Avatar of Grey Star
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    1. Grey Star 10 yrs ago


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Orient Town

"Food can be consumed at any time in the future... But twintails takes a long while to grow and groom and stylize! It is a culmination of effort and art! The enemies of twintails such as you..." Speaking with far more zeal in her heated voice, the magical girl allowed herself to be grabbed while launching herself at the same time, attempting to use the split second of going along with the flow to accelerate her momentum to perform a classical kick that certain Riders would be proud of. Though thin and small the girl was, she packed one hell of a wallop.
"There, there." Flapping her wings towards the rather agitated spidergirl, Khari tilted her head to the side before awkwardly wiggling her new appendages. "At least we're still alive and healthy. Even if we're not human anymore. Better to make the best of the situation and adapt faster since we don't know if there are hostile beings around this place. So in a way, getting used to this quickly would help out with our overall chances of survival than wasting time panicking." The words were said slowly but steadily, and the harpy herself was moving her body about in random movements to see what kind of range she could achieve at the same time.
Name: Khari
Race: Harpy
Race Abilities: Harpies are known to be somewhat of a bother for regular folk due to having the cunning of a humanoid monster and the flight ability of bird monsters. As such, valuables (specially shiny things) tend to be stolen along with anything else harpies set their eyes on. They can also be rather loud which might make people understandably agitated. Due to their physiology, harpies in general are pretty fragile due to their bones having to be hollow to allow for flight capabilities. They are however pretty fast, have rather good eyesight plus lung capacity, and have surprisingly strong arm and leg muscles for their weight class (you really don't want to have a harpy swoop at you talons first). Some inventive ones can even figure out to use their feet as pseudo-hands since their upper arms have wings and thus can't properly manipulate things with such digits.
Gender: Female
Personality: Inquisitive and cheerful, Khari isn't one to be let down by things such as no internet or modern-day plumbing (even if she cries every now and then not having them). A somewhat lucky-go-happy girl, the harpy is one that finds the silver lining in just about any situation. She's also particularly prone to experimenting with whatever she finds interesting at the time due to her rather creative imaginination, often leading to mixed mixed results.
History (Pre-Mortem):In her previous life, Khari was a young female college student enrolled in an architectural design course that also worked from home via the computer. One day the girl went outside to look for bargain buyss and unfortunately suffered from an unexpected heart attack in the middle of a shopping trip in the entertainment district, solely due to incredibly bad luck on her part. Death came far too fast for the paramedics to deal with and the woman breathed her last on Earth... only to realize that she lucked out and was now reincarnated into another world as a completely different race... without thumbs.
Appearance "Oooh... shiny..."
Other: Often gets distracted by the shiny.
"Oh thank god my chest doesn't hurt as much anymore." Coming out of a drunken daze born was one groggy reincarnator who, like the others in the nearby vicinity, turned out to be quite different from her previous form. In this case, it was the lack of thumbs and hands that indicated something was off. "Why do I feel so... off..." Looking at the now feather wings where her arms used to be, the harpy's mind clicked on and all endorphine-drunken hallucinations were tossed out the window when she realized just how altered her body had become. The fact that looking down showed off scaly legs and wicked looking talons only reinforced the fact that things were DIFFERENT.

"...Okays, pros and cons time. Cons are I don't have opposable thumbs any more so manipulating things will be a right bugger along with the fact I'm apparently not human as well. Pros are... I guess I have natural weapons? And wings... Maybe I can fly!" Growing excited at the prospect, the monstergirl flapped her wings with all her strength and hovered above the ground at the amazing height of one foot before tiring out and falling flat on her rump. "Gah, birds don't have it easy..." Wheezing at how much effort it took to fly while rubbing her sore tailbone (plus new tail), the harpy mentally noted that a training regimen would have to be made to make use of any future flying.

"...Also I'll probably need some better clothes in the future as well. Rags aren't exactly known for lasting a long time..." Looking down at herself and seeing the rather baleful state of her clothes, she looked about and saw that there were other similarly talking monsters scattered about the area, reacting to their own bodies like they were unused to such. Maybe they went through the same thing she did? Tilting her head to one side, the newly-named Khari sat cross legged and looked like the bird-brain she was as she tried to figure out the situation.
Totally not jumping on the band-wagon due to being a past Re:Monster fan.

