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@Letter Bee

Hope- Siegfried, would try to put things in perspective, "while you've slept I've been hard at work. I've learned much I otherwise would not know in the other realm. Things not concerned with hope, not told in the world of dreams. I have collected penance, the remnants of a shadow company that allowed the cultists to move and work at all this, removing and reworking the last bits of carcass these people had among the digital world and the picked at funds of their once-full lives. There are still those who," he would look almost confused, "devote themselves clandestinely to my cause, to my being, who believe I am sort of Angel sent by their God,"

He would almost scoff and shake his head, as if the actions of the humans seemed silly or rediculous, "I have contacted them. Some of the money has gone to charities, poor houses, true causes of the good- but others have gone into preparation. For a war." He would look thoughtful, and give Mikhail the chance to speak for moment while he contemplated their next true course of action.
@Letter Bee

Were gettin a little melodramatic here, with a bit of thick dialogue, but that's not always a bad thing. Hopes a bit of a melodramatic knight anyway. To used to swooning princesses and saving the day against unstoppable evils.
@Letter Bee

Hope would laugh, a hearty, full rumbling chuckle, and he would lay a hand on your shoulder, as warm and great as any other part of him.

"I am Hope Mikhail. I am Hope itself. You m ay call my Siegfried, or Sir Knight. Whatever you would wish. It is true, I come from the atheriel plane, a place of dreams and magic beyond this world. And you will be my Squire. You see, this cult you were given to, the people, they tried to use the rising of the Blue Moon, a rare magical event, to lift the veil between your world and the beyond, to awaken magic, and cause our worlds to meld. Among the ather there exists creatures, beings such as I, who exist as the very focus of human emotions. They were lead by one such force, that High Priest who served one of my siblings, and used their magic to bind these people to it's will. The pit, the machine, these trials- all part of their plan to raise their master, a being of Despair, Hate, Fear, perhaps even Misery, who are powerful in the way that I am powerful, some more or less so. I am the very embodiment of human Hope itself, and you can serve me by spreading my will, root out my brothers and sisters, these infernal machines, destroy them both and right your world. Or I feel only devastation can come," he would look grave, serious and hard set, and he would speak in a very low, meaningful tone.

"Mikhail, there is a great task before you. If those like me should succeed, disaster will spell for you, I, and the entire human race. As one who was so filled with Hope, I chose you, who at that very moment was in a destined place. Serve me here and now as my squire, with my sword at your side, and raise the banner across the lands- give your people a reason to look for the new dawn, and go forth to forge it. Do you believe you can do this?"

It is daunting. Many perils lie ahead. Some of these things, you may never understand, but still, it is your choice wether you will fight or fall, and if you believe that the world can be saved.
@Letter Bee

Awesome. Never knew anyone from the pilippines before
I live in Ohio
I'm not exactly sure
@Letter Bee

The Blade that Ends Misery would appear in your hand with your mere will, hardly a thought or a movement required, but it would be different than before. It was an instinct, but one that required practice, and the sword did not appear the same. It was both more and less real than before, it's weight corporeal where there was none, it's shape smaller and more solid, with a less archaic design. Through it you would sense Hope like a diving rod, filling the minds of childre nearby who could greet a new day, and the freed cultists, who's Only purpose now was service to that which would give them new life, Hope.

, the voice would sound in your head, not yet familiar, but still calm and warming, and a rapping would issue at the door, a clear of the throat, and you would here the same voice with a stranger, reaper depth, though still not quite one that belonged to a physical set of vocal cords, more like a clear speaker. "May I come in, Squire? There is much to speak of."

Once Mikhail had undoubtedly allowed him entry, Hope would stride in. He would look strange, as if he were a holograph of a man, not quite there, blue splotches of shadowy color sometimes moving over him. He would be a tall, broad, long-haired blonde man, in a very nice business suit.

Quietly he would shut the door behind him and stride to the couch, where he would sit quite soft and primly next to you. Being near hear fills you with the same energy as before, his presence calm and serene, and already he seems like a simple, but great man, who speaks and acts gently, but posses a force within him the world could not quiet when unleashed.

"Mikhail, Squire- the Peacemaker, we have much to discuss. I know that you have many questions, and you may ask them. I will answer to the best of my ability." He would say to you with a serene smile.
Sorry about the messy italics, my phone isn't exactly the best helper
@Letter Bee

There we are. Prologues fairly done, you can post a reply of you through it all if you wish, or you can post waking up, even if it's about a night or week or three later.

Or I can post about you waking up first and things you've learned over the next while. Up to you.

Let me know if you want a little more structure or less freedom, as it's simply the fact your the only real character we've got here, and it's easier and more fun, in my opinion at least, to give you some leeway in postal structure and actions

I think you'll appreciate the freedom as well, once Hope explains his true nature to you

@Letter Bee

The Cultists, a handful of about twenty members, we're purified- the hatred and terror stricken from them. Their memories were almost completely gone, splotches and spots, and while a few began to organize, as well with some of the guards, Hope itself speaking in their minds- others were left as little more than dolls.

Sarah, her heart nearly broken from what the priests crystal had shown her, said nothing as Mikhail would take her and begin following a cultist to a room. As they drew farther from the pit, the blue moon shining into it and the Machine sitting quietly, it's true purpose yet revealed, the strength that came to him would decrease with his distance, the glow stifled within him, and the power would rush out with a sigh.

[i]Mikhail, [i/] Hope would speak within him, quieter now, it's presence still felt but no where near as large a being as it was before, [i]You have done well here my child. Rest easy now young Peacemaker and tomorrow when you rise, I shall tell you that has happened here. You have much to learn if you are to be my Champion. Do not worry, here I can walk among you while the blue moon still sits Fits height and the way to the aether lies open. Much is about to change for you, young one. Rest. You will need it while you can.[i/]

With that his voice and presence would almost entirely be gone, only a faint sense of a bright light that was there before, but has gone around the corner. Fatigue would catch you, tired, sore, and painful, and you would know that perhaps a lot of things would be better in the morning but there were a lot of things to come.

The room you would be led to would be small, little more than a head barrack, a large cot of a bed, tech ready to communicate to some outside source, a chair, little couch, even a small kitchen and bathroom, all the necessities of a studio apartment, with little of the comfort that could be found even there.

Sarah would sit, taking a deep breath, and hold herself on the bed. For now it would indeed seem rest is best, and with a simple touch, the feelings of Hope would calm you both and promise dreams of a better morning.
@Letter Bee

Thanks, I honestly don't gm often, only a few games before. Each one I like but no one ever joins. Sigh.
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