Avatar of Kurisa
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Kurisa
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 3314 (0.87 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Kurisa 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Ah! I want to RP atm but can’t! Some interesting RP’s out there!
5 yrs ago
Anyone ever had a thing where someone insanely close to them has changed so drastically its like they died and became a new and worse person? I want that amazing & good person to come back xD
9 yrs ago
May be a little slower with posting & Responding so please be patient. I will try get to replying as soon as!
9 yrs ago
"Hi! Bye!" *runs from Zombies* (Most detailed thing you'll ever see near the free section. JK love you free-RPr's)
9 yrs ago
There I was! In a field! The End.


Eh I’ll update this someday with actual info. All you need to know is that RPG created some of the best memories ever! ^-^ I’ll cherish them fondly! Hopefully in time I can make some more x3

Most Recent Posts

Squad listings will go here
@KillBox Say...have you ever tasted hollow before?



It's Bleach!

⚔ ωεℓcσмε тσ тнε gσтει 13 ⚔

⚔ sσ ωнαтs нαρρεηιηg нεяε? ⚔

Well you'll be starting out as a Fresh out the Academy Shinigami who's been assigned to Squad 13. This is where everyone will start off, everyone will start unseated, no Shikai and only knowledge of the skills you learned in the Academy, this is to ensure that people not only start off on somewhat even ground but also start together. You will be sent out on missions, train, learn new things and work your way up the ranks as your character gets stronger! So yes Captain positions and transfers to other Squads more suitable for you will eventually be possible. The RP also takes place in modern day, so when going to places such as the Human World you'll be seeing what you see everyday in real life, just to clarify.

This RP of course is set in an Alternate Universe and whilst it shares a lot of things in common with that of the Cannon Universe, a few things will be different. Such things are the lack of any of the original cast, so no Ichigo, no Rukia, no original Gotei 13 and so on. The focus is primarily on our Shinigami and their stories, the idea is that you are here to shape your own story for your character, I'll provide what I can but ultimately you're going to decide on the path your character takes.

I will run things like arcs with maybe some things linking them together but these will come in later, for the start of the RP it's about developing your character and their relationships with other Shinigami. Should the RP only have a small amount of people then it's easy to include everyone in the arcs, however should it gain a larger amount, that's when it becomes difficult to include every person in said arcs. This is why you will be running somewhat mini arcs/missions for your character in the future that you can include others in.

There will be no single main character, no hero who'll come in and save the day! None of that. I personally enjoy reading people's stories, especially in a Bleach Universe, It's interesting to see what people come up with. It takes all the surprise out of everything if I know everything that's going to happen. So with that said I look forward to seeing what people can come up with

⚔ яυℓεs ⚔

⚔ q & α ⚔

⚔ sкιℓℓs ⚔

⚔ cнαяαcтεя sнεεт ⚔

I understand there was quite a bit to digest there but I'm very appreciative of those that read through it all
@Tsukai The post is honestly fine, don't worry so much, I think you may be putting too much pressure on yourself. As long as it's clear enough and gets things moving it's fine. This isn't some Advanced and beyond RP, we're not going to come down on you with mad pressure and strict expectations xD So long as you get the post out and it moves things, that's honestly good enough for us

Edit: I suppose this could apply to anyone else also. So far everyone's posts have been very good.
Keizo Arata
敬三 あらた

@Killbox @FourthKing @Saltwater Thief @AbigailTenshi

Keizo listened to everything going on around him, it was a bit hard not to in such a small office, however his attention was caught when the Hokage mentioned his name, telling him that when they got back that they'd have a talk. Great...something he really needed. He could only guess it'd be about how he acts and that he'd need to come out of his shell and work with his new team. Keizo knew that the others probably would view him as a loner...that's exactly what he wanted but he knew at this stage he'd end up on a team and that the time would come when he'd have to actually work with people...at no point did he intend not to work with them, but he wouldn't have to like them...just work with them, that was all.

Keizo watched as the room got emptier as everyone started to leave, Keizo was pretty much the last one out the room and well they got as far as that...they had all stopped in the waiting room for a moment as the Hokage added one other to the team. He didn't bother to look at them and try dissect who they are and what they may be like, like most probably would. It was just another person...it was unfortunate that he now had even more people to work with...after all...Keizo didn't like crowds, crowds that probably noticed him.
I'll probably get a post out by tonight, to help get the Hokage's group moving a bit.
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