Avatar of Kazen
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    1. Kazen 10 yrs ago


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In Raslan 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Kazen turned to his friend and shrugged. "I dunno, it doesnt feel as if Im done changing. I still feel a build up of power but it's being sup-" at the moment he was cut off as his vision faded to black. In a moments time he'd been enveloped in a blanket of darkness. Kazen fell to his knees and let out a cry of shock as his underwent the full change. Dark energy flowed from him as a surge of energy exploded outwards and he stood in the room in Heartless form. His new form was canine in appearance, though he wore a black Organization cloak that was torn to shreds and two solid yellow eyes peered out from beneath the hood. The sleeves ended his clawwed hands that glowwed with a white aura. Black fur covered his limbs beneath the cloak of his former self. Without a word spoken he was off, the beast tore its way through a hatch in the cailing and melted through the shadows.

------Dusk Town------

Seig joined Lario on his way up the docks after the ship had anchored. "So, hows the title of 'King' treating ya?" He asked as they made their way to the castle.

----------Land of Dragons---------

A large flash of light splits the air in a small clearing outside of a small village not far from the mountain range. King Mickey stumbled through and collapsed in a heap. He stood up slowly and dusted himself off. He'd been on the run since Vanitas had attacked Disney Castle, unable to reach any of his friends and allies. "Boy, I hope the others are alright. I gotta meet with Master Yen-Sid and find Rike and Sora fast!" He said before dashing of into the trees, keyblade in hand.
In Raslan 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Kazen took a drag from his cigarette as he listened to Soren's reply. "Havent exactly had much chance to investigate his motives. He's been keeping his actions closely guarded. Which to me would suggest someone else behind the scenes. All he is is a puppet, but I could be wrong. He's too much of a gamble. It could be either A or B. Whichever it is though, he's bound to make a move if he isnt able to find us." He said as he though about their overall options and resources. "That is, provided he doesnt know we're back. But let's just try and hope that isnt the case."

------Dusk Town--------

Seig left with Lario and the others aboard Bahamut. "So, what do you think abot this guy? Im not a hundred percent conviced he's an ally, but I dont think he'll cause us any harm unless we cross him in some way." He said as he thought over the days events. "Have you heard anything from Raslan? The others seem to be quite silent lately."
In Raslan 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Kazen shook his head as he heard what was said. "Skip the scans, no need in waisting time on something that ain't gonna stop." He said as he followed the monitors lead. "As for questions, I dont really have any. You've got your secrets, and you always will. Just know that I've got mine as well." He said as he cracked his knuckles and stretched his arms. He seemed to be growing a bit more feral, his hair thickened and his frame increased in over all muscle tone as his transformation began to take hold. He drew his hood back and ran his fingers through his hair. "There'll be a time and place for this type of thing, right now though we've got heads to crack and people to find." He then turned and walked away. He was angry, in his and Soren's absence they'd lost a strong foothold. Vanitas' forces combined with the others involved in the conflict had run their group ragged with constant conflict. Kazen was in no position to call orders, and without the King and his command they'd been scattered. "We've been losing this fight for too long. If we cannot end this we're looking at another Keyblade War, that's just what Xehanort wants." He said as he paced back and forth before lighting a cigarette. "Our fighters are scattered, and our communications have been cutt-off. There's very little we have to work with, and you cant use your magic. So, what are we gonna do?" He asked as he crossed his arms and leaned against the doorway.

