Avatar of Jonisca


Recent Statuses

10 mos ago
Current Then life happens. Hiatus. Sorry, and thank you. May we cross paths again someday, peeps.
10 mos ago
Busy, busy day. Sad that the only writing I could do today was writing this guild status. ~.~
10 mos ago
Each night close to bedtime I tell myself, "fuck work!" only to be fucked by work the next day.
10 mos ago
Today is the happier yet sadder day of the month. Because today is the day salary comes in and immediately flies out of the bank account like it didn't even happen :(
10 mos ago
*whispers* Ze washing machine ate it...


"Well, be good now and say hi, I can see you there, stranger," a feminine voice spoke out of nowhere, its owner hidden from plain sight. One could say it sounded like a challenge, to lure visitors into obeying her command and dropping a PM or a VM on her profile, but if one were to listen carefully, it was more of an awkward attempt to befriend the newcomer who had consciously or unconsciously stumbled upon her domain.

"Not listening, are you? Oh fine, I'll come greet you instead." Some indiscernible noises and an oops dammit later, a petite figure emerged from behind the shadows of the guild looking at her visitor curiously yet somewhat wary of whoever who was now present at her doorstep, her steps slow but purposeful. She was not one to engage in chats, not for the lack of friendliness, but she was often afraid of saying the wrong things, awkward things, which may scare visitors away.

It can't be helped; she was more of an introvert after all, and years of being cooped in her small home did nothing to improve her communication skills with others. It only made her fail to express her true desires and intentions with the right words, often causing confusion to everyone who made contact with her. She decided that withdrawing into her own world might be best - that way she wouldn't inconvenience others nor would she ever send the wrong kind of message.

Though every now and then, she found herself wishing she could at least break free from her introvert shell. She did try of course, on days when she had a bit more courage and a bit more confidence, then she screwed up again and ran back to her hidey-hole to weep in disappointment. Today was one of such days; she felt braver than usual, plus she couldn't seem to ignore the presence of this stranger lurking around her profile.

Putting on her best smile, she said, "Hello, I'm Jonisca. Who are you?"


Hi there, Profile Visitor! I know I don't have much to offer at the moment, because I don't even know what I can offer haha. The above story/post/idunnowhattocallit? can be a reference to those who want a glimpse of my writing capability (or incapability for that matter .__.). I love reading stories with interesting plots and romance, preferably in medieval or some otherworldly fantasy settings but in terms of writing in this kind of genre...I have yet to discover if I have such flair. Gotta roleplay to know eh?

I cannot vouch for whether I can write up to anyone's expectations; if I am good, yay! If I am bad...*sadface* Jokes aside, feel free to throw constructive criticisms at me. I promise I will accept them most graciously...*looks with sad puppy eyes*

Areas I may be interested in:
- Generally romance, (feel free to PM me your idea to check if I'll be interested, since romance is pretty wide lol. Just fyi, I hardly write smut though as I lean more to light + slow burn romance)
- Medieval fantasy
- Adventure
- Tempted to do high fantasy but posts will probably be slow due to overthinking
- Time travel
- Paranormal fiction, preferably something unique other than vampires and werewolves
- Romance xianxia aka Chinese cultivation fantasy involving immortals and Chinese mythology

Not inclined to do:
- Sci-fi
- Fandoms, due to my limited knowledge in movies, anime, drama series
- Historical fiction, mainly because it would take too long to research
- Military
- School settings, unless the plot is good
- Modern, unless it's mixed with heavy otherworldly setting

Looking forward to interacting with most of you, and I hope to rp with you guys! Most of all, have fun, and have a good day! :D

Fun Fact 1: I reply quick. as soon as I can.
Fun Fact 2: I can lose interest easily in a RP with uninspiring plots and posts.
Fun Fact 3: I love me some romance C-dramas. *activates hopeless romantic mode*

Most Recent Posts

Name: Florie Sommersby

Race: Halfling

Age: 16 years old, or so she thought...

Background: Florie thought she was just an average teenage girl who spends her spare time gardening, her nights watching TV with her parents and her weekends mingling with her best friends. Life went on like usual until her sixteenth birthday...

It was a night to remember: birthday greetings from classmates in school, a small birthday party with her family and best friends at home. Just when she thought her special day was over, her mother gave her a small gift: a one-of-a-kind necklace which bore a petal pendant. And with the necklace, she was told of her true identity...a halfling in the midst of the ever raging Seasonal War.
Well I posted my part, so it wouldn't be wise to post again so soon...right? By the way, I'm still here~
Diamond marched towards the crowd with a sense of purpose...only to find herself heading towards long tables of food at the side of the grand room. She thought of mingling with the crowd right away; it seemed like a sensible thing to do to know more of whatever that was happening around her but she was not ready to face them and endure their scrutinising eyes. She took a plate and started piling up food: some fruits, a scoop of garden salad, a small slice of...whatever-cake. And she stood by the table eating while observing like an outsider she was.

