Avatar of Grifter
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 66 (0.02 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Grifter 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Entertain me NOW! o.o
7 yrs ago
Currently trying to decide on if I should watch a show, a movie or try and write a story. I'm struggling to find myself. . .
8 yrs ago
Looking for people to role play with.
8 yrs ago
Blah. Decisons decisions. Should I or should I not make a role play?
9 yrs ago
Let's get this show on the road!


Well, the name is Grifter. I suck at these whole "about me" things.

- Role player

- Writer

- Binger of TV shows. ( xD )

- Gamer PC and Console

I love fall and winter even though Texas only seems to have two seaons, summer and super short winter. I'm not much of a talker, I find myself to be a horrible conversationalist but once on a topic I like, I can probably babble on for ages.

I have social anxiety which blows because it makes day to day life extremely difficult.

I use writing and role playing as a distraction from life when it becomes too unbearable so I'm constantly scribbling down ideas for stories or role play ideas. Though not many of them see the light of day, that's okay.

Well, if you want to know more in depth about me, don't hesitate to ask.

Most Recent Posts

@Cat We're always accepting! Post it in the OOC, once approved you can post it into the Characters tab. :D
@Spinosaurus Lol. Yes, that is what it is based off of, glad someone noticed. And, well, we are here if you ever decide to join us. :3
Evina watched as the small girl slid to the ground and speak to no one in particular though with what had just happened she might be speaking to some unseen force just like she did. Taking a step back as the girl lifted the knife once more only to hug it to her chest then look up to Evina, a small fragile smile reaching her lips as she spoke. “I’m Chara.”

Evina’s brow arched again at the girl, her focus then turning to the empty hallway as the girl looked over at something that she could only see. Aedan shrugged his shoulders while Tristram and Isaac both made a motion of swirling their finger around the temple of their hands as to say the girl was crazy in the head. Evina clicked her tongue towards them and made and shooing motion towards them as if to tell them to get lost. She took a step towards the girl and knelt down as she reached out with her hand. “Evina. And those idiots are Tristram, Aedan and Isaac.” She motioned behind her where the three boys stood though in any sane person there would be an empty hallway with chairs in random places.
Evina had been about to walk away to avoid having to see the doctor. She’d remember seeing a few of the other patients going to see the doctor, some never came back while others weren’t the same when they went in. She had contemplated having the guys check it out but feared that something would happen to them if she sent them there. Her lips twitched slightly as she watched the girl before her run back from her room only to return back the hallway a knife in hand as she then drove it through the nurse’s neck and continued on her assault stabbing the woman in other areas. The boys looked to the scene then back to Evina who only stood there unfazed by what had been happening before her eyes. It hadn’t been the first time she’d seen someone die, nor would it be the last. Blood began to pool around the nurse, taking a step back Evina looked to the girl who seemed as if she had no idea what had just happened. “I’m sorry… so so sorry, please forgive me. I didn’t even have control over myself. I didn’t even see it happen. Please forgive me. Help me please!” Evina tilted her head as the girl looked to her begging and pleading with her to help.

Suddenly, Evina turned her attention to the nurse who was now lying in a pool of her own blood when suddenly her ghost appeared before her and looked down at her own body. “Yeah, you’re dead… Go into that stupid white light every one of you people talk about. Don’t bother me; I have enough of you people wandering around me to care about you.” The nurse looked to Evina and scowled. “You heard her ghostie, take a hike to the big bright light in the sky.” Evina swatted at the air next to her only for it to make contact with Tristram’s shoulder.
@The1Rolling1Boy That's fine with me. You have have more than one character but no more than at least 3 or 4.
Evina blinked as she was suddenly hugged by the young girl, her eyes widened as her embrace tightened. She blinked a few times before looking down at the girl, her lips parted as she had been about to speak only to be interrupted by the girl hugging her. “Oh thank Asgore you’re an actual person!” Asgore? An actual person? What? Evina looked at the girl in confusion. Just then the atmosphere suddenly changed, the girl released her grip from Evina and it was then that she had noticed a change in the girl as well. “Now go away before I go back into my room and get my knife so I can kill you like I did with everyone else!” Evina’s eyes narrowed slightly as the girl’s voice took on different pitches. It was then that the boys all stood before Evina as if in a protective stance, their eyes all drawn to the girl standing before them with pitch black eyes.

“You need to step away and let us handle this.” “Yeah, we need you here; you can’t get hurt so leave now.” Evina looked between the three boys then back over to the girl and laughed maniacally. “You think I am scared of someone like you? Oh please, I have seen roaches in this place bigger than you.” She snorted before shaking her head and shoving Aedan and Isaac aside. “If you want to kill me, I suggest doing it instead of saying it because if you don’t, I just mi-…” “Evina! Chara! What are you two doing out of your rooms? You know the rules, it is lights out time.” The nurse came hauling down the hallway and standing between the two staring them down with an angry glare. Evina’s nose wrinkled and her eyes narrowed at the woman standing between them. “You know I can’t sleep.” The nurse sighed and took Evina by the arm. “Shall we go and see the doctor then? I am sure he can give you something for that.” Evina forcefully removed her arm from the nurse’s grip. “No, I’m fine…” The nurse nodded. “Then go to your room, both of you. If I catch you two out again, I will have to sedate and strap you down.”
Evina stared at the girl for a moment, a single brow arched as she waited for her to respond. “Wait you can see Flowey?” The girl asked as she stopped dead in her tracks. Evina chuckled softly and looked behind her again seeing nothing. Just as she had been about to respond the boys showed up, a grin upon all three handsome faces. This meant trouble… Evina looked to the three and shook her head before turning back to the girl who suddenly spoke telling someone to shut up so that they could speak instead. “Is this kid bothering you Evi?” She furrowed her brows towards Aedan. “Yeah, want us to take care of her? You know we can…” She shot a glare towards Tristram. “No, you three need to go find your fun elsewhere. And stop following me!” She shouted and gripped at her hair as if she were about to pull it out.

Evina yawned and swung her feet over the bed and stood up. Looking around her room not seeing Tristram, Aedan or Isaac she shrugged her shoulders and walked out of her room and looked down the hallway noticed a small figure pulling something invisible behind her. Arching a brow she waved to the figure. “Whatcha pulling behind ya kid?" She looked behind the figure’s shoulder and looked around then looked back to the girl before jumping as all three male figures popped out with a shout. “Boo!” Evina blinked repeatedly, her heart racing a million miles per minute as she tried to catch her rhythm once more.

Evina = pink

Boys = Blue
@The1Rolling1Boy sorry, I didn't get a notification. I'll reply soon
@The1Rolling1Boy You may also enter your first post at any time. :3
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