Avatar of Inner Demon
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    1. Inner Demon 9 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current He thrusts his fists against the post, and still insists he sees the ghost.
7 yrs ago
It took some ffort but I'm finally caught up in all my roleplays. You all can do it too! Just gotta put ur mind to it.
7 yrs ago
"Mama said the pistol is the devils right hand..."
7 yrs ago
"You're either on my side, by my side, or in my fucking way. Choose wisely."
7 yrs ago
I am iron clad will made flesh
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Just a wandering fairy tale...

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Branches and trees rushed by as Elodie made a desperate attempt at escape. Though it had no eyes, the cybernetic creature swerved its head slowly, watching the receding silhouette of the fleeing girl, scanning her movements. A metallic rattle rose from the creatures limbs as they shuttered and twitched. Reeling back for a moment, the creature let out another blood curdling shriek which pierced the forest. With the agility of a velociraptor, the monster leapt out of the crater, shooting through the air and landing with a heavy thud several yards outside of it. Blades and guns whipped through the air in a frenzy as the creature threw itself forward, clearing yards with each massive gate of its reptilian like legs.

A chill nagged at the back of Elodie's spine. Sensations prey felt when a predator is nipping at their heels. She could feel the tremble of the ground grow fiercer behind her with each encroaching step the horror took. An impending feeling of being captured or ran through tugged at her, instincts screaming for her to run faster. The looming threat of a vicious death grew closer, accompanied by increasingly loud and otherworldly shrieks and screeches. Then she lost it. Her balance faltered, and gravity quickly claimed her, pulling the frightened young woman to the ground. She could see the hulking figure of the monstrosity rapidly approaching from the darkness.

Splinters of wood and bark scattered into the air as one of the horrors limbs smashed through the gnarled trunk of a weathered tree in its path, toppling it from the center and sending it crashing to the ground. Nearly on top of her now, Elodie could see clearly the malefic form of the alien entity, fangs and blades reaching out to embrace her. Her fear and the heavy footsteps masked the feeling of the earth crumbling below her. Instead of a series of rending slashes and stabbing pains, Elodie felt herself falling. Tumbling in fact as she hurtled backwards down a steep slope of gravel and loose dirt. The world spun around the woman, shadows and leaves dancing around her, gravity pulling her down through shrubs and around tree trunks. Pain, sharp and throbbing, stung Elodie's right hand as her palm snagged on the jagged edge of a large stone.

Finally, the ground started to level out, and Elodie's rapid descent began to lose steam. Fallen autumn leaves crinkled and hissed beneath her as she slowly slid to a halt. Scraped, scratched, and bruised, Elodie was surprisingly no worse for ware, save for the inch long gash leaking warm crimson fluid from the center of her hand. She could feel the cool damp earth staining her clothes with wet spots. As the noises that came with tumbling down a hill settled, the gentle babbling of a near by creak came to light, gurgling silently as it ran over her hands and into a divot at the foot of the hill just before her. As her vision came back to her, Elodie could see she had not just fallen down a slope, but into the scarred earth of another crater.

Sitting silently at the heart of the large indentation was a strange object. It was oval and chrome, subtly refracting the rising moons light with a metallic sheen. Its surface was flush, patterned by crevices which appeared to form plates along its entirety. It was no bigger than a toddlers carriage, and tilted slightly on axis with the broken ground below it. A few drops of water beaded across its lower half as water from the creek gently washed along its bottom. Subtle heat wafted off the object, having been rapidly cooled by the water. It was just cool enough to touch but warm enough the emanate a thin veil of steam.
I think I'll be posting after @Silvan Haven since he's the ally who's closest.


Overwhelming energy cascaded down from the gates of Henry as the might of Juno was summoned. The fiery dragon of flames and magma stood no chance against as its laser of nuclear flames were easily pushed back into its maw and the massive serpentine beast was pierced in two. The fire that made up the creatures two halves diminished, fading from a brilliant glowing mass of flames into smoke and ash. In spite of the overflowing energy that pulsated through the forms of Zachariah, the output of energy was beginning to ware on him. The dragon was the first and the last he would be bringing forth. The energy to summon such a beast was great, even for the emperor of the inferno. Yet it was torn asunder in an instant.

With their efforts proven fruitless, the pair of pike wielding Zachariahs were reduced to nothingness as the holy flames that made up their bodies ran out of air and energy to sustain themselves leaving the pair of crystal boxes empty. Zachariah wielding a saber was ripping into fiery pieces that burned out as Mjolnir tore through his back, which didn't split apart this time to avoid the weapon, as it returned to Henry. The constant barrage of spears ceased, as the ocean of thousands that had raged toward the demon from every direction were dispelled by his fittingly named sword. There was one Zachariah left now, not counting the one still submerged into the lava scarred earth. The fiery archangel finally halted, hovering in the air above Henry silently, observing as his other forms, attacks, and summons were all dealt with before they could even manage to a single scrape on the somehow impervious demon.

