Avatar of Jollan
  • Last Seen: 8 mos ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1959 (0.53 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Jollan 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current doing trade school online is like reading about a sport and expecting to be able to play it without practice.
5 yrs ago
Trade > bachelors
1 like
6 yrs ago
Desire to type "git gud" intensifies...
6 yrs ago
okay, watched the first episode of goblin slayer, not nearly as bad as what it was made out to be. Still a bit depressing but hey, saved 2 of 4 rookies, coulda been worse.
6 yrs ago
So i figured out, as much as id love the equivalent of an anime doom guy slaying goblins, i dont like seeing the lovely anime chicas catch a case of the mutilation.


Why hello, you little stalker. As you can see above I have recorded your visit for potential future stalking purposes. In that list you may find some other recent stalking victims. You may wonder, "Oh no! I've been caught! Whatever shall I do! What will become of me!" Well... I can assure you nothing....as in really...nothing. Except the fact that you may have wasted a precious few moments of your life with this bio. In this, I can say for every person that reads this, I have stolen that moment in your life that you could have been doing something else. Anything really.....Are you still here? Shouldn't you...I don't know, be posting in one of your RPs? I'm sure somebody is waiting for your response, it might even be me. You are procrastinating aren't you? I know I am. At the very moment I typed this I was supposed to be writing papers for class. See? Now I've been wasting time on both our accounts. Look what you made me do.




Ok, that is enough stalking...


There really isn't anything else here...


I'm gonna call the police...


(What's the number for 9-1-1?)

Most Recent Posts

Miiba fell to the ground as Lear used his warcry, shaking up the girl so much that she couldn't stand. All the hostility going on seemed to die right there on the spot, making everyone shut their mouths and direct their attention to the farmer. Miiba listened while he questioned them, and as he described the man who may have teleported them there, it was the same description Miiba had told him, what she called a 'shadow man' due to his appearance.

Miiba looked up to Lear a bit teary eyed, "Miiba no know monsters, but monster no attack Miiba, just talk. Miiba not know if good or bad......and blue glow-ball friend not a pink glow-ball....," she finished sounding quite disappointed. She looked back to the others, feeling much safer with Lear. She wanted to say something to Lear about what Geir said and did, but something held her back. Fear of what Geir would do or feeling like it wasn't the time to bring it up, she wasn't sure as both were very possible.

Lynn instantly seemed to look a bit more relieved when Maeve cooled the water. "Thank you, that feels a lot better already. My name is Lynn Meditrina, by the way. A pleasure to meet all of you," Lynn said, finally introducing herself to them properly. Lucky for Lynn, Maeve didn't seem to make the water as cold as it would be comfortable to her, as that would near freezing even for Lynn, but knocked it down to only a little bit cooler than the ocean waters of Lynn's home, which in this heat, wasn't really that bad. Lynn sunk below the water, her eyes slowly closing. Valia was worried momentarily before she remembered that the girl was from the ocean and could see her soft breathing under the water.

"Thats a beautiful name," Valia commented, "as you may have already heard, my name is Valia." Soon the girl arrived with three clay head sized jars in her arms, each had a different color lid to them. "Three jars, Himi?" Valia asked inquisitively.

The girl nodded as she set them down. "Yes Madame Valia. One is the oil, one the lotion, and the other I thought to bring was some salt."

Valia's eyes lit up, "Oh! great thinking, though we will only need just a little bit," she said as she took the salt jar to use first, looking to Maeve with a little grin, "white desert gold." It was her personal jar she used normally for cooking, but it did well to have some on hand if someone dehydrated as well. "You lady, if you haven't dozed off in there, would you mind coming back up for a moment?" she asked whimsically. Lynn's tired eyes opened and she shifted herself back up in a seated position in the tub. "Open you mouth and take some of this," she instructed. Lynn complied, letting Valia take a pinch of salt and put it on her tongue.

Lynn was surprised by the taste but not in a bad way. In fact, it tasted quite familiar. "Crystallized sea water?" she asked in confusion.

"Not quite, it's salt," Valia responded, "it is in sea water, yes, but here we mine it. You probably naturally filter this into your diet in the ocean, but being dehydrated, an extra pinch can go a long way. Though too much and it would be counter productive." She took a small handful and let it fall into the bath water. "Its one of our most lucrative exports for this town, especially for cooking. But the trade allows me to get this lovely little jar here," she said as she grabbed the next jar she wanted to use, "Have you had any brought to Tundral before Maeve?" she asked, striking up small talk. As soon as she opened it the room was filled with the smell of cocoa butter.

Nix looked to Allanon strangely, not sure why he would volunteer such a thing. Nix "This pack.... help Nix find pack?" she said asking him while slightly unbelieving. "Nix... accept," she said giving her joining an approval.

When Kistal started to approach Nix, she instinctively backed away a little, still not completely sold on the idea of traveling with them, especially not that close, but he mentioned something about the things binding her arms and clasped to her ankles. Hesitantly, she plopped down in the sand and held out her bound arms first, which held her forearms together as much as they possibly could. Kistal would see a bit of bleeding around each of the bindings from how tight each one was. Nix's ears laid back as she watch Kistal work on them.


