Avatar of Keyblade87
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1756 (0.47 / day)
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    1. Keyblade87 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current I'm so dang excited for tonight. been waiting far too long and now have a list of Kingdom Hearts related songs on a freaking loop since midnight! Wait is almost over.
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7 yrs ago
Really in the mood for a Card game/ Anime based RP
9 yrs ago
RP and work hardly ever mix especially when you call a co worker by an RP characters name
9 yrs ago
bored at home as per usual.


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Most Recent Posts

Jason Andrews

As the students all filed into the massive auditorium Jason was shoved forward by another student. Whirling around to yell when he came up short.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! Hey, you look familiar! Have I seen you somewhere? I'm Cameron btw. This is gonna be so much fun! Isn't it fun?"

"You might have, I'm Jason nice to meet you, As for this being fun, well I'm excited to be here for sure. Let's go find our seats." He said in reply to the boys rambling. Is this kid for real? he thought to himself as he moved in to go and find his seat. Once in his seat, he looked out at the stage where various faculty members all sat while the headmaster stood at the podium before him. He was a portly man short and balding but he stood there with a look of pride as he looked around the room.

"Welcome students!" The headmaster began as the last of the students filed in. "I am Cleaton Jenson, Headmaster here at Duel Academy. It is my dream to bring such brilliant young duelists such as yourselves in and make them the best duelists possible. And of course, we happen to be in luck this year!" The man said as he scanned the crowd. "We have in attendance here two of the biggest names on the amateur dueling circuit. A pair of twin brothers who will surely live up to their reputations. In fact, before we call out names and hand each of you your uniforms why don't we have ourselves a bit of an exhibition duel! Jason and Dorian Andrews please make your way to the stage!" The old man finished with a bit of a flourish.

Great, now I have to Duel against Dory, in front of hundreds if not thousands of students. he thought as he stood and made his way to the stage. Once on the stage, he looked around the room as he readied his duel disk and deck and stood waiting for his brother to arrive."
Just a heads up y'all @TheMM00s3 will be posting tomorrow
Alrighty first post is up short post but it can get us started at the very least.
Ignore this I was having some connection issues with the site
Jason Andrews

The door of the helicopter slid open letting in the harsh sunlight from outside. Stepping from the copter and onto the solid ground was Jason Andrews the 19-year-old duelist grinned as he looked around the new place it was massive. There were hundreds of other students all wandering around some trading some just chatting. Looking around Jason spotted his brother and instead of approaching him, he decided to just head toward the doors. As he wandered a speaker system crackled to life and a voice came over the intercom.
"Welcome Students both new and returning, Please make your way to the auditorium where our opening ceremonies will begin!" said the voice of the man who must be the headmaster.
Perfect, that's where I was headed anyway.
@Scarifar Character is approved feel free to move it over to the CS tab
@Scarifar absolutely go ahead and make up a character you’ll be filling our last spot.
@ItMeGritty I’m sorry man but I can keep everyone waiting if a spot opens up in the future you’re more than welcome to try again.

As for everyone else. I’m sorry for all the delay things will be getting started hopefully tonight
• Faction: Green snakes
• Appearance:

• Name: Shotaro Kurenai
• Callsign: Tenkasei
• Age: 16

• Background: Shotaro had always idolized the Gearfame pilots and wanted to be one for as long as he could remember. Building models of them as a boy he eventually got to go to his dream school and has done everything he can to exceed the expectations set for him given his background as an orphan. He had managed to land a scholarship through a simulation program and good test scores. Now he is driven to be the best he can be in his second year wanting nothing more than to change the landscape of the school and make a splash.
• Other:
Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tn5g2pF5PU
• Faction: Green snakes
• Appearance:

• Name: Shotaro Kurenai
• Callsign: Tenkasei
• Age: 16

• Background: Shotaro had always idolized the Gearfame pilots and wanted to be one for as long as he could remember. Building models of them as a boy he eventually got to go to his dream school and has done everything he can to exceed the expectations set for him given his background as an orphan. He had managed to land a scholarship through a simulation program and good test scores. Now he is driven to be the best he can be in his second year wanting nothing more than to change the landscape of the school and make a splash.
• Other:
Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tn5g2pF5PU
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