Avatar of Gypsy_Lady
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  • Posts: 93 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Gypsy_Lady 10 yrs ago


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Hi all! I'm Gypsy_Lady, but everyone can call me Gypsy for short. I'm a 20 something year old woman, sorry no exact ages, and I've been doing RP's since I was in my early teens.
I love to write, even if sometimes my writing isn't the best as I do have punctuation issues, and sometimes I type faster than my brain can think so I have some spelling issues every once in a while as well, thank goodness I have MS Word for spell checking.
I'm a romantic at heart and so most of my RP's have romance of some sort and at different levels, depending on who I'm RPing with. I also tend to be pretty descriptive with everything I write, sometimes it can be unnecessarily descriptive.
Here is a current list of my characters
Here is a current list of plots for my characters

Most Recent Posts

Ash was silent after she asked the question waiting until they were out of range of the gate into Gennovia. "You never know who is listening in the crowd. You may call me over cautious, but sometimes secrecy will save you a lot of trouble later on." he replied glancing around them, not seeing anyone following them. "The man that asked me to take you to Azen, he said it's important that we stop at the Temples of the High Priestess on the way to the city. Before I came to meet you I mapped out the locations where the six other temples are at. Unfortunately there are only two that are close to the main road. The rest are going to require us to backtrack a little bit. The first one is one of those nearby ones in the small city of Fennire to the west." Ash explained now as he walked at a steady pace on the main road as they headed towards the fork in the road.

Ash grew quiet after that as they went. He wasn't the best at making conversation, especially when it came to talking to women. That being said he wasn't comfortable with the awkward silence either so he searched for something to talk about, anything that would break the silence would do. "Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think you're from the city of Gennovia at all are you? I'm sorry we couldn't spend more time sight seeing, but what did you think of the city?"
Alright thank you very much for the feedback! I appreciate it. :D

If you have an idea for what to do with the character in the carriage go ahead and do something with them, if not I think I can come up with an idea for something later on maybe.

RPing with you has been awesome so far. There's nothing I could ask you to change so just keep doing what you're doing. :)
Hi! *Waves* I just thought I'd say hi!

Also I know we aren't very far into this rp, but I was wondering what you thought of it so far? Is there anything I'm doing that's making it hard to do replies? I know I've been writing rather long replies, but when I play my character and a support character I do tend to write longer posts. I've been out of the RP scene for so long I'm not sure what my skill level is anymore, and if I'm making things difficult to reply to.

Also do I need to speed things up or slow things down at all? I've always thought I move the story along a bit slowly so I've been trying to keep this one a good pace but I'm not sure if I'm succeeding or not.

I'm sorry for not expanding on the person in the carriage if that's what you wanted me to do. I wasn't sure if you wanted me to do anything with them or not since you brought them in and I didn't want to take over that.

Anyways sorry for the 20 question game, I just wanted to know how you thought things were going so far and if there was something I needed to change.
Ash watched the carriage go as Vivian spoke about it. "We get a lot of carriages coming through town. They are probably heading to the castle. The king has a lot of things going on lately that require visitors from distant parts of the kingdom. It's probably just another town leader." Ash replied in a calm tone once more. "Let's get going Vivian." He looked at the woman now before beginning to lead the woman out of the city.

As the two of them approached the gate Ash looked back taking one last look at the city of Gennovia knowing it would be a bit of time before he saw his home again. Taking a deep breath as he closed his eyes to keep the memory fresh in his mind, Ash walked forward pushing open the gate door for him and Vivian to exit through. Once they were on the other side of the gate they could see the farms sprawling out in front of them as the winding main road went right through the farmlands.

Ash pointed to the section of the road that branched off going both East and West. "We are headed to that fork in the road. Once there I will explain where we are heading after that." he spoke to the woman as he began leading the way, the two of them quickly making their way through the farmlands.
Ash gave the woman a few odd side glances but answered most of her questions as they walked past the stalls. The one she had about the currency really threw him off as he explained it was called Yukka, which was an all coin currency. Ash had thought that the Gennovian Yukka was the most widely known currency as the traders from the other nearby kingdoms often converted their own currency to the Yukka when they entered the kingdom in order to trade their wares here. He was beginning to wonder just where the woman was from, since it was clear to him that she couldn't be from this kingdom. Pushing his own burning question of where she was from to the back of his mind, he tried to keep moving but Vivian's curiosity seemed to keep them in the marketplace as she continued to ask questions of things that grabbed her attention.

