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"I'll take those shots now."

Christian's House

Jackson rubbed his head as he laid on the floor, he truly felt like he was not going to get up from the beating he just received. He blinked a few times to see if he was hallucinating or is that big guy really going to hit him with a chair leg. He was ready to accept that he may not be coming home that night, but someone soon stopped Dee from going any further and Jackson was filled with relief. He sat up and placed his arms on his knees, rubbing his forehead since the pain from the pain now slowly started creeping in.

"Fuck me..." He muttered to himself pushing himself back to lean against what looked like a couch, he leaned his head back on the cushion for a moment before suddenly being rained on by a mist of water, his hair and shoulders were drench and soon he had to brush his hair back just to even see. He moved his hand to his eye and felt a stinging pain as soon as he did, that is absolutely going to be a black eye. He sighed and pushed himself up, he could not exactly see how Miki was doing, before he could even check it out, he heard a familiar voice echo through the house. Trixie.

He walked towards the sound of her voice with some difficulty and listened to hear speak about a drink off. Honestly, he just wanted to get shit faced right about now to forget everything that had just happened. Sure he knew was going to wake up to a lot of pain and maybe one hell of a scolding from his father but he cared too much of what was going on now than his future. In the state of all of the clamoring for drinks, Jackson forgot about Miki and went straight for a shot to at least alleviate the tension rising from his body. He took that shot faster than he had ever taken a shot before. Were they still fighting? Jackson did not know but what he did know is that after this shot things are going to get a little less hellish. He then took two shots on the go.

"Kingsly!" Jackson called out, he stepped towards her, dropping an extra shot in front of her, "My night sucks, take a shot with me?" he asked.

"Are we not better than them?"

Christian's House

Jo smiled at Tyler, giving her a quick rub on the back of her arm. She looked down on her burgers and kept falling in love every time she took a whiff of the scent of them, Sam was absolutely going to love them. Her eyes focused on Tyler and nodded at her, she shifted her stance and spoke.

"Makes me wanna dig in on both of them right now, but I did promise my friend to have one with her so you know-" She then heard the crowd make some collective noise a few ways away from her, Jo looked through the crowd to see what was going on. Jo already had a suspicion that it was a fight but Tyler just confirmed that with her statement. "Uh... Okay, who's throwing down?" She asked. Tyler then spoke about Melissa and Jo pursed her lips together and practically agreed at that but she knew it was not just Melissa since she heard a few male voices as well. She then peaked her head up and saw just enough to make out who it was.

"Dee?" She mumbled to herself, she looked at Tyler and shook her head "This is messed up..." She said to herself. One of the fighters was then thrown into her, she got knocked back but the worst thing about that was her dropping the burgers which definitely annoyed her. Who was Dee fighting? He looked familiar... This guy... He was fast but who was he? He was, that guy that Rico toured with. From what Rico said he was bitter but he did not seem like the fighting type. Jo then pieced it all together: Liberty did not start this fight, but they sure as well are willing to finish it.

This tall korean guy, Jackson was his name, he did not give up. Jo watched as he retaliated multiple times against Dee who clearly had the advantage with size and strength, but this one was a slippery one, he was fast and kept Dee on his toes, even after he got knocked to the ground and Theo practically stopped Dee from killing the man. Jo clenched her fist and looked at Tyler, "I need to talk to Dee, We'll catch up some other time okay?" She said jogging off to chase after her friend, she then quickly looked back and added, "Drop by my aunt's cafe when you can! I owe you some food!" She then ran off to Dee, she walked up behind him and grabbed him by the arm, she squeezed a little tighter than she would hope but she really needed to talk.