With food as a good distraction, Diamond felt the tension within her slowly ebbing away. Without realising, she had been nervous and worried about interacting with the people around her. Would they sense something strange about her and realise she doesn't belong to their world? And when they do, how would they react? Once a worrywart, always a worrywart...Diamond thought and sighed. It would not come as a surprise if she ended up having lines on her face at the age of sixteen.

It proved a wise decision to be an observer of the party at the edge of the room. Diamond's position allowed her to take a decent view of the dancer who seemed to be the highlight of tonight's party. Quite a fair-looking girl she was, with fiery red hair and matching red dress which made her whole being seemed aflame. Her movements were graceful, and Diamond felt a tiny bit envious of the girl. Nearby, the lady musician was dressed in a similar shade, looking equally lovely. Diamond found herself enjoying the beautiful lively tunes she played with her fiddle; the lady must have put her entire heart into each stroke. "And here I am, lacking talent of sorts..." Diamond mused.

Her eyes continued to scan the crowd. She was never an observant person, but having appeared in another world forced her to be more attentive to her surroundings. There were guards posted at each entrance, distinguished by their uniform, and in the midst of the loosely spread crowd stood a big-sized armoured statue, an odd decoration. Except the statue could move its head and limbs...

Diamond rubbed her eyes single-handedly and frowned. The place got weirder the more she lingered around. Whoever heard of a walking statue, or was that a special trick employed by the organiser of the party as extra entertainment for his guests? A commotion at the main gate briefly distracted her line of thoughts. Diamond tiptoed to get a better view, but all she could see was a few guards' helmet top and a short moment later, someone entered the room, presumably a late guest. Setting her empty plate on the table, she slowly weaved her way to be part of the crowd, listening for information. People were bound to gossip and spread news regardless of era. True enough, for a lady in front of her muttered something about "a man too fat to defend his own heart" and "kind fellow, to carry that pig of a man to safety", so Diamond assumed a good-hearted gentleman must have came to the aid of one of the nobles with the help of the guards before joining the party. Nothing of my concern, she thought and her eyes swept back to the puzzling figure-thing. Her curious side urged her to go close for a little harmless inspection. It wouldn't hurt...or would it?

"If it's some guy cosplaying, I can just say hi, comment that the costume's cool and make friends or apologise and walk away right?" Diamond thought of leaving the figure-thing alone but curiousity was persistent and got the better of her. Biting her lower lip, she slowly made way towards it in small cautious steps.
Prince of Seraphs said
I'd need Ignia or someone else to post before I can... or I could scare the crap out of Diamond Wong but I was sort of saving that for later.

Hahaha oh you Prince xD
Ahh I see, thank you General (hello there btw!), Science and Arrayah! You guys are very helpful :3 I might have to edit my post a bit then >.o
Hmm, if it's Octave's estate...wait, in your context, estate refers to the building itself or the land? o.o Correct me if I am wrong, for whenever people mention the term "estate" my mind keeps thinking of it as a piece of land x.x English ain't my native language, still learning every now and then, so I would appreciate it if anyone of you could put me into the right perspective for this roleplay.
Hmm, a question: is the party supposed to be outdoor or in some kind of a hall? If it's the hall, then I must correct my view of it, as I have been picturing it to be some kind of an outdoor party all along :s
Haha, I'm fine with anything! Hmm, I'm trying to make it that the slave feels weird that Diamond doesn't look as wealthy as the rest of the noblemen, considering her dress is of modern cutting and all when she first appeared, fish-smelling and all. Even weirder that Diamond would speak to her as equals, something the wealthy bunch don't do. But I guess as a slave, you don't have the privilege to wonder and question much; you just do as you're told (unless you're the rebellious type hehe). So yes, it appears that the slave concludes Diamond belongs in the party~

I agree with Micosil in regards to post length; it's the content that matters. I tend to be long-winded in my writing, and I'm trying to cure myself out of that but in the mean time, do bear with me... o.o
As much as I would love to take my time (hehe), I had to put up a post or else the events will be moving too fast for my character to appear I think. Still, thanks anyway! :3

P.s. Love everyone's posts by the way~ Makes me feel like my writing pales in comparison x.x
"Tommy you idiot!" Diamond gritted her teeth as she climbed out of the water. She finally remembered her friend could swim; he must have stayed underwater for some time to trick her into the pool. She sat on the ground, wet from head to toe, smelling like...fish? Feeling something wriggling in her hair, she felt for her hair and gave a yelp of surprise before shaking her head hard, sending some tiny fishes the size of anchovies to the ground. She could not be certain but from the smell of the water, the writhing thing in her hair, she had just swam in a fish pond. But wasn't it supposed to be a clear swimming pool? Did she remembered wrongly...

