Avatar of LarayiaHunter
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    1. LarayiaHunter 8 yrs ago


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Senna's eyes widened as her eyes looked to her fallen arm. Her eyes snapped to Lacy, her upper lip curled back. "How could I forget-" She started as her stolen talon hit the pile. She cried out as scalding gas hit her face, causing her to loose her balance. "Damn yo-" She started again as Lacy launched her back into the wall. Senna clutched her last talon as her head made contact with the decaying wall and she heard the crack of something that didn't normally crack. She cried out in pain as she fell forward, face to the ground.
Senna snarled as she moved through the air. She landed on the ground and jumped back to feet. "Senna, STOP!" Dick shouted from the doorway, starting to come in. Senna's crazed eyes moved from Lacy to Dick. "Bite me." She hissed, taking her other sai and throwing it at the wall next to her. She charged Dick, who clearly wasn't ready for this dramatic change in events, and struck him in the chest with a balled fist. "Sorry, but you can't get mixed into this anymore than you already are." She said, taking her hand back. There was a strange look in her eyes, her expression was a twist of pain and guilt.

Dick had been too shocked at first, he hesitated, and that was all the young fighter needed. He suddenly felt a sharp pain where Senna's hand had been. He looked down and saw what looked like a flash drive sticking out his of chest. A couple of drops of blood dripped down his shirt as a wave of nausea and utter exhaustion hit him. He looked up at Senna with hurt in his eyes, the same hurt that was in his eyes as he watched his parents fall to their deaths all those years ago. "S-senna...why...?" He started before falling backwards, his eyes closed.

Senna quickly turned back to the wall and ripped her sai out of the rotting wallpaper. "Back down, Lacy," Senna warned, pointing her sai at the snake woman, "or more people who don't need to get hurt will get hurt." She promised, her words as poisonous as Lacy's blood. "Stand. Down."
"Ready to go home." Ryan muttered, his blue gaze glancing to his mother and sister. His mom was becoming a wreck, his sister was too innocent to understand the extent of what a death like their father's meant. Even Crystal was emotional. But would home really be 'home' with out his dad? No. His home would now just be a house. "I just want to go home." He whispered, looking away from his family.

A few people started to leave. Some brought a handful of dirt and offered it to the unforgiving hole where Wally West, the second Flash, was going to be laid to rest in. Ryan really didn't want to be here anymore.
Senna growled like an animal as she felt the hand on the back of her neck. "You're not the only one who's been working on tricks!" She spat as she threw her legs off the ground and upwards. Her feet flew into the air, moving behind her, and then over her as Senna back flipped out of Lacy's grasp. With her one perfect sai and the other damaged sai, she sprinted over the corner. She threw her weight around, running a couple steps up one wall, then kicked off that one and on to the other. She kicked off the second wall and threw a flying roundhouse kick at Lacy. In mid air she threw the damaged sai toward's Lacy's right thigh. Even though it was not as sharp as it was a few moments ago, it still could penetrate flesh at the speed and strength Senna had thrown it. But because of how dull it was, the pain would be increased because it would rip the flesh rather than slice it.
The heroes arrived at the deep, rectangular pit where the coffin was lowered into. Everyone stood around the West family and the hole, all eyes on Wally's casket. Through out the entire funeral, Ryan's expression didn't really change. This part was no acceptation. His blank gaze watched the fancy box go deeper and deeper into the hole.

Waiola hugged Crystal's arm, wanting to give her space but also make her presence known. She knew Crystal hated to look like this, so she didn't want to bother her too get too close and make it seem like a big deal at the moment. She would wait until they got home. The Hawaiian didn't really understand how the West's could seem so calm compare to Crystal's reaction. What was wrong with them?
Senna was having some serious dejavu, because here they were again: Senna was gonna to kick Lacy's ass and all Lacy was worried about was Dick. "Dick isn't the problem here. This is between me and Z and Tim." Senna hissed, spinning her talons and caught them. "Stop sticking your damn nose where it doesn't belong!!" She bellowed as she kicked off the ground and shot at Lacy, jabbing one sai toward's Lacy's face, the other towards her rib cage. Obviously, Senna was going to play nicely this time around.

Dick looked up at the ceiling several levels below the fight, hearing shouts. His eyes widened. "Lacy, Senna!" He cried, turning to the stairs and racing up them.
Senna was wearing a long sleeve shirt and a pair of jean shorts. As usual, she wore dark hiking boots and shin-high socks. "Z needs to go." At this, Senna turned and looked at Lacy with very, very dark eyes. There was no light in her once-bright eyes. Her expression was a craized one, as if she was no longer Senna Sacker but an inmate at Arkham. Her cheeks were wet with streams. "You need to go, too." She hissed, raising her right sai. "I'm giving you one chance to leave, for Dick's sake." She raised the sai, the metal caught the light and seemed to glow. "For the last time, get. The f***. Out of my business, Lacy."
A bunch of the unmasked heroes stood and walked over to Wally's casket. Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Donna Troy, and Shayera Hol all put their hands on the coffin and lifted it into the air. First the West family stood and walked to behind them, starting the procession to where the fallen hero would be put to rest. Ryan was still holding Juliettee's hand as they quietly followed. The graveyard was right outside of the church. It was cloudy and dreary, but not raining. Everyone moved slowly, which was almost painful for the speedster.
Senna smirked but did not move as Lacy took a step forward. "You don't even know what I'm thinking, you're just guessing. I know Dick doesn't trust me right now, but I will be doing the right thing." Senna got really quiet, but her shoulders were shaking. "Everything was good until you showed up. I know you make Dick happy, but you make everyone else miserable. Basically everything bad that has happened to me in the past couple of years is due to you, and now because of you and Ace, Tim was raped." Senna's voiced wavered. "It's not longer just me you're causing problems for. Don't you understand what you're doing to everyone? Don't you realize what a pain it is to have you around!?" Senna shouted, still facing the window.
Dick seemed to disappear into the dusty shadows. He moved up the stairs, silently deciding to take the upper levels of the run down building. He checked every room, every windowsill and found no sign of Senna. It was impossible to tell whether that was because Bruce taught her well, or because she actually was never there.

"Come to stop me?" A voice asked. Senna didn't even try to hide from Lacy, she just stood in the middle of the room. She gripped her Talons in her hands, squeezing them so tightly that her bare hands were decorated with a thin ribbon of blood. Her back was facing the reptilian woman, showing a weak spot. Senna was not costumed, she did not have any of her toys besides her twin sai, and her hair was not tied up in the usual pig-tails. There was a strange and dangerous aura in the room, a tension that had no name. The room was dark, only lit by the filthy windows on the wall. "Come to take me away like some caged beast? That's what you should be doing to that slut." She spat, not turning around. Her dark, cold brown eyes gazed out the cracked glass.
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