Avatar of iciclerapierfaize
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    1. iciclerapierfaize 10 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Uh remembered I have this account, gonna casually browse in between college classes
9 yrs ago
I cannot lose to you forever Edge.


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How dare she. How dare she interfere. And to add insult to injury, she had the gall to joke about it. Before he was irritated, now he was just damn angry. He let that anger fill him, giving him power. He felt like a go-no, a titan. And more than strong enough to destroy a weakling such as Devy. Her and her puny morals. How pathetic.

"Rasxheth! Suffer Devy!" He shouted, fire pouring from his staff, twin snakes swiftly advancing to devour Devika. The feel, the atmosphere was exhilarating. He turned to his companion, the mousy man who now quaked at his sight.

"Isn't it beautiful? Such power...beyond your very comprehension! But I see that look in your eyes. You do not yet believe. Perhaps you require incentive?"

"No, no I-I be-believe!" he mouse quivered fearfully.

Connor couldn't help but laugh at such weakness. The absurdity of it all was...he couldn't describe. He closed his eyes and sighed, drawing his mind away into his magic and his anger.
im up until 5am usually.(random information)
I got a computer with reliable internet connection!! yay. I apologize for my absence without informing you. I owe you for that.
Avery buckled and Vash's eyes momentarily flashed with concern. The man beside him helped catch her before she slumped to the ground. He was grateful for that as he didn't like showing his strength. The strongman turned his head and spoke in a gravelly tone.

" Name's Bane."

Fitting for a man such as him. Vash nodded slowly, focusing on carrying the beautiful women between them. Where exactly was the hospital? At that thought he would have slapped himself if not for more important matters. Hospitals were simply places he never went to because of his healing capabilities. He looked to Bane, wondering if he knew. No,of course he wouldn't, he's not from around here.

They got out of the doors despite Vash's absorption into his own thoughts. The cops had thinned out, with only a few left to assist the hostages. One of the officers noticed them and approached. He was a scraggly man, hair slicked back in attempt to tame the rampant curls.

"That woman! She needs a doctor, doesn't she?" The man exclaimed. He walked back towards his car, beckoning us.
Ah yes, I'll fix it right away! (^w^)
Helping out kids at a summer camp. It has good pay, benefits, and I could get a scholarship.[wooooo]
woooooo I'm back. And I have a job so I can get an ACTUAL computer soon! (yaaaay~)
He heard a voice, her voice, distracting the men and drawing their attention to her. At that moment he thought he saw a goddess in her shape, slyly twisting a ring on her finger. She was helping him, he didn't know why but she was. He thanked her silently as he dashed towards his car.

He had the tools to track him, deftly pulling a camera from the glove compartment he took pictures of Joseph's license plate and car. There was still something going on behind the store. That concerned him.He didn't have enough evidence yet to put the case to rest. He wasn't going to leave until he had enough evidence to put Joseph in his place. He grabbed his standard pistol from under the passenger seat and approached from the other side. Maybe he was crazy, or maybe that moment was the first time he truly believed in magic.


It was going just fantastically for Connor, wizard and fashion aficionado. First his 'client' almosts fucks the gig, then there's this guy, he's sure it's the plain-looking man who was staring at him, hiding somewhere. Sensing others had never been Connor's specialty, but he had to admit he couldn't clearly find where the birdy was.

Then she shows up. Respect is a thing he hoards like gold, and Devika is one of the few who owns a share. He may disagree with her morals, but there was at least mutual camaraderie between them. However, when it came to a gig, respect reached only as far as he could grab, any more distance and one might as well be a stranger. A stranger is what he saw in Devika as she tried to enact her precious morality. He knew how 'were supposed to be quiet about our magic' or somesuch. It sickened him. He should be as bright as he desires, to command fear and fealty upon those of lesser power.

She said something about concert tickets and wanting him to go. That made him angry. Not only was she interrupting his work but she helped the little birdy run away.

"Shut up Devy, I'm working here. Now leave or...hmm well, this will be your final destination." Connor sneered, confident that whatever happened, he would come out on top of it.
It wasn't long before he caught up with them, they were not lying when they said out back. It seemed a little strange to Jack for them to be dealing in broad daylight, but stranger things had happened. Not that he'd ever speak of them. He hid behind a conveniently angled dumpster, giving him a clear view of the crime. There was something stranger about it. The way everything looked around them was hazy, like a thin film of plastic surrounded them, distorting the light and their features. And yet he could tell it was still Conner and Joseph. He rubbed his eyes and worried about being old and needing to buy glasses. He could barely tell that two plain bags switched places, most probably containing drugs and money respectively. Planning his approach he tensed himself. He had no idea if they were packing weapons, and his eyes were apparently failing him, so he would have to be careful for once. He was never good at being careful. Suddenly Connor rose his voice above a whisper.

"Joese, it seems as if someone has been spying on us."
"You said noone could see us!"
"Well it seems like this birdie has talents. Come out little birdie!" Cooner shouted gleefully, pulling out what seemed to be a rod.

Jack padded himself down, searching for his gun before remembering that he left it in the car. Shit. he still had his knife, concealed against his thigh, but now things had gotten difficult. Connor may be waving a crazy stick around, not much of a threat. Joseph was a different story. He could have a gun, in fact he most likely had one on him given what his client had told him on previous phone calls.How was he going to unfuck himself?
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