Avatar of Hellis
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    1. Hellis 10 yrs ago
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5 yrs ago
Current Hey y'all. I am about to start working on a webcomic and try to draw for a living now.
7 yrs ago
Oh no. The World Ending library has started to smell of lemon again. Nobody likes dying to the smell of citrus


"Always tenderize the meat first."

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roleplayerguild.com/topics/176600-san… THE OOC IS HERE


What you can expect:
Dark, brooding death. Heavy inspiration from dark souls, Castlevania and Onimusha.
Sword fights, samurai, Wusha style fighting, eastern mysticism, vampires and various undead monstrosities.
Pitched combat and personalized storylines.

You the players will be taking the part of one of the mortal warriors embroiled in a war for humanities survival. Be you a foreigner stuck on the island of Najin, a samurai or survivors from the mainland, you are all bound by a common goal. To return the world into the hands of the living. Each of you have been given a "Heavenly Weapon". Weapons that can permanently kill even the Sanguine Nobles, leaders of undead.

Once the home of a mighty empire, the lands of Watai now lay still, reeking of death. Any remaining bastions of Humanity, like Sa living cities are walled up, their sentinels forever vigilant. The Nang Dynstasy, the former rulers of his vast land, is no more. Its empress dead, and its nobles savage vampiric undead who fight as much among themselves as they do the living. TO the south, rumors speak of the Twin Empresses alliance falling apart, and of their very own dark horrors starting to emerge.

In the north, the Steppe nomads who were forced to retreat across the desert to escape the undead Nang dynasties violent deaththroes, speak of a savior. A great Khan who carried divine favor. Who will help them rid the world of the monsters that now roam their old steppes.

Of its coast and across the Crimson Sea. Lies the country of Najin, a country once divided by petty rivalries and the pursuit of power and glory. Now united in desperation to push back he dead. Before the sanguine fever overtook it like it had most of the mainland, interactions with the Nang Dynasty had been purely antagonistic, many of its ships flying black flags and profiteering of piracy along the Watai shores. However, Naji was not spared the sanguine hunger, as one of these ships drifted into the harbor of Yukiona, carrying with it a crew of undead.

From there, the undead spread like a plague across a divided country. But Najin would not befall the same fate the the mainlands as a monk by the name of Naito Tahoma found a way to halt the undeads tear trough the country. Contained within a old scripture that his monestary had been entrusted with a long time ago, he found means to combat this evil. He rallied to him the last remaining retainers of the various living clans and together, the last of the samurai road to meet the undead hordes that were once their comrades.

It was a hard fought victory. But now, Najin stands as a bastion of hope in a sea of blood. Gathering for the first time ever, is the everyone of the living leaders, ancient enemies and rivals, all united in one purpose. To make sure that the sun will once again rise upon the living.
Oml, we got battle toads.

Lost Haven Airport, C terminal.

“You sure about this.” The voice on the other end was tired and old, in a way she had never heard her beloved teacher sound. Moving her from her dojo had been rough on the old lady who had a special connection to it. But Kaya could not allow her to live in a burned out husk. So she had set her up with a friend back in LA, now she was calling to complain about the heat every two days if felt like. But this call had been her old mentors last effort to persuade her to leave the vigilante life behind. Unfortunate that was not an option for her. Not now, and likely never. But this time, she had friends.

“I am sure.” Kayas voice was calm, confident. She walked through the gate out into the airport proper. “I got backup this time” Just as she said it, a woman in black fatigues walked up to her. She was a redhead, with a build that dwarfed Kaya. Annie McDougal was a scottish born powderkeg that Kaya had not seen in years, on account of Annie being knee deep in Wet work for the government over in colombia. Until recently, where she and some others had contacted Kaya.

“Little Bangkoks not the same as you left it.” Her mentos tired voice said on the other end of the line. Kaya sighed as she fist bumped her old friend and and followed her wordlessly. They moved towards a large black SUV where a handsome black man sat at the wheel.

“Look. I gotta hang up.” She said apologetically and waited for her old teacher to protest. She didn’t. “Just be careful, ok? You almost got killed by that Yakuza fella”

“Don’t worry. I am better prepared this time. Take care of yourself ok. And invest in a better AC. LA summers can be rough.” She put the phone back into her pocket as the suv opened and two other sat waiting for her. Her old friends Lou, who been with her since the start and Feliciano who shot her a grin. Both were dressed in black fatigues and flack vests.

“Like the look boys. Even got matching haircuts.” Kaya said as she hugged them both briefly. ”I see our benefactor is coming through”

“Jade Spiders made a big mistake when they started recruiting new metas and utilize them so blatantly. Uncle Sam becomes a whole lot more hands on when your criminal network start employing metas. And with STRIKE out of commission, others have to pick up the slack. “ Lou said as he picked up a handgun from under the seat. Shooting Kaya a smile.

“I still think the name is corny as fuck” Kaya said as she slipped on her own flack jacket.

