• Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: IzaakGrey
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 49 (0.01 / day)
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    1. IzaakGrey 10 yrs ago


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Stekkmen said
The little man stands there, body singed black in a cartoon-esque fashion.Then he turned into a pile of ash. Again he poofs back nearby, and checks his forehead to see if his eyebrows were still there, and finds that they are. He glares and retreats back into the woods. He returns with 5 undead ghouls, all of them with snazzy fedoras, one of them with a baseball bat, another with a chain. The rest were slowly approaching, snapping their fingers to a suave jazz tune.

Undead Ghouls added!

ruronihs said
"Impossible!" Meemoo cried, but just then a far more powerful force of media graced the world with its voice. "YOU HAVE FAILED!" The Internet bellowed. "For your incompetence, I shall have a group of teenagers smash you to pieces and post in on Youtube. Now begone!" With that a man with a sledgehammer unplugged Meemoo and took him to his doom. "Now I will show you how to deal with people like this!" The internet spawns to IP addresses. The first one contacts the mods, links them to the godmodder's post history, and claims that he is violating the terms of service of the website. The second IP floods the godmodder's inbox with all kinds of nasty messages, including, but not limited to, ad hominems, male genitalia, and death/rape threats.

The claims are dismissed by the mods, saying that he is well within his rights to do this! The Godmodder doesn't have time to check his messages, he's currently tangled in a big ol brawl!

Godmodder: 100/100
Dragonzord: 4500/5000
Ghouls: 500/500 (100 per Ghoul)
Remember. If you guys are getting angry and feel this is unfair, that is the entire point. The Godmodder cannot play fair, in any case whatsoever. And yes, the Godmodder will gain powers as this goes on. Be clever, use summons, bring things in from fandoms if you want. Use anything at your disposal. Or else it all gets stale. ;P
Descartes said
It was the third turn that Time Wizard was in play. It's about time we used his effect! Time Wizard used time warp, turning Baby Dragon Zord into Thousand Dragon Zord, increasing its attack points by 2000!

What... what was the goal of this? Attack points? Unless you mean health points, and even if you did, that's not counting for anything.

LeoricAquila said
Kreig smirked as he watched the bullets puncture the little man, and as this happened, the other Vault Hunters arrived. Maya, the siren, flicked her wrist in the direction of the god-modder, raising her hand up in the air as she created her phaselock around the god modder. Axton, the commando rushed in aftwars, throwing out his Sabre turret at the ground near the god modder, beginning to rain bullets from his Hyperion rifle down on the God-Modder from behind cover. While soon after Salavdor, the Gunzerker, began gunzerking, wielding two Vladof spinniguns, firing as fast as the mechanized rifles could fire at the god modder. Soon enough, Zero, the Assassin, made his apperance. With not but a sound, he used a projected image of himself and cloaked to get closer to stab the Godmodder in the back with his katana, while Deathtrap and Gaige, the Mechromancer began their assault. Deathtrap firing his laser beam and Gaige throwing a couple of transfusion grenades and firing her Electrified Maliwan SMG. Kreing grinned from behind his mask, while brandishing his Buzzaxe. "ALRIGHT! TIME TO GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" He screamed as he ran at the Godmodder, gettsxinging his Buzzaxe in a downward arc to try and sever the Godmodders arm off.

An ATT (Anti-Turret Turret) is deployed, busying the Sabre turret. The phaselock is ineffective, as the Godmodder is too fast for it to take effect. The Godmodder expected Zero's attack (having dealt with an enemy such as this before), and kicked him away. The laser and the transfusion grenades hit Kreig, throwing him into Salvador and causing Salvador's guns to fire briefly at Axton.

Stekkmen said
The little man appears in a cloud of smoke back in his woods.He sees a blood pool where he stood last, a small glowing mist above it. He had to re-collect his souls!He picked up his trusty club and attempts to sneak over while the commotion of battle happens.

