Avatar of Kakashi Hatake
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 52 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Kakashi Hatake 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current "Life is a fickle thing, one moment its pleasant and serene, the next its hellish and cruel. But the truth is not what life throws at us, but how we deal with it. - Kakashi Hatake
9 yrs ago
"Life is a fickle thing, one moment its pleasant and serene, the next its hellish and cruel. But the truth is not what life throws at us, but how we deal with it. - Kakashi Hatake
9 yrs ago
"Life is a fickle thing, one moment its pleasant and serene, the next its hellish and cruel. But the truth is not what life throws at us, but how we deal with it.


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Should I put up my next post?
Granted but when you wished for a shitty car you got a car full of shit I wish for a wish that can't be corrupted
Wish Granted
Hello boys and girls, men and woman, aliens and whatever else the hell we have on this planet hiding away until the day we let our guard down and they take over the world. I looked through the Spam threads and didn't see a game which I played a lot on other spam threads and its called Wish Granted. Some of you might know this game, but for those of you who don't the rules are simple. One person makes a wish for example My wish: I wish I had a cookie. Then the next person to post will grant the wish but ruin it at the same time Next person: Wish granted but the cookie is moldy and was dropped in a toilet. Then after they grant the wish then they make a wish of their own and the process is repeated. Simple! So without further boring talk lets get started with the very first wish!
First wish cometh
I wish it would stop being -30 degree's everyday
"Tell us what you know and we will end your life painlessly!" Zalek barely felt the blow that struck his face, in fact he had not really felt it at all just a mere blade of grass touching his skin in the end. However he moved his head with the blow and made it look as if these Chaos lackeys were damaging him, each blow he made small changes to his appearance to make it look as if they were harming him. It was sad however that with all their threats they truly did not know that the one they were punching was playing them like the weak minded fools they were. Zalek moved his hands idly as they were bound with rope behind him on the small wooden chair they had tied him to. He made sure not to move them too much for he did not want to accidentally break the rope before the right time. It was hard to contain his strength when he was bound by these weak human inventions, out of them all rope was of the weakest to restrain him, but they didn't know that, why would they, after all, they were still under the assumption that he was a human. It amazed him how low the intelligence of these humans was, in fact he did not understand how this group called Chaos had lasted this long. Then again their leader had alluded them time and time again, so he had to at least give them a couple props for that. If it wasn't for the fact that their leader always escaped he wouldn't even have to be here right now, entertaining the thought of himself being tortured to these fools. So far the plan had gone accordingly which had been easy enough, he himself visiting the slums to supposedly spit upon the slaves who stayed there, an then these Chaos lackeys who had found out about his plans from their mole in the city would swoop in to capture him. They killed the slaves who had been escorting him, never realizing they were in fact slaves. Then again maybe they did realize it and did not care, him being the target either way, but alas it made no difference in the end. It was too bad that their little mole had already been dispatched by way of execution unknowing to them, and that Zalek had sent his own subject Srix disguised as the mole to tell them his travel plans. They never did learn that they could not fool Zalek with their infiltrators, and soon they were going to learn that lesson the hard way. Zalek watched as the Chaos lackey punched him in the stomach, he fake heaved and went forward a little to continue the illusion as the man waved his hand hurt from the hard blow he made. "This bastard ain't talking, we should just kill him and get it over with. There is no other use for him, and at least in the end we will have struck a great blow against the Elders." "No we need him alive we can ransom him back to the Elders, we can bring them too their knee's with him as our prisoner." "Thats right! We could be hero's among Chaos! I can't believe our planned worked so well these Elder's for all their power truly have no brains." Zalek listened to the humans speak their plans so openly as if they truly believed that they could bring the Elder's to their knee's with him as a prisoner. Even if he was a prisoner the Elder's would never make a deal, that was the way it went, a new Elder would be chosen if one died. But these fools did not know that for the current Elder's did not require replacement yet. Zalek shook his head realizing these low level lackey's would not provide him with the information he seeked, it seemed that they were just working for themselves, and that this entire charade was a waste of time. However it was possible that these two idiots could have useful information so he would