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Hawk had enough. It was the monster he was after indeed. But still, he could use information. He set the girl down gently and then turned his back to her, but tilted his head towards her. "What is your name, and do you have any family?" He spoke darkly. He might as well get this curiously out of the way before leaving.

Devon was livid. There was no way he could do anything, his blood might be able to support minor attacks at this point, however with all the moisture in the air, he would be useless, he wouldn't be able to set anything on fire here.

Hawk regarded the boy with disdain and said "I am confirming that this is the beast I search for. Who knows what beast you are talking about, beasts run rampant through this city, I see one right in front of me." He said,tilting his head towards Arthur with a slight frown. "I have no intention to harm this girl. She is simply....insurance." He looked down at her fuming face and noted that she looked shockingly similar to Terra. Almost identical, except for the hair. His curiousity was peaked.
Sorry, sorry. A lot has happened this past week, and basically I'm in need of a new laptop, which is shall be getting either today or tommorow. I had an OOC written up and ready to post on my other computer, but it was deleted along with everything else when I gave it to my cousin. I had a group of files that were not to be deleted so I could email them to myself, but unfortunately it was,one of the first things my cousin deleted. (She isn't very bright). So I shall re write the OOC tonight or tommorow whenever I get it, and post it here!~ Note:I'm on my Tablet, which isn't very efficient and I don't feel very comfortable writing an entire OOC on it because it glitches obscene amounts.
I know she isn't the girl, he just wants to confirm that the beast they're speaking of is indeed the beast he's searching for. To him, a lot of e hybrids just look like beasts.
Devon said "I have no idea, but i cant fight, my blood wont be able to take it" He was frustrated, he felt uneasy about this guy.

Hawk was not blinded by this mist because of his mask, and when the girl crouched beneath him he simply sighed and used his grapples to wrap around her arms and keep her secure, lifting her up again. This time she couldn't slip, as the grapples were latched onto her, and if she tried anything, he wouldnt hesitate. "What did the beast look like" he sighed.
"I could be" Devon said with a smirk in response to the girl. "I have no problem with resisting, ive never been in any specific group or anything, but I've beat my fair share of hunters before." Devon stopped for a moment, he felt like he was being watched. He turned around, and for an instant, he though he saw a man with a white mask. But then he seemed to just vanish. "We aren't alone." He declared to the two behind him.

Hawk found the hybrids speaking about the beast, only to be seen immediately. He used his air powers to phase across the landscape. It took a lot of effort, but it made him sort of slip in between the air, and let him vanish and move super quick for about 2 seconds. He was now on the other side of them, ducked on a collapsed rooftop. It appeared as if the other two had been warned, and Hawk's mask worked with his mind, anything Hawk thought was projected onto the mask's screen. He saw strategies, weak points, etc. He discovered that the girl was the weakest link, as her legs were weak, so he used his grapples to grab her by the arms as he leaped into the air. The grapples lifted her from the wheelchair, and as they snapped back to him, she was dragged through the air, landing in his arms where he held her tight. "Where did the beast go?" He asked in a stoic voice to the other two. If they cared at all, they would give him the info he needed. Humanity was a silly little thing.

this is what Hawk's mask would look like, but white, and with glass over the eyeholes, black when turned off, and bright red when turned on.
Okay so i get who the beast is, I dont know which girl im supposed to be killing? Rose????
Devon smiled and said "I'm Devon. That thing back there was quite messed up, I'm not even sure WHAT it was! But it did take that girl...." He said confused, wondering what the beast would want with her. He then turned to Arthur and said "Sorry for bringing it up, my si-" He paused for a second. "I've known some people who've had similar things happen to them."

Hawk looked over the folder and left soon after, knowing what needed to be done. He ignored Terra, if she wanted to follow she could, but he didn't care he could handle this on his own if need be. He used his ability to glidge quickly across rooftops, and made it soon to the tallest building in the city. He scaled it to the very top, and stood on it's roof. He pulled out a white mask with black glass over the eyeholes, and placed it on his face. It covered the upper half of his face, and when it touhed his skin, small magnets clipped together, locking it to his face. After that, the technology whirred to life, and the black glass lit up like a screen. At first everything looked black to Hawk, but then the system ran it's colour scanners, and it was just like looking normally, except there was some technological benefits. If the light was killed the mask would simply turn into Night Mode and he would be able to see again. For now, he used his ability to connect to the air around him, pulling in the sound waves from the air and into his ears. His brain went into hyperdrive, and his head kept flicking left and right, and then back. Finally, he heard something of interest, and dropped everything but it. He heard a female voice and a male voice, and they were obvious hybrids. He heard them talking about a 'beast' that had passed, and that was enough for him. He dived from the rooftop, gliding quickly across the landscape, making his way to the destroyed zone. He landed just by the fence, and sprinted down back alleys until he was near where the beast had last been sighted. He stopped for a moment to gather clues on where the beast went next.
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