Avatar of Iridious
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  • Posts: 83 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Iridious 10 yrs ago


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Commission complete...now time for some shenanigans.
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"Ash right? Why have we not had a full conversation yet? I know I'm alien but even I know that we should communicate with one another. I'm T'haam, or Tom if you will."

Radorion's body froze for a second as his violet eyes stared intensely at T'haam.


Radorion's nostrils flared as the apple fell out of his now slacked jaws.

"Uhh, uhh, ah!" Radorion blathered as he haphazardly caught the falling apple, jostling it between his hands before finally managing to catch it on the tips of his fingers. Or so he thought. Just as he let out a sigh of relief, gravity took it's victory as the apple rolled off his fingers and onto the floor with a dull thump.

"So, it's true then. Y-you really can read thoughts!" He exclaimed nervously as that truth settled in. He closed his eyes and ruffled the back of his hood for a moment. He also wasn't used to being called 'Ash' yet either. He had never had that nickname before.

"Well, you see, to be honest I really haven't figured out how to thank you guys yet," he began. The young man was clearly troubled. Eighteen years old and everything had been turned upside down. "Everything in my life has changed so fast, and at my lowest point you guys took me in... I think I have the Arrow to thank for that as well."

Radorion picked up his apple and walked with Tom to the exit of the kitchen where he leaned against the wall as everyone sat around the couch. He looked down at his hand, now holding the bruised apple.

I don't understand anything right now...but they picked me up anyway when I was broken. At least there's that...
I'll have a post up shortly. Riiiiight after I finish barbecuing dinner.

@FacePunch@Alan Hawke@Nightrunner@Hillan@Iridious
Everyone saying 'nah he wouldn't know,' dude's gone through everyones shit, probably on everyone's laptops he knows what kind of porn everyone is into and honestly thats all the dirt you need on anybody let's face it lmfao

Well I say that because Rad grew up off the grid and really doesn't use computers. Being raised to be invisible has that effect. Besides, I did only say 'initially' lol. I'm sure he'll eventually find dirt.
I guess it depends. In my case, Tom has probably gleaned some things but Q would likely find nothing initially. I'm sure that would only drive him to go digging, though.
Oh boy, his first experience with a telepath. This is going to be great. XD
I'm actually making a new one right now, but thank you for the offer! I have a few of him but they're older and from my own universe that I'm slowly stitching together. I need to make a version of him that's a little more...uh, DC. LoL

Actually, now I'm kind of interested to see what exactly you end up coming up with...
Placeholder mugshot for now. This one's a few years old but it will do until I finish the new one.

<Snipped quote by King Kindred>

Don't do it. He'll shower you in Lexcorp money that he by all means has 100% legal claim to. :B

Post! Nervous man on campus.
Radorion slumped over with his hands upon his knees as he tried to catch his breath. His blood was pumping so furiously he could hear and feel each throb of his pulse. He had been running on the treadmill for the last hour or so and had decided to really push it for the last ten minutes - it showed as he stood up straight and the sweat that had coalesced on the tip of his nose broke free, spattering on the mat below. He was basically drenched.

Fifty five...what is going on with me?

The machine to his side beeped as he through a cold towel over his face. The green velocity readout of '55 MPH' faded as the shutdown process completed. After a moment of standing with a towel draped over his head, Radorion groaned and pressed it firmly against his skin before wiping it away and over his hair. He tossed the towel into laundry bin before showering himself off in one of the stalls.

The Green Arrow had sent him here with the idea that he could benefit from the surroundings while he adapted to his new found self. As the hot water ran over his skin he took this into consideration, but with a load of salt. He was a hazard to himself and at this point he was unsure if he could be of any help to others. Feeling indebted for even being taken in by anyone, he had spent the last week tidying the tower out of guilt. Certainly a few of the other Titans had caught him steadily cleaning away and quite possibly thought he was quite odd. The fact that he had been more or less silent didn't help, and he knew that. This wasn't like him. He had been assertive and bold to a fault before, but now...

Radorion threw his orange hoodie over the bare skin of his back and swept the large hood up and over his head, neglecting to zip it shut as he needed to cool off. He headed up to the kitchen, his mind muddied with altogether too many thoughts to consider. His stomach, however, was being direct and clear. The kitchen was built as a walk-thru with two entrances and Radorion had happened to come up to the rear archway as it was closer to his destination - the fridge. He had heard buzzing coming from within as he approached and now that he arrived, he stopped inside the entrance and looked to see what was going on. He saw... Tom, was it? He didn't quite have all of the names down yet as he had been too wrapped up inside of himself to carry any meaningful conversations. The most he had managed thus far was a nonchalant 'hello' and conversing about the sunrise over the Atlantic one morning.

Radorion thought the martian was an attentive one...usually. The mixer had stopped now and at this point he seemed to be consumed by whatever sweet concoction he had thrown together. Radorion stood for but a moment before re-engaging in his approach to the fridge. He scooped up an apple from the counter and clenched it in his teeth before opening the fridge and grabbing a bottle of green juice he had prepared earlier. As he closed the door he heard the voice of a girl yelling 'Tom!' just before an alarm buzzed through the corridors. Radorion's teeth buried themselves further into the shiny red apple with a crunch in anticipation. This was an alert for a mission if he remembered correctly. The commotion was over just as fast as it began, or so he thought. The alert was a false alarm of course, but it was also a cue for a girl to rush in and slip on Tom's dessert. His eyes followed everything that transpired. From her slipping to the box tumbling out of her arms and onto the floor. He would have smiled when he saw the kitten gingerly poke it's head out of the box were it not for the apple.

They're certainly an interesting bunch.

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