As for the warriors and many of the rest of the group, they were forming marching lines to leave the camp, but waited on the others to get ready as well. Bidzil nodded to the newcomer and the others. "Well, I hope this 'Jeevak' character doesn't mind sharin', been looking into the legend a little myself. F-for nothing nefarious though I assure you!" he said, waving his arms in front of himsel with a big dumb grin. He cleared his throat. "Anyway, the rest of the warriors look about ready to head out. Oh, and Chihiro, Hilde was calling out for you it seemed. She asked I just leave her there, but she seemed pretty banged up. She took a direct hit from that hooded figure-"

"I-its not so bad, nnf, pro-obably just a busted rib or two. No biggie," Hilde's voice called out, still lying in the sand but now with a couple more worried Kalla warriors around her, checking if she was alright. They muttered something about making maybe another stretcher if they had extra sailcloth.

As for Allanon, he would find his target among the other girls. It seemed to be in fact the very girl Malkhad was dragging around before the fight, the one Dorran died trying to shield and Bidzil saved. her paler features now easier to see with the rising sun and being surrounded by mostly Varuk. She for now seemed pretty out of it, just as before, and was resting in the lap of one of the older girls that were taken hostage.
"Is gross. Not good. Can not be," she said matter of factly about the brewed beverage. It didn't make her sick, but she gave the liquid a wide berth as Gilgan cleaned it up, and she wasn't too keen on messing with the tankards any more either. When Lei told her she should just ask next time she nodded her understanding, which was usually a god sign of her noting it down.... or going in one ear and out the other, it was about fifty fifty.

Fera looked at Lei inquisitively when she heard a command word used in her conversation, "Track? Fera can do! Track fun, is like hunt!" She waited semi-patiently as the barkeep went to get something for her to track. A few moments later he returned with a hamper of the girl's worn clothing. and set it down. Fera looked to Lei to see if this was indeed what she wanted her to track. Once acknowledged, a big smile would crack across her face as she leaned over the hamper to sniff few times. Soon after that. however, she buried her head into the pile of clothes. Not only did she get a good scent of the girl, but she tried to note any other major scents as well. Once reason she dove her head into the hamper was also trying to rub the scent into her hair so she can take it with her in case she lost the item she had to track her with. After applying the scent to her, she nipped at a sock and pulled it from the hamper, it having the strongest scent of the girl on it. She backed away from the hamper, testing the scent in the air and then moving to the door, looking back to the others. Even with Fera tracking at the same time, Lei and soon Nanaya would see how fast she could truly track and stalk her prey. needless to say it was probably a little unnerving.
survival: 8

sock sniff failure whenever Fera does attempt it. we should keep it for later, when the booze hasn't soiled her senses.
Fera slowly crept up, thinking she was successful at sneaking up on the strange person. When she saw a hand come down, she saw it as the perfect opportunity to learn this person's scent, sniffing at her a few times. She was right in thinking that the person was like anything she had seen before. She had a very unique scent, many of which she did not recognize. This wasn't as much of a surprise being that she had never seen something like her before, but it was still interesting enough that she sniffed at her a few more times to memorize the scents for later. Fera wondered if the strange patches of scales on the woman offered a tougher hide, but left it at something interesting to look at. What caught her eye next was a crossbow, something like what the other man had except smaller. She couldn't help the temptation to reach for it when she heard the coins hit the table.


Fera perked up suddenly and hopped around the table back to a perched position in her chair. Aside from the shinies, there was also a tankard. Fera waa a bit on the thirsty side so she leaned in to look at it. she gave an experimental whiff and slightly wrinkled her nose at it. Upon seeing Lei drink it though, she thought to give it a try. Watching Lei's and other patrons' motions as an example on how to deal with a tankard, she took the tankard in both hands and tipped it to her mouth.

As soon as the liquid touched her tongue, her eyes screwed shut and a gagging sound was heard as her hands flailed to toss the despicable and vile tankard away, a wooden echo sounding out on the floor as it dropped to the ground, spilling its contents. Fera shook her head violently as if she were trying to fling the taste off of her tongue. She hopped away from the table and scrambled to an unoccupied corner. "Fweh! Pleh! Lei! No drink! Is bad!" she called, a slight whining sound in her voice. Uhg, now the taste was lingering...
Fera had predictably already grown tired of sitting still. Her eyes wandering around the room as a few people milled in and out of the place. Absentmindedly, her claws on her toes and fingers dug into the wood of the chair she was squatting in like a kneading feline, leaving deep scratches into the wood. Soon, however, something interesting showed up into the tavern. There was a woman, which alone wasn't a big deal, however this one was unlike any the wildling had ever seen before.