This was the limit. The furthest Zachariah had ever come. Spending eons neglecting his powers and his true purpose made him reckless with his abilities. In this state he only knew brute force. Constant onslaught. A tactic that appeared not to be doing very well against what appeared to be the ultimate defense. Zachariah felt himself burning. Not just from the flames that made up his body, but his very essence was burning away. The demons words were truer than he knew. The brighter the flame, the faster it burns away. In spite of it all, the archangel was steadfast. He watched calmly through a blazing gaze as his enemy shook off everything he could muster. Finally, as the demon went on about having better things to do, a sovereign voice resounded from Zachariah.

The spear in the fiery archangels hand disappeared.

Zachariah drifted through the air, the heat emanating from his body diminishing into thousands of degrees instead of temperatures comparable with stars, as it was clearly having just as futile effect as every other attack.

Lowering down from above, the archangel was at eye level with Henry now, just a few yards away.

Smoke and flames spilled into the tepid air from the corners of his jagged maw as he spoke.

Disinterest bled through in the roiling tone of his seething voice.

A bluff considering everything so far has been deflected or diffused, but you wouldn't be able to tell by looking at the archangels fiery visage or through listening to his imposing voice.

It almost seemed like a grin stretched across Zachariah's face, though it was hard to tell since his form was made up of dancing flames.

Zachariah rose his fists, poising to attack without weapons or projectiles. None were working anyway, and all that was left to try was raw strength and speed.

He rose a hand slowly into the air, and beckoned toward Henry.

I'll have to post tomorrow. Today has been hectic. See you all in about 8 hours give or take. Goodnight.

What was that a self destructing message? What did I miss?

@Inner Demon@floodtalon

You can always have the outcome of their fight be in a trade of blows that end with both characters suffering the fate I've mentioned above.

While Zack burns out to death or at least to an unpowered/unconscious state that he'll not recover from in the course of this battle (which basically means that you are going to be at the mercy of others to be killed or captured), Henry ends up getting injured and unable to rely on his Silver Eyes at the very least for a decent while.

Both of you just have to reach a compromise that works better for both parts. That's the best solution I can think of without the need for external intervention/one of them getting out on top of the other completely unscathed.

It'll be a costly battle for both of them and a reminder that, even on this eternal war of biblical proportions, one has to be smart, if they don't want to fuck themselves. Something pretty much every PC ends up learning sooner or latter.

Alright I understand. I'm okay with this outcome. So then I'll spend my next two posts giving it Zak's all (but with less "disgusting" power) and then Zak will be rendered unconscious.

At least tell me it was cool to read I worked hard as hell on all those damn posts XD
@floodtalonI was leading up to dialog but it was supposed to start when Zak spilled Henry's blood :P. Gotta say...Henry was making that really hard. I do apologize for taking it so far though. I wasn't trying to disintegrate Henry, It just seemed more and more like it would take a miracle to even tickle him with all the doors and armor that appears to be anti Zak in the heat absorption properties. And it would be kinda awkward to write all that crap i wrote over the last three days just to peter out like...well...a candle...only with less flare.
@floodtalon@KoLI was thinking anime rules as well Basically XD. Like to be honest I just wanted it to be an even fight or at least seem like one. You know, earn the victory...whichever of us. But that boundary got pushed further and further away.
@KoL...There is no miles upon miles. The heat radius is just over 100 meters. That's 50 meters in each direction increasing by feet per minute around Zak. Not miles upon miles considering a mile is about 1600 meters. Then the Zak that shot into the ground created even more lava "for miles" downward I.E. the chasm which I did state was directly below Zak and Henry.

But of course Zak is going to burn out after the fight or at least that was the plan once we exchanged a few epic blows and damaged each other. Then after an awesome fight going all out, Zak would go unconscious at least, if not die. Only I was hoping to get at least a single hit in on Henry at some point with at least one thing but of course not a single scratch and barely a sweat as he easily avoids or deflects everything even though this is everything Zak has and is apparently bored with it. Zak's full force...The proverbial and literal final form he has. I didn't intend for the fight to be that much of a spectacle but considering it takes a lot to even compete with the ability of creation itself I thought I would try. That's why I didn't complain about it when every single attack was rendered completely ineffective. I just tried to work around that fact to see how hard I would have to try to get a hit in...like...one. Not even a significant one but it's not fun to bring out your characters full force only for it to be shaken off like its childsplay. So yeah I'll admit I kept upping the play until Zak could at least seem to be on equal footing with Henry. Obviously to no avail as even all the absurd disgusting ridiculousness you just pointed out is just as easily dealt with.

All that said, I have no problem toning down or editing out whatever the issue is. I haven't been around in the roleplay long enough to push the limits of power and it was just explained to me a little while ago the word super weapon had a whole new meaning in this universe and what we typically consider to be a super weapon would be like a water gun by comparison. So my frame of reference hasn't been totally established accept by looking at the more powerful cs's in the character section. So I'm fine with changing or applying anything. Just let me know.
Just for the record, the holy fire Zak is using is harmless to allies. The lava could be fairly dangerous since its molten earth but the extreme heat radiating out for the hundred+ meters doesn't effect the "pure of heart" aka forces of heaven.
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