Avatar of JustAriel
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 64 (0.02 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. JustAriel 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Current Took a long break from roleplaying, but I'm back now! Currently looking for something to really devote myself to!


What to put in my bio . . ? This puts a lot of pressure on me. I want to be just as witty as everyone else! Oh well. Here I go. Um. My name is Ariel. So ya. Peace out. ^-^ (That was my poor excuse of being funny. I know. I am really really lame.)

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Oblivion666>

For the record, NPCs have been known to provide much more interesting introductions than even PCs.

Thats exactly what I was thinking lol, plus it would probably allow me to write a lot more
Okay we got our battle plan right Ariel!

Yuh huh! For sure!

(Still not sure if I'm gonna sit next to you guys or sit by myself though xD)
@Caits @Oblivion666
Could one of you inform me on where exactly you two are? Is it like a colosseum?

<Snipped quote by JustAriel>

Or you could, just, ya know, be in the crowd. This is a big event after all.

That's true too lol
<Snipped quote by JustAriel>

You could be in the crowd, approachbmichael and zephyr and really mess up Michael !!

Mess him up? Idk what you mean by that xD Im gonna do some CS research on them!
Yippeeeeeee!!!! Am I one of the cool kids now? ^o^

Don't actually answer that unless it won't hurt my feelings... Btw my iPad doesn't seem to want to let me post my whole CS, so is it okay if I fix that some other time? Like tomorrow?

I guess I'll start writing up my first post ... Is it normal to feel this pressured?

Edit: Actually. . . Idk how I'm supposed to introduce myself ...
Character Sheet [WIP]

Essence "The Desired" Lux

4 y/o (Leap Year) - 19 y/o

February 29th

Love Magic

1. Blow A Kiss - Essence blows a kiss and releases a pink glowing heart that stuns the enemy. She is also capable of blowing several hearts at once. The hearts move at quite a slow speed and the enemy can easily dodge it.

2. Kiss of Seduction - Essence creates several multi-colored glowing hearts and sends them to the enemy. Upon hitting the enemy, a large ammount of love magic is released, hypnotizing the enemy. The enemy will listen to Essence's every command for a short period.

3. Sloppy Kiss - Essence creates a large pink heart made of slime. When it hits the enemy, the heart will explode, sending the slime all over the opponent. The slime will then release hypnotic pheromones to seduce the slime-covered enemy and prevent them from using magic for a short period.

4. Flying Love - Essence creates a large light blue glowing heart that can float around in the air and is capable of being ridden long distances.

5. Burning Passion - Essence creates burning red glowing hearts and sends them to the enemy. When the hearts come in contact with a substance or surface of any kind, it will explode with a small swirl of fire.

6. Shield of Love - Essence creates a red heart and allows it to orbit around herself. When the enemy uses any type of magic, the heart will detonate and nullify the spell that was casted.

7. Heart of Life - Essence creates a light green glowing heart and sends it to her ally. When the heart touches the ally, it releases some healing energy.

8. Tough Love - Essence creates several light yellow glowing hearts with a sharp end and throws them at the enemy. They are capable of reaching incredible speeds and are also thrown as that of daggers.

9. Friend Zone - Essence creates a large, pink glass cage that encapsulates the enemy. The cage acts like a membrane, allowing the atacks from one side to pass through it, but bouncing back the atacks from the other side.

10. Secret Art: Embracing Love - Essence creates a shield that acts like a mirror - reflecting the attacks back to their point of origin. She can shield up to three people at the same time, including herself. This attack, however is a draining magic and it cannot last for too long.

11. Secret Art: Pluviae de Corde - Essence sends a plethora of hearts into the sky and locks them into a target. The hearts then fly towards the enemy, and will not stop until they hit the target. If the opponent creates a clone, or such, of itself, the hearts will divide into groups, following each one of them. This is also draining magic and the casting time is quite long. While creating these hearts, Essence is exposed to every attack. Essence, however, does consider this to be her trump card.

