Avatar of KenjuGuy
  • Last Seen: 3 hrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 169 (0.05 / day)
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    1. KenjuGuy 9 yrs ago


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2 yrs ago
Current Man the new Attack on Titan opening song is such a banger. I can't get it out of my head
2 yrs ago
Michigan here as well. Must be something in the water
3 yrs ago
I forgot how cool Bleach was! Holy crap!
3 yrs ago
3 yrs ago
Yes I am a Makima simp. Yes I would bark if she told me to. I am not wrong


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I'll be getting a post up soon!
Gotcha, yeah Jun would be hopping around multiple shops but mainly Takemori now throughout the week
Jun watched as Seo left off in a huff, and despite the obvious antagonism sent his way, Jun grinned and waved off someone he thought of as another rival to his list. While he proudly folded his arms, another former competitor introduced themselves. Judging from the voice, he figured out it was the old man he had faced in the first round! Not only that, but the younger fellow next to him must have been his grandson!

"Oh it's you guys! I never got your names! As you could already tell, I'm Jun, Imagine Victcory's 'Once In A Centuary Genius!'"

He arrogantly thumbed toward himself in declaration of his name which was already obvious by that point.

"For real though, you guys were great out there. Actually had me sweating! Your piloting skills are no joke."

He scratched his cheek while thinking of the tight predicament he was put in while in that battle. The boy continued on with a friendly smile.

"Your reaction skills were crazy, it's like you guys were NewTypes or something! Yeah I'll definitely come back to face you guys any time! It would be pretty cool to learn those moves you! And heck, you can learn from me too! I'll teach you the Jun-Style of going beyond your limits with no fear at all!"

Laughing to himself, Shark went out of his way to shake both of their hands.
i'll be thinking of a character
Captain Miracle began to slowdown from its rapid frenzy of slashes against Seo. It wasn't just because his attack was done, but also because of the Trans-AM's side effects slowing the gunpla down. If anyone decided to attack him currently, it wouldnt be a pretty sight to see.

However, he didnt have to worry about that, because the Gunplas he had been facing, were already soundly defeated. That of course being Seo, with his both his slashed up mobile armor and mobile suit. That, along with the brilliant devastating beam of the Yamato signed off the end of the match.


To no ones surprise, it was Jun who was the loudest, "HECK YEAH!! THAT'S HOW ITS DONE!!!!"

His roar was so loud it almost matched the sound of the crowd cheering for them. He raised his fists into the air in acceptance of their loud approval. Without a doubt, the victory was going to his head but atleast it was well-earned. He proceeded to bounce away from his battle station with a wide and bright grin. "That's right everyone, put this moment in history as the start of my team's ascent to the very top!" he shouted at the top of his lungs, raising up a peace sign with his left hand and his gunpla in the other.

With a proud strut in his step, Jun motioned his way toward the enemy team, most specifically Seo, who was without a doubt furious with anger. In total contrast, the Shark brandished his trademark grin. "Seo,...it's like I said I'm not too different from you, so I know what's going through your head! That's why I won't condescend to you by just saying 'it was a good fight'! Instead I'll say this; Come back and face me anytime! Use that frustration to keep getting stronger! Try every trick you've got! I want it all! Because conquering tough challenges is all that I live for!"
@Crimson Lion

Success! Jun was pleased by both the results of his counterattacks leaving some damage to both mobile suit and mobile armor. "There's more where that came from!" he shouted as he prepared to shoot again, however this battle wasn't settled just yet.

As pleased as he was to have a challenge, it was still exactly that, a challenge! Meaning such a foe wouldn't be so easy! This was hammered home by the fact of the multiple cannons coming straight at him from the Alvatore.

"Shit!" he cursed, trying to navigate through the deadly beams of energy flying past him. The X-Boosters on the Miracle's back allowed to to make quick movements in different directions despite whatever path he was going.

Not only that, by this newly improved Miracle was impressive with it's nimbleness and agility... However, there was only so much he could evade while at close-range. While trying to escape the volley of cannon fire, a beam shot through the side of the Miracle's torso, sending the Gundam hurling backwards.

This left him open for another strike, where the Captain Miracle's right left was melted off. While trying to circle around, a third shot was narrowly evaded but had blasted away and destroyed the Rifle he had been holding.

"Crap, this is what I get for hovering too close around this damn mobile armor for too long...." he cursed his position, but still didn't get too far away from his foe, after all, trying to get back in would be even harder.

Jun didn't back down, instead he took out and wielding his Muramasa Blaster, a weapon with multiple short 14 energy sabers attached to the sides of it like a sawed-tooth blade. Not only that, but on the opposite forearm he unsheathed his GN-Sword.

