Avatar of JonxlatheLion
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Droneboy
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 667 (0.18 / day)
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    1. JonxlatheLion 10 yrs ago


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Joshua immeidiately went to thnking, and fast. He makes his weight lighter than a feather and grabs Adam. "Warpath, make a grapple hook with your energy, I'll try to shake off Ace before we get up there!" He then sets to slamming his foot into Ace's head, attempting to knock the android off of him so they wouldn't have to deal with him when they got back up. He also starts trying to propel himself upwards, but it wasn't working very well.
Deadpool shows up facing away from the group, a trench coat and fedora hiding his features. He feels different, like he was... normal. He puts his hands to his face, and feels perfectly healthy skin. His hands weren't scarred, his face felt ordinary. "This... this is..." He was speechless as he looked around. "I... I don't know what to say. I'm not scarred anymore. I'm perfectly fine, perfectly... human..." He gasps, and falls to the ground. Wade Wilson has officially fainted. Maxwell shows up with a loud BANG! He immeidiately starts pacing back and forth. "no no NO NO NO!" He almost roars and hands of shadow start ripping the beach up, slinging sand everywhere. "this is all WRONG! My plans, RUINED!" His eyes looked as though they might catch on fire. He flusters and slams down a man made of wood and steel. This man was eight feet tall and his wooden arms were as thick as Cirno was wide. The man glares at John Gaunt, tilting his head. The puppet starts to lumber towards John, and it definitely didn't look like it wanted to hug him. "I'll have to find some other way to exploit you sorry shits." He storms off towards the city. He was sure he could tempt some thugs with the promise of power.
Maxwell's Upgrades: Master of Puppets: Can make puppets of almost anything he can think of, preferring carnival-based puppets like strong men and clowns. These puppets are actually much more durable than maxwell's personal ones. Dimensional Being: Is able to bring things to and from dimensions much more easily using his shadow/light hands. He also is able to easily move between dimensions, and is aware of every dimension in existance.
Deadpool gets his immortality, but i added this: Deadpool is no longer scarred. Deadpool can choose whether or not to wear his costume, if not he can also choose what clothes he wears. Pretty much harmless aesthetics
okay, once we get to cynosure i'm sure deadpool will find some way to die so I can roleplay his obtaining the Immortality curse.
farnsworth gif signature. I like him already XD
patriach, permission to grab Adam and Sam, permission to grab Ace? I has a plan.
@Mr D - Many a Turian thought that same thing, before being corrected by an angry Krogan with a bad attitude and a fully loaded Claymore. I actually reckon Thrillseeker would see his position has been filled by the new Question, and just go home, happy that the good work is being done.
hey, can i start making CSes for OC villains for you to play with? I feel like making supers
pyro mancers? dang Josh would have his hands full there.
Yes but see, he has no listed "basic madness power that allows him to perfectly use his hat as a method of transportation". In fact, your reality warper powers read: "He can alter small things in reality of any world he's in, such as what something is made of, but cannot effect people, special items or anything larger than a small house". Seems more lesser scale, specific manipulations rather than "well the hat flies perfectly over to the mountain and on top of Ganondorf, because reality warper madness entity I do what I want" to me.
well you're the first to accuse him of powerplaying for the year the character has been in the roleplay. Is it really affecting anything? I don't see it doing anything to disrupt the roleplay.
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