ruronihs said
"YOU GOT LUCKY LITTLE MAN!" Meemoo shouted, frustrated that these inferior beings of the digital age were all flapping about the battlefield and interfering with his invincible army. "But no matter, he will die this time; KAIJU KAOS KRUSH!" The ominous sound of booming brass played in the background as Japan's most dangerous giant monsters emerged from the horizon, finally ready to join the army. Godzilla, Rodan, Anguiras, Ghidorah, Biolante, Gigan, Megalon, Mothra, Baby Mothra, Hedorah, Mechagodzilla, Space Godzilla, and Destroyah all appeared in triplicate to attack the godmodder. The Spidermen hopped aboard the Baby Mothras, spewing an even more intense stream of webbing as the Momma Mothras dropped a sleeping powder that the Rodans turned into a sleeping powder tornado by coordinating the gusts of their mighty wings. The Mechagodzillas and Ghidoras joined forces with the transformers unleashing a volley of lasers and missiles that could only be quantified as A LOT. The Jackie Chans hopped on to of the Anguirases, Gigans and Megalons; when the nine Kaiju delivered a ruthless barrage with their spiky appendages, the Jackie Chans jumped off to add some good old Kung Fu to the madness. The Biolantes all sent a barrage of hungry-chompy-mouth-tentacles into the mix. The Godzillas and Destroyahs clashed in the middle of it all, causing the Godzillas' nuclear cores to reach critical mass, resulting in a triple Kaiju nuclear blast. Finally, the Space Godzillas used their reflective crystal powers to contain and focus all the energy onto the godmodder. "MERRY CHRISTMAS YOU FILTHY ANIMAL!"

The VHS army gets tangled together from the sheer mass of them, obliterating them all with the Kaiju nuclear blasts.

Dean said
Thrown through the air at far distances, his palm would tighten into a fist, he then blew a small stream of wind against his back, this had slowed him down. He then floated in the air using the wind to spiral around his legs, saying "Let's see if you can handle this." Lifting one arm halfway up, a small column of wind swirled underneath the GM'S feet, until the column formed into a tornado that will cause him to spiral around. Cupping his hands while bringing them back as electricity had been generating from the air inbetween his palms. He thursted forward launching the sphere directly at the tornado, to cause an electrical shock of a million volts. Once he landed on the ground he quickly threw his arms onto ground and added another shock of electricity from distances away, the lighting shot up from underneath the ground in columns of four.

The Godmodder gets stuck in the tornado, but absorbed the electricity! The Godmodder now has electricity powers!

The Godmodder attacks the Dragonzord with his new powers, causing 500 damage!

Godmodder (Electric Powers): 100/100
Dragonzord: 4500/5000

Stekkmen said
The little man attempts to hit the godmodder over the head with his club.

The Godmodder pushes him in front of the hail of firey bullets (see next). The little man respawns.

LeoricAquila said
"BZZZZZAAAAAAHHHH!!!!" Kreig screamed as he turned around after being hit by the thunder attack, tilting his gasmasked face toward the godmodder. "I'M GUNNA SWALLOW YOUR SOUL, BADASS!" He shouted as he pulled out his Maliwan Flame Spewing SMG and began to rain a storm of fire infused bullets down on the god modders, all while shouting some crazy gibberish. "AHAHAHA! I'LL TAKE THE LIFE OUT OF YOUR JUICY MEAT BUCKETS AND SHOWER IN THE BLOOD OF ONE THOUSAND SCREAMING STARS! THE POOP TRAIN WILL LIVE ON!:"

The Godmodder had a human shield. No damage.

Descartes said
The Time Wizard uses his power to erase time, causing it so that the God Moder never stepped out of the path of the vehicle. "Muda!" He cries.

The Godmodder has his time-proof underwear from the last battle still equipped, causing it not to effect him!

Weiss Schnee said
"Sorry.." Lina apologized to the one she hit. "He just brushes off attacks like nothing. If this keeps up I may have to get serious.." By that she ment she would have to play her hand by chanting a more powerful spell.

Venchi said
After having his wrist broken the green ranger played on the Dragon Dagger summoning the Dragonzord. He jumped in the cockpit of the giant robot and tried to use it's drill tipped tail to skewer the Godmodder

Dragonzord summoned!

Ironcoat said
A kid with silver hair throws a brick at Godmod's head.

The Godmodder grabs the brick and hits the kid with it, knocking him out.

rawkhawk64 said
Kiyoshi approached Lina. "I have a plan." he said to her. "I have a jutsu, Kamui. If you aim the justu into the air, I can redirect it behind the Godmodder." he whispered. He'd learned from his last encounter, that the only way to best their foe was to work together. He shook his head. Then, from the seal that had appeared when the Naraka Path had been summoned, another wooden coffin appeared. Kiyoshi used the Kamui to warp over. When the coffin opened, Kiyoshi placed another seal inside it. Kiyoshi smirked. "The Animal Path. Able to summon a variety of animals." Kiyoshi announced. The Animal Path moved out of the way, and began to prepare a summon. Kiyoshi, meanwhile, warped back to Lina. "Just aim your next attack at the sky, and I shall try to take care of the rest." Kiyoshi said, quickly making some hand seals. From the earth, to giant stone slabs reached up, planning on trapping the Godmodder inside a hollow dome of earth. Kiyoshi smirked. He hadn't even used very many jutsu last time... no, he still had some tricks up his sleeve...

