Avatar of Kkushmar
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    1. Kkushmar 10 yrs ago


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Hi I'd be interested! Is this still planned? (seeing as last reply was 6 days ago)

Been craving to bring my superhero OC to an RP. Will have to familiarize myself with your stat system but sure it wont be too hard.
Location: Gala ➟ Garden ➟ Alleway Fundraiser
Featuring: Boris @Kkushmar & Lev @LostDestiny

"What do you mean it wasn't you who blew up the cargo? you have-" Boris was caught off when Lev actually blew up a hole in the wall. Boris scratched his head and scuffed with a confused grin. "You have that." he gestured vaguely before he looked around quickly, worried this would draw the attention of others but it looked to him like in the midst of all the chaos, no one looked their way. Hesitant at first, he shrugged, hearing the police approach the building.

Boris walked past Lev through the hole, landing on the garden outside, and Lev just watched him. He couldn’t stop himself from watching the man’s body move as he moved past him. He really had gotten physically bigger since the last time they had crossed paths. He hesitated only a moment before the hair on the back of his neck stood on end. He turned back to the group converging on the leather clad men. Deciding he didn’t wanna be around if a fight broke out he jumped through the hole following Boris.

Boris turned around briefly to look at Lev. A part of him wanted to say thanks, but he decided not to when he noticed something weird was happening with the shadows inside. He grunted, turned around, and started walking as Lev followed.

“Really though, how did you fill out so much, what’s your secret?” Asked Lev, to which Boris did not respond, Lev was honestly just trying to distract himself from his back which was beginning to sting more as his nerves calmed and he stopped converting his body’s energy. But if he could annoy the former cop that was a plus, at least a little bit. Not too much though, he would need help treating his back, and it seemed the only good option right now was the man he was now following.

The former cop did seem annoyed, he had a lot to say earlier, but the question struck some nerve that pushed him into silence, so Lev decided to speak again. “Say um…could you help me out once we get the heck out of here. I know you probably don’t like me too much but I can’t exactly reach my back to take care of the glass that may or may not be stuck in it.”

Boris stopped briefly to eye Lev, and really only now noticed he looked injured. Lev hadn’t been acting like someone who’s in pain, and Boris was too busy remembering how his last ordeal with him was the catalyst of the cascading events that ruined his life. "You should probably go to a hospital." He wanted to throw in an insult, but instead just sighed and nodded, reluctantly. Lev smiled and looked around for a quick way out without them being noticed and after a moment or two he pointed toward the back of the garden that seemed to go toward an alley. ”We might be able to sneak out that way.” He said, pointing in the direction to which Boris just grunted to again, and began walking.

As the two made their way to the alley, Boris put a hand out to stop Lev from walking, and began sniffing the air. The white haired male raised an eyebrow in response but said nothing. "Good, There are no cops through here." said Boris before he proceeded forward.

Once they reached a secluded spot in the alleway, Boris just gestured with his hands for Lev to take off his shirt and turn around. Lev complied easily enough, though it seemed the act of removing the clothing caused him some pain.

In Russian, Boris asked in a low voice "Did you really pay off your debt with the Mafia?." As he noticed the piece of glass protruding from Lev’s back, Boris took off his jacket and dropped it to the side before he ripped off the sleeve of his shirt to use as cloth. He carefully placed his hands on Lev’s back, and used the cloth to stop the bleeding as he pulled on the glass. There was an audible hiss of pain from the pull, and Lev tightened his hands into fists. Lev hadn’t even realized that there was actually glass in his back. No doubt the injury was made worse by the fact that he had fought off more than a few of those ninjas. ”I haven’t paid that fucker a single cent if I am being honest."

Boris scuffed. "You know, Kazan thinks I’m dead. You’d think that would mean my debt would have died with me." sounding annoyed as he spoke, he pulled on the glass a little harder almost on purpose. The white haired male grunted and dug his fingernails into his palms in an attempt to not scream like a little bitch. Shit hurt but he sure as hell wasn’t gonna let Boris know. "But then he went after my sister to pay my debt for me."

”Let him go after my folks, if he can find them. They ain’t got shit either...” There was malice in Lev’s usually unbothered voice. ”Not to mention it was the Chinese gang’s fault. He should really be going after them.” Lev had no intention of ever paying back Kazan, he would get his money when he pried it from Lev’s cold dead hands. Not that Lev was well off.

