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    1. Hakara 10 yrs ago


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Verlin groaned. "Chaaaarms I suck at charms." She got all pouty, and actually looked like a dog for a second. Ester scratched her as if to tell her to stop complaining. She picked the cat up from under the table by her underarms, and looked her straight in the eye "And you I didn't ask for your opinion." Her and the cat entered a staring match, and the cat nuzzled her face as if to apologize. "Dang straight." She pet the cat, and then set her back down, and she went back under the table. She pushed her breakfast away, and took a look around the hall. She noticed a girl walk out with a fox, and wagged her tail.

"Have you seen that girl Isaak. I didn't know foxes were allowed at hogwarts!" She paused for a moment admiring the fox. "Had I known that I would have brought my das wolf Kenny." She smiled a sad smile. Kenny was a good friend to her father. He tried to protect him during the last moments of his life. She had nearly forgotten that Kenny had been 3 years dead. She got up from the table, and realized it was probably time for them to head to class. She ticked off her items in her head making sure she had everything.
"Umm sure sounds good." Amaya said to his reply of wanting to hunt. She decided to go play in the territory for a little while. She perked her ears up and heard Treshan howling. She let out a little growl the black flames forming around her. She didn't care that she was only a pup. He was nice to her so she would help him no matter what. "I'm coming." She howled back. She padded in the direction she heard the cries.
"A little bit actually." She looked suddenly embarrass. She didn't exactly make it public that she started school later than the other children, and it was always a thorn in her side when school started. She hoped not too many people would find out, because her fellow Slytherin's would exploit her weakness if they could. "I can't wait for transfiguration and defense against the dark arts." She wouldn't admit it, but in most other classes she had a lot of catching up to do. She was passable at potions, or she at least had managed not to blow anything up. "Speaking of which I almost forgot." She transfigured herself to where her ears, and tail appeared, but she paused suddenly. She felt eyes roving the Great Hall.

She followed her senses until they guided her to the auror at the school. She saw him jotting down notes, and wondered what the hell his game was. "Oh and Isaak we have another on the list of people to watch out for this year I think take a look at who's taking notes." It bugged her to no end that he was, and she didn't know why. She wanted to know what an auror could want with Hogwarts. After all it had always been renowned as one of the safest places, and security had only tightened since Harry Potter and his friends.
"Probably." The pup whispered "Did she die.... I saw both my parents dead..." The haunted look reentered her eyes, but she stayed close to Rose, glad for something that was familiar. Ordinarily this pup was brave, and sassy, but the loss of everything was hitting her hard. "How did you get out?" She was eager for any news of her pack for good or ill. "Do you know if anyone else got out?"
Leta saw the bandits and withdrew her swords wordlessly joining the other fighters. For now she decided not to speak to the other fighters. She preferred to kill silently and in a dignified way. She decided chit chat would come later. She figured if she wanted to get hired she might as well defend the village, and get some credibility under her belt. She waited for the enemy to come, and readied herself in a skillful fighting stance. She felt the familiar itch building up inside. The battle lust was at a fever pitch. A sinister looking grin crossed her features. 'Nice way to to start in a new town.' She thought to herself, chuckling inside her head.
Leta on the street

Leta walked into a village unsure of where she was even at. All she knew was she needed food. She was nearly out, and her stomach was complaining something fierce. She walked in a careful dignified matter, but she was limping slightly. She had gone without stopping for quite awhile now. She was on the run. The last village she was in had seen her wolf transformation, and ran her out. She hated when that happened, because most of the time she didn't even live as a demon. In fact her transformation time was extremely short. A strand of her dark hair flew in her face and she brushed it aside. Her hair was getting kind of greasy as well. Her clothes were dirty, and she wished she could just stay somewhere for a little while. She supposed she would just roam until she ran into someone who could point her towards food, a bath, and perhaps somewhere that would hire a swordswoman. She had skill with the two blades she carried, and knew she could be of service somewhere.
Verlin bid Isaak a goodnight, and headed to the dorms for her first nights sleep at Hogwarts. She slept peacefully glad to be back at school. She woke up to an empty dorm room, and bolted up in panic "Figures I'm running late!!" She got out of bed quickly, and began to get ready for the day. Ester gave her a glare, and went back to sleep. She messed up her hair as artfully as she could, and grabbed everything she would need for classes that day. She grabbed Ester and said "Sorry kitty if I have to be up so do you." She made her way to the great hall hoping she would have time for a bite or two of breakfast. She hated going hungry until lunch.She almost tripped down the stairs, and the portraits were telling her she should be more careful.

She entered the great hall breathing heavily. 'Boy I need to get in shape.' She tried to compose herself as she walked to the Slytherin table, and she took her seat in as dignified a way as she could. She didn;t want to show weakness to her fellow Slytherins. She grabbed a plate and started putting food on it. She didn't wolf it down in the same way she did last night, but ate hurriedly since she was running so late.
"I..I think so." The pup said shyly. She wasn't sure, but something had definitely got into her head. "Still don't remember all the way...." She didn't like that her memories weren't clear, but she hoped that this wolf knew something. That she recognized her somehow. She was sick of not remembering, and being in the dark.
Amaya saw Treshan with a new wolf, and came up out of curiosity. She had her tail between her legs still frightened. When she saw Rose a sense of recognition hit her. She thought she might know this wolf even if distantly. She felt her legs moving her forward, and her tail wag as if totally against her will. She found herself going up to the two wolves, and attempting to nuzzle Rose. She let out a few pitiful little cries. She still couldn't say what she recognized about this wolf, but she did.
Same i wanted to make sure my character sheet was approved, and if someone could tell me what has happened so far that would be really cool.
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