The Godmodder is trapped for now!

ruronihs said
Excellent, the godmodder ignored the VHS tapes, just like the rest of the world. Before long, Meemoo was surrounded by some of the most beloved, and feared, characters of all time, cloned countless times for every frame in which they existed. "Yes, my legion! now is the time to take back what is rightfully ours! Let us bring the age of digital media to the end and show the world what it means to have a hard copy!" The army let out a bloodthirsty cry, hailing Meemoo for his genius plan. "Now, begin phase 1: SATURDAY MORNING BLITZ!" With that 100 Spidermen from the awesome Saturday morning cartoon began to swing around the godmodder, spraying him with a relentless stream of webbing. Then, 53 Jackie Chans came flying in to unleash a wave of kung-fu fury; they were joined by 237 power rangers spanning all the generations, delivering a sentai smackdown. Finally, every Autobot, every Decepticon, every Maximal, every Pokemon, and the American Godzilla all blasted the godmodder with all of their combined lasers, missiles, and otherwise signature attacks. "GYAHAHAHA THE PAIN IS JUST NOSTALGIA PUMMELING YOUR BODY!"

The Godmodder is trapped in the hollow dome! All the attacks shatter the dome instead of hitting the Godmodder, breaking him out of the dome and doing no damage to the Godmodder.

Green said
"FUCK TEAMWORK!" Psychic Fetus shouted, and threw a bunch of trees towards the godmodder.

The Godmodder jumps around on them, letting them hit the VHS Army, causing massive damage!

Dean said
Jumping forward at the Godmodder from out of a helicopter, Hosai Maximoff launched a series of quick jabs left and right toward the Godmodder's jaw, he then followed this up by spinning his body entirely around and launched two fast roundhouse kicks using his right leg.

The Godmodder let the jabs hit him (doing no damage), but grabbed Hosai's leg, spinning him around and throwing him into the distance.

Godmodder: 100/100
Dragonzord: 5000/5000
VHS Army: 9000/10000

Green said
Psychic Fetus smiled awkwardly. It was time for it to step up it´s game. It materialized a pair of shades in front of it´s eyes, and fingerless leather gloves on it´s underdeveloped hands. The psychic rock wave had touched the godmodder, and so, it was time for a face-off. A continuos stream of energy came crashing out of Fetus towards the godmodder, if it hit, it would lock the two in a lyrical battle. The sound of a synth growled throughout the battlefield, along with a bass buildup.Drums hit a crescendo, and a guitar screamed."I´ve seen your face in the shadows." Fetus started "I`ve seen your face in the places I wasn´t meant to be!" He reached his hand forward. "I´ve heard them whisper about you. I´ve heard the men in the bars, and I´ve seen the women lock their doors at night! Lock your doors tonight." Psychic rock energy blasting the ground around him apart.

The Godmodder jumped, avoiding the stream. "Ha! As if I would participate in such a silly battle!"

rawkhawk64 said
Kiyoshi smiled. Perfect. He made a few hand seals, and the ground started to shake. A wooden coffin arose from the ground, and out stepped a body. Kiyoshi inserted a kunai with a seal in the back of the body's head. The body then opened its eyes to reveal the same eye pattern as Kiyoshi had. "You remember the Six Paths, right Mr. Grey?" Kiyoshi said, as the Naraka Path stood up. "The Naraka Path. Able to summon and control the King of Hell Statue." Kiyoshi said. The path, however, pulled out a few smoke bombs, throwing them down as Kiyoshi focused power to his Sharingan. Kiyoshi teleported the Naraka Path a safe distance away, and turned to face the Godmodder. "Soon, the others will join me, and then you will see how useless it is to fight me."

Weiss Schnee said
Lina felt now was the time to unleash her attack. "Thunder!" She said hurling the power at the GodModder feeling it was a good idea as the Fetus was also attacking him at the same time.

The Godmodder pushes Kreig (see next) in front of the attack, blocking it.