He shook his head, shaking off the foul mood he was in now. ”Why does that fat fuck think you are dead?” He was trying to change the subject from himself back to Boris. He didn’t get paid for information about himself, but others, that he could make money off of. Not that he would sell Boris out to anyone but still, any dirt on Kazan and his gang was leverage he could use if they ever caught up to him.

Boris fell silent again for a moment. That was honestly a complicated question, and Boris wasn’t sure how much he wanted to share. Kazan thinks he’s dead, and the less people that know about that, the better. He finally pulled the piece of glass out, and pressed the cloth firmly against Lev’s back. It soaked red, but soon the bleeding stopped. "Okay. Looks like nothing vital was cut." He reached his jacket with his foot and kicked it up to catch with his free hand, before he held it with his teeth to pull out a flask from the pocket while his other hand kept the cloth on the white haired male’s back. "This is going to sting." he said before pouring cold liquid down Lev’s back, as the stench of alcohol filled the alleyway. Having had some warning this time about the pain Lev was braced for it, still it didn’t stop yet another hiss of pain from escaping his lips, his eyes now watering a little bit. To distract him, Boris finally answered "Because officially, I am dead. Hit and run." Finally he let go of Lev’s back. "As I am sure you are well aware, you gain a lot of enemies dealing with certain types of people and not doing exactly what they ask."

His back now stinging and cold, Lev shivered a little. He couldn’t help but think about how much a shower was going to hurt later. He would have to take cold showers for a while. ”Well that honestly brings up more questions than answers but I suppose pushing further won’t help anything, especially since you helped me out." Boris put his jacket back on "Mhm. Don’t mention it." He said as he crossed his arms. "Even if you were a little…unnecessarily rough about it.” There was a hint of teasing in Lev’s voice. "Yeah well… I've wanted to strike you ever since the cargo blew up." He paused to drink the remaining vodka in his flask, knowing it wouldn’t have any effect on him but liked to pretend anyway. "But I guess pouring this on you will do."

“Really though, thanks. Can’t afford the hospital, nor do I want to explain to anyone how I got my injuries…” He glanced at his shirt and vest, both of which were pretty much useless at this point. “So is it safe to assume you haven’t paid off your debt either, what with the whole, being dead thing?” Boris shrugged. Lev leaned down grabbing his discarded clothes, figuring they were better than nothing. They would get him home at least. ”You got a place to stay?” He paused for a moment before realizing it might come off that Lev was trying to mooch off of Boris more. ” Ah, I ask cuz I am not sure how long you have been…back from the dead you can crash at my place as payment for helping me out if you need to.” He wasn’t sure if that was worse or not but it had already exited his mouth, too late now.

"So what, we’re friends now?" Boris smiled, now a hint of teasing in his voice. Boris did have a place to stay. He had been renting out the same motel room where he keeps all his stuff, including his suit and weapons, and now with the money the two demon boys gave him, he could stay there for much longer - but he wasn’t going to tell the white haired male any of that. "I go from place to place, mostly trying to avoid the police or the mafia from finding out I am back -" He suddenly stopped speaking when a raccoon jumped out of a trashcan in the alleway, his eyes suddenly focused on it, he pulled out his tongue in excitement. He had an urge to chase the raccoon, but turned around and pressed his palms to his face to fight it. He groaned, annoyed at this inner persona constantly trying to take over whenever something like this happens. Lev carefully watched Boris as this happened, making a mental note of it but not saying anything about it.

"Thanks for the offer. But if I am being honest, I doubt Kazan isn't keeping an eye on you and where you live. And I really don’t want him to know I am back, not before I can get to him first." He turned around, the expression on his face was firm. "And do me a favor. Don’t sell me out."

When Boris turned back to face Lev his eyebrow was raised. “You planning on going after Kazan?” It would seem Boris had caught Lev’s undivided attention at the mention of it. Boris stared at him blankly. "I did just tell you he went after my sister." He crossed his arms and sighed. "I came back to clean up some of the corruption I was involved in, and decided Kazan was a good place to start."

”I know a few of his safehouses, getting information from upset, or slighted lackeys is pretty easy if you are good with people.” There was a sly look on Lev’s face, like a cartoon fox excited at the thought of his next big trick. “Of course, to give you that information I would need, a way to keep in contact with you.” His gaze never once left Boris, excitement in his eyes at just the thought of taking Kazan down.

