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    1. Izkripp 10 yrs ago


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I'll have my post up in the either tomorrow or Friday
Vida can be tossed in a van and taken away.
A smart phone? Those are to much money.. Vida is busy tryig to afford her next months rent
Time skip! *vote added*
The conversation went from annoying to intolerable as the woman started to talk about his 'cat' again. He thought that she was here to talk about the way that science and magic work together. He glanced at his glass for a moment judging the contents of it, he decided it was time for her to take her leave. Setting the glass down he stood up right after she did. "I locked her up-" He stood his sentence before it had time to really form as he watched her approach Gaia's room. He felt his heart speed up then come to a sudden stop as her fingers touched the door knob only he was allowed to touch. 'The door is locked.' He thought to himself.

"OR is it?" He heard Dr. Lee's voice echo through his mind.

Time seemed to stand still for him as his anxiety started to build within himself. "Get away.." He said as nothing more than a whisper at first. Robert reached into his pocket and pulled out a case that could often be seen during shows or interviews when he performed. Inside the case housed his seeds so he could perform his 'magic'. He didn't even take the times to sort out what would be best. Without much thought he threw the seeds at the door and began his magic.

A small pain etched its way into the back of Roberts neck as he focused on making the plants grow, a familiar pain. One he felt every time he did a cast. The pain was nothing more than a tingle to him now that he had grown accustom to it. A soon as the seeds hit the ground they sprouted. Most were flowers that were good for a show, but luckly he had some vine type plants. He allowed the flowers to blossom on the floor around them, but focused on his attention on the vine types to ensure that they grew. The vines grew over the door, twisting in each other to form a barrier. From the ends of the vines blossomed purple bunches of flowers that were beautiful and gave off a pleasant smell. He had often used these in his shows since Wisteria's could be trained to make trees or grow freely along the ground.

"Now.." He started not even winded by the display of magic. "I am afraid that your visit has come to an end." He stood up straight and motioned his hand to the door. "I am sure you remember the way out."
Noises. She heard noises in front of her. Something was going on. She focused her gaze forward as best as she could to see what was there. Everything was a blur though, she could see that everything was white except for an area that was darker. She stared at the darker area wondering where it went. Was it a cave? Or was it a closed off area? She couldn't tell, it was just a dark area with no definition at first. The more she stared at the area he clearer the imagine got. It was a closed off area. She was in a room that was closed off from the rest. Everything was starting to come into focus now. The room and everything.

She turned her head to look at her surroundings without noticing the smallest detail. She had moved her head. She looked at the plants that were in the room with her. They were strange. There wasn't a scent coming from them and she couldn't sense any life. They were the oddest plants she had ever seen in her life. She turned her head to the other side to look at what else was in the room. She noticed then. She turned her head again. She could move. Concentrating on her fingers she found she could move them and her wrists, and elbows, and shoulders. Her attention now was on her body more than the room that she was in. She pushed herself off the floor so she could sit. Her joints were stiff and didn't seem to want to move as much as she wanted them too. It was understandable through, she didn't know how long it had been since she used them last.

As she was examining herself she heard the commotion from the other side of the door. Whatever was on the other side was close and it didn't sound friendly at the moment. Was it the same things she had heard before? Her mind raced on what to do next. Much like a small child learning how to walk she stood herself up quickly and found herself stumbling to the plants in the room. She was somewhat relieved once she made it to one and was able to touch it. The relieve didn't last long as she felt the leaves only to find out that they were not plants at all. "Yu pequi?" She said to herself confused. 'What is this?"

Her attention went again to the door as the room was filled with a floral scent. She inhaled deeply.. ease found its way into her mind. So not all plants were like the ones in front of her on this planet. With a new found hope of being able to survive she turned her attention to the windows. She could see the sky, it looked like the sky many planets shared. She needed to escape and find her pod. She looked around until she spotted the chair in the room.

She slid the chair up to one of the windows and lifted it unsteadily. Her knees wobbled under the weight, but before they could give out she threw the chair into the window shattering it. Instantly air from outside filled the room and crest of again her skin and through her hair. She would be free. Without thought she ran through the shattered window and jumped.
I will, without fail, get a post up by monday
Bullets flew by in a frenzy around her as she ran away from her unknown attackers. She was out of breath, but her chest didn't burn. She placed her hand on her chest trying to figure out where she should go, but everything was black. There wasn't an up or down, a left or right. There was nothing behind her and nothing in front of her, but the bullets still flew by. Pain flared through her back as she was shot. Instantly she fell to the ground and reached her hand back to touch it. Pulling her hand away from the wound to see the blood she was shocked to find her hand clean of any blood. The pain was gone as well.

She got back up and started to run again. She had to get away. Suddenly a man appeared in front of her wearing a rabbit mask with a creepy smile on its face. She stepped back from the man and looked around confused on where he had came from. There wasn't anything for him to hide behind, which meant he had just appeared. They stared at each other for a moment before he spoke.

"Do you know the difference between a monster and a freak?" He tilted his head to the side in a distorted angle that would have broken most peoples neck.

Her stomach turned seeing his neck in that position. It was hard to think of the answer staring him like that. She averted her eyes. "A monster is scary and a freak.. a freak is.. is.. they are different."

His head snapped back into place when she gave her answer. "So what are you?"

Vida laid on the ground. Her breathing was shallow, but at this point she looked worse off than she actually was. Most of the bullets had been pushed out of her body by now leaving her body to repair the tissue and organs. The wounds on her skin remained open to push out anything that would case her body harm. That also meant that she was still bleeding. Her body was on the edge with blood loss, but fortunately wit her new ability she was able to replenish her blood supply enough to stay alive.

Everyone around her was making the decision to go with the Doctor. With her in the state that she was in she didn't have a choice but to go with everyone or be left. Her fate was in the hands of all of those around her. Until she was healed and awake there would be no struggle either way from her.
I don't have a clue... Vida isn't to bright so she would probably just get caught.
"Cat food... Cat liter.. cat, cat. Shoes. I need shoes. My shoes have holes in them. Maybe a shirt. Oh!! That new thing from the store. What was it? Oh no time for work!!"
Oh.. this was kind of random. I didn't expect it from work
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