"A word." Jo stated, her tone definitely showed that she was annoyed, she grabbed Dee by arm and pulled him to the side. "Dude, what the hell was that?!" Jo exclaimed, she genuinely wanted to know what caused all of this and she wanted to hear what Dee has to say, and she hoped to whoever is up there that he would not lie to her because frankly, she has had enough. "Fighting with liberties? Really? This is where you're going?" She sighed, she tilted her head down, crossed one arm over her chest, rested the elbow of the other on the back of her hand, and started massaging her forehead with her middle finger, index finger, and thumb. "You know I love you, but come on!" She said throwing her hands in the air. "Do you want to be arrested? These rich people have enough money to ruin your life, and I don't want to see that happen to you." She looked around, then at the destroyed chair Dee was supposed to use as a weapon. "Whether you like it or not, we're currently in Liberty turf, if this was your house then I would be all for it, but we're not." She swiveled around to the side with her heels and gestured at the sight of everything, "Is this how you want to be remembered? As Missy's body guard? And the guy who beat up some tall Korean toothpick?" She shook her head and took a step back, pointing to the guy on the floor, "I'm... going to go to help them, talk to me when you're no longer batshit crazy." She pursed her lips and jogged off.

She saw JJ and placed her hand on his shoulder, "Can you help the guy up?" She then looked over at the other girl who was about to square up and shook her head, sighing at the work she has to do to stop all of this. "I'll handle the girls." She stated. She looked at the two girls and definitely had to make a choice of who to stop, because she already knew Missy's reputation, before she could even step in, Christian came in and sprayed the ceiling and called out to stop the fight.

If that did not stop them, she knew what she had to do.

"Can't back down now."

Christian's House

He chuckled the moment he saw Dee reel a little from his kick, but it was short lived. This... Minotaur of a man just pushed Jackson against the wall, the impact his back made with the wall felt like he got hit by a car. Dee was way too strong for him, he needed to think of something but having gorilla hands around his throat definitely made it hard. He clawed at his hands and started punching it for him to let go but the man would not budge, Jackson was fighting a walking brick wall and he was starting to regret it.

He then moved his hands to the man's face, pushing him back, one thumb even making to his eyes to disorient him. He was trying to keep himself from passing out because it still felt like he was getting lynched by a man to death. He must have done something right since Dee let go but threw him across the way. He at least landed on his feet but skidded across the ground into some poor blonde girl holding some burgers.

Jackson may have been losing but he was filled with one emotion, and one emotion only: Rage.

Jackson looked over at Miki's direction but the sea of people made it pretty hard to see her since Miki was not exactly the tallest of people. He hoped to whatever god was up there that she was alright, he would honestly hate himself more than he already does if he was the reason that Miki got hurt real bad. He clenched his feet and gritted his teeth at the thought of it and brushed his hair back. He winced as he felt pain run through his body for a second, but he cracked his neck left and right and locked eyes with the monster in front of him.

Jackson shook his head and tried to forget about the pain, the adrenaline pumping in his body definitely helped a lot with that. He took off his jacket and threw it at Dee to cover his face to blind him. He then charged in and wrapped one arm around his head and the other going at it on the man's gut. After a few more punches, he went for a sweep, he hoped to dear god it was enough to put the man on his back. If the man fell to his back he would mount him UFC style and started to be on the offense, but no matter what the outcome was; Jackson being in control is something that will not happen often.

"This is not going to be easy."

Christian's House

Jackson world completely shifted, he felt like he could die at the moment of impact, as his knees buckled and he fell to his knees holding his hands over his crotch. He gritted his teeth and leaned back to try and ease the pain but damn, it was like the girl's foot was made of steel.

"Rosefell piece of shit!" Jackson exclaimed, but could barely let his voice out, he felt someone grab his shoulder and attempt to get him away from the wake of destruction, "(KR) Who the fu-?" he looked up at the man attempting to save him, an angel in disguise? From Rosefell? That just did not make any sense. Though his time of being free was short lived since that same man who was helping him was shoved off him like he was nothing by the big fatty. Dee grabbed Jackson by the head and as he was pulled up he could not help but be the smug, egotistic Jackson we all know and love. "Lay off the burgers..." He let out before seeing Dee's head slam rapidly into his.

