Avatar of kittenlover
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1720 (0.45 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. kittenlover 10 yrs ago
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Been dealing with a lot of stuff, so I've been away. I'm still going to be away, but I thought I should update anyone who was RPing with me and I just suddenly disappeared. Sorry.


Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by kittenlover>

Well actually I been tak-*MURDEREDFUCKINGMURDERED!!*

And honey, be nice to Rose! :3 or else >:3

<Snipped quote by chukklehed>

YES!!!! Thank you Chuck! Someone finally gets it!! I love metal because it makes me feel strong and empowered! It's been my most cherished genre of music forever and you're damn right we metalheads are part of something, a brotherhood we call the Metal Militia! \m/

I am gosh darn it! I just wanted to be a whovian for once gosh darn it! Dx

And I just had to.... It said sad rose.... And that's a sad Rose! *cries*
<Snipped quote by kittenlover>

Honestly didn't believe it could be made any worse. You did it. GG.

Sorry! Truly, I had to do it because only you have ever gotten my doctor who references! xD
<Snipped quote by kittenlover>

-falls over ded-

Yay! *huggles wander happily*
-pokes head in-

I'm lonely. Mind if I chill over here for a bit? :3

I'm thinking about making a character that has a very unpredictable power that teleports her at random. She has no control over it and it could explain why I come in and out so frequently. Lol.

But for now, I'm just sort of... lonely. -cue sad Rose face-

Heyah! Sorry, just couldn't resist! x3

By the way, sorry I've been in and out you guys! My life has been really busy, and Rus has been taking up the rest of my free time! xD
*cue explosions*
Hey! Glad you posted! Now we just need Wanderbug to posy before I can! :D
I know! Where'd everybody go?! .3.
Hello? .3.
<Snipped quote by kittenlover> *has learned their lesson and would like part of the zebra...and maybe a kiss*
Just do 45 more, then you'll get the hind leg and maybe a kiss if you do 50! >:3
<Snipped quote by kittenlover> But..but I... Yes honey. T^T *does pushups and admittedly deserves this despite having to serve country and fellow man first*
*sits on you and eats a big double chocolate chip muffin, grinning as after the muffin I eat part of a zebra*
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