Magic Level:
Need help deciding this, Will edit after

"You wouldn't do that would you. . ? No. . . Please. Just stop! STOP!" Screams. Cries. Pain. Misery. An overall feeling that death and fear were constantly hanging over her head. That is just an understatement of what Essence's childhood was made up of. Born on February 29th in the vast kingdom of Fiore, Essence was a very happy and playful child, just as any other might be. Her parents, Mason and Aurora Lux, were a heavy influence on Essence, and luckily, that was a very good thing! Or so she thought. Essence hated it whenever her parents had an argument. It wasn't as bad in the beginning, but it soon began to twirl out of control and also became much more frequent. To Essence, it almost felt as if someone had just come into her life and shot down everything that was once happy. Which is also exactly what her father did. On August 16th, Mason Lux's birthday, he murdered his wife, and did unspeakable things to Essence as a young child. "I remember his words the day he murdered my mother, 'Finally. I'm free! I'm free from the hands of the Devil. I feel almost. . . Invincible.' He said this with a look in his eye. . . A look that I can only compare to that of a monster. A demon. It was almost like he'd been wanting to do it his whole life. Like. . . He was born with this initial mission. To hurt and tear down the people he once made happy ."

After years of physical and mental abuse, Essence decided she had enough. It was also the time that she had realized that she had a special form of magic. Love Magic. Essence did not hate her father, in fact she still held onto the image of his former self. The loving and caring father that she always had, but Essence knew better than to be naive and stupid. So, she used all of the power inside of herself and gave her father, Mason, one last kiss on his cheek and told him to just run, and run, and run, until he felt that he could start anew. Essence knew for a fact that she sure wanted to start a new life. Especially one that included strengthening her new-found magic. "So yeah, that's when I heard about Phoenix Wing. It definitely was one hell of a journey to get to this point. But. . . It's still not over. And I always keep in mind this one thing that my parents always told me as a child. 'You have to learn how to constantly keep a loving heart.'"

Essence is a very caring and sweet girl, and she always puts her friends' lives and happiness before her own. She is also a very laid-back girl and tends to be a "Go-With-The-Flow" type of person.

Guild and Guild Mark Location:
Phoenix Wing & Guild Mark is located on her right shoulder blade.

Team Members:
Not Applicable

Three Strengths:
1. Essence is extremely versatile on the battlefield; she can both support her teammates and become the main source of outputting damage.

2. She devotes herself to any task that she is given; determined.

3. Constantly optimistic and always looking for "A light at the end of the tunnel."

Three Weaknesses:
1. Essence can also be set off easily in which she will not speak or interact with most people?

2. She tends to become overly devoted and it may cause problems within a team.

3. A few of Essence's attacks only apply to the opposite sex. (Kiss of Seduction, Sloppy Kiss)

Greatest Love:
Making people happy, as well as orchids and pasta.

Essence is motivated by the fact that she knows her parents would want her to do her best at everything she does.


Additional Details:
1. Essence's Motto - "You have to constantly keep a loving heart."

2. Essence almost always uses her leap year age as an excuse to get away from flirtatious guys that she doesn't like.

P.S. Sorry if it's really bad lmao, I havent done a CS or even a roleplay for that matter in like a year. Btw tell me if the pic is working
@Expolar @Caits @Zarkun

o~~~o Sooooooooooo. Does this mean I'm accepted?
<Snipped quote by JustAriel>

To be accepted, you need at least 2/3 approval from Caits, Zarkun, or myself. If there's something that's not right with the CS, we will tell you what type of change is needed and check to see how the change is. Once you have at least 2/3 approval from us, you're allowed post the CS in the character tab and start posting as your character in the IC.

I haven't read it yet, sorry about it. But let me check because I do remember someone mentioning that some of her magic is OP and that you would might make some adjustments.

Also, it would be nice if you could add a picture for Essence's CS so we have an appearance for everyone to easily see her as for the RP.

Oh okay, sounds good. I'll try to fix that pic up later today.

Edit: Pic fixed! Yippeeeeeee ^-^
Not to be impolite or rush you guys and stuff but like I'm really confused in terms of being accepted right now. . . So if someone could help clarify, that would be quite nice ^-^
<Snipped quote by Zarkun>

I also want to say that the picture isn't working for me as well. But I copied and pasted the url and it showed me various pictures of Vocaloid Lily. The link specifically brought me here. If anyone wants to see

Basically just that one pic.
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