Avatar of Korra
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 44 (0.01 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Korra 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current Skyrim belongs to the Nords.
8 yrs ago
"Your Friends:" "You don't have any friends." Dx I shall sob in sadness sadly!
8 yrs ago
"Hey, lets do a RP together!" Me: "SURE!" .. Then I never hear from them again. I don't get it.
1 like
8 yrs ago
Star Wars Spolier: Obi Wan dies. (Haha, can't wait to see the movie tonight...I hope)
1 like
8 yrs ago
Ever feel like a joke? Thats pretty much me, eery day.
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I'll add more to my profile eventually...

Basic roleplaying sample. This is not a minimum or maximum of what I can do. I just like it enough to share it.

Mishaela carried the sword, the brilliance of the blade in the bright light of the sun cast a warm glow upon her dark Elven features. This weapon, this Sword of Light was the key to stopping the hero and to bringing back Dark Dragon from the furthest reaches of history.

Wonder began to fill the wizardess' keen eyes. "I could stop the revival myself. I could be the hero with this blade.." Her voice quivered as if she were being entranced by the pure good that radiated form this magnificent weapon. Each step she took was another moment of bonding to the blade that she had. Another step brought her appreciation to the light and the good that this weapon represented.

But soon after, she felt a dreadful weight pull on her mind, the burden of which caused her entire body to stop moving. Dark tones sent waves of fear through her head, which manifested itself into a voice most vile.

"Bring me that blade. Bring me the key. Should you defy the will of Dark Dragon, I will personally see to your demise. Your townspeople will be targeted and their lives stamped out like the miserable worms that they are under the merciless heat of the driest of days..."

The presence itself was gone as quickly as it came, but Mishaela's heart felt as if it was being clutched by infinitely weighted chains. She bit her lip as she screamed on the inside, her body shaking visibly on the outside. She quickly caved in to the feeling and calmed down. The blade was once more holstered within its casing and she continued to walk once more. She must deliver this sword to her leader and Dark Dragon must be revived. This was the only way for her and her small village to survive... It was the only chance she had.

Most Recent Posts

Please, don't post here. I'll add links to your characters once they are posted in the Character Forums. If you are applying, post your character in the OOC or post a link to your character from the Characters forums so I can review it and approve/deny before I add it here.

This area is for me to post main characters (in the first post), NPC's, Enemies, and allies.

Player Characters

(Party One)
Kugeki Played by Korra

Saika Pawa Played by PURRfect93

Xion Played by Madly33

(Party Two)

Dodger Played by Double

Summer Played by Kokushi
@Double, this dork: @Kingdoml1.

And I am talking with someone on Skype who might also get involved (though I am not very sure on him yet). Then we could have at least the two teams.

And thank you kindly for showing interest!

This is a role-play that utilizes the Kingdom Hearts ideas, but is not meant to involve any canon from Kingdom Hearts, with few grandfathered exceptions. All Player Characters are meant to be Original Characters. They may come from one of the many worlds that are going to be included in the role-play, but they would not know any of the main characters of that world. These Characters are to be nothing. Mundane, unspectacular characters. This role-play is what is supposed to give them meaning and worth, in regards to the universe.

These worlds will span cartoons(anime), videogames, and possibly other types of worlds/universes that can fit into a Kingdom Hearts setting in a semi-reasonable manner.

What you can expect from me

I will hear out every idea that the players have. I will try to accommodate everything I think will fit the narrative I am going for. I will do my best to make sure that this is fun for everyone, balanced, and interesting. I will be as consistent as possible with my posting, and be on as much as I can to moderate what is going on.

I'm going to work with all the players to make sure that all questions are answered and everyone is comfortable within the role-play.

I am going to make sure the lore is deep and interesting, and that things make sense and are consistent.

What I expect from you
To come to me with questions. To hear me out. To post consistently and talk to me when you need time or need to bow out for a while.

To tell me when you quit.

To respect people when talking OOC to each other, and to work together to make sure posts are smooth and consistent with each other.

Contribute ideas to worlds that you want your characters to visit!

Help role-play the NPC's! I can't do it all on my own.