The Captain Miracle hovered before the Mobile Armor and Mobile Suit. Yes, the scene was certainly similar to the deadly final battle from the first season of Gundam 00.

With both blades at each arm, Jun grinned at sweat dripped from his forehead. "It's all or nothing....


The Captain Miracle swelled beat red like a comet and took off like a meteor. It's target was both the mobile suit and mobile armor! First it would dart around the sides and strike at the Alvatore with the GN-Sword, then immediately hurl himself at the Alvaaron and swipe with it's Muramasa Blaster.

Jun would continue like this, back-and-forth, swirling around in circles like a mad red hurricane, with the Alvatore and Alvaaron at it's center
"I like your confidence Seo, it reminds me of myself, but the difference is that I can back it up! Tell me, can you keep up with this!?"
@Crimson Lion

Jun clenched his teeth, he had managed to knock aside the returning debri but he had been captured from below by Seo's trap. "Not bad at all,..." Jun muttered as sweat trickled down his forehead. The Captain Miracle was pulled down by the single arm from the Alvatore as to not allow him to escape. At the same time, the Alvaaron had leaped into the air and was about to blow him to pieces with his mega particle cannon

A few shots from his Buster Gun wouldn't be enough to escape from that monsters grip, but there was always another way....

Jun grinned as the light from the Bean Cannon grew brighter from above.
"But nobody calls me dumb! You'd better recognize that I'm a genius!!" as he said that, the scissor anchor fired from from the Miracle's waist, latched onto the Alvaaron's wrist and pulled it. His aim was of course, to redirect the Cannon's fire down at the Alvatore in front of him!

Once that was done, Jun used his Beam Zamber to hack away at the arm attached to the Miracle's leg. "Nice! That's the kind of challenge that I want! Come on, bring some more of those tricks, I'll conquer them all!!" with a roar, Jun used brought his Buster Gun and Beam Zamber together to form the Zanbuster, a beam rifle which he aimed and fired at the Alvaaron, which he hoped was still attached to his anchor.
Despite Naoki's approval, Jun was still unsure of trusting Kai. However, he didnt have the time to announce his discontent when the action finally got started. He was assaulted by an Alvatores and its assortment of funnels. Jun made sure to hurl himself with a strong push of his thrusters to the side in order to get far away from the funnel's chaotic strikes.

From what he had gathered, this was Seo, the leader of their pack. "That old man was all talk after all huh? Fine then, taking out the head of their pack should be good enough!" Jun challenged Seo while drawing his Beam Zamber in one hand and Gun Buster in the other.

Funnels wouldn't scare Jun Takamaki, in fact he thought they made the fight more exciting and thrilling. It only makes his own victory the more impressive.

Jun used his beam sword to smash apart a large chunk of debris at Seo's direction in order to confuse him, then without care, dashed straight ditectly at his opponent. "The best way to deal with these, is getting up close and personal. You wouldnt want to accidentally shoot yourself with those funnels right?!" as he said that, Jun fired a series of shots and was prepared to slice at his enemy's chest once he got close enough.
My bad, been busy, I'll get my post up tomorrow
@Crimson Lion @Shiyonichi

"HUUUUH!?" Jun made his surprise loud and apparent. His reaction was obvious though, as it was in response in having to be in the same squad as non other than Kai.

The proud fighter looked over at his blond teammate with disgust, "I always knew I had to work with this punk at some point but actually having to do it is making me fume!" As Jun finished the repairs for his miracle, the boy stood to his feet and spoke with Naoki, "I'll do it, but I'm not gonna like it!"

After stating that bluntly, Jun turned for the docking stations. Yet that was when he noticed a pain in his stomach. 'What the....did that old guy really psych me out?..' he thought to himself hesitantly. His mind went back to that last confrontation earlier with that old guy. Surely, there was something about him that had Jun shaken.

However, just the thought of that angered him moreso, 'Screw that! Even if I stumble, I just have to keep running forward like I always do! Fake it till I make it...' A determined expression rose to his face as he assumed his starting position along with his fellow teammates.

"Jun Takamaki, Captain Miracle, LETS DO IT!"

The Captain Miracle took off into the distance. As Jun shifted into formation with Naoki and Kai, he began to speak, "Alright guys, just leave the heavy lifting to-"

Jun immediately was cut off by seeing the sudden appearance of Kai's gunpla. It was incredibly ragged, with chips and scars all around. Even parts held together with tape!? "Hey! Kai! What the hell is that!? You got some nerve calling me reckless! Grrr, are you even taking this seriously! Naoki, I'm really gonna blast this bastard to pieces!!"
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