-----------Dusk Town----------

Captain Jaimz sat behind the group as they conversed, he smoked his pipe and held his tongue. Seig looked up at Lario and then back to the new pirate. "Well, I believe the easiest question would be, 'Why should we trust you?' But I'll let the kig here ask the questions. But for now, we'll entertain your request while we sort out the details of what you've proposed." He said easily enough, though he was trying to hide it his commanding and direct tone was still present in his voice. He then waited for Lario to say his piece.
In Raslan 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Kazen shook his head as he heard what was said. "Skip the scans, no need in waisting time on something that's ain't gonna stop." He said as he followed the monitors lead. "As for questions, I dont really have any. You've got your secrets, and you always will. Just know that I've got mine as well." He said as he cracked his knuckles and stretched his arms. He seemed to be growing a bit more feral, his hair thickened and his frame increased in over all muscle tone as his transformation began to take hold. He drew his hood back and ran his fingers through his hair. "There'll be a time and place for this type of thing, right now though we've got heads to crack and people to find." He then turned and walked away. He was angry, in his and Soren's absence they'd lost a strong foothold. Vanitas' forces combined with the others involved in the conflict had run their group ragged with constant conflict. Kazen was in no position to call orders, and without the King and his command they'd been scattered. "We've been losing this fight for too long. If we cannot end this we're looking at another Keyblade War, that's just what Xehanort wants." He said as he paced back and forth before lighting a cigarette. "Our fighters are scattered, and our communications have been cutt-off. There's very little we have to work with, and you cant use your magic. So, what are we gonna do?" He asked as he crossed his arms and leaned against the doorway.

-----------Dusk Town----------

Captain Jaimz sat behind the group as they conversed, he smoked his pipe and held his tongue. Seig looked up at Lario and then back to the new pirate. "Well, I believe the easiest question would be, 'Why should we trust you?' But I'll let the kig here ask the questions. But for now, we'll entertain your request while we sort out the details of what you've proposed." He said easily enough, though he was trying to hide it his commanding and direct tone was still present in his voice. He then waited for Lario to say his piece.
In Raslan 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Kazen looked around and took in the sight of what Soren had shown him.
"Man. If only my grandfather could have seen this..." he said under his breath. The young man had gone through quite the transformation already. He was a bit taller, his beard and hair had grown out more ahaggily and his eyes were a warm shade of green. "So what do you think is going to happen?" He asked as he accompanied the nurse. "Also, where'd you get these nurses man? Have you been holding out on me?" He asked as he sat on the table and waited.


"Let them come, if he is a threat it wont be anything we cant handle." Said Jaimz. He then glared down at the king but managed to hold his tongue. The captain steered his ship towards the newer one. "Now all aboard thats goin aboard!" He called out, before moving along to the edge of his own ship. He would not go aboard, he chose to leave these matters to the others.

"Lets go Lario, we've gotta get this over with." Seig said as he jumped ship, literally, as he swung from The Calico finch over to Salem's vessel. Once there he approached the new captain and gave him a lazy salute. "Whats your business here, hmm?"
In Raslan 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Kazen approached a mechanic shop and checked out the transport vehicle. "Fraen owed me a favor." He said as he climbed aboard and began the ignition sequence. "Come on, there isnt much time to waste. We've got to get moving. So do what you do." He said as he took a seat at the navigation console and entered in the coordinates.


Seig strolled out from below deck, he was dressed loosely. Just a tunic and a pair of slacks. He wasnt even wearing boots. He waved lazily unto Lario and leaned against the mast. "Perhaps the visitor means well?" He said as he looked from their group and across the water. The young man was intensely curious.
In Raslan 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Kazen shook his head and stopped at a nearby corner. He peaked around it and looked back to Soren.
"We can get there, trust me. Many of the transport routes fly over the city on a regular basis towards the outer ruins. I believe they are looking for something out there. Though nobody quite knows what." he said as he resumed his walking pace. The two of them were making decent time and he ducked into a nearby shop just as a group of patrolling soldiers stepped out from the next alley.
"Stay close, but we'll do fine. We just need to locate a transport and take it." he said as he casually browsed the shops wares until the guards had left. He then stepped out of the shop, beckoning Soren to follow.
"It's best not to go looking for trouble, we need as little attention as possible."