LeoricAquila said
Kreig, the Psychopath ran up behind the Godmodder, brandishing his Buzzaxe. "I HAVE THE SHINIEST MEAT BICYCLE!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, leaping at the Godmodder with all the psychotic primal fury that a man with no sense of reality could have, swinging the Buzzaxe around until finally he brought it down in an arc towards the crest of the Godmodders skull. "IT'S RAINING MEAT CHUNKS!"

The Godmodder reached his hand up, grabbing Kreig by the neck, pushing him in front of Lina's attack (see previous) and causing him to respawn.

ruronihs said
As the battle raged on, Meemoo, the unprogrammable yet indisputably sentient VCR set his plans into motion. So long had the world ignored VHS tapes that humanity had failed to unlock their true potential. "ARISE MY MINIONS!" he cried, front door flapping as the "12:00" on his face flashed a bright red. And with that utterance, characters began to crawl out of the film in every VHS tape on earth taking on their true sizes. And these beings were replicated to astronomical numbers; every frame of every film spewed a new minion unto the earth. "HAHA," Meemoo cackled. "It is only a matter of time before my army is ready to crush that pathetic godmodder.

The Godmodder raises his eyebrow at Meemo, but otherwise does nothing.

LeeRoy said
And so! A second turn passes! Mass destruction ensues around the Doctor of Bees, but he continues his mad chant!Charge: 2/10

Venchi said
The original Green Ranger teleports in and attempts to stab the Godmodder in the back with the Dragon Dagger

The Godmodder grabs his hand, sending a piercing glare through his mask, breaking his wrist before the Dagger reached his back.

Descartes said
Mientras todo... !Los magos del tiempo!The Time Wizard freezes time and throws a construction roller at the GodModder. "Muda muda muda muda! Wrrryyyy!" he cries, as he smacks the construction vehicle.

The Godmodder quickly steps out of the path of the vehicle.

Godmodder: 100/100
I like it (both of them). Accepted!
Well, if you've been waiting for me to say something to post anything, then go ahead. I don't have long to be on here every day (homework, family, friends, just stuff), so I'll pop in when I can to see if anything has happened.
Weiss Schnee said
Lina continued to chant as a crackling energy began to appear in her hands. Seeing Kiyoshi already attacking she blinked at how easily the Godmodder was pummling his clone.

Attack almost ready!

Green said
"Mother! Tell your children not to come my way!" Psychic Fetus sang, unleashing a massive wave of psychic rock energy at the Godmodder. The special properties of this wave was such that if the Godmodder was hit by it, and could not instantly name the song the Fetus was singing, as well as the band who played it originally, he would be hurt.

The wave cascades toward the Godmodder, nearly hitting him. The Godmodder, at the last moment, had shoved Kiyoshi's clone in front of him, the clone taking most of the wave except for part of it hitting the GM's pinky. Even if he did not name the song, it would not affect him except to stun him for a single attack. "Mother! By Danzig!"

Godmodder: 100/100
rawkhawk64 said
Kiyoshi smirked. "You might be quicker and stronger, but you still haven't seen all my tricks." Kiyoshi said, revealing his left Rinnegan eye again. His Sharingan had been studying his foe, and had revealed increased reflexes. With his Rinnegan, he saw that the Godmodder's power had increased as well. Kiyoshi smirked, forming a cross with his forefinger and middle finger of each hand. With that done, Kiyoshi's clone rushed at the Godmodder, using chakra to boost it's movement. The clone planned on striking with a kunai, with a 30% chance of success. Kiyoshi, meanwhile, sat. "Hmm... I think it's time for the Six Paths to make an appearance." Kiyoshi said. He then began to concentrate.

The Godmodder moved to the side quickly, avoiding the clone with ease, and punching it in the back of the head.

LeeRoy said
From the burnt rubble of the helicopter from earlier rises a form, made entirely of human flesh! Lo! For it is Doctor Bees! From his waist mounted beehive he begins chanting in an ancient tongue only known to bees and some people from Albuquerque. "Bizzy buzz! Boozle bazzle! Bizz bizz bizz. . ." Though silence followed to the ears of mortal men, he continued chanting in this horrid tongue. In a number of turns, Doctor Bees shall unleash an abominable creature upon the godmodder!

Godmodder: 100/100

Presently I have only copied what was on this thread. I will expand upon it at a later time, as right now I'm too busy to elaborate much. Though, most of the theme behind this is being lost, and not knowing what is happening. So there's that.
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