Diamond frowned. Her surroundings felt strange to her; it seemed she was in a different place altogether. The night seemed darker than before, and what was supposed to be the modern furnishing around the pool were replaced with neatly trimmed shrubs and small pretty paths made of round polished pebbles. She supposed it was a garden of sort, probably owned by some kind of rich person, judging by the neat beautiful landscaping. The air smelled sweet of grass and flowers save for the wet fishy smell that was slowly drying on her. She rubbed her arms for warmth and frowned some more in thought. What was happening? It was only moments ago when she jumped into the pool to save her friend and now she ended up in the middle of somebody's garden of nowhere. Diamond shook her head to rid her mind of jumbled thoughts. She had to face the present; it was pointless to wonder about the past when it clearly did nothing to provide her the answers she needed.

Diamond stood, shivering. She had to get something dry to wear quick and if possible, a nice warm bath or risk coming down with fever and terrible cold. She walked barefooted on the pebbled path, muttering a few low curses at her friend for causing her such predicament. Her brown eyes swept around the area for sign of human activity. There were people moving in hurried paces into a building, in which she realised was a grand mansion. Feeling curious, Diamond followed an elderly couple who was too absorbed about the fact that they had arrived quite late to be bothered by the girl's presence behind. She ventured along the hallway, keeping her head down pretending to be more interested at the ground beneath her or looking away whenever she sensed curious eyes on her. Once or twice she dared a peek at those who looked her way, and they were mostly girls in black and white dresses, presumably servants in that wealthy household.

"Oh my, how breathtaking..." The elderly man in front of her spoke in awe as they entered into a luxurious ballroom. Rubbing her arms for warmth, Diamond shuffled to the side of the room to observe as inconspicuously as possible. From her vantage point, she could see the crowd, at least a hundred or more, gathered around some kind of stage. One could tell the people attending the event, a party she gathered from the various delicacies served at the side tables, were of the rich sort judging from how they portrayed their wealth with gold and jewels on their necks, hands and lovely colourful clothing. The servants stood out in contrast, their black-and-white forms moving in and out of the crowd with heads lowered and men in dark blue suits littered across the room, dishing out drinks and refilling glasses after glasses. Faint music filled the air and the crowd seemed captivated by a dancer's performance. Hmm, a party, Diamond thought. She felt like joining the crowd to watch the performance, but the pressing need of wearing dry clothes made her turn to one of the servant girls who happened to walk unconsciously towards her.

"Hi, I'm sorry but is there any dry clothes you can spare me? I..." she paused for a while, "...fell into the pond accidentally and lost my shoes there. I would appreciate it if I can get a bath, if not, just some dry clothes is fine." The servant girl about her age jumped in surprise at being addressed and she stared at her wide-eyed as though she had seen a ghost. The girl looked about a few times as though afraid somebody would come and give her a few spankings before she answered Diamond in a small voice with eyes downcast, her expression half-puzzled and half-afraid. "My Lady...I could bring you to the fitting room...there might be one two spare gowns that might be of use to you..." The girl glanced at Diamond nervously before moving away with small quick steps. Diamond shrugged to herself and giving the crowd one last look, she took after the girl's lead.


"Oh gosh, this feels soooo gooooooood...I can't believe I smell like a fish just now! Ugh! And hmm, this is pretty," Diamond said to herself as she rubbed her hair dry with a towel while looking into the mirror. She was lucky there was a pink gown made of silk and a matching pair of red shoes that suited her. Although she found the gown to be elaborate and low cut to her liking, she was not in a position to complain. She wanted to ask a few questions to the servant girl but the girl seemed uncomfortable around her and always kept her head lowered. "You look like a pitiful servant, like a slave lol," Diamond told her lightly and the girl looked up with a confused expression before returning to her submissive look. "Yes My Lady, we look like who we should be, as Master Octave's slaves." And she mumbled an excuse that she was needed elsewhere before leaving Diamond wondering alone in the room at her words.

Feeling restless, Diamond quickly dried her hair before wandering out of the building through the way led by the girl earlier. Her instinct told her the house was not a place for her to linger around for long, however fascinating its interior appeared to be. From what she gathered, the mansion she had just intruded was owned by this so-called Master Octave. And it seemed Master Octave kept slaves to do his bidding, something she disapproved coming from a world that spoke greatly of human rights.

Diamond sighed, her expression troubled. Everything seemed so weird the moment she appeared out of the fish pond. She wondered if she had stepped into a different era of the past. There were slaves to begin with, a Master Octave and rich people's party...

"Hmm, rich people's party," she mused aloud, stroking her chin in thought. Now that she was dressed like a rich girl herself, she could probably play along as one of them. And maybe with luck, she might be able to find her way back home somehow.

With a determined look, Diamond walked as ladylike as possible towards the crowd.
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