Avatar of ImpLaughs
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 85 (0.03 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. ImpLaughs 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Overwatch has consumed me. I am now the cavalry.
8 yrs ago
Working on chapter 7 of my book, hoping to get a Roleplay started here soon (joining or making my own).
8 yrs ago
Honestly forgot about this website until I saw the "R" in my bookmarks bar. I'm looking to write more and am hoping to give this another try not that I've moved to a stable home.
8 yrs ago
Making a new world for friends to play in! Super excited!
9 yrs ago
Final Fantasy 14 has it's hands around my neck. No regrets.


Well I'm 21 years old and in college, I want to be an English/History teacher and I've been role playing for a long time now. I've ran several subreddits (most dedicated to role playing), written several stories, ran seven campaigns in table top games, and been a player in about ten table top games. I haven't even scratched the surface of role playing it seems, as I'm always learning how to be better at it!

I'm big on movies, games, and TV. I'm a pretty normal guy, love puns and jokes and just maxin, relaxin all cool (I might even shoot b-ball outside the school with you).

Hit me up if you want to chat! I'm always down for more friends! :D

Most Recent Posts

@EurmalEye :D Ahaha sorry, friend! I don't see a reason why you can't make a similar one, though! TREASURE HUNTING BROS!

Patches Rutledge, The Treasure Hunter; 22

Primary Skills: Survival, Small Guns, Speech

S: 3
P: 7
E: 5
C: 6
I: 6
A: 6
L: 7


Okay, the OOC has been created! Head on over here to read all you need to know. It says in the post, but if things need clarifying or explanation, I'd be happy to help out. If I need to add anything to the post, let me know. We're all looking to have fun and avoid confusion! :D
If anything needs to be clarified/added/explained, let me know ASAP. I'm more than willing to make sure everyone is on the same page. We're all here to have fun, after all.

Ancient Greece

For more information on the map, I found the source here. It is bigger and interactive. There is another map full of small towns I'll be using if you happen upon a location not on the main map. It is very cluttered but it can be found here as well.


It is in the middle of the Neolithic Age (circa 6000 - circa 2900 BCE), also known as the Bronze Age, and the height of the Mycenaean Civilization. However, before the Mycenaean was the Cycladic Civilization (circa 3200 - circa 1100 BCE). During the Cycladic time, houses, templs and shrines were constructed of finished stone and the people lived by fishing and trade. Eventually the Cycladic Civilization merged with the Minoan Civlization (circa 2700 - 1500 BCE).

The Minoans developed on the island of Crete and soon became a dominant force on the high seas. Ruled by King Minos, a man you were to meet as one of the judges of the Underworld, the Minoan Civilzation thrived with advances in art, a written language, an established navy (with which they conquered the Cyclades) and beautiful buildings. At first the Minoans were ruled by Asterion, a ruthless, militaristic man who sensed that soon they would outgrow Crete from their greed of the land. Many say that he spoke with Zeus every nine years to enact the King of Olympus' laws, which included the adoption of several children; Minos being one of them. After Minos' son, Androgeos, had won the Panathenaeic Games the king, Aegus, sent him to Marathon to fight a bull, resulting in his death. Outraged, Minos stormed to Athens to avenge his son. On the way, he met Nisos and learned that he gained his power from his hair. Minos gained the love of Scylla and together they worked to kill and cut off her father's hair. After which, Minos dragged her behind his boat for treachery against her father. When he reached Athens, Minos asked Zeus to punish Athens, striking them with plague and famine, for punishment. An oracle of Athens told the people to follow Minos' commands lest they perish from the impending doom, which resulted in a strange request to send seven boys and girls to Crete every nine years.

Although the Minoans were powerful, with art and archetecture flourishing, Minos establishing a navy (with which they conquered the Cyclaes), and new tactics of warfare, they were no match for what was to come. The Mycenaens waged war with Minos as storms rocked his shores, eventually resulting in a large portion of Crete being pulled underwater and the rest of it under Mycenaen rule. Though it would not be Mycenaens that would kill Minos, but his own people a result of his search for Daedalus on the island. With their king dead, the Minoans were forced to fall under Mycenaen rule which now stretched most of Greece.

Map of the Three Civilizations thus far


To keep this section short, we'll go over the most important stuff. The Greeks valued reason and inquiry, literature, theatre and dance, an emerging mathematics and science, and an ever expanding love of art. The women were almost equal to men, though they could not hold government positions, as they helped care for the home, worked in the fields, cared for children, and often trained in the military/navy.

