Avatar of Hipster
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  • Posts: 304 (0.09 / day)
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    1. Hipster 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current HA. Made you look!


I"m tall

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Once I finish my diplomacy with Zakol I'll make a post
@LetMeDoStuff You're in for a scare :D

Also don't expect my character to come in for a little bit. since making him is at the literal bottom of my big 'ol list of things to do.
@LetMeDoStuff Sure!. I'll just edit the IC Post so that you were in Telecoms room C.

Just to let you know. their's 3 telecommunications.

TCA (Telecoms room A) Telecoms Room A is used for speaking to Earth and other Space ships around it. this Telecoms room has a encrypted radio and a passcode on it. the Passcode is usually kept hidden from everyone but the Captain and certain other jobs.


TCB (You get the point) This room is used for Employees only. so tourists don't have to hear all the bad stuff employees do.

TCC This is used for guests and tourists.
Me and Blackrose are doing Diplomacy via PM's
9:00 AM. Unknown Location.

Please log in to the Adware employee forums. please enter in your username and password

Log in.: *************
Password.: ******************************

Password and Log in accepted. Welcome operative. Booting up AWSS.EXE

Choose options.

Current Operations.

Operation: Purify.
Operation: Uplift.

Launch Operation Uplift? Y/N.

Y. Now launching Operation Uplift. Glory to the Deos Caeli. May all those inferior suffer.

Ending program. erasing all history. Remove the Portam and re-seal it in the Telecommunications. Purge all witnesses. Burn all evidence. Prepare for the Novus Colonia.

9:20 Location: Aurora Lobby.

Sound burst out in Aurora as people rushed to get to their Hotels. a Metallic Cigarette of a Pod as arrived in, the Wall of the Pod opening and allowing the Tourists inside to come in. The shuttle was Luxurious with rare carpets and fur draped over the ceiling and the floors. the Tourists got out, wide eyed with their mouth's open. staring out at the area around them.

A team of servents quickly showed them to their rooms as the Pod door closed and left back to a Big blue ball known as The Planet Earth.

9:25 Engineering Department Supply Room

Eugine O'Brien were standing in the Department Supply Room, the Room was a dull grey, with a Orange stripe leading towards a set of Rusted Yellow Locker's. each of them had a Name on them written on a ripped piece of paper. the Room was old and rotten. with a Dim light as the only light source. Engineer's tended to be of the lowest class and treated like a Abomination on a Wheel. except that wheel generated power.

So they were tolerated. as long as they worked.

The yellow stripe lead to a Equally bright yellow Airlock. each Locker contained a Engineer hardsuit. A Toolbox, a Wielding helmet and a Nailgun each, and a Flash light.

Before anyone could speak a the light shut off. encasing them all in darkness. this was extremely common in most of the Engineering department. as no one cared about a Abomination. so Atleast one engineer replaced the flashlight everyday.

A soft banging sound could be heard from a Vent. it could've been from the Disposal outlet. could've.
Sorry I had a lot of work. and I don't think I'll finish it in a bit. since I don't want to hold everyone back. the IC is up, I'll make my character later and pop in. in the meantime I'll just narrate
sorry if I missed a bit of turns. I had trouble with school work
Can we lower the posting date down to just 4 days or you'll be skipped? I am totally sick of waiting
@Bright_Ops Yeah but how can you rip the souls of 300 000+ People Attacks?
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