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    1. HeresyOfTheFallen 10 yrs ago


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I believe that means you are not logged in properly, try logging out and back in again, then it should be fixed.
Smiling at the two behind him, Alex gave a smile at a voice declaring about a party, and walked over to the dangerous looking fellow and said, "You said something about hunting down some monsters? I'm not really a DPS sorta class, but I'd be willing to offer my assistance however I can," with a laugh, wondering how this man will respond to a jester of all things offering to assist in slaying monsters. Then again, few know that Jesters have skills based around entertainment and not battle, Alex has never seen anyone else with the play style required to become a Jester. With that thought Alex remembered when he officially changed class to a Jester.

"Hello Mister Wolf!," Alex said to a wolf and casted a fireball next to it, setting the grass field alight. The lone wolf ran in the other direction, and Alex yelled, "Come back Mister Wolf!!!" and ran after the wolf with a smile. The wolf turned and some more wolves came around it. "Uh-oh!" Alex said with a laugh and casted another fireball, this time in the air perfectly straight up. "Wheeeeeeeeee....." Alex said as the wolves ran towards him, and Alex jumped out of the way as the wolves pounced, the fireball coming back and hitting one, doing damage to it. The wolf, the original one Alex was following, was already at low health and died. As the other wolves fleed Alex collected some gold and a wooden stake from the wolf. "Wooden stakes are for vampires, not werewolves silly," Alex said with a childish giggle and suddenly a voice said "Play style confirmed," Alex ignored it, and when he awoke the next morning he was in the costume of a court fool.

Emerging from the memory, Alex shook his head lightly and gave a small smile, then glanced at the other two who Alex was right next to earlier. "Excuse me Masochist Man and Shy Lady? Me and Scary Man are going to kill ourselves some monsters and get some shiny gold, do you want to come?" Alex asked with a smile, seemingly oblivious to the fact he had, although weakly, insulted the two men.
deadpixel101 said
Yeah I just posted then actually though about it, waiting for two others always seems to be best, so I will do that from now on...also I like how the jester thus far has the most gold. Just something I noticed that doesn't matter but I found slightly amusing

His skills are based around collecting money from NPCs, and as of such even though buskers normally don't get that much his class gets money easily, but with no other real benefits.
Yes, I'm going to always wait a minimum of 2 posts before making another post, that pretty much makes sure everyone's included, because it won't always just be the same 3 people with such posts.
As a man fully in a Jester's outfit awoke in a tavern, he saw, Good Morning in a bright light above him, allowing the man to fully wake up. After closing the HUD and standing up, "Thank you very much words," this man said with a mock bow and a grin as hetook a lute from his inventory and walked out of the room and out of the entrance of his inn to an already busy street. "Why can't anyone just invent the mobile phone again here, things would be much easier," Jester muttered to himself with a smile as he sat on the step of a house, playing the lute to attract some attention by NPCs. In times like this it was an advantage to look gender neutral, many men came over and gave rather large donations.

"Thank you all very much! Would anyone like to see some magic?"

The children in the immediate area widened their eyes and went over, followed by their parents. With this quite a crowd had gathered and this man said, "Witness the feats of Alex Clubs!" and leaned down to a young child with a smile on his face, as always. Having had all his skills set to vocal activation, Alex said, "Looks can be Deceiving," almost inaudibly, and his jester suit slowly morphed from a black and white costume to black and red, red being where the white was.

This caused quite an applaud from the children, however some of the men had now lost interest and were leaving. "Would anyone happen to have some money for a young jester?" Alex asked and a few gave some money, but most of this group had little money to spare. In fact one, the mother of the child Alex had leaned down to, said, "I'm sorry, we have barely enough money to survive," and Alex gave a smile. "Well, here's some," he said, handing a generous amount of the money earned to the NPC woman. Or possibly a player, it's hard to tell these days... "Thank you!" the woman exclaimed and Alex simply gave a chuckle as she walked away. After a short time the rest of the crowd left.

"Well well well, what do we have here?"

Alex gave a smile as he walked up to an inn to see an elfish looking girl and a guy in pretty bad shape. In fact, this inn was the one Alex had a room in. Pushing past the two softly, he said to the tavern owner, "I don't think I'll be needing this room anymore, if either of those two," and paused to gesture to the two behind him, before continuing "need a room, make sure they're first priority," with a laugh as he gave some more gold pieces to the tavern owner. Counting his total Alex had 5034gp. Not liking such an uneven number he gave the tavern owner an extra 34 gold pieces to have 5000. "Not bad Sa-Alex, not bad at all," Alex giggled to himself.
Yeah, I assumed that it was before guild start. It'll be interesting, a random busker joining a guild.
deadpixel101 said
Once I saw your character it really wanted to make me make a character who is way less battle oriented too...now I am going to wait until Ike is on and ask if I can make another character...

My character is pretty much, despite appearances, made with the purpose of deceiving the target. Like the wooden stake with 'Looks Can Be Deceiving' to make it look like an extremely powerful item, my character could deceive the target into fear or wonder.
defineunique said
I'll do that next time. Still new to this site.And I'm not freaking out or anything, I can wait. I'm just really loving this story and cast of characters already.

Yes, we have a broad cast of characters and a gripping story. My character seems slightly out of place with all your intimidating battle-oriented classes, so this will be fun to play out.
TheRhyslightning said
Not sure, I guess I'll find out as I go

From that statement I;m assuming you haven't rped much before. I'd suggest looking in the free interest check section. Also, the New User's Guide is a big help.

Ermine said
Yesyes, welcome~(Random fact, I like the name Rhys. It's not really relevant to anything.)

Yes Rhys is an awesome name.
Hi TheRhyslightning, pleased to meet you! I'm HeresyOfTheFallen, call me Heresy, Zack, or anything else that's not offensive. What type of roleplays are you looking for, we've got all sorts of stuff, from fantasy horror to realistic. Hope to see you around.
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