Avatar of Konan375
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Konan375
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 368 (0.10 / day)
  • VMs: 3
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    1. Konan375 10 yrs ago


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But isn’t what makes a word pejorative the intent and meaning behind it? There are a lot of other words that are pejorative that have different definitions.

Idk, those are just my thoughts on it.


Haha samesies. Think Mortimer and Joseph worked together at some point?
You know what. I think I'll throw my lot in with this group. Looks fun.

Olivia stared at Angel in shock as he shifted the attention of all the students from him to her and Cade. As they swarmed the two of them and Olivia saw the look on Cade's face, she started laughing. "You're an ass, Angel." She looked at the students swarming her and Cade then nodded. "Alright fine." She picked up a sheaf of blank paper from one of the desks, a hardcover book from another, and a pen from the desk at the front. She scanned the room and noticed five or six students hanging back looking apprehensive. A plan started to come to mind.

She was in control.

"Alright, listen up!" She shouted over the talking students. "Those of you that are just looking to pass this class, go see Cade. Otherwise, I guess I'm going to be your teacher. Know that you have been informed wrongly about us, I am definitely not a master of seduction. I'd say that in this room, the title goes over to Maeve right there." She pointed over to the Banshee "So, since I have no clue about any of you here, so I want one of you to show me what you know so far. I need a volunteer for a demonstration."

A tall student with slicked back brown hair approached Olivia. He had a smirk on his face and was twirling a pencil in his hand. "I'll volunteer." Olivia made a note on the sheet of paper. Before he even started to talk, Olivia felt the activation of the student's drive. It was messy and completely obvious. She made another note. She felt a tugging at her mind as the student walked forward.

The student opened his mouth and immediately let out a shriek of pain. He fell to the ground with a groan. Olivia tilted her head. Was the student overreacting? It was supposed to be a simple shock like a dog collar. She looked over at Lawrence, who was watching the student with a frown. She got his attention and signed to him. Can you attempt to invade my mind using Alchemy? Lawrence nodded and started muttering under his breath. Again, Olivia felt a tug at her mind and Lawrence flinched.

Too strong He signed back to her. Olivia shrugged. Oh well. She looked back to the students, who had gone silent. Some had gone pale. "Alright. First lesson." Olivia turned her paper over to show them the sigil that was burning itself away on the paper. "Do not attempt to use Alchemy when you're trying to seduce someone. They may notice and react poorly." Olivia walked over to the student on the ground and helped him to his feet.

"Oh, come on. A little pain never hurt anyone." She said with a smile.
(dbl post)
Leith Calder

Leith went whiter than usual when Henri told him that Lyn had run. All the things that could happen to her ran through his mind. Yes, while she was no longer a child, she still had very little life experience outside of the college, and in a city like Shimmerston, even though it had prettied up for the festival, it still had some pretty dark parts. He realized that if Keri saw or heard about Lyn running away she would have gone after the her unless someone else had. While he still worried about Lyn, it was less so.

As Henri explained what was going on in the exact opposite way that Leith had asked, a crowd of children had gathered around, awed by Henri's knife skills. They clapped and cheered once he had finished twirling his knife. They quickly dispersed with giggles and screams once Henri started flirting with Helena.

Leith rubbed his face with a hand. Even though Henri had done the opposite of what Leith wanted, he got a good enough idea of what was going on. He chuckled as something that Henri said registered. "I think Althalus will get a good laugh out of being called an it, but in my honest opinion, I really believe that no one at this college is threatening you near as seriously as you think they are, except maybe Tyrael, but Tyrael threatens everyone. None of who you mentioned would actually do harm to the person who saved Lyn's life. It would destroy her. I actually didn't overhear what was going on in the carriage, which was why I asked, but you have given me enough information for me to say-"

"Excuse me, Henri. If you do not mind, I would like to pull you away for a moment and speak in private. There is something important I would like to discuss."

Ssarak had approached the three of them. Leith had been too busy talking to Henri to notice the Esyire walk up to them.

"Ah, perfect!" Leith said with a smile. "A better mediator than I ever could be." He bowed his head to Ssarak. "I'll leave Henri to you and head back to the others." With that said Leith went back to the group.

"So, I don't think that Henri actually knows you're Lyn's father." Leith said to Althalus as he approached him, a smile on his face.

Althalus would feel something wet on his sleeve. Water mixed with mud for visibility scrawled out a message. Keep a close eye on your hand. The shapeshifter is The Eternal Hunger's sister. Once Althalus had read the message, the water-mud writing wicked away, leaving his sleeve dry and unstained. Leith chuckled nervously. "He called you a goon, too, I think."
XIII stared at Rozalind. He had been thinking of some sort of item or object collected by TRIDENT that would have been the target of theft or destruction. The thought of the fleet being taken or destroyed sounded even worse. He cast a glance around the walls of the submarine, suddenly feeling claustrophobic. A small part of him thought dryly that the walls were doing a better job than Rozalind's hand and taking his breath. The more rational part of him took the time to calm down, taking a few deep breaths.

