6 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current SO I've been AWOL for awhile, I'm so sorry, I've been dealing with some sudden family emergency stuff that came up, but for the most part everything should be back to constant ab-normality now.
6 yrs ago
I've bee....well, tbh I've just been so down the last like week, things were crazy and then they weren't and then there was some vague stuff that happened and I just..UGGHHHH. Gunna try to be better.
1 like
6 yrs ago
Ya know that moment when you think it's the few quiet moments before the storm? But then the storm is like "I DO WHAT I WANT! IMMA START NOW! SUCK ON THAT!" yeah, that's been me for awhile now.
6 yrs ago
Back to the grind, and not like, a fun grind like grinding pepper or grinding at a club, just a sort of grind-iggity grind
6 yrs ago
Next few days I'm gunna have more time than usual with an interwebz connection that's untrustworthy at best...In these trying times, truly is when the human spirit is most tested...


Ours is not to question Why, ours is but to do and die, and yet, an unexamined life is not worth living. That being said I suppose I'm just an English Major trying to figure my life out in a Central American Country. It takes me about 20 minutes to get a decent sized, casual-ready, post finished, on a good day. However, I've got this bad habit of leaving my computer up when I'm not in front of it so just cuz I'm 'Online' don't mean I'm focused. Of course, even if I'm staring right at something directly in front of me don't mean I'm focused either....

Things I'm In that are cool and open and you should check out if you want to, or not because free will and all that:

Most Recent Posts


Quinn chuckled as the two friends bickered playfully, trying not to move too much (again, a very pokey business) until he got the final silent, okay nod from Liz, accompanied by some good-natured snickering and whispering, he finally stepped off the dais. It felt good to laugh and be around fun people again. He'd been keeping his head down, trying not to interact with too many people his own age, or people at all for that matter, for awhile now, it felt good to let loose again, even if it was with relative strangers. He pulled his hoody back on, and pulled out his wallet, paying Liz.

"I-sss- heard that-sss-! I sssee your going to make thisss a big deal-sss-!" she hissed, her teeth showing past her scaly lips. Liz giggled. "Looksss like your hissssing again! Haha!"

"I sincerely apologize, I never meant to impune your honor, Milady" For some reason Quinn just couldn't seem to help himself, so he stopped trying and continued "Perhaps you would let me make it up to you? I was going to go for a walk about town anyway, care to join me and we'll see if we can think of something?" Quinn offered his hand, his demeanor was playful but he had a feeling his eyes belied his true motive, after so long alone, he needed a friend.

Ugh, that sounds like just the worst buddy, I second the get better soon sentiment and wish you the best of luck! You were quite fun to play with.
Eyes shooting wide open, Delta’s attention snapped towards one of the few heroes still loitering about the place- the other, much less flashy teleporter- and she gave a loud whistle, shooting the sound over his way to be heard over the roar of the great earth. With another, strained grunt, Delta jerked her head upwards, gesturing frantically at the roof above them. As much as she wanted to run upstairs and drag as many people out as she could, trying to pull a stunt like that would probably just end up landing her in a nice sandwich with the rest of the people there. A teleporter would be the only one capable of getting them all out in time.

Billy's head was still spinning from the sudden blast, but upon seeing the frantically grunting and gesturing person, who had a fantastic flair for the dramatic, or so Billy thought, he looked up, and suddenly understood the situation. There must be hostage somewhere, by some strange probability nothing terrible had happened to him as chunks of building and glass flew about him, potentially cutting him to ribbons. Seeing Pink Leather Punk-Chick run into the building to help with hostages suddenly got Billy moving again, he took his sword and cut his arm open, trying to avoid any previous scars but not being entirely successful

"MOTHER OF SUCK!" he screamed frustratedly as he disappeared in a haze of red vapor, reappearing on the second floor, his blood already beginning to stream of out him and form a doorway to outside and on the other side of the street of the bank. "Excuse me ladies and gentlemen!" He attempted calmly, but to no avail, everyone was just in a far too far gone panic mode, so he tried commanding.


That seemed to get people's attention. However, not used to playing the daring commander as much as the charming rogue, Billy suddenly found himself at a loss for words, so he simply pointed gestured wildly at the doorway portal, and people seemed to get the message.