Ash had just finished explaining to Vivian that the fruit she held was called a Very Berry, which was similar in texture and taste to a Strawberry, when he noticed people quickly starting to make a path. "Vivian!" Ash called in a sharp tone as he grabbed her wrist to stop her from wandering off to the next thing that had drawn her attention. He pulled the woman back against him to stop her movement, only a couple seconds passed before a wooden carriage pulled by a black horse quickly passed them and all the other people that had moved to open a path for the vehicle. Ash breathed a soft sigh of relief while all the people around them returned to what they had been doing, not even phasing them in the slightest. His blue eyes opened as they looked sharply at Vivian now. "You need to pay attention to what's going on around you. That could have been bad." his tone was sharp with worry as he quickly released her wrist from his grasp.
It's no problem. That happens to me a lot too. :)
"A moment before you go." Rura stopped Vivan before she could leave. He pulled out the soul crystal that was connected to her energy. The Elder Sage murmured something softly under his breath before blowing onto the crystal. the faint glow it had became stronger for a moment before fading back to what it was. Rura gave a slight cough before he handed the crystal to Vivian. "Please take care not to lose the crystal. It is the only way to gather the Elder Sages energy to help enable to High Sages to help you, it is an invaluable item for your journey. Good luck my lady." Rura smiled at Vivian from beneath his hood as he took a step back from the two. He looked to Ash now, a serious look on his face that made the hair on the back of Ash's neck stand up on end. "Make sure Vivian's journey is a safe one Sir Ashton." Rura said in a calm tone, but Ash could almost hear the hint of a warning in his tone.

"Of course. She is safe with me, you both have my word on that." Ash replied with a bow of his head to the Elder Sage before looking at Vivian. "We should go. There isn't a lot of time before nightfall to get to our first stop." he warned her before turning to leave waiting for Vivian to follow after him. Ash led the way down the sloping hill heading towards Gennovia and the main road that would take them through the farmlands just outside of town, once past there they would be out of the city limits of Gennovia and on the main path towards the much smaller city of Fennire where they would hopefully be spending the night.

Rura watched the two head towards the city, positive now that he had chosen a good knight to physically protect the priestess, while he and his fellow Elder Sages would protect her spiritually. The man gave another cough this time barely able to catch his breath. Staggering slightly the sage made his way back into the temple then to his chambers before collapsing on the floor. He could feel the energy from his magical tea wearing off as his strength all but left him. Rura inhaled sharply before his eyes fluttered then closed. His body was still, then slowly it began to fade away leaving nothing behind.

As Ash and Vivian approached Gennovia, Ash glanced over at the woman. "Be sure to stay close when we get into the city, even though it's afternoon the streets will still be pretty crowded and I don't want to lose you in the crowd." He warned the woman as they entered into the city through a not so crowded side street. The two approached the cobblestone main road with had many vendor stalls with colorful canopies set up over them. They were selling various things from fresh fruits and vegetables to odd little trinkets that were mostly for decoration. People stood around bartering and buying from the many vendors while others made their way across the street to other stalls. Ash stopped and looked at Vivian pointing to the large city gate a short ways ahead of them. "Once we go through there we'll be outside the walls of the city, and you'll see the farmlands just outside. We will follow the road through the farmlands and outside of the city limits. I'll tell you more about where we're headed once we get out there." he spoke in a slightly louder tone so she could hear him over the low constant murmur of the shopping crowd.
"Vivian." Rura repeated the name in a low tone as he scribbled her name on the parchment then drew an odd symbol on it as well. Folding the paper he put it in a large envelope before handing it to the woman. "Make sure you keep this on you at all times, the symbol is something that only the sages can read, but it's important you present that to them, I will give you the soul crystal as well before you begin your journey. I will return shortly with someone to escort you on your journey, I only ask that you trust my judgment. I have no reason to see harm befall you. I suggest resting until I return so that you have strength to start traveling today." Rura bowed his head to the woman before opening the door and leaving through it. He pulled up his hood and placed it down covering his face.