Characters should start out average and mundane (with few exceptions) and have a fair curvature of progression that goes along with the story. Character sheets should be maintained and current with the role-play (adding weapon chains, powers, etc as you obtain them).

Here is a character sheet skeleton that you may use that would work best (imo) to explain your character in this universe. You dont HAVE to use it, but there will be things that are minimum requirements.


Will be listed as we discuss. List your suggestions so I can add them in my notes!


Once a character obtains there keyblade, a basic set of abilities/magic will be available to a character. They will be innate, and something they always had, but they keyblade slowly unlocks it with them.

As they progress from world to world, they will learn a skill or get a keychain for there character (with exceptions, the person who suggested/wanted the world will get the chain and skill from that world, and each world will alternate between characters. Characters will have innate instincts for the world they travel to that the characters owner suggested/wanted, and will guide the rest of the group through the world.

Characters should have reasonable physical builds. They might be fast and strong, but not very defensible. Or very tanky, but not very fast. Try to be sensible and balanced.


Apply by posting your characters below (and Mention me, so I can be aware of it as soon as I can). I want parties of three.

I have one party with myself included so far, and a second party with two people waiting to start. I would also like to get a third in, if I can get enough interest. I may allow for secondary characters, if necessary.

Once I accept you, post your character in the Characters Forum, and make sure you keep up with there progression!

(I will update this as necessary!)

Questions? Comments? Feel free to share below.

Quick Notes: This is a prebuild of a character. Subject to change until completion.

Roleplay(s) this character is apart of:

Character Name: Kugeki

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Picture: http://www.storm-artists.net/view/141847

Occupation: Keyblade Wielder

Fairly Fast
Fairly Strong
Quick wit and strategist.

Has trouble taking hits in a fight
Slow to heal, even with magical aide
Becomes momentarily stiff after executing certain abilities, leaving her open for counter attacks.

General Appearance:
(See picture for more)

Understanding different types of powers and magic after just a little time with analyzing them.
Drawing maps.

Using non-magical technology
Riding in vehicles without being very nauseous

Being set on fire or being hit with fire type magic
Moving vehicles

General Personality:
Kugeki is a firebrand. She is headstrong and bold, never giving up on her goals even when all the odds are heavily stacked against her. She doesn't push her feelings onto other people and often keeps her insecurities hidden away. When something pisses her off or offends her, she simply shakes her fist for a second and then hits whatever is giving her issues.

She cares about her friends, though she doesn't express this in words very often or directly to them.

She doesn't hide excitement or hesitancy very well, nor her anger.

History: Kugeki is childhood friends with Xion who hail from the city Valhalla. Hundreds of years ago, their world brought itself to destruction through powerful magic and wars. From the ashes, Valhalla was raised as the only city and they forgotten all magic. It is a large city but not terribly advanced as they have still have technology at the level of a steampunk society.

Kugeki and Xion often delve into old ruins from the previous societies in the area. Though this is considered illegal by Valhalla's laws, as well as dangerous, they still do.

Kugeki herself lives alone, often buying and selling things for profit and collecting rare objects.


None to speak of.

(None yet)

Notable Items:

No name yet.


Notable Powers/Skills:

None yet.
@Double I am hoping to get 3 other people to make a second party that seems to be at odds with the one my character is in, and have them sort of butt heads but then realize they are on the same side.

If I can get around two more people, I think that would work perfectly.


I have a second person interested in the second party. You both could work it out together and we can try to get a third person involved. Assuming that you are interested in doing it that way, which was my original intention anyway. xD
Maybe a simple hub world. Two friends jsut doing whatever and then the world starts becoming infected by the Heartless. That might be when the third more experienced character comes in to help
Someone who has an idea or some theories of whats going on, but not so far ahead that the other cant catch up to reasonably quick.
I think doing an event that leads up to that would be fun. Or maybe having just two of us starting out and having one person meet up with them who has a little more experience with them

Ive been chatting with the other person who showed interest. We were going to have characters with some innate abilities that get unlocked through having a Keyblade, but they will be learning a skill or power based on each world they visit. That way, fighting progression can follow along with the stories progression.. if that makes sense

I like to have between 2 and 5 paragraphs. If you only want to run 2 paragraphs each post, then I am more than fine with that.
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