For currency, we'll be using a standard Drachma. Think of it as a dollar bill that is the only form used besides actual gold. Names were very different than the ones we have today, I recommend using this site for ideas on your name. They only have first names. Instead of last names they would say, "I am Orpheus of Athens, son of Tyrell the fisher." for example.

As far as monsters and mythological creatures go, they are extremely prevalent in the world. However, when it comes to entitites like The Minotaur and The Hydra, they are the alphas. There are smaller versions of Hydras and Minotaurs roaming around that are strong but nothing compared to the first, the real deals.


When it comes to birth villages/towns and places of interest, we'll be keeping it pretty loose in terms of historical accuracy. I'm fine with original places being used as places of birth right now, as long as it isn't ridiculous.


Ancient weapons included the spear, the Atlatl with light javelin or similar projectile, the bow and arrow, the sling; polearms such as the spear, falx and javelin; hand-to-hand weapons such as swords, spears, clubs, maces, axes, and knives. Catapults, siege towers, and battering rams were used during sieges.


Magic is roaming through the wild world like a flooding river, though only those who are born with the ability or have studied it can use the dangerous force. There are many types of magic/spells so I will update this post as it become relevant. As for a source on magic, I'll be referring to Pathfinder's spells mostly, which you can find online easily. If you have suggestions for spells/magic, please ask me before you use it and I'll either add it to the list or say no.


  • Respect. This the most important rule of the roleplay. Respect my rules, decisions and roleplay. I am the GM, so please try to respect that as my word is law. This also goes to your fellow RPers, respect each other. No name calling OOC, death threats, etc.
  • Have fun. Please have fun when it comes to discussing ideas, creating your character and writing your in character posts. Writing is all about fun and not to be taken seriously.
  • Regarding Godmodding and Metagaming: Godmodding will only happen in two instances: 1.)things need to be moved along; 2.) with a player's permission. Do not, under any circumstances, take control of a person's character (this includes NPCs/Monsters) without written consent from the controller. As for metagaming, not a chance. When/if it comes to fighting each other, it can get boring to "leave it open" so if there is a clear winner then you can win. However, no killing without GM and player approval.
  • No spamming.
  • Characters. Make them realistic. Everyone has flaws. I want well thought out characters, please. Every great Greek hero has a fatal flaw, list yours as well.
  • Character Sheets. The Character Sheet is placed here as well as within the Character Tab. To prove you have read the rules, in the Other section of the character sheet, put your favorite God or Goddess there and why. I want to see detail within your character sheets. As far as pictures are concerned, avoid using anime style art or just use real pictures. I have pretty high standards when it comes to art, so here are a few examples that I'd allow (1,2,3, 4)
  • PG-13. Romance is allowed, violence and gore is allowed (no pictures of real stuff. If it is drawn, have a warning). When it comes to sex, either fade to black or take it into PM. Swearing is allowed to reasonable uses. I have no problem with it at all but some people do not and I'd rather not see a wall of swears.
  • Posting. This is a High Casual roleplay so I expect to see at least two good paragraphs from every single writer. I understand writer's block happens, I'm a writer, but do not drop to one paragraph. No one/two liners! If your character and another character is going to be in a long conversation, please get together and do a collab post. A paragraph, by my standards, is at least five sentences. Dialogue does not contribute to the length of the paragraph.
  • Realism. This is a realistic RP, besides....the gods and monsters, so keep it realistic. If your character is injured, they can't heal in thirty minutes (unless GM says otherwise). Nor can they fight in a battle for five hours without collapsing. Keep things realistic, it honestly makes it that much more interesting.
  • Rule Breaking. I understand there are slip-ups. Every now and then, a rule breaking post is allowed. However, repeat offenders will be removed.
  • Drama. Keep it in PMs if it's OOC, if it's IC it's totally fine.

Character Sheet

As of right now this is the character sheet. If you feel I must add more then I will consider it, I'd like for this to be kept simple, though. Do not post your character sheet in the Characters tab without GM approval. All characters

Things to note:
  • This is supposed to be a realistic roleplay. So no characters with neon green skin or yellow eyes, please.
  • Please do not make your character one dimensional. No 'the psychotic one' or anything of the sort.
  • Give your character flaws! It makes them more interesting! Also make sure to pick a Fatal Flaw, a core character flaw that could lead to their demise if not checked, as every Greek hero had one!
  • I have the right to ask you to change something on your Character Sheet.
  • I also have the right to reject your Character Sheet if you do not work with me to make your character fit the theme of the RP, or for any other reason.
  • Everyone starts off with the same amount of money.

