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> ###Posted for Approval > > > > > **Appearance:** > [Super Large Photo](http://womenmakeover-makeup.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/tumblr-girls-brown-hair-blue-eyes-5434a8a46c3c8.jpg) > > > **Name:** Elena Waters > > > **Age:** 16 > > > **Year:** 3 > > > **Normal or Supernatural (as in, what are you?):** Mermaid. Elena easily sprouts fins and gills if any skin below her navel absorbs more than 8oz. of water, roughly one glass of water. Her tail fin consists of bright luminescent blue scalloped scales leading down to a flowing fin of teal and green hues. Her hair, normally reaching around the middle of her back, grows in length to around mid-calf. > > > **Personality:** Elena can be best described as a contradiction. She has a quiet demeanor about her, being shy whenever she is in a group. However, if someone were to befriend her on their own, she makes fast friends and is fiercely loyal. Because of the simple requirements of her transformation, Elena has a love-hate relationship with H2O. In her mermaid form, Elena feels carefree and as if all was right in the world. However, in her human form, Elena is very cautious of water – not wanting to reveal her secret to just anybody. > > > **Bio:** Elena is not from around ‘Courts Place’. In fact, Elena cannot quite remember exactly where she is from. When she tries to recall the memory, a searing pain rips through her temples and the only thing she can remember is swimming. Swimming until she left whatever life she had behind her. She arrived in Courts Place at the age of 13, wandering through the streets in ragged clothes she’d found at shore – probably belongings of a skinny dipper who had left them there. On wobbly legs, she entered society and was stopped by a teenager a little older than she who asked her if she was skipping school. She adamantly refused and he then asked if she was on her way to Northwood Academy. To avoid any more prying eyes, she vehemently nodded and followed the boy to the school in silence. > > > **How you came to the school (did you transfer or are you a Year 1 student? Did you receive and invitation or did you have to apply to the school first? Scholarship or rich parents?):** Had to apply after having been taking in for a year by Miss Cerise Sonata. > > > **Preferred Dorm:** Wells Hall Approved
I am definitely still accepting!
> Name: Ash Mareinos > > Appearance first (image): > Ash has an irregular oblong red tinted birthmark just above her left knee. She has a scar on the inside of left arm where she cut it on accident while playing on some farm equipment, and another on her right knee from falling off her bike while learning how to ride. Her ears are pierced. > [Ash](http://images0.chictopia.com/photos/beatupbrogues/9274229773/burnt-orange-felt-boater-vintage-hat-camel-crew-neck-next-jumper_400.jpg) > > Age: 15 > > Year: 2nd year > > Normal or Supernatural (as in, what are you?): Supernatural. Ash is the far descendant of water nymphs. She is the first in a very long time to show any promise. Her gifts would be control of water, ability to breath under water, she is far enough removed from the original Nymph in her line that she will not have the control over sexual desires that is common with Nymphs. She is also an excellent singer, and her parents had her classically trained. > > Personality: Ash is brilliant, but she doesn't apply herself. At Northwood she does the bare minimum to not get in trouble. She avoids the smaller school work as much as possible, but aces her tests with ease. She has a streak of anger that comes out when questioned about her choices. She's modest and prefers long skirts, since she can't wear pants at school. Though she always has a pair packed in case of need to climb a tree. Ash is tom-boyish and outgoing. > > Bio: Ash is descendant from the nymph Pareia and Minos' son Nephalion. She was raised on a ranch in Upstate New York. The ranch had a lake that she spent most of her summers in. As such her skin is tanned deeply (Don't let the photo fool you). Ash doesn't know who her ancestors are. What she knows is she's a really good swimmer and never seems to have to come for air. Her parents take a vacation to the ocean for two weeks every year, there she swims in the ocean and seems unbothered by the tides. > > It was during one of these trips to the ocean that one of her older brother was pulled out to sea in a riptide. Ash freaked out and swam to him, she was miraculously able to rescue her brother. He swears that the ocean obeyed her pleas for his safety, and has become very devout about her safety. They exchange letters frequently. > > Ash has several other brothers varying in older and younger (there are a total of 6 boys), she's a middle child. Because of all of her brother's she has grown up rather tom-boyish, she's the type to walk a fence or take a dare. > > Ash is nervous about the lake after last year's incident, but the draw to swim it much too strong for her to ignore it for long. > > How you came to the school (did you transfer or are you a Year 1 student?): She started here her first year. > > Preferred Dorm: Wells Hall > > _______________________________________ > Name: Amy Snow > > Appearance first (image): > [Amy](https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2639/3735862488_f64aa4a60d.jpg) > > Age: 15 > > Year: 2nd > > Normal or Supernatural (as in, what are you?): Normal > > Personality: Not outgoing, unless it's going to the Library. She holds no resentment over being an orphan, in fact she believes that she's got it made. She has no family history to hold her