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There ^.^ I have changed the "New Name" to Makoto, if there is a problem, I will change it, maybe to Nathaniel Hawthorne and Hato just for that reference to the bird rolls xD I had no idea that name was for a main character xD Blake Hawthorne himself is based on his child, which he had. I got a plan to add some references (Easter Eggs) here and there for his "Appearance", "Personality" and "Backgrounds".
I just wanted to get the basics out the way ^.^ going to watch the film in the morning then work on the rest. Hope I got the "New Name" right. Kohaku is a Japanese unisex name meaning amber according to my research!

Name: Blake Hawthorne
New Name: Makoto
Nationality: English
Gender: Male
Age: 13


Blake Hawthorne's long, dark brown hair reaches down towards his shoulders, barely contained inside his bright red hat due to its wild nature. Blake's eyes are of the colour blue, much like his jacket, and are spaced equally apart from each other, with a small pointy nose separating them. If it weren't for his mischievous smile, which displays three missing teeth, this boy would appear to be completely innocent.


Blake is a shy young boy who often hides from others. However, once Blake warms up to someone, they become as thick as thieves, and will be much more open in their presence having grown used to their company. Although, his shyness has never stopped him from being rather mischievous, often getting himself into troubling situations which result in severe punishment from his father and mother. Yet as many times as they punish him, the message never seems to sink in. It's pretty much like beating a dead horse according to his beloved parents. Otherwise, Blake is considered adventurous by his peers and loves exploring. Especially the forests near his home despite the fact he has gotten lost on several occasions in the dense heavily forested area near his home. It's what one gets with a poor sense of direction apparently.


Blake Hawthorne is the only son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Hawthorne who lived out in the relative safety of the country. While Nathaniel worked in the city, Elizabeth stayed at home and tutored her son, having decided home schooling was the best option for him. It’s because of this initial isolation from everyone his age that he is a shy boy, often retreating back into his “shell” upon meeting new people his age. Nathaniel managed to partially fix this problem by introducing him to his friend’s daughter. While it was hard for him, in time he grew comfortable around her and they became best friends with each other, often exploring the beautiful and mysterious forests near their home, and occasionally, if not frequently, getting lost within them. Blake also started developing a mischievous mindset once he started getting older, despite his apparent shyness. It got so bad that his parents had to ground him for it, sometimes for weeks and weeks upon end. Although he did sometimes sneak out at the dead of night to spend time with his best friend, being rather rebellious against grounding itself.
Malcolm slowly nodded his head in agreement, opening up his revolver's holster and taking it out. "Look, Rosalind. I would rather not cause unwanted attention with our, well, unwanted guests to be frank," he said after his sister explained on his behalf. "If you insist... I will demonstrate. We are just being cautious." He then placed his revolver back into the holster attached to his belt, sparing his sister a glance as he knelt down and picked up the bag, which she so lovingly tossed at his feet, and slung the strap over his shoulder.
Malcolm arched an eyebrow at her request, unsure, at first, on what to say. "Well, I can shoot fairly decent, however, I'm unsure if I should demonstrate in such a... closed of environment. I don't want to cause more trouble than there already is," he says, thinking it might be best not to attract the unwanted attention of the Hunters. "Maybe I can show you outside the grounds. My Sister, Blaire, should be able to show you her own skills too."

"If, of course, it's alright?"
Sorry, Rosalind! I have just been incredibly busy these past few days. I'll get to post something when I'm back later, most likely at night. So I shouldn't hold you up too much longer :)
"Rosalind? I presume?" Malcolm asks, approaching her. "Vladimir told me to come find you for some work? My Sister, Blaire, is also looking for work and should be around shortly." Malcolm then proceeded to places his hands together behind his back and put on his best smile. It, after all, did help to be polite. Something which he needed his beloved sister to understand.
Hey! Sorry I have taken some time to post again, just been preoccupied a lot recently ^^
Malcolm placed his hands behind his back as he walked around the grounds, taking into account the layout and making sure to avoid the main tent, at least for now, because of the hunters. What was more concerning, however, was the mention of the hunter’s investigation into a certain crime. It didn't help the fact he and his sister were werewolves, and often received the blame for a lot of things. Shaking his head, he continued and walked into the large tent.

“Rosalind,” Malcolm said to himself as he entered the large tent. “I think I should have asked the vampire for a physical description…”
Sorry, I didn't see I didn't post it up, most likely due to a lack of sleep xD It's there now though! Sorry it took it's time ^^
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