Boris hesitantly gave a half nod. Of course, if anyone would have wanted to take Kazan down it would be someone who owes a debt like him. He pulled out his phone, unlocked it, and extended his arm out. "Call your number."

He did as Boris asked, his phone vibrating for a second before he ended the call from Boris’s phone and handed it back to the man. ”I honestly forget some people actually like there family sometimes.” He muttered to himself as he did so.

Boris put the phone back in his pocket and stared at Lev for a moment, clearly deep in thought. Then he spoke. "Text me the details. I’ll take care of it from there."

Lev scrunched his nose when Boris said he would take care of it. ”No offense but…you weren’t exactly the most helpful the last time we worked together. Sure you got some muscle on you but…what exactly do you have planned? I would hate for you to go in alone.” He really meant no offense, even though he was sure Boris would take at least some. Packing on a muscle wasn’t going to be enough to take out Kazan. Lev would have done it ages ago if that was the case.

Boris put his hand to his head as he wasn’t sure how to respond to that. ”Look a lot… a LOT has happened to me since we last met.” He turned to look around, searching for something to show Lev that would be easier than explaining. He picked up a rock, bounced it in his hand for a moment, before throwing it. It flew past Lev like a bullet, crashing into the cement wall at the corner end of the alleway, much farther than where they stood, creating a loud echoing sound. The rock itself shattered almost as if it vaporized, but the cement wall it hit had a crater crack on it.

Lev blinked, staring at the wall the rock impacted, his mouth agape slightly in awe. He definitely didn’t do that the last time and he doubted the larger male had that hidden in his pocket since then. Things were certainly getting interesting. After a moment or two of staring his blue eyes went back to Boris who continued to speak.

”Obviously that’s not how I plan to take him down… well maybe… but there’s a lot more that I can do. I plan to hit him before he knows I am coming, and then I plan to hit him hard.” He said gesturing toward the crater on the wall. He kept things vague enough on purpose, not wanting to reveal his identity as the masked vigilante that had been lately stirring up trouble for the authorities, taking down various known criminals in the area. ”And no offence to you, last time we worked together things did not work out great for either of us.”

”Fair enough, guess you have it handled.” said Lev. Boris gave a reassuring nod. In truth, he did consider that Lev’s abilities could be useful when it came down to it, but for the sake of keeping as much about himself as secret as possible, he wasn’t going to agree to it right now. "I'll send you the info, and anything else I can dig up in the meantime. If you need bait, as much as I would hate it, I would be willing to do it. Anything to take this fucker down.” He looked over to the wall, his eyes traced the damage on it. ”Also, if you need anything I have some…less favorable contacts I can pull some favors from, just let me know and I will see what I can do.”

”Thanks. I do appreciate that.” Boris said as he put his hands into his pockets. Maybe this guy wasn’t all that bad after all.

Lev turned back to Boris, the sly smile still on his face. ”Glad you aren’t dead. See you around maybe.” He turned to take his leave. "I am going to go home and… attempt to wash my back, then sleep for 12 hours.” Not to mention his exposed back was getting colder the longer they stood out here since his jacket had been long since forgotten in the employee area of the gala. He would have to find a way to get that back.

Boris stood there silently for a moment, watching Lev as he walked away, before turning and walking the other way. He pulled out the cash the two demon boys gave him, smiled at it as his stomach grumbled, and chuckled. Time to get something expensive to eat, a happy thought that was interrupted when his phone vibrated. He thought Lev had already texted him the information, but it was Spencer. The text read “DUDE U GOT ME FIRED??”
Location: Street Hotel ➟ Gala Fundraiser
Mentioned: Alistar @Alistar Sabbath|| Interactions: Lev @LostDestiny

Every few moments as someone pushed to get passed Boris, he stood there like a pillar, annoyed and tired. He watched through the crowd blocking the exits as police arrived outside where the car crash occurred. Soon their attention would clearly turn to this chaos inside the gala. He pulled out his phone and searched through his contacts until he landed on Spencer. "Need help." was all he sent. He thought it best to not tell him what happened with his boss yet.

