Avatar of Hockeystyle
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 36 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Hockeystyle 9 yrs ago


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Is a map for Serrantha going to be shown before we started? I was interested in colonizing it at one point or another.
I would like to upgrade Skeptoni into a great power due to the fact that there is open spots and I feel like my nation is in such a unique spot in the world to be close and involved with just about anywhere in the world. I am also going to be revamping the Kingdom of Skeptoni history to be in more depth and with more Scandinavian influence.

These would be my new points if its okay with you @Theodorable
Population: 35,000,000 (5 Points)
Martial Prowess: (9 Points)
Cultural Unity: (1 Point)
Navy: 30 Third Rates, 20 Second Rates, 11 First Rates (10 Points)
Colonies: (0 Points)

My history has been updated, check my application for more information on my history, royal family, and foreign relations.
I like the new map, but I was wondering if there was a description of Tangaria.
I had a question, what is the tech level of the African type continent?@Theodorable
I think the Commonwealth population is very large but not excessively large. More like the upper limit It is more the mention that other great powers are short on population which is simply not true for its time period.

I personally think that the Commonwealths army is too large for the time period. There is simply not a single point in 19th century history where any of the worlds great powers managed to field an army of over 1 million men during times of war. Not to mention that very large numbers of soldiers in the field proved to be unsustainable from both a financial as a supply point of view. The most important causes of death in war during the 19th century where starvation and desease, not actual combat. Also most great European powers struggled with the financial burdons of large standing armies.

I personally think that a high amount of points in Martial prowes should account more towards actual combat performance, leadership and quality of equipment rather then size.

Even if they get to keep their huge army this could lead to some very interesting scorched earth tatics to use against them due to their HUGE army and dire need of food to fuel it :D
Edit: Not sure if I like my new history I wrote and it may be altered.
Edit 2: Fixed year dates.
Nation Name: Imperium Of Skeptoni (Global Power)
Brief Nation History (No need for any history before 1700):

In the year of 1778 the region of Skeptoni was made up of city states all apart of a league of nations known as "The Konfødererede". The Konfødererede did protect the region from external threats well enough and internal struggles were rather unheard of mostly due to the fact that the leaders and the general population of the region all got along pretty well without many issues. The house of Skaneg weren't exactly the most humble of families and had ambition for more power. The brilliant young leader Herlad Skaneg at only the age of 19 years old had begun his life long goal of taking control of the region along with its surrounding areas and rule as Keiser.

Herlad began by forming alliances with other powerful houses of the regions, courting their daughters, impressing their sons, bribing the sleazy officals and minor nobles. Soon enough Herlad's ears and influence were all around the entire region. By then most of the houses in the region unoffically served Herald and respected his power, and even feared it. In 1793 the house of Knýtlinga a rival of Herald's that had resisted his control over the region and one of the only remaining regional powers that could match him in wealth, army size, and influence had become infuriated over the death of its house head King Anders, they foolishly accused Herald of poisoning him and declared war. The young, overconfident, and stupid son of King Anders has inherited his father's position. He moronically declared war onto Herald Skaneg but then quickly realized he didn't actually know how to lead an army, administrate a kingdom, or how to handle real power. As you can imagine the war ended quickly in Herald's favor and immediately solidified his power over the region.

With little protest from the other houses of the region Herald declared himself Keiser of Skeptoni. At age 34 Herlad had successfully ruled over the region as Keiser. Although the other houses at the time hadn't protested to Herald ruling over them they did get disgruntled and annoyed that they now had someone to serve. Instead of Herald quickly continuing his expansion like he planned at first he decided to remain in the region to solidify his power and make good with his new vassals. By 1803 Herald at age 59 had made his power a reality, vassals served him loyally, peasents loved him and did their duties for him, he had even started a family with his wife Anna. He had a son named Ragnar, and two twin daughters named Aimi and Kari.

Government: Absolute Monarchy.
Landmass: imgur.com/z0xabnJ
Population: 35,000,000 (5 Points)
Martial Prowess: (9 Points)
Cultural Unity: (1 Point)
Navy: 30 Third Rates, 20 Second Rates, 11 First Rates (10 Points)
Colonies: (0 Points)

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