Avatar of Gurren1
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    1. Gurren1 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Its been 8 months since I last signed in. Hello everyone!!!!
8 yrs ago
Happy Valentines Day!
8 yrs ago
Still waiting on someone to do a Gundam RP with me lol.
8 yrs ago
The one day in a long time I can actually relax and do RPs its a slow day around here.
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8 yrs ago


Just here doing stuff love doing Mecha and Horror RPs.

Most Recent Posts

@Cyanic Very good pros and cons for the stand. Accepted!

@Vulkan Of course it is open. I would recommend if you are a little short on ideas to check out the tumblr page stand stand where there is hundreds of stand ideas.
@dragonmancer Great,now we just wait for the other players to show up.
@dragonmancer Accepted! Wonderful layout,I hope you don't mind if I may use it.
Example(Also minor villain)

Name: Paul Townsled
Gender: Male
Age: 260 years old
Description: Paul Townsled is of average height (6'0") mbut well built, with white shoulder length hair. Townsled wears the British Red Coat from the American Revolution however it is tattered and ripped. In the center of his neck is a hole from a musket that killed him but covers it up with a white scarf. He has dark brown eyes and is extremely pale.

Personality: Townsled has a blank expression most times and obeys all orders from his masters that brought him back from the ground. He cannot speak due to the hole in his neck. The fatal wound brings great shame to him and if anyone else sees it Townsled goes into a blind rage.

Bio: Townsled was a die hard British Loyalist during the Amercian Revolution and thought of the colonists as below him. His die hard nature was even a little much for his officers who found his words and action a little extreme. During the Burning of Falmouth in which he lead the company of soldiers to burn down the town, he was fatally wounded by a local militia men. As he struggled for air for a few seconds Townsled couldn't believe his death was at the hands of a colonist. Legend says his eyes glowed with rage before chocking on his blood. After the battle he was hastily buried in Maine and almost forgotten. However in 2010 he was brought back by a vampire and eventually gained a stand through a nefarious way. He is one of the many zombies brought back but he differs from the rest by not blending in but fully embracing his brutal ways. Only attacking at night he stalks Seiver Falls looking for lonely souls.

Stand Name: St. John Passion
Description of Stand: St. John Passion is a thin bright red humanoid figure. It has a very smooth surface execpt for its head which is covered with four eyes two on each side. The eyes are bright white with tiny hollow pupils.
Ablitites of Stand: St. John Passion has the ability to launch up to 8 penny sized bubbles from the eyes (2 from each eye). It can launch these from a range of 800 feet(244 meters) and travel at around 10 mph(16 kmh). The bubbles will follow the target until out of range win which they will pop. The bubbles are a clear color expect in the middle where a pea sized red gas is barely visible. If the bubbles get within 5 inches of the target or are popped they release a corrosive acid unto the target. The corrosive acid will instantly melt anything less then titanium.
Weakness of Stand: The stand can only launch 8 bubbles a minute and other then that it's punches are that of an average human. By getting out of range the bubbles will instantly pop.

Destructive Power: C
Speed: C
Range: B
Durability: C
Precision: B
Development Potential/Learning: D
The RP is now up

Slowly but surely the days grow darker and darker.. The city of Seiver Falls, Maine is the average small city where buildings don't reach the sky and residents that define the word middle class. It was a boring but safe place...until two months ago during the dog days of July when strange events plagued the city. Many residents started developing stands or a phenomenon where a persons fighting spirit manifests itself physically around its user. However just as more and more people started gaining these strange abilities residents started rapidly disappearing. Just as this was happening mysterious beings started attacking people without even moving. With each disappearance and attack the police were more and more puzzled, but that all changed September 2nd when a body was finally found. The victim which wasn't identified had holes and was sucked dry of all blood. Once this news was released many people started panicking as to what could have done this but as some ran away others came. Some looking for answers to the disappearances others wanting to protect the city while some just came for a bizzare adventure.

Hello, as you may have already guessed this RP will be based around the long running excellent series of Jojo's Bizzare Adventure. However if you are new to the series or have no idea what jojo even is have no worries as all you need is the most basic knowledge of the series to hop in. Which I shall try to explain below.

Definitely interested, I have a few Stand ideas...

Great if you would like PM so I may hear about them.
@dragonmancer I like the idea tell me more when you get the abilities down. Also I think I will use the ranking system for the stand powers. However I do not know if I should allow anyone's stands to have an A rank.
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