He turned his head, body in the same position, to the two weirdos who as far as he's concerned, are the reason he got fired. In the midst of the chaos he watched as one of them raised his arms and began shouting in the room. "Grandmaster Ninja?..." he said mockingly under his breath. Under other circumstances he would have used the opportunity to throw a few 'accidental' punches their way... but they did pay him handsomely. So he just turned around and continued looking at his phone while the other masked heroes took care of the chaos. When spencer replied "sorry, busy" Boris groaned. He began shuffling around the crowd, looking for an opening so he can get out.

“The hell are you doing here, crooked cop? Better get out of here before your friends show up.”

"I'm not a cop anymore" Boris replied almost instinctively as he turned his head toward a familiar face, regretfully.

“Actually if you are getting out of here, take me with you.”

"You!" he slurred out in Russian. He walked up to Lev and pressed his finger firmly on his chest. "Of course the only other time I find myself in the middle of a freak-show with swords you are somehow involved."

As police sirens begun echoing in the background Boris looked around frustratingly, seeing Lev had definitely surfaced some anger Boris had been holding in for a while.

"Can't you just blow up a hole in the wall like you blew out our cargo? I mean this time at least it would be useful and wont result in a mafia boss holding me by the neck for the rest of my life!" He gestured with his arm toward a walled section of the building in which no one else was around.

"Go ahead, then we can get out of here, oh and while you're at it, maybe pay back the mafia for what we owe since you clearly can afford it" he said vaguely gesturing around "seeing as you can afford to meddle around with all these rich folk!"
Location: Street Hotel ➟ Gala Fundraiser
Featuring: Alistar @Alistar Sabbath, Rex @Draku69|| Interactions: KROTAR @Sanity43217

Boris' gaze remained on the rooftop, and there he'd seen more movements, shadows dancing between the dark of night and the moonlight. He stepped forward into traffic trying to get a better look as a stench suddenly manifested from inside the car behind him, he turned around to notice there was someone inside, aggressively yelling to him to open the door.

Did someone break in right in-front of him? "oh no you don't... I need this paycheque." He opened the door and reached his hands to grab the stranger by his shirt, but before he could do that, the sound of tires screeching filled the street and a crash followed. Boris was nearly hit but he jumped back only to watch vehicles come to a sudden stop, as a cascading effect of cars turning to either side to avoid the collision ahead, and for one to narrowly go by Mr. Osborne's parked vehicle, tearing apart the opened backseat door.

"Oh shit." Ok, this would be on him. He's the one who parked the car there much to Mr. Osborne's objection. But the two strangers inside? That couldn't possibly be his fault... right?

People have begun to surround the scene, and Boris, after the shock of the loss of his pay cheque which crashed right in front of him wore off, realized someone had been hit. A man was splayed out on the front of the car in front of the collision.

But his priorities were clear, he looked back at the two strangers in the back of the doorless car, and let out a compulsory growl of sorts which he had been too overstimulated to hold back. “What the hell are you two idiots doing in there?!”

Looking at him, Alistar got out of the car grinning, and Rex followed, pulling himself up to the roof of the car much to the chauffeur's visible annoyance. Rex whooped and hooted at the sight of the chaos unfolding before him, filled with genuine mirth at the male plastered to a Honda.

“My my my, what horrible people we have in this city just driving around” said Alistar, seeing the man growl at him he also says “Oh my, where are my manners, you must want your tip.” pulling out five thousand dollars, cash, he just extended his arm out. “here you go….”

Perplexed, Boris just stared at the bill strap holding a bundle of cash together. “Wait, what?”

“What, is that not enough? Ha, I like a man who loves money” pulling out another ten thousand dollars, he threw it at the chauffeur’s feet, and took a deep breathe “I love the smell of chaos in the air, Rex, I believe it's time we got to the party”’

At Alistar's words, Rex would growl before jumping from the vehicle and a few inches past the male who had been standing outside of it; fishing around the pockets of his newly formed outfit, before whipping out his middle finger and laughing as he ascended the steps to the entrance, "Oye! YOU WITH THE FLASK! LET ME HIT THAT BAD BOY!" He'd call out to the bald guy in a suit and red tie as he approached the trio at the stop of the steps.