Blood seeped quickly from Billy's wounds, as he fought his body's natural tendency to throw his arm over or try to otherwise close it, he was still a little fatigued from all that had happened the past half-hour, but he sat there, in pain and getting weaker, in the falling building, waiting for the last person to go through.
I stand by whatever decision you think is best
"I didn't expect anyone to be here this early, let alone another mutant. My names Jentoi, but call me Jen. I've only heard of one person with the tree mutation in this city, so I assume you're name is Quinn, yesss?"

"So am I right?"

Quinn smiled and looked down at Liz, getting the okay to move (being fitted can be a rather pokey business) and reached over to take Jen's hand. He liked her, maybe it was that they both looked like...well he'd never had cause to be averse to the word freak, after all neither had anybody else. Maybe it was just how playful and fun she seemed, but instead of taking her hand and shaking it, Quinn knelt. He took her hand and turned it over, and then gently kissed the back of it from his kneeling position "I see my reputation precedes me, Quinn Whitfoot at your Service milady" He winked at Jen as he stood back up and resumed the position Liz had had him in.
My apologies for my weird schedule, Life is strange, should be back to normal now though.

Anyone is always more than welcome to follow, interact, or haunt T.J. as much as they wish though.
" Oh no, feel free to take yourself upstairs sweetie!"

T.J. replied gratefully "Thanks Marie, you're the best" then he turned to the others in attendance and showed them the label on his key "If any of you need me, I'll probably be unconscious for the next few hours after that" he quickly grabbed a sheet of paper and wrote something down on it "That's my number, shoot me a text and we'll do lunch at Chang's or something"

The formalities over with, T.J. went to grab his things, taking one last look outside as he did, he just couldn't shake the feeling that something was going on here under the surface. He shook himself again and laughed at the thought, too many horror stories in pursuit of his Master's had left their mark on him apparently. But the feelings returned as he passed the other rooms, and as he entered his, and as he lay, awake, staring up at the ceiling.

"Home sweet home" He said, dreading the unpacking of his things.
"Ohh Cat puns, always a classic."

"I find that...Wha..." Billy was confused, he hadn't done anything except stand there, ready to repel the attack of the strange creature and yet the Strange Cheshire-Cat-Man-Child-Thing (names in the moment were not his thing) had hopped back and begun to make strange noises, as if he had suddenly been deafened.

Everything happened very quickly after that, and Billy found himself a rather aggressive floating arm as the Strange creature began to race for the doors, Billy had to agree, under normal circumstances it wouldn't exactly be a fair fight, what with the punk-rock looking person that He'd suspected was the cause of the sudden deafening, however when one can remove and fling their arms at an opponent to act of their own accord, surely the rules should be adjusted.

"Someone Stop Him!" Billy shouted to no one in particular, tumbling over the counter and into the main area, trying to close the distance between armless-boy and he while thwarting the arm's choking attempts. Billy wasn't exactly sure how one fights a disembodied arm, there wasn't a lot of precedent in the books he read, but he suspected that he wasn't going to be doing it too much longer if he couldn't figure out a way to stop Cheshire (yeah...yeah that feels right)
"Any chance this girl can get in on this?"

Phil turned to address the newcomer, he'd seen her when he walked in, she looked like she would be all bark and no bite, and Phil's first thought was no, definitely not after what happened last time, he could still smell the blood and steel in his nostrils, and Phil was about to say as much, but then he took a closer look. Upon close inspection Phil could tell that there was definitely something more to this woman, the muscle was hidden under a thin layer of flab, but there was something more there. Grit maybe? Determination? neither of those was exactly it, but whatever it was, Phil recognized a little bit of it, but even more than that Phil knew he'd want it at his back when the shit hit the hammer.

"All's welcome that want in, the more the merrier" Phil chucked, hiding his trepidation as much as he could as he introduced himself to the two around him "Phil Morgan, pleasure to meetchya"

"Yea, uh, gotta stick some shit in your spines and you can go if you want or not. I'll be back here at central all the time. We're going to be - I'm going to be monitoring your stress levels. Any signs of cyber psychosis and you are going to be meat in the body bank gentlemen."

"Shall we get ourselves figgur'd and then meet outside in twenty?" Phil finished as he stood up and headed over to get the blasted injection over with.

As Phil walked, he clenched his good hand and took a deep breath at the thought of Cyber Psychosis, he looked down and flexed the fingers of his new arm, he just couldn't get used to it, he was at risk for it now after all, after all... Still, making sure that psychosis DIDN'T happen was probably a good idea, even if he couldn't shake the feeling that this was some bad juju. He took another deep breath, steeling himself as he approached the front of the line to Fields.

On it right now
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