back. Amy has a drive to prove herself in the classroom. She is easily found in the library. Amy is an extrovert surprisingly, so even though she revels in books Amy needs friendship. She's not daring enough to be part of Ash's group of friends, and it's clear Ash doesn't have much time for someone so stuck in her books. > > Bio: Amy is an orphan. She was raised in a Home, capital H and all. All she knows of her family is her name. Other than that she has never cared. She may have been raised in the Home, but she grew up in the library. She lived close enough to DC to take two buses every weekend into the city to go to the Library of Congress, and the Smithsonian. She was, by the time she was ten, considered a permanent fixture in the library. > > When she turned 14 one of the librarians put a stack of school applications in front of her. She filled them all out and was accepted to most (only the ones who needed more socialization in her record turned her down). Amy was told by the librarians that she was to apply all of herself to her school work and they'd pay and find scholarships for her. They want her to succeed, and she wants to show them how much she really can do. Her strength is in languages, but she isn't short in sciences or maths. > > Amy didn't know the girl last year, but it struck her deep. She won't have anything to do with the lake now. > > How you came to the school (did you transfer or are you a Year 1 student?): Came as a 1st year. > > Preferred Dorm: Elliot Hall > > > Accepted!
OOC is right here [here](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75219/posts/ooc) folks!
**MY CHARACTERS** - Appearance: ![](http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k133/mary_anne_shipp_yo/Wynston1_zps8be0b52c.jpg "enter image title here") - Name: Samson Rivers - Age: 17 - Year: 4 - Normal or Supernatural (as in, what are you?): Werewolf. Although he only changes once a month, he has somewhat enhanced senses and abilities, meaning he heals quickly, has better hearing, sigh, and smell. He was bitten by someone in their werewolf form when he was eleven-years-old, and has lived with the curse ever since then. When he first started transforming, he couldn’t remember anything from being in that state. But over the years, he was able to train himself to control himself in werewolf form. He is able to remember most of his full moon nights and can function almost normally as a werewolf. He is still, however, a threat to normal people as a werewolf. - Personality: Sam would prefer to always be alone. He’s not mean, he’s not antisocial, and he’s not cold-hearted. But he likes to keep his distance from pretty much everyone. Before he first transformed, Sam was an outgoing, friendly, and bubbly boy. But once he was cursed with the life of a werewolf, he began to do all he could to hide himself from the world. Sam is quiet and reserved and makes it a goal to stay away from potential friends or companions. It’s not something he wants to do, but something he feels he has to do to protect himself. - Bio: He was born to a single mother. Before he even knew his wife was pregnant, Sam’s father abandoned her and their unborn child. Because of this, Sam never knew his dad and he’s honestly never cared too much to find out. His mother is the only family he’s ever needed. He has kept his true identity from everyone, even his mother. This was a hard task to accomplish due to the fact that he grew up in a small and cramped apartment with just his mother. Lucky for him, she would often work such long hours that when she came home, she almost always went straight to bed. Sam would escape to the woods nearby to live out his transformations. When he was 13, he received a formal invitation to the Northwood Academy of Excellence. A personal letter from the dean of the school, Madame Géroux, explained that he could attend on a fully-paid scholarship as long as he could complete his schooling with the correct according to the right academic standards. Although he was incredibly baffled by the letter, Sam didn’t hesitate to snatch the chance to get out of his mom’s hair. If he could go to a nice school that his mother didn’t have to pay for, then she wouldn’t have to work as hard to support them. Since he began attending the school, Sam has somehow kept his werewolf life a secret from everyone. He just has to hang on for one more year. - How you came to the school: Invitation, full-ride with a special scholarship granted by Madame Géroux. - Dorm: Wells -------------------------------------------- - Appearance: ![enter image description here](http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k133/mary_anne_shipp_yo/Tavi2_zps31bf4ecd.jpg "enter image title here") - Name: Martha Jacobs - Age: 15 - Year: 2 - Normal or Supernatural (as in, what are you?): Martha is a clairvoyant. She has the ability to touch an object and feel/see every memory and emotion it has witnessed. The stronger the emotion or memory, the clearer the image. She also has a sort of premonition ability, meaning she can sense death that has occurred or is going to occur. She has been aware of her special “talents” ever since she was a little girl and she still has trouble controlling them. - Personality: Very straightforward, opinionated, and unafraid. She’s seen a lot of terrible things and is aware of the both the bad and the good things people can do. Normally, Martha is very kind but playful and is mostly friendly. She’s also witty, clever, and intelligent. Lately, because of things that have happened in her personal life, Martha has been somewhat bitter and sarcastic and has strayed from the social aspect