Still on his knee, picking up the street tainted bills, Boris tried to count how much cash he was holding in his hand… if he were to take that man for his words, this would be 15 thousand dollars… in cash. His gaze turned to Mr. Osborne’s car, and he couldn't help but let out a small bit of laughter. He suddenly made more money than the old fart was going to pay him anyway. He shoved the bills into his jacket, stood up and cleared his throat as he turned to watch the two strange men walk toward the hotel.

Walking toward the Honda in the front of the collision, as bystanders were gathered around too busy taking pictures of the scene with their mobile devices, Boris shoved himself in to take a closer look. The man seemed to be alive… he had a strange smell that Boris did not recognize, and he realized his olfactory senses were picking up the small cut on the man’s forehead, which was bleeding… blue. The driver of the Honda that hit him, was on the phone, frantically reporting what happened, exclaiming they need an ambulance.

The level of chaos that night did not seem to settle down, as the sound of shattered glass accompanied by an echoing beastly roar came from the gala, followed by an orchestra of screams. Him and all the bystanders turned around to gaze toward the hotel.

“Oh what now.” Boris groaned before he turned around to the man on the car, quickly helping him off. “I don’t smell any serious injuries on you” realizing what he said he just shook his head “don’t worry about it. You should get out of the crowd before you become the next big thing on the internet.”

Looking back at Mr. Osbornes car again, Boris rolled his eyes. “Fuck… Me..” before he dashed toward the gala. As a crowd of people overflowed the entrance, Boris shoved himself through, not realizing his strength as people nearly fell over the railing of the stairs. Boris managed to get inside, past where the security guards usually stand, but in the heat of the chaos, he noticed one of the security guys was inside, on the floor, with a big piece of glass protruding through his leg.

“Mr. Osborne!” Boris shouted. He may have already made more than enough money that night thanks to the two strange men who somehow manifested in the car, but Boris still had a job, given to him by his friend Spencer, who would be pissed if something happened to his employer under Boris’s watch.

The gala was pure chaos, there were ninjas, and beasts, pieces of glass everywhere, some people were hiding under the tables and some ran around like headless chickens. When Boris noticed Mr. Osborne was trying to help an injured woman out of the gala, he quickly made his way to them as one of those ninjas landed in front of Mr. Osborne. “Out of my way asshole!” Mr. Osborne shouted, but before he knew it, Boris grabbed the ninja by their shoulder and effortlessly threw them against one of the tables, shattering the wooden legs it stood on. “What took you so long?!”

Boris ignored the comment and cleared a way out for Mr. Osborne and the lady he was carrying, shoving fixtures and any ninja that was in their way. At this point the entrance was completely blocked by a horde of people stuck together in an asphyxiating crowd. Boris decided to go to the side grand windows of the hotel and punch the glass through, clearing it for Mr. Osborne, who froze for a moment, seeing the scene from a distance in front of the Hotel. “Is… Is that my car?!” Boris froze, oh right. “Oh, uh, yeah about that, there was an accident.”

“You’re fired!”

“Wait, Mr. Osborne that wasn’t my-”

“I don’t give a shit! You parked the car there! Tell Spencer he’s fired too!” He shouted as they crawled out the window. It felt almost awkward if he was to crawl out with them so Boris just stood there, visible annoyance on his face. He caught one of the ninjas swiping through by the neck, and knocked their blade with his other hand, as people started swarming the window to escape, and before he knew it, this way out was blocked too. He choked the air out of the ninja until they passed out and threw them aside.

With a big sigh he looked around, rolling his eyes at the mess rich people always make for themselves. “Ok. how do I get out of here now.”
Location: Outside Hotel ➟ Gala Fundraiser

"Couldn't you have worn something nicer?"

Boris was holding the backseat door open to let the bickering man out. "Mr. Osborn, you don't pay me to dress nice." He said extending his hand out to help, but Mr. Osborn ignored it and promptly pulled himself out on his own. With his back to Boris he pulled out a cigarette and searched his pockets for a lighter. "No, I pay you to drive me around and look intimidating." Boris noticed and quickly opened the car door to grab a lighter from the glove compartment. He tapped the lighter on Mr. Osborn's shoulder who continued "not to look lazy in jeans and a cheap hoodie." He grabbed the lighter and lit his cigarette, inhaling the smoke. Boris looked down at his hoodie with a blank stare "this was 30 dollars". The man threw the lighter back for Boris to catch as he began walking toward the Gala Fundraiser Hotel. "I'll have a talk with Spencer about this..."