-----Dusk Town------
Captain Jaimz spyed the dragon Bahamut through his spyglass and grinned. He chuckled to himself as he waited for the boy to land.
"Ye really enjoy the flashy side of things dontcha." he said with a laugh as he clapped Lario on his shoulder and motioned his hand towards the cabin of the ship.
"Young Master Seig is below deck, he seems fit to work on my ship. Got a good strong back the lad does, he'll make a fine quartermaster one of these days. Though some of the crew find it odd that he seems intent on living amongst them. Bein' the former king and all."
"Dregg! Ye Scabless hindquarter of a mule, bring 'er around and hold steady on her port side. The King and I are to go aboard. An fetch that land lubber Seig from the depths of me ship, he'll not fester with the cannons another second a'fore he comes to greet his king." he said with a wink to Lario before strolling to the port side of his ship as it approached Salem's.
"The Calico Finch is a fine vessel, but she's not seen one of this size in quite some time."
In Raslan 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Kazen shook his head. "Teleportation isn't really much of an option, but we can get a transport. It'll just take some work to do it. Transports aren't normally searched so we could easily slip by unnoticed for a time." he said as he turned to leave the room.
"First, let's get up to the street and see what's in the area." he then slipped out of the room, and back into the tunnel beneath Raslan. Once he'd found the ladder he was looking for he climbed up and opened a hatch near a small warehouse.
"Come on Soren, we gotta move man." he called back over his shoulder as he exited the tunnel and hid against the wall of the warehouse. He looked around the corner and then stepped into the lot, everything was quiet.

--------Dusk Town--------

Captain Jaimz strode out of the cabin of his ship, a large bottle of rum to his lips as he looked out of his one good eye towards the sip that Salem had sailed into the harbor.
"Ready the main sails, lets go see the new Cap'n of these waters and skies." he bellowed after a swallow of rum. He sighed loftily and corked the bottle, placing it back into his pouch that hung next to his sword. He approached the wheel of his ship and directed it toward's Salem's.
"Fly the colors Quartermaster Dregg, we've got business ta discuss."
In Raslan 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Kazen was busy fitting his own outfit. He'd selected a brown leather ches tpiece, which was worn over a beige tunic. He then pulled the Grey and blue cloak from the shelf and slipped it on. He was fitting his boots and bracers as he heard Soren's question.
"Take what you can, and we'll find a way up to your gear. Though we may have to borrow a local transport in order to get up there. Something inconspicuous." he said as he stood up and approached the weapons racks. He selected a short dagger, a heavy sabre, and three belts of throwing knives; one for his belt, and two for his boots. He was pulling out the somewhat outdated gear and turned a heavy axe over in his hands before slinging it over his shoulder.
"This is gonna feel weird at first, but we can adapt faster than the computers. Plus, we'll be in small numbers." he explained as he sheathed his sword and placed two flintlocks in his rear holsters. The last weapon he pulled from a rack was a hidden blade. He strapped it to his left wrist and tested it a couple of times before looking to his friend, no, to his brother.
"Let's see where this leads." he said with a grin as he approached Soren and held out his right hand for a shake.
In Raslan 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Kazen stepped over towards SOren and tugged his hands from the computer.
"My friend, you must stop. We cannot go there." he said gravely. The Grid was one of the first places they had taken, in short; Vanitas and his forces more or less occupied the outskirts of Raslan City. They had a firm foothold in the nearby mountain ruins and their forces patrolled the city daily.
"The others have gone home, We cannot spare any keybearers, and Raslan's defenses cannot adapt quickly enough to counter Vanitas' constant change. I think he's unstable, very unstable. But he still remains a large threat. Before we can go to any other world, we've got to clean this up first." he said as he tied his hair back into a ponytail, leaving just his bangs loose.
"Cid, Leon, Cloud when he's around, and a few of the others pick off his patrols when we find them, but among the other enemies that Raslan has we're having difficulty maintaining a grip on the situation." He paused for a few moments and removed his coat, tossing it to the side.
"My plan is a simple one, we weaken him with strategic battles, pick him down so he has to pull his forces back. Next, we infilitrate his location and send him packing." he said with a grin as he slipped out of his shoes.
"The suits are great, but they're tied into Raslan's systems, unfortunately they won't be able to adapt either. So we'll be hoofing it for now. We've no access to any form of stable teleportation, Air travel is out of the question, and well. We could take the trucks, but I think we should send him a real message. Take him out in a way he's never seen before."
He then stepped towards the back of the room and opened a large door.
"We'll have some fun with some ordinary weapons for a change. No magic, as it can be tracked. No Keyblades for the same reason. He's got The Grid, we'll have to take it back, but from the outside." inside the room was a plethora of clothing, weapons, and armor.
"Let's play."
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