Appearance: If no image then please describe
Name/Nickname and Age:John Doe Jonny, 23
Quote: insert quote here if applicable

Skills: Pick three notable skills you have
History: Include how you died, if you have family, friends, where you might hail from, etc. You can be very creative here as i'm open to most things.

Inventory: Keep inventory to just five small items (weapon included) at start
Money: 15 Drachma
Main Weapon:
@ProPro Yeah, in the character sheet he showed we pick three primary skills from the games to have.
Wasn't expecting so many people to be interested this quickly!

In terms of how often this'll be, I've got quite a bit of free time so I can check it at least once a day no problem. I spend a bit of time at the computer so I'll have quick responses. When it comes to y'all actually RPing, I'd say three days is the max of going afk without letting everyone know before hand, I think. I don't know if that's too long or too short of a time frame, honestly, so we can work it out.

For the story itself, I'd love for y'all to be there during big moments in Greek history, so like the Persian War and the Trojan war and such. It doesn't work out historically, no where close, but I still think it'd be cool to have big monumental battles for y'all to be in as well as areas that have significant impact on the world. However, I'm also interested in making sure y'all are invested in it. So if you have suggestions on what you'd like to do or things you'd like to see, I'm all ears. I'm very open when it comes to collaboration to make sure everyone is having fun.

I think once we address these two things (Time/Frequency, things you'd like to see/do) we can move to character sheets and such. I've never done anything like this on this board so it might be a little wonky for me but I'm excited to see how this all plays out no doubt!


@Onarax the more the merrier, I think! It'll be cool to see a ton of people looking to take down gods and such, since it's so small task I find it hard to believe that there'd be only one quest going on at a time. Would be cool to have two groups or so doing two different things at once!
Stardate 7816.3
Humanity as abandoned Earth, for reasons lost to time, and made its way to the Andromeda Galaxy. Their first point of contact was within the Eden System of the Beta Quintant as the flew on "The Ark", the ship carrying countless humans. There they made homes on the five planets near the sun named Khepri; Excalibur, Photoria, Trelos, Esnara, and Cutania. There, they would meet many other life forms that had differing opinions on the humans; amusement, worry, pity, resentment, kindness, and more. As time passed, the humans would prove themselves a strong and versatile species, gaining respect of the various other sentient life forms.

Stardate 7834.8

Humanity, having made several homes on the five planets, began creation of The Knights of the Beta; a military force to protect their homes and be defenders of their sector. Tensions rose as the humans advanced technology and warfare, along with a strong army, but nothing would come of it. Until "The Invasion of Nivoros". A species from the Alpha Quintant, these one eyed, barbaric creatures sought to conquer the "feeble human" and the people around them. They stood ten feet tall and wielded barbaric weaponry but were a force to be reckoned with. In order to survive, humanity needed to pull together the support of everyone. With the help of The Knights and The Corps (the official force of the Beta Quintant) and the backing of every species within the quintant, the Nivoros were beaten away.

Humanity had gained the respect it had been searching for. The Corps, led by a collection of beings tasked with upholding order, The Council, was merged with The Knights to become a quintant wide force. What was once a human military was now a sector wide military. Although, it would be years before humanity itself was allowed a seat at The Council.

Stardate 7867.243

A galactic war has begun as the Beta, Alpha, and Epsilon Quintants wage a war against the Gamma and Delta Quintants. It began with the unlawful treatment of developing species that led to an aggression towards neighboring sectors. In order to defend their territory, The Galactic Watch (Beta, Alpha, Epsilon) fought back against The Brigade (Delta and Gamma). In an attempt to prevent a galactic rule under Vox Modaar, leader of The Brigade, the Watch sent countless ships to chop the head off of the snake. The war would last for several galactic years until The Brigade collapsed in on itself. An assassination of Vox Modaar by his own people led to the destruction of The Brigade and the end of the Galactic War. Humanity's role in the war would propel it to the front of every species' attention, though what they lacked in strength they made up for in ingenuity and versatility.

It was then that they were welcomed to have a seat on The Council in the Beta Quintant. It would eventually be Cartho Hemingway, once a captain of a SIR (Ship in "the Round"), that would be elected to represent humanity at the council.