Boris watched the man walk away, rolled his eyes and sighed. Ever since he materialized after the blip, he had to get by with doing odd jobs like this, sometimes hired for security, a bodyguard, or a chauffeur, all for his size. His friend Spencer, one of the only people who still talk to him after he's been fired from the police force, was kind enough to let Boris step in for him while he was away. Something he might not do again if the rich asshole doesn't get drunk enough tonight. He was angry enough that there was no more parking left in the hotel's parking lot, and Boris had to park out on the street infront of the gala, but now apparently his clothes weren't up to code. "At least for security they give me a uniform... what, was I supposed to buy a tux out of my own pocket for this?" he said to himself, in Russian.

He leaned back on the car and pulled out a cigarette of his own, but did not light it. He used to like smoking, but ever since he was injected with the serum, his sense of smell heightened, and the appeal of cigarettes has dropped entirely - their smell being too strong. He tried to sniff toward the gala, but anything he could pick up was overpowered by expensive perfumes, and champagne. He put the cigarette to his mouth and pretended to smoke it as he looked around the building, people watching as men and women in fancy attire came in and out of it.

He put his cigarette back in his hand when for just a moment, he thought he saw something; a slight movement on the rooftop visible from where he was standing, hidden in the lightlessness of night. He continued his stare, trying to see it again.

character moved over.
This looks really interesting, craving a superhero rp.

Question, I know its a bunch of new heroes but are superheroes a set "profession" in this world? like do heroes wear costumes comic style and what not? Do those who discover they have power want to create a secret identity to protect a semblance of their old life?
This might be a shot in the dark but I've honestly been craving a superhero roleplay with people who have some drawing abilities for their ocs and items (even if bad) cause I do enjoy some roleplaying with visuals.

It would be set in a world where heroics are a profession, but there are no actual "superpowers" like fire bending or mind control.

Instead there is a super soldier drug that was created for military's purposes, but was leaked and released to the general public and eventually began to be sold by corporations for profit. The drug gives an individual some enhancements derived from Canine DNA, and therefore is dubbed "Lupine".

Those who are injected with Lupine may either suffer severe Side effects and die, or be compatible with the "virus" that will merge with ones cells. Those who survive it, gain powers such as enhanced durability, endurance, strength, and senses that include being able to track others by smell, hear and see from increase distance, and gain compass sense. Some but not all gain abilities such as echo-location or somatic-sense (being able to sense those around you when barefoot for example.)

Lupine doesn't change one's actual physiology and is only an enhancement. The thing about Lupine is that for most it eventually wears away until it's effects fade away entirely. Taking more Lupine after it faded away is almost guaranteed to kill. There are those, however, whom Lupine does not fade away at all for.

The use of Lupine has become an epidemic that caused a large societal collapse with super civilians wreaking havoc. Eventually what remained of the government, decided to legalize and regulate the use of Lupine in an attempt to regain whatever control they could. This was in the form of contracts and superheroes for hire. People would begin accepting jobs that would require them to be on Lupine in order to complete, which will earn them a large sum of money - and since many can only take Lupine once, it was an option to resort to when they're really desperate for money.

The regulation of Lupine came with the introduction of Masked Vigilantes. In order to keep Lupine out of the shadows, while keeping the identity of subjects hidden (no one should know you used up your 1 time of Lupine, so that no one comes after you when it fades away. This is under a protection clause.) Vigilantes or Heroes are required to wear a mask to conceal their identity.

There are those cases, however, of individual whom Lupine does not fade away in. They're the ones who are usually hunted down to be registered and forced to work as superheroes full time. They're given full superhero names and superhero costumes (tights and capes and designed masks and all of that). Although allowed to live their own civilian lives without the masks, they're ultimately forced to live a double life on call. The full time heroes are usually assigned to a police force, or a large corporation. Many go to the military. Whatever the case is, they're given the license to operate separate from law enforcement. They're given the license to kill. An insulting term for these that many began to use is "Dog", as they're kept on tight leashes and follow commands.

What distinguishes between these heroes since theyre enhancements are generally the same, is the equipment and weapons that they are given. Some use swords, some use their fists, some have to be in action while barefoot to use somatic senses, some use guns, or a special weapon that is designed entirely for them (rwby style).