Rura made his way into Gennovia to seek out a young knight by the name of Ashford Kingstone. The Elder Sage had done some research in the previous days to find someone who could escort who ever Rura had brought here. The information he had gotten was of the young knight who came from a line of knights. While a bit soft spoken, Ashford was protective to a fault and would make sure that nothing harmed those under his watch. Rura knew this knight would be perfect for this quest. He had been told that Ashford frequented a tavern called The Emerald Goblet in the late afternoons for a quick meal before returning to his rounds in the castle. Rura hoped to catch the man there to speak with him. Once at the tavern the sage glanced around the interior before finding the man he was looking for. His jet black hair appeared unruly today as the back stuck out at odd angles, and his icy blue eyes glanced out a nearby window in thought.

Approaching the man's table Rura sat down as Ash gave him an odd look, waiting quietly for the man to speak. "Greetings knight, I know you are a knight for hire and I have need of your service." Rura said in a quiet voice as his eyes peered out from beneath his hood. The man remained silent but kept his eyes on Rura and gave a slight nod of his head, indicating he was listening. "There is a young woman who just got into town that needs an escort to take her to the city of Azen. Along the way you will need to stop at the Temples of the High Priestess so they may bless your journey."

"The ancient city of Sages? Why would she need to go there?" Ash asked sharply when he heard the name. He did respect the sages, but that city was a special place, and taking someone there who didn’t normally live there seemed like an odd request.

“The reason is not important. All you need to know is that there is a darkness that threatens the Kingdom of Gennovia. The darkness has made the kingdom more dangerous, and the woman needs to make it to the city safely. There are creatures that wouldn’t normally have the power to raid towns that have been, and the wild creatures seem to be appearing in greater numbers than before. The woman would be in danger if she went alone. Will you escort her or not? I know this is something that you need payment in advance for, and I’ve come prepared with that.” Rura spoke in a sharp tone at first before it softened to a gentle murmur as he pulled a large pouch from his cloak and set it on the table in front of him.

Ash was silent for a moment debating his decision before giving a slight nod, he took the pouch from the table and stood to his feet. “Where should I be meeting you two at? I need to go and take care of some preparations before I leave.” He looked at the hooded man who appeared relieved at his agreement.

“Just outside of the Temple of the High Goddess, we will be waiting there for your arrival.” Rura spoke with a bow of his head before standing to his feet as well and making his way out of the tavern. Ash watched him go wondering just what he had gotten himself into. He didn’t like being a knight for hire but with the new law passed by the king since the lands had become more dangerous he couldn’t deny a person help without good reason.

After he had finished what he needed to prepare before the trip Ash made his way to the temple to meet the woman. As he approached he saw the two standing outside the door to the temple. He observed the woman carefully taking in her appearance, the clothing beneath her cloak seemed quite odd to him, however Ash decided not to ask about it right now deciding it wasn’t too important. As he approached the two he bowed his head. “Hello.” He said in a calm tone. Ash stood wearing his upper arm and his leg armor which shimmered slightly in the afternoon light; he wore a thick leather vest over his sleeveless, long necked shirt. He also wore a pair of dark green pants beneath the leg armor. The pants were tucked into a pair of brown traveling boots.

“Vivian, this is Ashford Kingstone. He’s the knight that has agreed to travel with you on your journey.” Rura spoke gesturing to the young knight as he bowed his head at the woman
Oh no please don't apologize! I don't expect every post to be super long, I mean you can't have an rp without some shorter posts in my opinion.
Also I'm sorry I'm super tired, so I can't post tonight, but I will post tomorrow for you.
Hi Haruki!
So I know that last post of mine is kind of hard to reply to. I'm sorry I just realized that Vivian wasn't exactly introduced. I'm sorry about that.
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