Jackson's vision got blurry, he blinked a few times only to realise that they were crudely outnumbered but that did not mean Jackson was going to backdown. He ended up on the floor, he felt liquid trickle down to his mouth and moved his thumb to see what it was. He was busted open, typical big man with a thick skull. He pushed himself on his feet and shook his head to get himself in the rhythm of things, it was time for a fight. He wiped the blood from his nose and stepped up only to be stopped by this shorter fellow who clearly looked like he had never been in a fight before. Jackson smiled, smug as can be and shook his head at the guy.

"Don't make me laugh twinkle toes." he looked over the guy's shoulder to see the man who just busted him open standing high and mighty, and upon seeing him he took a page out of the guy's book and reeled back, the headbutted Jax right in nose. He held his head and shook it after doing that, he did not have as thick of a skull as Dee so he was not able to just throw it out without repercussion. He shoved Jax to the side and had his eyes deadbeat on Dee.

He quickly gained momentum and swung a hook at Dee's face, following it up with a shin kick to the man's side. To beat a man of his side he needed to be faster, and with Jackson's experience this was definitely something he had over Dee, he just needed to be careful. He was wary of his behind, who knew which Rosefell prick was going to jump in and save Dee from some shit.

"A tasty boigah!"

Christian's House

Jo set Sam down, she could barely hold her own weight with how tipsy she was, so having Sam in the mix was definitely making it difficult for her. She told Sam to stay put which was like telling tiger to not eat meat so she already knew that when she comes back with those burgers, she might not come back to anything. She just assured herself that everything was going to be fine and made her way through the crowd following the distinct aroma of those juicy looking burgers.

She found the legendary burger stand and got two burgers from a mixed bag of Rosefell and Liberty people, there was Eleazar vibing by the grill, and a few others she could not make out in the heat of the moment. The burgers in her hand smelled absolutely divine and she wanted nothing more than to dig in to its juicy goodness.

As she made her way back into the crowd and she ran face first into a pair of kahoonkabadoongkas. She blinked and looked up to see who she just slammed into and it was none other than fellow athlete Tyler Andrews, she had not seen her in awhile but she loved her company way too much to ignore her.

"Ty! Hi! How you been?" She said as she went in for the patented Jo Hug™ she smiled and showed her the burgers in her hand and said, "You doing anything right now? I'd like you to meet a friend of mine." Said Jo, gesturing over to the direction of Sam.

"You'll know."

Christian's House

Jackson was completely about to berate this girl, he was honestly surprised that she did not know who she was but this tall svelte looking man appeared behind her and definitely tried to intimidate Jackson as best he can. Jackson couldn't help but laugh at the word 'footwork.' He crossed his arms and shook his head, and straightened his posture.

"Footwork? You really don't know me." Said Jackson, he looked at Miki then back at the big guy before continuing, "Don't talk about footwork, you clearly struggle with yours from all that extra... Weight." His smile faded, Jackson feared nothing, and he cared only for certain things, these people were not these certain things. Before he could continue his offense, little blondie girl ran her mouth, and to be completely honest, she said way too much that Jackson had enough time to zone out and zone back in before she was done. He honestly just ignored her, he did not care one bit about a thing she said, it was something about her universe or some shit, she ran her mouth so much he didn't know if the girl was reciting her essay for english class or actually trying to prove a point.

He was absolutely willing to start a fight, there was no questioning that, but deeming it worthy for him to throw his hat in first? Not a chance. He raised a brow at the girl and his eyes darted back and forth before kicking his foot to shake off the alcohol.

"Has anyone ever told you that you need to shut up? Apologise my foot." He said before his attention turned to the big man, he really did not see this girl as anything but a little feisty rat, but this big bear standing behind her could lay Jackson out in seconds but that does not mean he was willing to stand down. "What about you? You look like a guy who's seen a lot of menus, are you just going to stand there and play bodyguard?" He clapped his hands together then brushed his hair back, "Typical rosefell, all talk for a handful of brutes."

He moved his arm and grabbed Miki by the wrist, he looked at her, with barely both eyes open to how intoxicated he was.

"Not worth it." He said to her, he wanted to get hammered, and if he was going to actually fight anyone, he'd rather do it the moment he starts forgetting everything he's doing. "As much as I'd love to go on about how Stuart little and Yogi bear are in the way, this is the one time I'm free to do whatever I want, I'd rather not waste it on Rosefell filth."

