Avatar of Jarl Coolgruuf


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1 yr ago
Current Ma! The sex roleplayers are being weird in the advanced tab again, Ma!
4 yrs ago
Stack sats, print gats, distill vats, feed cats
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4 yrs ago
We here at Cyberdine Systems have heard your demands and we answer your cries with "BullyBot". With the push of a button you can now automate all of your cyberbullying. The future is here. Embrace it.
4 yrs ago
>using the phrase "normie" unironically
4 yrs ago
They always ask me, "What the fuck are you doing!?" but never, "How the fuck you doing?"


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@Zapdos Thank you! And I'll adjust that detail in the bio

As for defensive ability, he essentially has net 0. He's immune to the effects of his own power but second order effects could still kill him. He won't get hurt by smashing that pillar but if big chunks of rubble fall on him he could be seriously injured or even killed; a major glass cannon.

OTKO is a possibility but the problem is he's constantly playing that arcade game where you try to hit the button just right but if he goes over someone gets turned into ground beef and he's not too keen on being a murderer so he often WAY under swings when trying to hit opponents
And there we go! He's all done

Hey all! I saw the interest check and I'm very interested in what you have going on here. I'd love to join if this is still open.
Sounds like y'all got a fun thing going. Really like the setting and story so far.

Current idea is a Nem who functions as more of a scout/tracker/sneak-thief combining unusual bladework, trickery, and alchemy to pull the rug out from under his opponents. His craft is rather un-knightly but of the utmost value. I was thinking he is someone outside the order who assists the knights in ways they would be hard pressed to do themselves.

Of course I'm very flexible and more than willing to reshape this idea or come up with something entirely different
Clive turned to Anna with the great grandpappy of all disapproving glares. Every day it seemed the alchemist said some new and creative blasphemy and he couldn't help being mildly impressed. This feeling was, of course, far surpassed by his irritation and concern for her eternal soul. Maybe someday, some day in the far, far future, Lord willing and the creek don't rise, he would get through to her.
"I pray for you every day." With a glance at Junia and narrowed eyes he added, "And now you too."

Returning his attention to the corpse, he scratched his chin for a moment in thought. Considering the elaborate nature of the death it told him a few things about what it could be but a lot more about what it wasn't.
"Whatever happened here was planned and took some sorta intelligence to pull off. This wasn't a feeding, or at least not any kind I've seen. The whole ink business makes me think it was something that can think, something that schemes, so we'd best be real careful going forward."
Clive didn't like things that could scheme. Schemers are unpredictable, sometimes messy, and don't always follow patterns. He didn't like when the prey was as smart or smarter than him. That made things less of a hunt and more of a fair fight with extra steps and he never fought fair if he could help it.
@ThatGentleman I think I'll pass this one up actually. Good luck with your roleplay though!
Hey y'all! Any empty slots left for this?
Oooooooh definitely interested in this
Clive heard the tail end of Manny's analysis as he descended the steps after him and gave a nod of greeting to the assembled party. The former had never been one for history the way his coworker was. His methods were much more direct and streamlined: track, identify, destroy. Simple, just the way he liked it (at least as much as dealing with the supernatural could be, anyway). Still, he respected anyone who knew their trade so well.

He mentally prepared himself for whatever ungodly thing the boss lady had in store for them as he cleared the last few steps. The smell of rotted flesh hit him and simply rolled off as if it weren't even there. The seasoned hunter had smelled so much decay in his time it simply didn't faze him anymore. Once you've smelled a hundred corpses you've smelled them all, but the sights were always new and exciting in their own uniquely horrible ways. His face screwed up in disgust at the mess on the table as shook his head.
"What in the world happened to… him? Her? That?"
He shook his head again and made the sign of the cross and muttered a prayer before he approached to get a better look. His hands went to his pockets as he examined the human soup and sighed.
"This right here is why I don't fool with magic. Like Granny always said, no good can come of it."
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