just capture them and end this. Zalek had grown tired of the shape he had assumed to be captured, the shape that these humans only ever saw him as. It was a sad but true fact that the human resistance did not know his true form, whenever he found himself in public or around the eye's of anyone besides the other Elders or those he trusted, he took the appearance of a weak old man, the perfect target for these humans. They had a thing for going after the weakest looking Elder, something he had learned well early on, and it worked well. Zalek was silent as he slowly pulled his hands apart and broke the rope around his wrists, they had not bother to tether him fully seeming they thought he just an old man. That would be their fatal mistake even thought fully restraining him would have played out to the same conclusion. As the two men finished conversion about their plans and their hero status they turned as they walked back to Zalek, pulling what appeared to be a dirty nap sack the first man came to cover his head like they had when they captured him. However Zalek brought his hands forward in front of him as he grabbed the first mans hand and squeezed it, there was a sick crack of bones as the man screamed loudly, Zalek pulled him in at fast speed as he brought his head forward and slammed his skull into the mans head knocking him back, he was unconscious almost immediately as Zalek stood up, the other man had already ran for the door and opened it. As he opened it however Srix was standing in it, his eye's flashing with cold fury. The man tried to punch Srix but he caught the attack and brought the mans arm sideways slamming it into the crease of the wall, it broke with a loud snap as the skin was pierced by broken bone. The man opened his mouth to scream but Srix brought his hand up and covered his mouth with a large bowl like hand silencing him immediately. The man brought his hands up to try and remove Srix's hand but he was powerless to stop him, as his air was cut off he slowly passed out as Srix let him drop to the ground as Zalek stood up fully shaking his head at the two unconscious men. Walking over to the man Srix had knocked out he bent down silently as he looked at him, blood was already formed a puddle underneath him from his pierced arm. How was something so weak meant to survive? They would not last even a second on his home planet, their death's would be almost instantaneous. Zalek stood back up as Dagon entered the room silently and stood besides Srix. "Dagon grab the man behind me, Srix grab this one, were taking them back with us. Take them to interrogation center, make sure those wounds are taken care of I don't want them dead before there is a chance to torture them." "Yes Lord Zalek" Both men responded at the same time as they put a fist to their chest's and then each collected a man and threw them over their shoulders. Zalek sighed as he walked over to the corner and grabbed his discarded robe they had ripped from him when they arrived. Throwing it around his shoulders he put his hands through the arm holes as it flowed behind him before settling. Pulling the hood up slowly he covered his face as the face wounds disappeared into nothing. It was going to be another long day, but one way or another he was going to end this rebellion once and for all. Turned his back on the room he walked out of the dark secluded dirty surrounding and walked into the sunlight as his two bodyguards followed.
Zalek shall do what he has to do to keep order alone haha. An also I have a great opening post for myself, filled wit Chaos action^^
Both of you accepted of course :)
Chuck Norris Approves this message
Name: Zalek
  • Height: 6'9"
  • Weight: 300 plbs
  • Eye color: No particular, changes everyday.
  • Physique: looks to be toned and fit
  • Scars/identifying marks: None
  • Attire: Is know the wear a variance of black cryptic looking robes made of unknown material. The robes style will switch from day to day at times. Always wear a pair of intricately designed black boots that have foreign marking of his home planet on them. His robes also have the same markings on the hems and the around the hood on his head. Is also know to always wear a pair of black gloves that have unknown metal in the knuckles, the finger tips of the gloves neatly trimmed away and hemmed.
Age: In appearance he looks to be about fifty to fifty five years old. He is thought to be around over 3000 years old, but his true age is highly unknown. Race:
Gender: Male Occupation: Elder Location: North End A Brief History: Not much is known about Zalek besides the fact that he is one of the oldest serving Elders and that he is constantly protected by two bodyguards. No one knows of where he came from or why, but he is known for his incredible intelligence and his ability to retain information and never lose it. He is also widely know for his cruelty towards those who trespass on him. (I want to keep this intentionally short so I can add his past into the story itself if this is okay.) Other: Zalek has two personal bodyguards that both of Henge race, they were brought with him when he left him home planet. Their names are Dagon and Srix both of which take human appearance, both are almost always clad in black Henge clothing. Zalek also has the rare ability of a photographic memory he can retain information and keep it easily.
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