"This is what I like to see."

Christian's House

Jackson shrugged and shifted himself, making sure he was still upright. He looked Miki up and down and shook his head.

"I'll take the offer, don't worry about me." He stated, he looked over at Rico who had just sang a song with some blonde chick, he chuckled and crossed "Please, I could never score someone like you." he said. Again, he was pushing his emotions for their friendship, this was something he rarely did but he knew he was not going to be much. He already knew he will not be a good boyfriend anyway. "I'm gonna get fucking turnt tonight, I wanna forget all the bad shit tonight, I-"

He felt his shoes go damp, and felt the alcohol seep into his socks. His eyes immediately darted to the culprit and loomed over like a shadow, not only did she not respect the King but she even gave him attitude. Before he could even say anything, Miki stepped in. Jackson moved his arm between the girl and Miki and shot Miki a look that he will handle it.

"These shoes cost more than you'll ever be worth." He abused his height, this was a Jackson stable, "You Rosefell pieces of shit thinking you can run this place," he clapped his hands together and looked at Miki then back at this girl, "That school can barely run itself, and that's thanks to asshats like you." His eyes glared straight at the girl, piercing and straight to the soul, "I suggest you get on your knees and apologise before I make you beg." A smirk slowly made itself on his face. "You're in liberty territory, watch your step."

Without Juno, he practically did not have much of a moral compass, one poke to the bear and he was out for blood, he just really was not drunk enough to go on a rampage.

"Stuff is heavy."

Marble Heights Dorms

A soft spoken acoustic track blasted in Finch's vehicle, her hand gripped tightly on the steering wheel, her camera resting on the passenger side dash as it recorded her driving, and her multiple boxes in the back of her car as she made her way to Marble Heights. Her elbow placed by the window as she rested her cheek on her knuckles. She yawned after awhile before she grabbed her ice coffee in the cup holder and stirred it by moving her hand in a circular motion before taking a swig to keep her awake. She looked on the rear view mirror to see if there was anyone behind her, but all she saw an empty road, and a pair of sunglasses nestled in her blonde hair.

"Still can't get over the whole new dorms thing." She let out, clearly speaking to herself but it was exposition for the camera, "My roommate is gonna hate me." She stated, shaking her head and laughing to herself nervously. "They're gonna see my post its and freak out, they're gonna see all my equipment and freak out, they're gonna hate that I'm gonna call them whenever I see a bug to deal with and... Freak out." She said, though as much as this sounds like bringing herself down, this is just to make sure she does not start faking things about herself.

Upon arrival, she parked and moved her hands off the steering wheel, she sighed and looked at the camera before looking out into the dorms, she swallowed her spit and took a deep breath.

"Well this is it, this is probably gonna be my only video for awhile until I get settled in, uhhh..." She then clapped her hands together and pointed to the door, "Catch y'all in a bit." with a click, she turned off the camera and hung it around her neck. She left her vehicle and stretched from the long drive before hobbling over to the back of the vehicle. She opened the trunk only to reveal stacks of boxes, and half of them are equipment. She sighed and stacked two boxes on top of each other before making her way inside, she then made her way in the elevator and into her room, there was smell of chocolate that filled the air; after she pushed the door open with her back, she peaked pass the boxes she was carrying to see someone in the kitchen already. She put down her boxes by one of the empty rooms and waved at the girl who appeared to be making brownies.

"Uh... Hi, I'm... Uh... Finch." She then awkwardly nodded and placed the camera on the table, pointing it at the entrance door and hitting record, she was setting up cinematic shots for her moving in video and that very clear. "I have more stuff... I'll fully introduce myself once I got everything here." Finch stated, she then went back downstairs and took another trip carrying more boxes, then went back down to grab a tripod which she just slung over her shoulders and a duffel bag. She then shoved all of her stuff in her room and gave herself a little pat on the back for getting all of the stuff up here without much hassle. She then awkwardly shuffled up to the tenant that had gotten here before her and looked at the brownies.

