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    1. Kaminari 10 yrs ago


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Hello there! Thank you for coming and checking out my idea ^^
Before we start, I simply require that my partner for this be a female, 18+, and write at least 1 paragraph (more is perfectly fine).

Warning! This is going to be a very long plot outline due to how specific it is in my head.
Or at least it seemed that way when I was typing it up =P
I hope you bear with me and read it all!

This story is set in two parts, a prologue of sorts and then the main meat of the story.


There exists a world ruled by the teachings and virtues of the 'Allgod', the supreme being in the Universe. In order to keep the peace when war broke out the Allgod poured some of its energy into a human female, creating the 'Scion of the Allgod', a person who would carry out its will and be a champion of order. Despite having an elongated lifespan, the life of the Scion began to fade. In order to preserve peace, the energy was transferred into a new woman to carry on the legacy. So the cycle continued for thousands of years, each Scion being a woman.

Over the past few thousand years the Scion has gradually withdrawn from the public, and a council of seven has been appointed to rule in her stead. No one knows quite why, but the word of the Allgod is law, so the word of the council, by proxy, is law.

In the present day the current Scion has 'ruled' for a few hundred years, spending all her time isolated in the palace. A chance encounter with a strange individual will soon change all that. Feeling strangely drawn to this man, he helps her uncover the truth behind the establishment of the council and the withdrawal of the Scion from the public eye.
It turns out that the seven were able to subdue the Scion millennia ago during the transference process. Since then they have been siphoning off her energy, weakening her more and more in hopes that one of the generations of the council will be able to absorb the power and become Gods themselves.

Unable to fight back due to being too weak, the Scion and her new ally are forced to flee. In doing so they discover life outside the capital is far from idyllic and people are subjugated. They resolve to stop it, making allies along the way, but they are eventually caught up to and chased to a cliff overlooking the sea. In order to buy time, the Scion and her ally jump into the frigid water, and she uses her immense power to protect them, seeking to shield them for a few days until they can find somewhere safe where she can begin to recover her powers.

Main story
Finding themselves washed up on the shores of a faraway beach, the pair discover it has not been three days, but three years since they made their escape. Seeking what few allies they have left, they are filled in on what has happened. The council have seized what little power they did not have and transformed themselves into Gods using the energy that had been siphoned from the Scions over the years. They have named themselves the '7 Faced God' and outlawed all mention and worship of the Allgod. Ruling with iron fists, the people are more miserable than ever. It is now up to the Scion, her faithful ally, and what little exists of a rebellion to find a way to put a stop to the 7 Faced God and restore the world to the old order.


I know that was a lot to get through, so thank you if you stuck with me and got this far!
The prologue, despite having more text, is mostly just set-up. Introducing our characters and other key characters, as well as establishing the premise of the plot. It doesn't have to go on very long if we don't want it to.

It's worth noting I have ideas for backstory and such like as to how certain events in this world's lore played out to get to where we are now, as well as ideas for how the plot would go if it were just me writing it. That said, I'm plenty welcome to ideas since an RP is a collaboration. If you want me to explain these ideas feel free to ask!
If you have any questions or are interested in RP'ing this, please feel free to PM me and I'll do my best to answer.
The class proved to be somewhat uneventful. It was mostly just a theory lesson, the kind that Kayla disliked, mostly because they usually ended with being given a massive essay to do for homework. As the lesson dragged on she could feel the eyes of the class occasionally turning towards her and Sen, and hushed whispers spreading around. There were two Slytherin girls in particular that kept shooting daggers at both of them every single chance they got, to the point they nearly even got detention for not paying attention. This alone made Kayla smile with glee. Yet at the same time an uneasiness spread through her. She knew how cruel and vindictive those girls could be, and they would no doubt be planning something. Kayla herself would be protected by her fellow Gryffindor's who relished any chance to get back at them. She worried about Sen though, who had to spend more of her time near them and was probably a bigger target for them to do some horrible things to...
As Kayla walked to class with Sen, she couldn't help but hear whispers from all sorts of people as they walked along the path towards the Potions classroom. She couldn't help but sigh with sadness for the girl that was next to her. She was sure there would be rumors that would spread like wildfire. Children were fickle, some more than others. She knew already what she might endure, and it would only be a fraction of what this poor girl might have been through, all because of something she couldn't control.

When they finally had sat down in the classroom, a girl with bleach blonde hair sat herself the other side of Kayla, looking uneasily at Sen as she did.
"Uhhh, Kayla, could I have a word?" she asked tentatively, her gaze avoiding Sen as much as possible.
"Of course you can Tess, but if it's about Sen then perhaps you shouldn't." Kayla spoke kindly but firmly.
Tess looked at her, then at Sen, then back and forth a few times, opening her mouth once or twice before finally stopping herself and unpacking her books, though she sat with an uneasiness.
Hi there! I have an idea for an RP (as I usually do), so I'm looking for an 18+ female to craft a story alongside me. I also have a couple of fandoms I'd like play as well.

