Avatar of KiraChan
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 582 (0.16 / day)
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    1. KiraChan 10 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
My eyes are set to kill :)
8 yrs ago
Im back cuties :*
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9 yrs ago
"Caaaaarl!! That kills people!!"


Irl~ Im going to be a writer one day! That is my dream My RL name is Katlyn Ghere, i just got married and im living with my hubby, while hes in college i have the laptop- But not everyday.. ill post my schedule when i learn it better <3 Btw check out our awesom pic

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YES most definetly :P Always room for more :3
Dawn Stopped slashing once she saw the minotaur, As it talked she stood wide eyed at the beast and put her sword back in its sling across her back. "I'll trade you this" She took out her unloaded pistol "if you take us to the treasure" She said and raised her eyebrow with a smirk, Though if he would agree she was honor bound to do what she promised. Her eye twitched in fear but nothing else.

As Athena got high enough she watched as her escort confronted the people and wondered why he didn't just climb up with her, She was cautious and decided just in case there was trouble she would use her light as a blinding agent and escape them, but she would just wait for a fight to start. She had climbed high but if she would fall it wouldn't break anything or so she hopped. When the woman spoke about treasure she had wide eyes. The treasure here was split between all creatures, it was the gold melted down into coins and jewelry nothing too precious. To Outsides the treasure would be priceless, but a dark spell was cast upon it and who should ever take it far from the island would most surely die a horrible death. Although it was just a child's tale to scare them into not stealing
She instinctively grabbed Duvessa's Hand as they walked to where Darren took them, She wasnt afraid of the place just a bit scared of the people who stared and just plainly looked mean. "So.. where exactly are you taking us?" She mused and folded her arms slightly kind of making a pout face. She remembered Duvessa Mention a bath and that made her smile big.. though she didnt know if there would be a bath in such a place as this.
Athena had blushed at the smile he gave her and lead him the way she had took, though when she saw Clairesse and Mint hidding she gasped as she heard chopping for a split second she saw a woman and two men coming closer with a large blade. She turned and hid behind the tree and hopped they wouldn't spot her so she pointed up into the tree, looking at her Minotaur Escort hopping he'd get the message. She began to climb very quickly as if it was a second nature to swimming. The bark hurt her bare feet but she Finally got to a high sturdy branch and Decided to wait for them to move on.

Dawn sighed deeply "Thats fine, i studied the map so i should know where to go" She said and kept slashing, she paused for a second as she heard a scratching noise. Almost like tree climbing, She looked around and looked behind her at the men "I dont think we are alone anymore boys, Search these woods!" She shouted and had a smirk on her face and began to search as well. Maybe the islanders were nice and knew where the treasure was.
@Cephyl All Fixed + Added some things
Athena sighed and looked back to where she had came from and was a bit confuesd so she pointed "They came from the eastern shore and yes it was.. afloat" Her voice was calmed but she was shaking like a fish out of water and dearly wanted to go back and swim with her dolphin friends. "We have found a safe place for us to sleep for the night but .. im afraid they'll find us, they have these weapons iv never seen before" She trailed off and looked out into the forest nervously

Dawn had a rather large grin and decided to enter the forest, Cutting down the tall grass "No map? Fine we will make our own path" She said and continued to slice the grass and vines out of her way. As she did she took a deep breath through her nose, Knowing the isladers would find the crew threatening gave her an advantage.
Its fixed :P
Hey im goig to be away for a while so go ahead and continue I'll be back ASAP
Bp bump BUMP
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