Avatar of Jedly
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Jedly
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1908 (0.50 / day)
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    1. Jedly 10 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
-Mad World nightcore of despair plays in the background-


I just realized I should put something here. Erm... For the time being:


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@TheWindelWill redact and make edits tomorrow.
@TheWindelI removed any mention of white guild affiliation and wrote them as they originally were, random goons. Just wanna ascertain here that it's alright they got attacked by students of an unknown affiliation, since, well, Kosuke and Jiro are already KO'd. Just trying to verify the particulars. Unaffiliated students or no attack at all?
@RoflsmazoyThat post was the first thing I saw when I woke up and I don't even conceptualize wat.

"Bitches love cannons trash cans"
@Mega BirbCanada ain't got shit on this.
Aaaaaand post is done. Sorry about the time it took to post, been a hectic first week back. All settled in, so I should be able to post on a more regular basis. Hopefully it makes up for my absence.
@FallenTrinityCrap, sorry about the delays, gonna post tomorrow. Finally the weekend.
One moment Shiro was indulging himself in a carton of strawberry milk after pulling off a performance in his "allies'" steed, the next the contents of the very container spattered all over the floor. What a waste. He had spent the scant minutes following their performance mulling over the absence of the faction they were forced to cover. The show must go on, as they say. Though this surely wasn't the after party he was anticipating. The trepidation gnawing at his conscience was affirmed by this recent development. To be candid, the Cobalt Bruisers weren't the most trustworthy characters. Altruism isn't a prevailing policy they operate off of. It's mutual gain, a fact embodied by the guild's mercantile ethos. Commerce flows in both directions. But the second either party has the slightest leverage, boom, and just like that you may find a knife sinking into your back. Although there was nothing more Shiro wanted to do than take a leak on Titania's tank, as it stood there constituents to support a claim of betrayal. At least none that he could visibly see, given the fact that the entire area had plunged into darkness. There as a more pressing matter at hand- that being the literal hand currently making an effort to cease the facilitation of air through the Sweeper's lungs.

A loud thump followed shortly after the strawberry milk carton. "Jiro? Kosuke?" One of his comrades was just dispatched with acute diligence. So either they weren't dealing with casuals, or the fatigue coupled with the abrupt shock of a sneak attack got to one of his buds. Judging from the ominous lack of thrashing in the room besides Shiro's, it was safe to say the other had succumb to the same fate. "Great." His lungs felt like they were about to burst out of his chest. He had to make his move, and fast. Unfortunately for these schmucks, they picked a fight with the wrong person. A Sweeper.

A dangerous job has its equivalent risks, and while the veil of anonymity is used as a shield by many, relying on it as a crutch was foolish. Normally Shiro was armed with some means of self defense, commonly a pocket knife or something just as concealable. Unfortunately, he had placed his faith in the hope that people would have some decency to not crash such a joyous event and was currently unarmed. Which was, evidently, pretty fucking foolish. Now he had to make amends for this slip up. The arm that ensnared his neck continued to tighten its hold to expedite the process. "Like I'm going to let you finish the job!"

These jackasses had put a dent in their performance, iced his bros, and worst of all, spilled his strawberry mil- wait, that didn't sound like the correct order. Well, anyways...

The orange-haired boy reeled back his arm and drove it into his assailant's side. A faint cry brushed his ear and the grip slackened slightly, yet it was enough to suffice as an opening. Without pause Shiro took hold of the arm that was strangling him and spun around, dragging the attacker along right into the counter-top which encompassed that side of the dressing room. As the unidentified individual crumpled from the marble, the Sweeper seized the opportunity and extended his reach for whatever provisional weapon he could get his hands on. The familiar texture of fabric sent a shiver down his spine.

Aside from being the only thing known to mankind scarier than Asahi taking a dump after Taco Tuesday, a mannequin head isn't exactly a go-to bludgeoning tool. "Welp, beggars can't be choosers." Shiro gritted his teeth as he assumed a fighting pose that could somewhat complement his weapon. The shifting of two separate pairs of feet confirmed that the other scrubs realized they were down a comrade. "Well, shall we? I'll show you all the power of an all-time classic best girl! EXPLO-"

Just then the door to the dressing room burst open, its joints creaking as they threatened to snap under such immense pressure. Light pooled into the room causing Shiro to shield his vision with the mannequin. After his eyes dilated, he was able to make out the iconic petite silhouette. The figure chucked two incapacitated students through the doorframe, both of which were covered in bruises and their clothes crudely mangled. "Uh oh."

Aaaaaaaaand cue kickass music.

Akane took one step forward, and every conscious soul took another back. Shiro wondered if the mannequin would provide adequate defense, or perhaps he should employ his former attacker as a meat shield. Time was up before he could come to a reasonable decision. The redhead's warcry reverberated throughout the room, the illumination the discarded flashlight emanated only making the enemy's demise all the more vivid.

Shiro continued his effort to revive his fallen comrades, who he dragged out of harms way just before Akane's onslaught got underway. Asahi's message floated in the upper right of his vision as he continued to relentlessly pat Jiro and Kosuke's cheeks, the extent of his medical services. "C'mon...Wake up alread- For the love of all that's still sane in this world, Akane, can you stop socking that guy for one second?!"

First rule to survival: Never, ever, ever intrude on Akane while she's changing. Only protagonists could do that, and these goons didn't even rate as tertiary characters. Perhaps he could have gotten his fellow Sweeper to force one of the Ivory Masks to give his buds mouth-to-mouth, then again, that would internally decimate the spirits of both parties involved. His gaze lingered on the blank complexions of two boys before turning to the gorilla running amok, "Hey, Akane," The student began, only to be instantly met with an exasperated pair of narrowed eyes. The girl ceased her relentless attack for the moment, yet a fist still hung over her defenseless opponent, ready to pounce back into action. It was borderline impossible to make out his facial features anymore. Still, Shiro proceeded with due haste, "I'm going to go on ahead and dive into DGO. Spread the word once you get these two up and at 'em, and make sure to lock the exits. Pretty pleaaaaaaaase" He proceeded to drag out the syllable before abruptly plopping next to a wall.

And just like that, Akane was left alone with eight unconscious students, five of which would stay that way for easily another few hours. She needed who comrades lucid, and soon. After the goons had been tied up, the girl briskly traversed the room and collected two mannequin heads, pirouetting with both in each hand to right herself. She then brought them well over her scalp, and without a single flicker of delay, launched them into the boys' stomachs.


A command they would be wise to follow, in spite of the fact they were just strangled minutes ago.

Hopefully Shiro would arrive to give Asahi his aid.

To: Asahi Goroshi
From: Shiro Kawabata
Subject: Re: Find somewhere sage

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@Mega Birb@roflsmazoy@Lucius Cypher
Will be posting today, back in the land of post-secondary.
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