"I can have some of that when you're done right?" Little did Finch know, those brownies were not just regular ol' brownies, they were more of surprise.

"Go do whatever you want, I don't care."

Christian's House

Jackson felt a tighter grip around his arm and it was either something was wrong or some asswipe was looking at Miki and he had to step in. He did not want to pull attention to it since that was never something he did, he looked at Miki and watched her let go of his arm and he stood there seeing what she was ought to do. Her eyes stopped following her once she started scanning the place, he quickly pulled and looked down at his phone to see if there were any notifications he cared about, nada. He shoved his phone back in his pocket after realising that Juno was not here. Why... Why had he fallen for her? He hated that he had feelings for her, especially since he did not want to act on it since he knew he would just ruin that like every other relationship he has been with. He hated that-

A well manicured hand held out a beer in front of him and he was snapped back into reality. Miki handed him a beer and this was probably the best thing he could do. The biggest lightweight in all of Liberty then chugged the beer like he had no plans of living tomorrow, he looked at Miki and said,

"Listen," He leaned forward and placed his hand on her shoulder, he gestured into the crowd and continued, "Go on and do whatever, you don't have to babysit me..." He looked at the empty drink in his hand and shrugged, "-yet at least," He then looked her in the eye and gave her a genuine smile, it was not big by any means but it was a Jackson smile at least, "Just make sure I end up at home or yours." He said.

He then crossed his arms and practically tried to shoo her off. Before he realised, a guy planted a kiss on his cheek and immediately went to hit the guy straight in the face, this was not something Koreans did. He was about to scold the guy but after hearing that familiar voice call out to him he decided to let it go.

"씨발!? Don't do that!" He yelled out punching his shoulder playfully but still pretty hard, he then watched him talk all Rico like to Miki and he placed his hand on the guy's forehead and pushed him away, "Off limits." He mouthed, in the usual threatening manner Jackson usually did things. The invitation for shots was something he definitely appreciated, and he definitely was on board with, "Alright, alright, I'll do shots... Get outta here, I'm talking to her." He said before turning back to Miki.

"That was my tour guide. He's pretty fucking weird." He said with a little chuckle in his voice.

"I have an idea!"

Christian's House

Jo blinked to keep herself from being hit too hard from the drink, she looked at Sam then thought what could possibly make this night a bit better, she already barely holding on to her soberness but that was the point of a party right. She looked Sam dead in the eye and smiled, she chugged her drink to completion and slammed the empty cup on the table next to Sam who had just sat down.

"Can't handle a tootsie roll?" Jo asked mockingly, laughing a bit as she jumped a few times in place to keep herself from falling over, maybe chugging that was not the best idea. "I'm an Irelia main Sam, I... I haven't played that champion at any point in my life." She shook her head to keep herself straightened out but she knew she was not going to last long so she wanted to at least do something for Sam. She quickly scanned the people around her and raised her finger to Sam, "I have an idea, give me a moment, I might be able to do something you'll love." She said, before shuffling off. There were only two people in her head, Rae, who definitely was not at this party, and Rico, who was possibly shitfaced somewhere.

She walked around the place looking for Mr. Latino Heat himself. She watched him come out of the bathroom and she immediately jogged over to him.

"Hey! Ricky!" She called out, raising her hand in the crowd to make sure Rico saw her, she quickly ran up to him and held lightly placed his hand on his forearm. "You uh... Maybe uh... Uh... D-Do..." She cleared her throat, "Let me try again." She slapped her cheeks and gave her head a quick shake before attempting again. "You wanna hop on that mic? You know, just like we did back in summer?" Jo asked, pointing at the DJ station behind her, she knew that doing this was a huge risk but honestly she was too drunk to care at this point. "What could go wrong, right?" She asked, letting out the classic heart warming Jo smile that usually always got people on board.

Here is hoping Rico will say yes, because she really does not want to ruin Sam's night; and she was trying to impress her, because it had always been Sam that was impressing Jo everyday of her life.

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