"Okay, who would know where these contingencies are? Because if someone is trying to sink us, that would be what they'd go after...after dealing with Tristian, of if they're acting as a group where they'd go while someone else dealt with Tristain." XIII grit his teeth. This was starting to feel like the invasion of his base back home all over again. The air around XIII started heating up. Like hell he'd be fooled again so soon!

"So," he asked. "Where do we go?"
Coolio, though one thing. Rozalind and Twain had met up.
Leith Calder

Leith nodded as Keri walked away to find Lyn. The vampire could probably find her faster than he could. With a sigh, he turned back to the carriage. He grabbed the scabbard with his new sword inside. Six small pouches and a small sheath for the handle. It was an idea he had a few months ago to utilize his Hydromancy a bit more effectively. He removed his cloak and strapped to his back with the handle sticking over his right shoulder. He put his cloak back on and made sure his sword was hidden well enough.

Satisfied, he left the carriage and made his way towards Ssarak, but from the way that the Esyire sighed and shortly after the other students stiffened up, he figured that Keri had let Ssarak know of the situation. Now that that problem had been dealt with, there was another problem that needed to be rectified. He looked down at the yellow gemmed ring on his hand and tapped it once. He needed to find Henri.

The gem blinked as he turned around and walked into the crowd. Soon enough he heard a voice.

"I'm sorry, Helena. I don't think I'm in the mood to do anything right now. If you want to group with someone else I will certainly understand. You don't need to worry about me regarding the shapeshifter. After all, I'm not Keri's family. The only 'family' I ever had was the circus, which I was foolish enough to leave behind."

Leith frowned. What? What did Keri say to Henri? He rubbed his forehead with a sigh. Maybe he should have been following the conversation in the carriage. No matter, he needed to make sure everyone was on the same page before they went out into the city.

"I'm glad that Keri thinks of me as family, but that's not what's happening. The college is being targeted. That makes you a target as well. It's being targeted by a shapeshifter, so they could become anyone. But before I say anything else, can you tell me, as best as you can, without bias or paraphrasing, what's going on right now? We have a situation right now and I believe this misunderstanding, or argument, or whatever it is will hinder us from working seamlessly against our enemies."

Darius Jura

Darius crossed his arms as the half elf walked away. He was sure that the woman would try and challenge Darius in the Grand Melee. He shrugged, oh well. He was still going to join anyway. Less people in his way. Ssarak declined the Grand Melee as well, and Althalus complained that he'd have to place his bet on Darius. Darius grinned and took a few coins out of his pocket and held them out to the man. "And I expect you to place my bet as well. I cannot do it myself." He paused for a moment, eyeing Althalus carefully "I expect to get my winnings back after the fights."

Then Ssarak spoke telepathically with them and Darius sighed seeing the look on Althalus' face drop. He put the coins back in his pocket and folded his arms. "What should we expect from this?" He muttered under his breath used his Aeromancy to carry his words to Ssarak. Too many ears to converse in normal tones.

"Emotional manipulation." Lawrence spoke to Rena as Olivia stared after the man in confusion much like Angel.

"Say the right words and act a certain way and you can convince people that they like you." He had stopped fiddling with his stupid puzzle cube to talk to the Chrono. "Personally, if I'm close enough to manipulate my mark, I'm doing something wrong." He looked over to Olivia and frowned, and a rush of thoughts and images hit her like a freight train.

She was standing outside the Room.

She tried to shake her head, but she was stuck. No, she couldn't be here. She had left that place years ago. She had proven herself able to be trusted. Why was she-

"She's never going listen to you. She surged and killed her captors, she's going to fight you every step of the way." Lawrence spoke, but Olivia couldn't see where he was. All she could see was a man in a suit holding a clipboard. He was looking through the window into the room.

"We can fix that. Why do you care? You've been killing other rogues for how long now?"

"Never children," Lawrence seethed. Strange, Olivia had never heard Lawrence angry.
"I have standards."

The man barked a short laugh. "A noble rogue, how quaint." He cleared his throat and consulted his clipboard. "Very well, if you think you can get her to cooperate with us be our guest, but if we think she's going to be a threat to you, we will put her down in an instant. A sharp knife is better than a broken one."

click, click, click, click.

The familiar sound of clicking brought Olivia out of whatever hallucination that was. Lawrence had once again started working on his Rubik's cube. Olivia never understood why Lawrence bothered playing with that thing, he already knew how to solve it without even looking at the thing. Her head was throbbing.

Are you okay? Lawrence was staring at her, his hands moving over the Rubik's cube. Soon all the colors matched and Lawrence paused to take a look at puzzle cube. As soon as he stopped, Olivia was hit with an uncontrollable rage. Her hands clenched into fists and she wanted to punch or strangle the nearest person. Lawrence mixed the colors up, and the rage dissipated.

Olivia nodded. Yeah, fine. I'm just getting a headache

Okay. Seems like... Lawrence's mental voice cut out, and Olivia understood what was going on. They were experiencing a link disturbance. Though that raised a few questions for Olivia. As she waited to figure out where to go one question burned in her mind.

What was Lawrence so angry about?
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