“What are you saying as if someone called Cabbie gets to complain. Besides, Strike is a dope ass organization name if you ask me.” Kaya just rolled her eyes as Lou protested and went about her way, inspecting her own weapons. They rolled down the 11th boulevard, not far from Little Thailand now. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and focused. Felt the vibrations of her magical power vibrate and activate.

“Ok boys and girl. Showtime” The door swung open, and out they went. Like one, they exited and blasted the two Jade Spider sentries with chock rounds, putting them out of commission. DOwn the stairs, two more sentry taken out before they could react.

Kick the door in, shoulder the closed into the wall, put a shock round into him while the other pour in and open fire on the surprised thugs. All four of them moved in further, now more urgently and less silently. The surprise was no longer a factor. As she rounded a corner, a man laughed at her with a machete. She went low, swept his legs with a kick, swing her gun onto her back, safety on. Her first hit sternum with a most unpleasant sound. The man went down like a sack of potatoes. She moved on, kicking in the door to he inner sanctum. Immediately, she had to dodge away from a green shiny whiplike chain. She moved to the side, grabbed her gun and fired into the room, driving people to seek cover, tagging totwo in the back, taking them down.

The meta rose up, slashed across the entire room wit hs chain, hitting and knocking down to his own. Kaya simply hit the floor then rolled forward into a leaping knee seemingly out of nowhere. It hit the man flush on the chin. He reeled, but before he could get his bairing she kicked him in the liver and drove a elbow to his back, driving him down to the ground. Pulling his arms behind his back he put a pair of electronic handcuffs on him.

“Your under arrest for Racketeering and smuggling in illegal mystical items as well as human trafficking.” She spoke quickly as she tightened the cuffs and awaited her team to arrive. They soon all filed in.

“Area secured. We took down seven armed associates. It appears the intel was correct. This will be a good show of force. We can expect them to become very paranoid after this.” Annie said with a grin on her lips. Kaya matched it with one of her own.

“We only just begun.”

Hi. Me please.
@nitemare shape

I allready maxed out on 4 chars thou :c
spiderverse makes me wish i made a more regular cape. it was so fucking good.

We're coming for you icon!
a bit late. But the sirens as mermaids is taken from germanic tales, where the river sirens are beautiful women.

A glowing blue and green marble. To the people of earth, their planet was a wonder, a unique thing. Of course, you’d think the abundance of things like alien invaders and superheroes would lessen their opinion of the thing. But no, Terrans were annoyingly self contained nad ignorant. Hara sat comfortably, one foot on the console and a cigarr between his fingers as he watched the planet from the bridge of his “Ghost” Class cruiser.

“I don’t get it.” Huey said, nursing his own drink. “Why isnt this planet part of C.O.R.E or FPU.” The massive, hard carapaced fishman asked as he downed his fifth drink for the evening. Wiping his mouth on the back of one giant hand.

“Its a relatively small planet. Its resources are already being depleted by it locals, and they are behind the space-relevance curve” Hara shrugged, idly eyeing the information scrolling across the screen. “While also boosting a truly bizarre amount of telepaths, metabiological anomalies and mystics. Making integration of them into a pan galactic network a risk.”


“Don’t Ah me. What are you thinking, brother of mine?”

“The whole “raid CORE ships, beat up guards and get away routine is… boring’” Huey mutters as he punch in a few words into the data base.

“Computer. Show me a list of terran defense systems.” Huey eyed the screen as it showed various locations of interest, and military satellites. They could punch into the Terran airspace and likely lay waste to a large city by the time earth could mount a proper military response. No, the problem would be the Metas and their ilk. There were so many of them after all.

“Are you spoiling for a fight?” Hara leaned forward, his eye suddenly fixed on his massive brother in arms.” His uncovered eye suddenly twinkling with the notion of chaos and some fun. huey was the calmer of them by a longshot, but if Huey was up for a spill down on earth to sate their boredom. Oh, that was basicly the go ahead for the captain to really let loose.

“Are you telling me you aren’t?” Huey grinned back at Hara, seing the way his brother seemed to be ready to bound out of his chair and run at the nearest shuttle. All he waited for was a good target. They were pirates, bandits, thieves. Murderers and pillagers by any definition of the word. But they didn’t target weaklings unless it fit their agenda.

"I guess I am" No, if they were simply going for a fight. They needed a proper target.

“I like this one.” Huey brought up the screen to project across the bridge for all to see. It showed a bunch of people, fighting one another with an assortment of mind boggling powers. They saw evidence of high tech that even they could make a buck off, and any number of interesting individuals.

“We could actually make some money here Bro.” Huey mumbled as he tagged Iron Knight and some of the others for further investigation.

All Haras eyes could see however, was that one big bastard who made his blood boil for some reason. A iconoclast paragon of virtue and order. The anathema to his own existence.

“Icon eh…”

His smile cracked open across his dark features, as he reached for the button the com unit.

“Bloodrose pirates. This is your captain. We got work to do.”
I'm b-b-back for realsies
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