Stardate 7872.9

Only five years on the council, Cartho Hemingway has made a name for himself with those of the Beta Quintant. Though, many view humanity as lesser beings, babies to age old species, most view them as equals. You are aboard a Thunderbird, a taxi ship transporting you from Esnara to The Jump, a device used to send ships at high speeds making travel easier, when it makees an unexpected stop at the Lotus Space Station, the largest station in the sector. It just so happens, that Cartho Hemingway and the rest of the Council were having a meeting at the station at the same time as every ship near the Eden System made dock at the Lotus. Malfunctions in every ship? A freak space storm? Or perhaps...an age old enemy returning to finish what they started.


Long intro to the world but...yeah. A space campaign with heavy influences from Star Trek and Mass Effect. This was originally an Table Top campaign I was running for friends but we ended up stopping as we couldn't get together often. I didn't want the work to go to waste, so I have a full campaign planned (only major plot points) as an over-arching story but there are countless stories to tell within this galaxy. I have a full list of playable races, descriptions of the five homeworlds of Eden and more. I'd prefer if everyone came from one of the five planets but if not, we can work something out. I'd very much like this to be a collaborative effort so everyone can feel like they're creating a world too and having fun.

I'm not super big into rules, besides the basics that come with RPing, and am open to anything if it ends up being a great story. Just wanted to see if anyone was interested in this at all. Because it's a Sci-Fi game in a huge setting, there can be multiple groups or it can be small. Like I said, many stories to tell. If it proves to be too big of a game, I'd be interested in having Co-GMs help me out but that'll come later.

Anyways, let me know if you're interested! I'd love to actually see this world come to life once again and for great stories to be told.
Long ago, before the Olympians, there was Lazarus. A man obsessed with immortality, he had searched through all the tomes, all the text, spoken to every scholar but he yielded no results. An outcast, he wandered away from his village on a self imposed exile, vowing to find the secret to immortality. Some thought him dead immediately. Others spoke of a man in black roaming the countryside experimenting on people out late at night.

In truth, he died.

The time is the height of the Olympian's Reign. The Grecian Gods and Goddesses watch over their realm with a careful eye and a steady hand. Led by the powerful Zeus, they are the first line of defense against true evil that would dare strike their land and its people. These powerful gods hold the love and admiration of their subjects as true kings, they are the perfect rulers...on the surface. Each of you have died from the gods' doing, be it not stopping a rampaging hydra from attacking your village, accidentally insulting their honor, or a number of other ways. You've arrived in the Underworld, having waited for five years for the ferryman, hoping to be judged fairly and live out your afterlife in Elysium.

Each of you sit down, not knowing one another, along with a man dressed in all black. In an instant, the ferryman is pushed off the boat and into the river of souls. Unsure of what to do, you watch as the man rows you to a small cave near Tartarus, an impossible dark abyss. Removing his hood, he reveals himself to be Lazarus. Though he truly is dead, you learn that in a quest for immortality, he "flew too close to the sun" and was stricken down by Hades himself. But not before he learned how to bring someone back from the grave. Each of you holding resentment in your hearts for the Olympians, he offers a deal. Join him in an effort to overthrow the Olympians, become the new rulers of the world, and help him find the secret to immortality.


So I've been toying with this idea for a while. It's a bit of an alternate timeline of ancient Greece and a change to the mythology. I'd love to see a group of people take down powerful gods, fight dangerous creatures, explore all of Greek mythology, and become gods themselves with the help of Lazarus. In the RP you'll start off as just simple people but eventually grow in power, chipping away at the foundations of the Olympians until you are a force to be reckoned with. It's a pretty open campaign, I have key plot points planned out but it'll be mostly collaboration and depend on how you want to go about the task at hand.

If someone would like to Co-GM I'd be happy to see if it could work. I'm just checking to see if there's interest in this, then I'll work on CSs and the OOC and first post.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me! I'd like for posts to be a mix between Casual and Advanced, though. There will be very few rules (aside from the basics that come with RPing) but a 'true' RP experience where anything can happen.
I'm super interested in playing this! Seems really cool, I just moved from Florida and have a certain love for Fallout! This could be super cool!
Dude this sounds absolutely bonkers insane....I love it. The idea of every character being a mystery to each other, only knowing what the public knows, would be really wicked! I'd love to join in on this action!
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