Name: Khari
Race: Harpy
Race Abilities: Harpies are known to be somewhat of a bother for regular folk due to having the cunning of a humanoid monster and the flight ability of bird monsters. As such, valuables (specially shiny things) tend to be stolen along with anything else harpies set their eyes on. They can also be rather loud which might make people understandably agitated. Due to their physiology, harpies in general are pretty fragile due to their bones having to be hollow to allow for flight capabilities. They are however pretty fast, have rather good eyesight plus lung capacity, and have surprisingly strong arm and leg muscles for their weight class (you really don't want to have a harpy swoop at you talons first). Some inventive ones can even figure out to use their feet as pseudo-hands since their upper arms have wings and thus can't properly manipulate things with such digits.
Gender: Female
Personality: Inquisitive and cheerful, Khari isn't one to be let down by things such as no internet or modern-day plumbing (even if she cries every now and then not having them). A somewhat lucky-go-happy girl, the harpy is one that finds the silver lining in just about any situation. She's also particularly prone to experimenting with whatever she finds interesting at the time due to her rather creative imaginination, often leading to mixed mixed results.
History (Pre-Mortem):In her previous life, Khari was a young female college student enrolled in an architectural design course that also worked from home via the computer. One day the girl went outside to look for bargain buyss and unfortunately suffered from an unexpected heart attack in the middle of a shopping trip in the entertainment district, solely due to incredibly bad luck on her part. Death came far too fast for the paramedics to deal with and the woman breathed her last on Earth... only to realize that she lucked out and was now reincarnated into another world as a completely different race... without thumbs.
Appearance "Oooh... shiny..."
Other: Often gets distracted by the shiny.
Orient Town

"Waaaaaaaaaa, I feel like a certain action movie star that comes from China!" Tailred was not having the time of her life at the moment, if only because an angry catgirl with very sharp claws were trying to cut her up. Thankfully she had armor on her body, but what if the claws had hit her hair?! What then?! Attempting to catch the blows with her body and gauntlets while wildly shifting her head to and fro was only making her feel more hurt and tired, especially with how wild the girl was being at the moment. Huffing and puffing while guarding her sides that were aching something furiously, Tailred's eyes were bleary and the girl herself was wondering if she should just take the hits to get the catgirl to go away. All of a sudden though, a certain event had occurred that caused the diminutive warrior to suddenly ignite with a fierce fighting spirit. And fire. Lots of fire. In the air, few strands of red hair were fluttering in the updraft, severed by sharp claws... "No. One. Damages. My. TWINTAILS!" Grabbing two somewhat intact tables in each hands, the now thoroughly reinvigorated Tailred slammed them towards each other to try to sandwich Taokaka in between the wooden furniture.
...Actually due to today being Memorial Day and me having been subjected to certain events that all but wiped out my energy and mental ability, I'll try to get up a post tomorrow morning. Sorry for the trouble.
I'll get a post up either by tonight or tomorrow morning. For some reason I didn't realize the latest Taokaka post popped up. Sorry for the trouble. ^^.
Orient Town

"Why is this happening to me?!" The plaintive cries of a rather distressed Tailred rang out as she repeatedly dodged this way and that. Given that she was in an enclosed space with quite a few rubble and didn't want to use her sword on the quite frankly in-the-right if somewhat overeager catgirl, Taokaka got quite a few hits in with her claws. Strangely enough though, the costume didn't get ripped to shreds where the claws had hit but caused sparks to fly about, much like how action worked in certain sentai shows. "Guh..." Still, the hits had HURT. Stumbling backwards with a huge grimace on her face and clutching the areas hit, the magical girl responded in kind. "Tailred Emergency Technique!" Blurting that out, the girl focused so that her twintails lit on fire before venting off hot air through the hair ornaments to perform what was essentially a fancy augmented headbutt.
Orient Town

"Okays, it's time to-" Whatever Tailred was going to say upon her rather harder than normal landing was shortly curtailed when seemed to be jumped by a tanned girl in a cat hoodie. "Waaaaahhhh, I'm sorry!" Hugging her twintails and performing frantic dodging that would make veteran martial arts superstar Jackie Chan proud, the girl ran around randomly while being pursued by the angry cat girl to keep her hair out of the angry woman's claws. And given that this place operated on an entirely different currency than she was used to, the poor magical girl couldn't do things the easy way. Turning around and mentally apologizing in her head at the last second, the girl used pyrokinetic thrust to nitro boost a flying kick at Taokaka's way, hoping it would stun her long enough to beat a hasty retreat.
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