I generally write 1 paragraph or more, depending on motivation/inspiration. My grammar tends to be quite good so I'd like the same from my partner!

There's also a few fandoms I'd be interested in finding a partner for.

Scott Summers and Jean Grey --- would love to do this one!
League of Legends
This is kind of long, so please bear with me. If you have any questions about it feel free to ask.
I'm looking for a female and I'd prefer someone 18+ more due to mature themes (blood, gore, violence).


Pure of Blood

There exists a world where balance hangs on a knifes edge. Most of the world is ruled by humanity, great and pure in their endeavours (mostly), emboldened by the Angels who watch over them on high.
The other part is ruled by Vampires who, in their thirst for blood, seek to conquer humanity and use them as nothing more than cattle. They frequently make deals with Demons to grant themselves even more power.

Originally it was the other way around. The Vampires ruled most of the world and humanity was on the verge of extinction. In order for balance to be maintained, the Vampires had to be kept in check. Despite being able to grant Humans power to fight their enemies, none could truly hold them in back. To achieve this, one mighty Angel decided to do the unthinkable. (S)He created a Vampire of his/her own design, one that would have the strength and knowledge to fight against their kin, but have the morality and purity of mind to ensure they did so only as needed.

This 'child of the Heavens' was reviled by Vampires, but worshipped by the Humans as a saviour. So the balance was restored, and Humanity came to be the dominant species. The Demons struck out against them in an attempt to empower the Vampires. One of the most powerful Demons did battle against the Angel that had created the Vampire. They fought for three days and nights without rest until the Angel attempted to banish the demon inside of the Helix Sphere, a prison designed to contain rogue Demons. (S)he was successful, but at a cost. The Demon reversed the spell back onto the Angel, causing them both to be imprisoned.

Things seemed fine at first, but as the years started to go by, the Vampire that had been created slowly began to go insane due to their soul, something Vampires are not meant to have. He/she began attacking Humans instead of protecting them, and the Vampires used this to begin reclaiming some of their lost territory. Now it seems as if the world once again might teeter on the brink of collapse unless something is done...



Vampires want to kill/drink humans so an angel created a Vampire with a soul to save humanity. the vampires got mad. That Angel fought with a Demon and they both got imprisoned. After many years went by the created Vampire started going crazy and hurting Humans, causing the Vampires to go on the offensive.

Basically one of us would play the created Vampire and one of us would play the Angel. The world itself would be quite dark with humans and vampires fighting and killing each other regularly. The Angel would escape and seek out his/her creation to try and find out what's behind their descent into insanity. Possibility of it becoming a romantic thing, but more likely (especially at first) of it being more a parent/rebel child type affair.

Lots of potential to use the Demons/other Angels/Vampires for twists and wars and all that.

I know this was kind of long (well it felt long to type anyway!) so thanks for reading it all. If you're interested or have any questions feel free to send me a PM!
'Sen' that name certainly sounded familiar, and she was told why when the girl revealed her family had been Death Eaters. A look of realization washed over her when she spoke. She had the urge to get up run away back to the Gryffindor common room and hide herself away. But she didn't. She could see the sadness resonating, not from the daughter of a Death Eater, but a young girl who wanted to escape the shackles of her family's mistakes.

"Sen, nice to meet you." she said, trying to repress any sound of fear that might be etched into her voice.
"My name is Kayla, and I reckon together we're going to make the dueling club the best thing since wand bread!" she said, not caring about the giggle that escaped her mouth. She took a cursory glance up at the time and sighed.
"Looks like it's time to go to class. Potions I think. Shall we head there together? We can discuss the club on our way."
Kayla packed her stuff away and stood up, waiting for Sen to join her.
Kayla looked over at her for a moment. Her face was definitely ringing a bell, but for some reason other than sharing classes. That's when it hit her. She had remembered one of her friends mentioning that a few of the Slytherin students that would be starting with them were children of former Death Eaters. The image was hazy, but this girl's face was among those she had been pointed out. Now she had to decide, would she let this girl in? If she had cruel intentions, she might ruin the very thing that had been built, the one thing she treasured in this school more than anything.