I'm just looking for a small group who would want to roleplay that world as "superheroes" who are forced to work together because of a certain crisis, that leads them to wanting to bring down a corporation that uses "dogs" for intimidation and political power over the world. It would be cool if we could all draw our own ocs and weapons for visuals.

I can make a much nicer and formatted post explaining different elements if there's interest. I've just been thinking about this idea for a while and craving some people to roleplay in it.

Time: Morning 6AM
Location: Kade's Basement Apartment

Waking up is no longer the pleasure it once was. There is a fleeting moment every morning where Kade reaches over to brush his hand on his wife's back, but it quickly evaporates like water on a hot surface. It's like his mind is stuck on a fixed point in time, but every morning has to be violently pulled back into the present with renewed realization that she was gone. Perhaps that's how dreams work, if he still had them; instead, he only has still images inside of his mind to hold on to, of things have were, and things that could be. At that moment, he pictured Mia holding Emily, with him holding the camera. He sighed. Hopefully in another life, he's a better father.

He groaned and rubbed the remainders of sleep from his eyes and gazed over the room. his clothes were scattered across, and next to the bed was a bucket with bloodied vomit. He supposed it probably smelled awful but having slept through it he must've got used to it. "What was I thinking - they were obviously cloaking the drinks." He said to himself as he opened the nightstand drawer and pulled out a flask full of rum. What better cure to a hangover? He didn't actually know since he never got hungover before but he felt pretty sure of that decision - and so he emptied that flask, quickly.

He reached for his phone and noticed he had 2 missed calls from an unknown number. Looking through his text messages he realized he finally got a response. "6 PM." was all it said. He swore at the phone. They were really not doing a good job at making him want to stay. Operation Humanity was obviously too busy to keep an open line of communication with new recruits, huh? Maybe they didn't trust him yet, or didn't know just how useful he can be. He grinned, extending his arm out toward his pistol which was on the desk across the room, as it flew right into his grip. He thought of the conversation he had in the bar, about the supposed animal attacks in Lovers Lake, and gleamed at the thought of taking his role in Ember Grove into his own hands.

He placed his pistol down and sprung out of bed, and quickly rushed into the shower. He went over his day in his mind: First he has to go get his car from outside Alexei's. Then he was going to get a massive breakfast somewhere. Then he was going to roam around Lover's Lake, and hopefully run into one of them animals and maybe kill one. Then go get a drink... and finally, arrive at Operation Humanity's headquarters drunk.

Time: one hour later
Location: Woods near loverslake

Walking through the woods, pistol in one hand and a flask in another, Kade was still trying to clear his throat from the taste of blood. It tasted like rusted iron, but had this thick and bitter feeling to it like he still had some of it stuck in his teeth somehow. He kept trying to gargle the rum in his mouth but somehow the taste of blood was stronger. He started to think that they put gasoline or something in their drinks at Alexei's. Suddenly he lost his balance, his foot getting stuck under a loose tree root, he tripped and fell on the cold ground, facing the sky. He groaned and then gazed at his flask, holding it close to his face. If he were to run into a vampire, this surely isn't going to help him stay sharp.

With that, a flash of memory from last night hit him. Sam. He saw Sam in Ember Grove. He didn't know if it was all the crap from Alexei's that made him hallucinate it or if Sam is actually in this town and is now aware of his presence. Kade swallowed, tossing his flask to the side. Yeah, he should stay sharp.

He then turned his head to look at the tree root that tripped him only to realize it wasn't a tree root, it was a hand. Kade immediately crawled back and sprung up to his feet, clutching his pistol as he gazed from left to right, and then back at the man on the ground. "Gross." The man was beaten up, with a knife in his arm, and his neck torn out. He crouched down to have a better look. "What kind of an animal would use a knife." he said jokingly to no one in particular. He then pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of the body, before sending it to his contact in Operation Humanity, hoping that would get their attention.

He gazed at the body for a moment, and sighed. When he was recruited, he was told that the vampires here are organized, and careful to not leave any traces of their business, which was why they were recruiting. But this... this is not organized. The body was already cold, so whoever killed this poor man, should be long gone. But with such a sloppy job at covering their trail, maybe they left something else behind as well. He stood back up and started snooping around the scene of the crime.
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