If someone were to take their eyes off her for a moment that would have missed her. Fera hunkered down and crawled around, circling behind Nanaya to pick up her scent and slowly creep forward to get a better sense of the strange newcomer. This one had... *scales*? The scent was female, and it certainly looked the part. She even had Shinies on! If found out, she would simply sit down as calmly as she could manage until the focus was no longer on her.If Lei were to turn to her friend, she would notice that she was indeed gone from her seat and seemed like she was stalking the woman who just came through the door. Which only made sense, compared to the others in this town, she was quite.... exotic.
Fera never stayed far from Lei, she may not be directly next to her shen they walked, in fact, more often than not, she wasn't. She would be wandering around checking things out, sniffing and sneaking around where she probably shouldn't through the stalls on the side of the street, or on top of a low roof, close to people that spark her interest, but she would always at least keep Lei in eyesight and not too far. Lei may even be able to track for by the surprised exclamations of people her companion poked around, but Fera never caused any trouble with her idle curiosity while on their walks, so nothing really happened from it. Most likely because Fera was still trying to keep up with Lei so she didn't have a lot of time to really snoop. When Fera noticed that Lei was heading for a building, she hopped down from the top of a crate she just climbed on, having smelled something interesting, but quickly ignored it when she saw Lei going for the door.

Lei then seemed to turn and lightly touch a finger to Fera's nose. He ears perked up and her eyes widened at it before she looked up to Lei's eyes. "No trouble, yes. I try for sit still," she responded, her tail lightly wagging. 'Sit still' was absolutely the hardest skill to master. Fera didn't know how other people could get by doing such a thing, but she imagined they must be very skilled considering she struggled with it. But if Lei wanted her to, she would try her best. Lei had given her this command multiple times, but every time she commanded this it seemed to always be followed by something terrible, like dunking her in water for some sort of strange 'bath', or having her try on strange restrictive clothes that only ended up getting ruined anyway. Fera much preferred the clothes she found from a previous traveling group. For others they would be fairly reveling and indecent, but for her, they seemed to be very mobile and still provided a little extra warmth and some protection from uncomfortable surfaces, so it was perfect!

Fera, walking upright, or what she was told was the 'proper' way to walk, followed in behind Lei. Instantly she was tested by the strange people that were inside. Oh how dreadful to see something so intriguing and not be allowed to investigate! She instead climbed into a chair next to Lei, and instead of sitting it normally, seemed to sit on her haunches, crouched low on the balls of her feet and her arms straight down in front of her with her hands helping keep balance just in front of her feet. It were as if it were a natural resting position for her while in comparison a regular person may tire or be uncomfortable in such a state for an extended period of time.

To entertain herself, she simply eyed down or took in the scents of anyone and anything of interest for now. The bottles, the smell of alcohol, Giligan, and even the ranger with the interesting looking crossbow, though she wasn't sure what it was, she did want to mess with it. Even his garb was.... odd. Was that supposed to be metal? But it was so thin!? What could be a reason to that?

Delmina saw as Bridget leapt back, "Apologies, I did not wish to risk impaling you," she calmly spoke as the arms of her veil drew up. She then crouched as the cloak buried the two ends into the ground, only for the ground around the Lost to erupt into a bed of blades, impaling a large number of lost as they bottle necked toward's them, leaving them no room to escape to the sides, and many no room to escape forward of back. The frenzied surge the lost had was quickly turned against them as they practically threw themselves onto the blades, disrupting their advance. The amount of vigor drawn from the attack satisfied Delmina as she prepared for their counter offensive. She was able to then cast fleet of foot on both her and Bridget, followed by using the remaining to cast a heal, and being at full health, was able to heal the wound Bridget endured.

"I am ready," she simply stated before charging into the fray, shield in one hand and in front, and gun in the other. She would use her shield both defensively and offensively when needed, and unloading point blank bursts into enemies after parrying or blocking a blow to make an opening.

Miiba hit the ground with a thud, the sheathed knife falling on top of her, bopping her on the head. She quickly picked it up and hugged it to her once more, cluing back in when Geir started yelling again. It of course scared Miiba, but she was tired of always being called a monster. Never at any point did Geir ever give her a chance. Never at any point did he try to talk with her other than to berate her/ Now, here he was again shouting at them and cursing their very existence.

"Stop! Stop calling me a monster!," She finally yelled back, crying where she stood but defiantly standing her ground. Unaware at the moment her duress overcame the strange impediment she inherited as a goblin, if only for a split second "Miiba NOT monster! Miiba not! Miiba no hurt anyone, only monster Miiba see is Geir!" she yelled still sobbing yet it was a strange as it it was a mix of anger and sadness. was this.... a tantrum? "Geir always bully, no matter how hard Miiba try! Always mean, always angry! Miiba want to be hero too, but if Geir is supposed to be hero, Miiba no want! Miiba will be better!" she yelled sniffling one more time. She then turned and ran out of the coop, "Big jerk!" she cried as she was about to turn and run back to the house sobbing. She might have gotten to, if it weren't for running into some strange rock thing that came out of nowhere, knocking her back and down to the ground. Wait, wasn't this where Miiba noticed something trying to pop up a second ago?

"Ah! See, Miiba tell you thing here!"
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