of her life. - Bio: Growing up in a wealthy family, Martha has never had to worry about much. Instead of turning into an unbearable and spoiled brat Martha’s parents always taught her to be humble and remember that not everyone is as lucky as them. Her mother’s parents would often babysit her when she was a child and so her toys were usually the old dolls of her mothers and aunts. As she played with these dolls, she began to see distorted images of a different time and place. Sometimes she would play with her grandmother’s jewelry, look into the mirror, and see glimpses of a completely different person staring back at her. The images and feelings she experienced from these objects scared her at first until she became used to them. As a result, Martha started to experiment with her newly discovered ability and learned quite a lot from it. Old toys, jewelry, buildings, and other miscellaneous objects held stories just waiting to be discovered by her. It was exciting, but it was scary. How would she know when a bad memory was going to present itself to her? Martha would always remember the days before her mother passed away much clearer than the day she actually received the news: a car accident had killed the only woman she had ever called “mom.” She had a constant yearning to check up on her mother every hour, along with a fever that came and went until finally her mother walked out the door and never came back through. Ever since then, Martha has accepted the fact that she is very different and has tried to research whatever sort of phenomena she experiences. Just five years after his wife’s death, Martha’s father remarried. Although she has no real reason to hate her, Martha despises her stepmother and stepbrothers. The main reason she was sent away was because she simply could not get along with her family, and so her father decided it would be best for her to not only get a good education, but giver her space and time to adjust to the idea of living with a new woman in her life. So when the invitation and acceptance letters to Northwood came she had no choice in the matter as her father has already made up his mind. - How you came to the school: Transfer, year 2. - Dorm: Dorsey
First of all, if you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to post directly here or message me if you'd like! Second, please ignore the posts in the IC section. I kind of screwed up...still figuring out how to use this new system obviously. Can't wait to see what you all come up with! My characters can be found in that handy little "Characters" tab.
Lenora Géroux welcomes you to the Northwood Academy. At this advanced preparatory school you will find boys and girls alike with the same goal: to succeed. If accepted into the school, then congratulations, because you _must_ be an intelligent and a talented individual. Although the school only accepts young men and women from the ages of 14 to 19 almost all of the students that attend the academy go on to further their education at Ivy League and prestigious universities. Well, except for the ones who seem to disappear every year… Located deep within the forest just outside of the small town of Courts Place in Maine, Northwood is surrounded by beautiful scenery. Only five miles west is Lake Mauve where students often go to canoe or swim in their free time. When winter hits, it’s the perfect place to go ice skating! The lake is highly monitored during the day due to a few instances over the years of students going underwater and never resurfacing. Although Northwood was built in 1856 the building and dorms have been renovated several times in the past to keep facilities new and fresh. Several fires have occurred in the dormitories and buildings since the school’s opening, almost always due to teacher or student mistakes resulting in many deaths. However since 1943, Northwood has been dedicated to ensuring both students and instructors strictly follow fire safety rules set in place. The school is rich with history, and produces some of the finest education in the country. Northwood has high academic standards and policies students are required and expected to follow. Any student who fails to follow Northwood’s rules and policies are put on immediate academic suspension. However, it still encourages social and creative behavior amongst students and faculty. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The year is 1976, and beneath the glamor and prestige of Northwood Academy lies a dark secret. Only the dean, Madame Géroux is aware of the special students that are scouted out each year to come to the academy. These students, although unaware of each other, have a supernatural aspect to them that appeals to the traits she is looking for. But each year, one or more of these “special” students disappear without a trace and the school continues to thrive without consequence. At the beginning of this school year, a wariness is lingering amongst the older students. The previous year ended with a gruesome event that stunned the whole school: Helen Schwartz, a beloved student and popular girl disappeared in the middle of the year. At the start of May, the month before summer break, her body was found by the lake with several mysterious symbols etched into her skin. Although a few suspects were questioned, no culprit was found. This year, many are becoming suspicious of the school’s disturbing history of student disappearance and the awful “accidents” coupled with them. And the head of the school, Madame Géroux, seems to be the center of it all. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone! This roleplay is a sort of reboot of one I tried to start a while ago. Quite a few people joined, but I never got around to starting it properly mostly due to a lot of school-related stress and other personal things going on. But here's my second attempt, and this time I'm determined to follow through because I am very interested in making this work! This roleplay will be very character driven, however there is a plot involved. I have characters of my own I will be using, but by no means are they going to be the center of the plot. I'll be working behind the scenes as well to drive the plot forward! So when I first posted this, I didn't include any rules for the characters of this roleplay and I don't think I specified much either. So... RULES 1. You can be either a regular student, a supernatural student, or, if you have my approval, a teacher. 2. Supernatural Characters: when I say supernatural, that doesn't mean your character has some crazy powers. I mean things like werewolves, witches, clairvoyants, mermaids, etc. Example: So-and-so has the ability to cause storms and tornadoes to happen and also they can cause hurricanes and they have telkinesis (lol). Nope, that won't be accepted. I'm thinking more like mythical creatures that can retain human forms. By all means be creative! You are not limited to what I listed earlier, the world is rich with stories of beasts that go bump in the night, so don't be afraid to make your character something no one has heard of before. Like I said, they just have to be able to look like a normal human. 3. If you are unsure of something you would like your character to be, message me first and I will let you know if it's acceptable or not :) 4. No character should be all-powerful. 5. Please no teacher-student relationships, but student-student relationships are allowed. 6. One to two characters are allowed. You are allowed to have a regular human student and a supernatural student. Or two supernatural students, two human students. 7. This is not a completely serious roleplay. It's going to be a healthy mixture of light-hearted and dark. Don't worry! This is not a strict roleplay. I just wanted to lay down some ground rules so that there are no misunderstandings. Get creative with your characters! I can't wait to see what you come up with :) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Sheet: Appearance first (No anime, sorry. You can use an image or you can write a description your characters appearance): Name: Age: Year: Normal or Supernatural (as in, what are you?): Personality: Bio: How you came to the school (did you transfer or are you a Year 1 student? Did you receive and invitation or did you have to apply to the school first? Scholarship or rich parents?): Preferred Dorm: Northwood Academy Rules and Guidelines 1. All students must keep a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale. Less than a 3.0 results in academic probation. 1. Students late to class will be counted tardy, and any more than three instances will result in a detention. Only 5 excused absences are acceptable. Any more than 5 will result in suspension. 1. Students are required to wear uniforms. Girls must wear a white button up along with a navy blazer and navy skirt. Tights and/or socks are required along with formal black shoes. Boys must wear a white button up along with a navy blazer and navy pants. Black socks are required along with formal black shoes. 1. Students participating in sports are kicked from the team if any kind of misconduct occurs outside or inside of school. 1. Curfews are strict and must be followed every day of the week. Students must be back in their dorms by precisely 9 PM and all lights must be out by 9:45 PM. Any students caught outside their assigned dorm rooms after 9:45 will be reprimanded immediately and may seriously face expulsion. 1. No students are allowed off campus without proper supervision. 1. If a student encounters a door marked “No Entry” then no entry shall be given. 1. All students are required to carry assigned ideas which also serve as keys to their assigned dorms. Students caught without these ID’s will be given a detention. Dorms Dorsey Hall: Located closest to the the main building. Two students are assigned to each room. These are the oldest dorms. Legend has it that a boy that disappeared from the school still haunts the room he lived in at the time. Elliot Hall: Located between the Math/Science and Language buildings. The smallest dorms, one student is assigned to each room. Kilner Hall: Located between Dorsey Hall and the History building. Two students are assigned to each room. Wells Hall: Located farthest from the school. One to two students are assigned to each room. These dorms are closer to the lake, and the most cunning students that reside here sneak out sometimes to go for a late night swim. School History The Northwood Academy of Excellence was founded in 1856 by the daughter of a professor and politician. After her father's death, the beautiful and educated Katherine Warren inherited all of his fortune and set it to building a formal place for the education of young men. Although at first it was a boys only school, later in 1925 it officially became a coeducational school. The school has gone through wars like the Civil War, World War I, World War II, and recently the Vietnam War. Though it is known as a prestigious preparatory school, there have been an eerie amount of student deaths that have happened at the school since it first opened. The first reported death was in 1858, a young boy who was mauled to death by a bear (supposedly). Ever since then, students have been killed in bizarre accidents or have disappeared completely during their time there. Even stranger is that nothing has ever been done to investigate the unusual count of deaths and disappearances. Only the families of lost children, the faculty, and the town closest to the school seem to know about this part of Northwood's history. Since Katherine Warren began the school, there have only been women in charge of the school. In 1962, Lenora Géroux took over as the dean of the school and is still today. Not much is known about her past other than the fact that she was supposedly born in England and migrated to the United States when she was young. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adding this roster here just to keep track of all the characters! Headmaster: Lenora Géroux Teachers Cerise Sonata (Zordon) Stephen O'Connell (gogojakeo) Students Samson Rivers, Year 4 Martha Jacobs, Year 2 Ash Mareinos, Year 2; Amy Snow, Year 2 (Kirah) Elena Waters, Year 3 (Zordon) Zaylin Devonshire, Year 3 (Siaya Dragalorn) Jamie Drummond, Year 2; Luca Seacliffe, Year 1 (McHaggis) Lydia Wintworth, Year 2; Max Elliot, Year 3 (LilOrphanAnnie) Hazel Barwicke, Year 3 (Liriia) James Mason, Year 2 (gogojakeo) Nero Alexander, Year 3 (22xander( Sidine Vuliana, Year 1 (Aphelion)
THURSDAY, 1:14 PM DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS "Good afternoon!" The cheerful yet formidable voice of the headmaster, who preferred the title Madame, came on in the speakers in every building on the campus. "My apologies for the late announcements, but I was unfortunately caught up in dealing with imminent school matters but no worries. I am confident that all students are in their correct classes after lunch. Congratulations to our tennis girls for winning their match last night against Westfield Prep! Due to a few conflicts in my schedule tomorrow, I will be giving all announcements for today, tomorrow, and Saturday right now. Please pay attention to the following: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TODAY -Afternoon football practice from 4:30-6:30 -Afternoon swim practice from 4:20-6:20 -Evening girls and boys soccer conditioning from 6:30-7:45 FRIDAY -Morning swim practice from 5:30 AM to 6:45 AM -Morning girls and boys soccer conditioning from 5:30 AM to 6:30 AM -Morning track practice from 5:45 AM to 6:55 AM -Afternoon football practice from 3:45-5:00 -After school: There will be an annual bonfire in honor of the first football game against our rival school, Westfield Prep, that will begin at 6:30 PM with the bonfire being lit by the captain of the team. Curfew will be extended to 10:15 PM, lights out at 10:30. Make sure you get enough sleep because classes will continue at the same time on Saturday morning. SATURDAY -7:30 PM home football game against Westfield Prep -Curfew extended until 10:30 PM, lights out at 10:45 SUNDAY -No class as usual ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I hope after classes end on Friday everyone has a fantastic weekend," she gushed, a slight, foreign accent tinging her voice. "I encourage all students and teachers to go to the bonfire tomorrow. Unfortunately, I will not be in attendance this year. Please note that all school rules still apply, and any misconduct will be punished accordingly. Make smart decisions, students. That will be all for today."
Sam Rivers didn’t like the school he attended. But unfortunately there wasn’t a thing he could do about it. It was his last year at Northwood Academy and he had spent so much time studying and doing hours worth of homework. Northwood was Sam’s only shot at getting into a good college. But the homework, the classes, the teachers, the expenses-none of that was why Sam considered leaving the school the summer before his final year. It was because of Helen. He had never actually interacted with her but everyone knew Helen Schwartz. She was pretty, she was funny, and she was very popular. Helen’s father was a politician that often donated money to Northwood, and in turn Helen’s status was almost saintly. Despite her money and popularity, she was never unkind. She never gave anyone a reason to hate her and as a matter of fact, pretty much everyone had loved her. And that’s why it was so hard to guess why anyone had wanted to kill her. Sam found her entangled in branches that had fallen close to the lake. Her legs were still submerged in the water and the baby blue dress she had been wearing was all torn and dirtied. She was lying on her back and her arms were twisted at strange angles. Sam had often seen Helen around school and remembered how pretty and full of life her blue eyes always were. They were wide open and glassy when Sam found her body, but that wasn’t what had disturbed him the most. Etched all over her pale skin were symbols that Sam didn’t even know the meaning of. No one knew how her body ended up where it did. When they extracted her body from the scene her body was still a little damp from being in the lake. But she hadn’t died from drowning. Her windpipes had been crushed by what they thought to be rope. It didn’t make sense to anyone. Helen had disappeared in the middle of the school year, so it shouldn’t have been that much of a surprise when she was found dead. But nothing added up. No one was arrested because the few suspects the police found had solid alibis, including Sam. The leads they had stopped at dead ends. Helen’s murder couldn’t be solved. Sam was supposed to attend counseling to cope with what he found but he stopped going. It wasn’t Helen’s death that scared him, it was who killed her. Or rather, the mystery of who did it. Who killed Helen?
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