Kayla sat and thought for a long moment. Despite her reservations this girl seemed genuine and not looking to cause trouble like she expected most Slytherin students to be inclined to do.
"You seem like the right person to help get more people into the club." she said as she leaned down into her bag and fished out some pieces of parchment. She quickly annotated them with the needed information, but stopped when she was nearly done.
"I just need to write who they should speak to, but I uh...I'm afraid I don't even know your name." she said, trying to not offend the girl with her tone.
Kayla couldn't help but stare in shock as the Slytherin sat herself beside her and proceeded to ask about the duel club. She sat with her jaw hanging open for a few moments before closing her mouth and drawing her head backwards. She took in the visage of the girl sitting beside her. She was quite pretty, you know, for being a Slytherin and all. It soon occurred to her that she had been sitting for a good thirty seconds just staring at this girl and not even saying anything.

"It's mostly just a Gryffindor thing. I've been trying to get the other houses involved for the longest time, but generally no one seems interested. I think a lot of the younger Gryffindor students just want to join to see cool magic, not to really do any duelling. We have a handfull of Ravenclaw and two Hufflepuff, but no one from Slytherin yet. Maybe you could start the trend? It would be great to get enough students to finally have some house competitions like Quidditch has."

She took a moment to breath from letting her excitement build. Ever since she had joined the club she had watched it grow and grow, and now her imagination was starting to run wild with what it could become. Finally reigning in her thoughts, she turned her head to the girl.
"Hey, don't we have a lot of our classes together?" she asked, having a hazy recollection of seeing her in several of her lessons since this year had begun.
Slinking quietly into the library and rapidly separating herself from the gaggle of other Gryffindor sixth years, she found herself a nice quiet spot where only a few people had claimed space. Unfortunately one of those was a Slytherin. Though she didn't really recognise her, she was sure she had been in her classes during the past week. Thankfully she had avoided most Slytherin's over the years thanks to having different classes, but this year it would be different. She had a whole host of Slytherin students in Defence classes, as well as Potions. The other subjects they seemed to be a little more scarce, but there would be no getting away from them this year.

Kayla opened her book and prayed no one would disturb her so she could finish this damned essay for Potions homework. Unfortunately she would not be so lucky. Not sixty seconds after putting quill to parchment did a couple of younger looking Gryffindor students appear before her. They stood a few feet away from her table, muttering quickly to each other, occasionally glancing over at her. Eventually one of them approached her. He was a boy with messy brown hair and his shirt untucked. This seemed to irk her for some reason, though she wasn't sure why. He stood in front of her table for a minute, struggling to find his words. Kayla mentally sighed. If she wanted to get any work done she was going to have to help the kid along.

"Yes young man, how can I help?" she asked softly, but with an authoritative tone, but she did not look up from her parchment.
"Well...you see...we were wondering if we could join the dueling club. We were too young last year, but we watched you and we all agreed we wanted to be as good as you are! Please let us!" the boy asked desperately.
So they were third years then. That had been the age limit set in place for the club for safety reasons. Plus that would be the year they started to learn to hold their own with magic.
"Sign-up sheets are in the common room. Please tell anyone else you know to stop asking me in person please. It's getting kind of annoying..."
"Oh, of course. Thanks miss!" he said, running back to his friends who all quickly bolted off out of the library.
Finally, maybe some peace and quiet Kayla hoped.
Kayla had stood with the parchment in hand, a grin on her face. She had aced her O.W.L's and was one step closer to her dream of becoming an Auror. Ever since she had first attended Hogwarts she had lapped up magic. The idea of being able to do what other people couldn't was a strange and intriguing idea. Nevertheless, she had quickly stood out from her peers as one of the finest duelists the school had seen in some time. Practical magic, it seemed, came easy to her. There was a price, however. All the theoretical and reasoning seemed to escape her as her mind filled with new ways she could beat anyone who challenged her.

It was hardly a shock either, when looking back, that she had been assigned Gryffindor. Some called her brave, others reckless, but even as young as 13 she had been willing to challenged the older students to magical duels, and in some cases even win. Her thirst for knowledge was ever increasing, but despite that hunger, it seemed to only manifest when it came to fighting. Otherwise Kayla showed herself to be a very shy girl, not willing to risk interacting with too many other people. Dueling had helped her overcome that, to a degree, but she still preferred, when possible, to stick to her close group of friends. Sadly she would not be seeing them often as they had all chosen slightly different subjects for their sixth year, having herself chosen Charms, Transfiguration, Defense against the Dark Arts, Potions, and Care of Magical Creatures.

The year had only begun a week ago, and already she felt there was more homework to do than she had been given in all her other years here combined. Thus it was off to the library to study, if she could get some peace and quiet between the swarms of Gryffindors asking her about tryouts for the Dueling club, of which she had been named president. Thankfully the harsh librarian meant she could get some much needed silence away from everyone, but especially the worst thing about the entire school...the Slytherin girls...
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