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Sha'knora watched as the operations officer turned and left to received drinks. Sha'knorw then turned her attention back to Tiege. She observed her movements. A touching of the hair and the way her posture was showed a knot of stress and unease.

"Sorry if I make you uncomfortable. But please, I am as regular as any other person. I know I lack any pheremones or a true smell of an organic being, but please allow me to apologize for causing discomfort. "

Sha'knora hoped by stating the obvious things would clear up and it would be on a path to generating a friendship.
Vestiago mostly ignored the bells. He was a sound sleeper. But of course, he was always awake when he needed to be. His monster reflexes usually allowed him to dodge or anticipate most things. Vestiago then awoke after the bells penetrated his dreams. He yawned like a bear awakening from hibernation. He slowly got up from his bed and dressed. He didn't have much to do in order to be ready. He shook the remainder of the sleep from his body. He stretched his body until bones cracked with a painful satisfaction. His muscles ready as he noticed his stomach rumbled.

"Time to eat." He muttered to himself as he opened his door and turned towards the stairs. Then something small hit his stomach. It smelled nice and girly. A childish allure to the senses as Vestiago looked down. He watched as the young girl picked herself up from the encounter.

"No worries! I am glad to see you awake!" He said with a laugh and smile. His joy rose up and filled him again. A fine spirit he held this morning. He now remembered the importance of this morning. Then his ears picked up conversation from below. He took his time to make it to the dining hall. His friends were already up and about with a morning drink. But only a snack was picked up by the others. Vestiago was glad to see Hawk.

"Hawk. My friend! Good to see you this morning. We shall have time to converse after a hot morning meal!" Vestiago then lumbered his mass over to the food stored away. He took a handful of meats and a mixture of vegetables. The kitchen that Vestiago went to explore was well made. It was more than sufficient to cook a large meal. He quickly found his tools for his skills as a chef. Vestiago set himself to creating a spicy smoked stir fry. It was a special dish he had learned while in the eastern countries. The small men there sure knew how to use spices and herbs. The house soon became filled with the spicy scent of the food. The heat and steam warmed up Vestiago. He was only at home in two elements, a kitchen and the ring.
Themerlinhawk said
You're missing the point of my character. He is adaptable. I'm not a combat specialist, Solomon is fufilling the roll of the back door man right now. It's the "Shit we have a problem get the fuck out and I'll cover you" role. In an all out fight Solomon is no good. Hence the poisiners blade and throwing knives that require you to throw from a range of being able to reach out and slap the person. These aren't "lets get into a brawl weapons" these are "hey whats up, oh btw check your stomach I put a knife their" weapons. Solomon is a blunt instument that gets brought out when someone screws up and you need to bash someones head in, inorder to make your escape. He doesn't take on six guards and kill them all he fascilitates whoever screwed up escapes by throwing all of his knives at the guards and running like a little bitch so they will chase him, dumps his gear, fades into the crowd and three days later comes back to poisin any one who remembers what he looked like.If you've ever played the game Thief think of Solomon as Garett's blackjack. You have it, you can use it if you have to and ya sure it works really great if you get the drop on someone but it's terrible in a fight of more than a few seconds and typically you don't lead with it you just use it if you screw up a more finessed approach. whilst our other two combat people function like Garett's bow. It's intended purpose is to kill people and it does that very well without a hell of a lot of risk to the user.

Vestiago does lots of fighting. :D
Sha'Knora watched as her ship mate grew afraid. She monitored her heart rate and scanned for release of pheromones due to fear. Sha'Knora then took note of her physical changes and her behavior actions. Her pupils dilated and she pursed her lips along with a tension along her body. Sha'Knora took it as her ship mate was surprised by her appearance. She decided it was best not to emulate human behaviors and endorse her already robotic personality. Then her Operations Officer arrived. He seemed to be slightly exhausted with an elevated heart rate. But nothing out of the normal. He came on with a kind and inviting smile. His stance gave off the message of relaxation and interest. Sha'Knora responded in kind with her own change of attitude.

"A Velkon Sweet drink would be all for me." She said turning her head to the woman sitting for an answer.

Sha'Knora adopted a new aura and stance to show an opening to comfort her acquaintances. She placed a hand on her hip and stuck it out slightly. Changing her balancing to be more open and curvy. Sha'Knora tried to make it as natural as possible. She hoped it didn't seem to be trying too hard and she even put on a bit of a smile. Then she took a seat from across Teige and weaved her fingers together. Looking Teige in the eyes. "To answer you, not exactly. Cyborgs are organic beings augmented with machinery for various reasons. I am an android. I am made near completely from synthetic material. I again apologize for seeming cold. I lack programming for the warmth or emotions found in regular organic life forms." Sha'Knora spouted information in an attempt to cover up her strange behavior.
Vestiago felt good about putting himself into the group. His destruction of the table was the least of his worries. He knew that Hawk could care less for the table. And Vestiago needed it to broken for his show of force. His fist wasn't even slightly damaged from the attack on the table. Vestiago found the whole team formed a capable unit. He smiled and grew happy.

"Good! Every one is here! Now let us become friends and get good sleep! We have a busy day tomorrow!"

Vestiago then waved a good bye and walked upstairs. He watched as the young girl took the closest room. He then picked the next closest room and took off his cloak. Then locked the door behind him and went to sleep.
I'll be gone on a weekend long camping trip. Ozzy can bot me till I get back.
Ill be gone on a weekend long camping trip. Take me over for now whiskey.
Sha'Knora awoke from her sleep. Thought it was more of a hibernation stasis than sleep. She wondered what it would be like to imitate sleep. She had heard often that people would say goodnight and sleep well. But she hadn't known what it was like to sleep. But she wondered more what it was like to dream. She understood the concept from downloading the theory of it from science databases and online archives, but she didn't feel she could emulate it. It was worth a try as she got up from her bed. She had not achieved what she believed dreaming was. Sha'Knora stored the data for later and readied herself for the day. She received the message from Operations Officer B15
Nadan Taushir. An invitation to go and meet with her fellow crew mates on a more casual level. She decided that it was an optimal opportunity to learn personalities and how they interacted with each other. Sha'Knora dressed and made her way to the bar. She wondered what to expect and if there was much else to do before departure. She couldn't think of anything that stood out and decided it was best to focus on the task at hand.

She quickly made her way to the bar. It was partially filled. She involuntarily and automatically scanned for weapons and any other dangerous materials. She of course found none. She calculated low danger levels and then began to look for the Operations Officer. She spotted the Executive Chef and waved her hand in greeting. Sha'Knora put on a mood and aura of casual yet interested in hopes of being regular. She walked up to Teige and looked at her.

"Greetings. Nice to meet you. I am Navigations Officer Sha'Knora. May I join you?"

Sha'Knora then waited for a response. Her clothing was standard off duty USLSS uniform. Her robotics were mostly covered up, but her black optical nanosteel eyes stared down at Teige.
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